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1、第1题、It is not that I do not like plays. The reason why I did not go to the theater last night was that I could not _ the time. A、offer B、leave C、afford D、manage标准答案:C 第2题、To speak English well, _. A、much practice is needed B、one needs much practice C、much practice is needed by one D、one is needed mu

2、ch practice标准答案:B 第3题、The material produced in China _ easily. A、is washed B、washes C、washing D、are washing标准答案:B 第4题、I am pleased to take _ to exchange views with you. A、this opportunity B、a chance C、this time D、a period标准答案:A 第5题、It is required _ me that I give evidence. A、of B、from C、for D、with标准

3、答案:A 第6题、Canned foods are _ with housewives because it takes so little time to cook them. A、popular B、welcome C、desirable D、usual标准答案:A 第7题、As a senior, please give me _ advice you can give on this issue. A、that B、what C、which D、whatever标准答案:D 第8题、The committee proposed that more emphasis should be

4、laid _ developing practical skills in students. A、onto B、to C、on D、over标准答案:C 第9题、Most of the residents near the airport have all moved as they can not stand _ in such a moisy place. A、to live B、live C、living D、be living标准答案:C 第10题、The new order will mean _ overtime. A、to work B、working C、work D、to

5、be working标准答案:B 第11题、Some pop singers have much influence _ the young people today. A、to B、for C、onto D、on标准答案:D 第12题、The mistake was _ by the carelessness of the assistant. A、due B、caused C、because D、owe标准答案:B 第13题、The hall was almost empty. There were _ people in it. A、little B、a little C、few D、a

6、 few标准答案:C 第14题、There _ not much milk in the refrigerator, _? A、isisnt there B、areare there C、isis there D、arearent there标准答案:C 第15题、A new driver can not be _ careful in driving a car. A、very B、quite C、rather D、too标准答案:D 第16题、Of the six people in the plane that crashed, only one _. A、endured B、survi

7、ved C、persisted D、retained标准答案:B 第17题、The passengers desire that the airline _ them immediately of any change in flight time. A、inform B、informs C、informed D、has informed标准答案:A 第18题、They carry _ with their work in spite of the extremely difficult conditions. A、out B、over C、on D、back标准答案:C 第19题、You s

8、hould make _ your house or flat is secure. A、sure B、certain C、understanding D、knowledge标准答案:A 第20题、He _ a knowledge of the language by careful study. A、obtained B、earned C、gained D、acquired标准答案:D 第21题、He is a kind-hearted and _ gentleman. A、respective B、respectable C、respected D、respectful标准答案:B 第22

9、题、She _ a post at Yale University. A、took on B、took to C、took up D、took in标准答案:C 第23题、The opening of a new school is always a great _. A、chance B、occasion C、incident D、opportunity标准答案:B 第24题、Hangzhou is an ideal place to settle down after retirement _ it has beautiful scenic spots nearby and a far s

10、lower pace of life. A、provided that B、now that C、so that D、in that标准答案:D 第25题、The boss _ the young man that he would receive a raise. A、secured B、insured C、ensured D、assured标准答案:D 第26题、Wealthy as he is, he is not _ with his money, unwilling to help others in troubles. A、careful B、generous C、satisfie

11、d D、busy标准答案:B 第27题、The president claimed the terrorists should be held responsible _ the explosions that happened last month in London. A、on B、at C、for D、about标准答案:C 第28题、She is very careful. She _ very few mistakes in her work. A、does B、takes C、makes D、gets标准答案:C 第29题、It is difficult to _ a conver

12、sation with all this noise around us. A、carry on B、account for C、bring up D、get through标准答案:A 第30题、By the time Martin Luther King delivered his famous speech, the blacks _ with the white in the same classroom. A、had never before studied B、never before studied C、couldnt have studied D、have never befo

13、re studied标准答案:A 第31题、We wrote an article last month, and it turns out to be a success, so we begin to work on _ one this month. A、another B、more C、the other D、other标准答案:A 第32题、No agreement was reached in the discussion, as _ side would give way to the other. A、none B、both C、either D、neither标准答案:D 第

