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1、易混淆动词词组练习.tell talk say speaktell 告诉,讲述 可接双宾语 talk 交谈 有talk with/to say 说 强调说的内容,有say to sbspeak 说某种语言 其直接宾语为语言,若要对某人或物说,则用speak to1 Can you _ me the truth?2 What language do you _?3 This is what they _ yesterday.4 Dont _in class,please be quiet.look look at see watchlook 看起来(系动词,接形容词作表语) look at 朝看

2、 强调看的方向see 看见 强调看到的结果 watch 观看 尤其指看电视,看球赛等1 The coat _ nice, I want to buy one for my daughter.2 Please _ the blackboard, can you _ anything?3 She doesnt like _ TV,but she likes _ football game.sound listen to hearsound 听起来 (系动词,接形容词作表语) listen to 听 强调听的动作与方向 hear 听见 强调听的结果1 _ the radio, it says the

3、 flood is coming soon.2 I cant _ you , because theres something wrong with my ears.3 What you said _ interesting.hear from hear ofhear from 收到的来信 hear of 听说的消息1 After _ her sister, she read and soon wrote back.2 Have you _ the place called Shenglong?receive acceptreceive 收到 强调收的动作 accept 接受,收下 强调收的结

4、果He _ a present yesterday, but he didnt _ it, because it was too much expensive and he sent it back.look up look for find find outlook up 查词典、书、电话簿等,代词放中间 look for 寻找 强调找的动作 find 找到 强调结果 find out 发现结果 是指经过调查、研究、分析或判断等努力而发现的结论1 He often takes a dictionary and _ the new words in it?2 The little girl _

5、 her pen everywhere but didnt _ it at last.3 Look! Rita is crying over there. Lets go and _ why is she crying.keep borrow lendkeep 借 是一个延续性动词 borrow 借(进) 强调从别人那里借来,有borrow fromlend 借(出)强调将东西借给别人,有 lend to1 My bike is broken, can I _ yours ,Lily? -Oh, sorry, Ive _ it to Sandy.2 How long may I _ this

6、book? -For about two weeks.reach arrive getreach 到达,够得着vt arrive 到达 vi ,有arrive in/ at get 到达 vi , 有get to1 They will _ in Chengdu next week.2 How do you _ to school every day?3 Use a longer stick, then you can _ the apples.thanks to thanks forthank to 幸亏,由于 thanks for 因谢谢1 _ your help, Ive understa

7、nd it.2 _ the cats, mice dare not come and eat my food.give in give upgive in 投降 give up 放弃 代词放中间,后面可接动词-ing分词1 We shouldnt _ learning English!2 I would rather die than _ before my enemies.achieve come trueachieve 实现(理想、愿望、预言等) 及物动词,主语一般为人come true 实现 不及物动词组 一般由物(理想、愿望、预言等)作主语1 He works so hard that

8、 he is sure to_ his dream.2 His prediction of humans flying to the moon _.turn off close turn on openturn off 关(电器) close 关(门、窗、书等) turn on 开(电器) open 开(门、窗、书等)1 _ the windows please, its so cold outside.2 _ the lights before you leave the room.3 The dog _ the box and took the bone out!4 _ the TV, I

9、 want to watch the NBA basketball games.break off break out break into break downbreak off 中断关系,突然终止 break out 指战争爆发 break into 非法进入或闯入 break down 坏掉,(车、船等)抛锚,中途不工作1 He was late for school yesterday, because his car _ on the half way.2 The World War _ when she was only five.3 They _ their friendship

10、 and didnt talk to each other any more.4 Last night a thief _ my house and took away my TV.Solve reply answersolve 解决(问题)及物动词 常与problem 连用reply 回复,答复 不及物动词 常与to连用answer 回答 及物动词 常与question 连用1 What did Mr Smith _ to what others said?2 No one in our class can _ this question.3 Its too difficult for ev

11、eryone to _ that problem.hope wishhope 希望 指较为现实的想法 常有hope to do 或hope + 从句,但没有hope sb to dowish 希望 指不太现实的要求或想法 有wish to do 或 wish sb to do。也有wish+从句,但这时的从句多用虚拟语气,及从句中常有could 或 should等1 The weather may be fine tomorrow.- I _ so.2 Mum _ me to be a doctor in the future.3 How I _ I could fly to the moon

12、!.take cost spend paytake 花费 尤指花费时间,主语为物 常有it takes sb some time to do sthcost 花费 指花金钱 ,主语为物 常有cost sb some moneyspend 花费 主语为人 常有spend doing 或spendon sthpay 花费 主语为人 常有payfor1 It often _ about 3 hours to get to school from my home.2 Who will _ for the bill? - Maybe our boss.3 The house _ him 30,000 d

13、ollars.4 His cousin _ the whole day making the toy car yesterday.take part in jointake part in 参加某项活动 join 参加某个组织、团体、俱乐部、军队、党团或个人1 Mr Wang _ the Party 5 years ago.2 They invited Lily _ that party.do with deal withdo with 处理,应付 在问句中要与what 连用 deal with 处理,对付 在问句中要与how连用1 How can you _ that problem?2 W

14、hat do you _ the event?.put on wear dressput on 穿上 强调穿衣的动作,宾语为物 wear 穿着 强调穿的状态,是一个延续性动词,宾语为物dress 给穿衣服,宾语为人1 _ the warm clothes, its cold outside.2 Mary is always _ red clothes . Maybe red is her favorite color.3 The little boy could _ himself when he was three years old.win lose beatwin 赢得 宾语为物 los

15、e 输掉 宾语为物 beat 战胜,打败 宾语为人1 Our team has _ the football match, we are all happy. But they are frustrated, because theirs _ the match.2 The Brazilian football team _ us 5-0 in that match, all the Chinese fans were very sad.be made in be made of be made from be made up ofbe made in 在哪里制作,后面接产地 be made

16、of 由制成,看得出原料be made from由制成,看不出原料 be made up of由组成,强调由个体组成整体1 The desk _ wood.2 This kind of watch _ Shanghai.3 Our class _ 50 students.4 Paper _ bamboo.have been to have been in have gone tohave been to 曾经去过(现在在说话地),可与次数连用have been in在某地呆have gone to已经去了(现在不在说话地)1 They _ Italy for more than 7 years

17、, so Italy is their second home.2 This person cant be Yao Ming, for Yao _ America.3 How many times _ Hainan?- Only 3 times.参考答案:1 tell speak said talk2 looks look at see watching watching3 Listen to hear sounds4 hearing from heard of 5 received accept6 looks up looked for find find out7 borrow lent

18、keep 8 arrive get reach9 Thanks for Thanks to 10 give up give in11 achieve comes true12 Close Turn off opened Turn on13 broke down broke out broke off broke into14 reply answer solve 15 hope wish wish16 takes pay costs spent17 joined to take part in18 deal with do with19 Put on wearing dress 20 won lost beat21 is made of is made in is made up of is made from22 have been in has gone to have been to


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