14、33题、What will happen to you, if you _ in your school work? A、fall down B、fall apart C、fall off D、fall behind标准答案:A 第34题、He suffered terrible injuries, but his courage pulled him _. A、out B、up C、through D、over标准答案:C 第35题、In this factory each worker must receive a _ training course. A、two-month B、two

15、months C、two-months D、two-months标准答案:A 第36题、They handed in their paper _. A、in line B、by turn C、at turn D、in turn标准答案:D 第37题、_ her interest in children, I am sure teaching is the right career for her. A、Given B、Giving C、To give D、To be given标准答案:A 第38题、I had the good _ to be chosen for a trip abroad

16、. A、property B、estate C、wealth D、fortune标准答案:D 第39题、No one can possibly racall any detail about the meeting. It is at least five years since it _. A、had taken place B、was taken place C、took place D、was taking place标准答案:C 第40题、I prefer live in the countryside. Country life has a lot of _ over city li

17、fe. A、character B、qualities C、advantages D、ways标准答案:C 第41题、You _ all the way from the station to my place! You can take a taxi. A、neednt have walked B、shouldnt have walked C、must not have walked D、cannot have walked标准答案:A 第42题、I believe you have _ some important points in the report. A、left alone B、

18、left behind C、left off D、left out标准答案:D 第43题、I prefer classic music _ pop music. A、than B、on C、with D、to标准答案:D 第44题、I _ you that I had no intention of offending you. A、convince B、persuade C、guarantee D、assure标准答案:D 第45题、She has always _ to her father, although he did not graduate from a famous unive

19、rsity. A、appreciated B、admired C、respected D、looked up标准答案:D 第46题、The parents spoil their child by buying anything he wants, _. A、however much it costs B、however does it costs much C、how much does it cost D、no matter how it costs标准答案:A 第47题、The act of speaking will also help to improve listening com

20、prehension _. A、to some way B、in the way C、to some extent D、in the extent标准答案:C 第48题、Some of the citizens have been _ medals for bravery. A、given B、offered C、awarded D、paid标准答案:C 第49题、I want to make it clear that I am utterly opposed _ any form of terrorism. A、against B、to C、for D、with标准答案:B 第50题、We

21、 wanted to go on a picnic. But the wind _ strong, we had no choice but to stay indoors. A、being B、had been C、was D、was being标准答案:A 第51题、The president made his last public _ before his term of office ended. A、engagement B、appearance C、meeting D、gathering标准答案:B 第52题、I did not buy the same book _. A、wh

22、at he bought B、that he bought C、as he bought D、which he bought标准答案:C 第53题、She was _ the top prize in the competition. A、awarded B、rewarded C、received D、accepted标准答案:A 第54题、The teacher _, the children in the classroom burst into talking instantly. A、having left B、left C、leaving D、to leave标准答案:A 第55题、

23、Perhaps some day it will be pleasant to _ these things. A、look down on B、look forward to C、look back on D、look on标准答案:C 第56题、Chinese must develop science and technology at a high speed _ catch up with the latest development in other countries. A、so to B、so as to C、as to D、so标准答案:B 第57题、The cost of c

24、omputer used to be _ for me, but now I can afford it. A、so much B、too much C、very much D、much too标准答案:B 第58题、He _ a six-year-old child as he was driving back from a party. A、ran across B、ran into C、ran over D、ran through标准答案:C 第59题、The old lady who suffers from lung cancer _ at the moment. A、is bein

25、g operated on B、is operated on C、operates on D、to be operated on标准答案:A 第60题、Did you have a neighbor who was always _ your business? A、doing B、makingit C、getting above D、poking his nose into标准答案:D 第61题、Tony could be a very successful student, but he _ no importance to study. A、attaches B、attached C、w

26、as attaching D、had attached标准答案:A 第62题、She used to be an ordinary girl, what on earth has made her _ she is today? A、that B、what C、which D、as标准答案:B 第63题、I want to update my English ability, but I have no idea what kind of material _. A、to listen to B、listening to C、for listening D、to listen标准答案:A 第6

27、4题、She can speak French and German, to _ nothing of English. A、say B、speak C、talk D、tell标准答案:A 第65题、Mary offered to keep an eye _ the baby while I was away. A、at B、for C、in D、on标准答案:D 第66题、I saw she was in a difficulty with all those parcels, so I offered my _. A、services B、money C、use D、chance标准答案:

28、A 第67题、In this remote island, the people who had survived the ship accident made use of _ for a living. A、every means available B、every available means C、every mean available D、every available mean标准答案:A 第68题、He is uncertain about _ to see her tonight. A、which B、whether C、that D、what标准答案:B 第69题、It _

29、 that I met one of my old classmates on my way home yesterday. A、took place B、occurred C、broke out D、happened标准答案:D 第70题、My parents are not interested in modern music. They are _ the times. A、before B、behind C、after D、low标准答案:B 第71题、His attitude toward us seems _. A、nicely B、warmly C、kindly D、friend

30、ly标准答案:D 第72题、Dr. Hoffman proposed that we _ the meeting until next week. A、put off B、to put off C、putting off D、need put off标准答案:A 第73题、Which events are you _ at the school sports? A、going back on B、going in for C、getting down on D、getting along with标准答案:B 第74题、We have kept _ our friendship by writ

31、ing to each other, so we are true friends. A、up B、back C、off D、down标准答案:A第75题、Having heard so much about Mr. Smith, they were _ to meet and have a chat with him. A、eager B、desperate C、urgent D、earnest标准答案:A 第76题、The man _ the gate when he realized that we had spotted him. A、made off B、made out C、mad

32、e for D、made up标准答案:C 第77题、I estimate that my vocabulary might be three times _ it was two years ago. A、that B、what C、which D、than标准答案:B 第78题、According to many learners, Chinese is not easy _. A、to be learned B、learning C、to learn D、having learned标准答案:C 第79题、The population of the world is growing at

33、 a dangerous _. A、progress B、rate C、increase D、measure标准答案:B 第80题、The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to _ what he was saying. A、take in B、take out C、take up D、take over标准答案:A 第81题、I do not know him very well so I cannot tell exactly what it is _ prevents him from making prog

34、ress. A、of which B、who C、what D、that标准答案:D 第82题、_ I myself sees a ghost, I will not believe any second-hand supersitious description about it. A、Unless B、When C、As D、While标准答案:A 第83题、The star was _ the scientist who found it. A、looked after B、taken after C、named after D、come after标准答案:C 第84题、He gave

35、 to his friends what he _ to his family. A、declined B、refused C、rejected D、denied标准答案:D 第85题、You should be more _ to the elderly people. A、respectable B、respectful C、remarkable D、respective标准答案:B 第86题、_ from space, our earth, with water covering 70 percent of its surface, looks like a blue planet. A

36、、Seen B、Seeing C、Having seen D、To see标准答案:A 第87题、I had planed to go to a secondary school after junior high school, but my parents suggested that I _ senior high school. A、to go B、go C、going D、went标准答案:B 第88题、Every time I go to the West Lake, I find myself _ to the scenery around it. A、draws B、drawi

37、ng C、drawn D、drew标准答案:C 第89题、Nobody but a young woman _ the airplane crash. A、endured B、rejected C、survived D、lived标准答案:C 第90题、If you have made a decision, please stick _ what you want. A、to B、up C、of D、for标准答案:A 第91题、I did not apply for a credit card last year, but I _. A、had applied B、should have

38、applied C、should apply D、would apply标准答案:B 第92题、We failed in our _ to climb the mountain. A、trial B、contempt C、desire D、attempt标准答案:D 第93题、He has never been able to _ a job for long. A、hold down B、hold forth C、hold with D、hold off标准答案:A 第94题、Mr. Smith _ a most important part in the development of ou

39、r city. A、took B、had C、played D、made标准答案:C 第95题、How the fire in the dance hall started _ a mystery. A、to remain B、remains C、remain D、is remaining标准答案:B 第96题、They promised him he would soon be rich _ his wildest dreams. A、over B、by C、beyond D、for标准答案:C 第97题、I want to know what she _ before I will vote for her. A、stand for B、care for C、call for D、go for标准答案:A 第98题、They want all the groups to be treated on a _ of equality. A、bass B、base C、basis D、basement标准答案:C 第99题、Three people, _ a child, were injured in the accident. A、included B、include C、including D、includes标准答案:C


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