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1、凉拌类Cold Dishes拿手住家菜Home style dishes凉拌洋葱皮蛋Preserved egg in onion sauce¥12虎皮尖椒Sauted green chili pepper¥18凉拌青瓜Tossed cucumber in sauce¥10鲜茄炒蛋Scrambled egg with tomato¥18凉拌土豆丝Tossed shredded potatoes in Sauce¥10麻婆豆腐Sichuan style bean curd¥18凉拌酸姜皮蛋Preserved egg in ginger sauce¥12豆豉棱鱼油麦菜Sauted vegetable

2、 with diced fish and black bean sauce¥18Add chili or not 青椒煎蛋Pan-fried eggs with pepper steak¥20西式扒餐Western chop凉瓜煎蛋pan-fried egg with bitter melon¥20黑椒牛柳条Sauted beef fillet with black pepper¥28韭王炒蛋Scrambled egg with leeks¥20香煎猪扒Fried pork chop¥28尖椒/酸辣炒鸡什Green pepper sauted chicken giblets/ in sour

3、and spicy flavor¥20圣安娜鸡扒St.Anna chicken chop¥28湖南小炒肉Hunan sauted shredded pork ¥23美心鸳鸯扒Meixin Yuanyang steaks¥33青椒回锅肉Sauted Pork with green pepper¥23美心大杂扒Meixin big miscellaneous steaks¥33菜心炒腊肉Sauted preserved pork with flowering cabbage¥25You can add black pepper sauce、tomato sauce or curry sauce,

4、Iron platter egg add ¥3红烧鱼块Braised fish fillets¥23炖汤、明火靓汤Energy Soup /Soup of the Day酸菜炒肥肠Fried pork intestines with Sichuan pickles¥25猪肺炖菜干汤Pig lung stews dried vegetable soup¥13紫苏焖鸭Perilla braised duck¥23排骨炖凉瓜汤Pork ribs stewed bitter melon soupp野山椒炒肥肠Fried pork intestines with wild pepper¥25花旗参炖乌鸡

5、汤American ginseng stewed black bone chicken soup¥13凉瓜炒牛肉(排骨)Fried beef/ pork ribs with bitter melon¥28生熟地炖龙骨汤Root of rehmannia / rehmanniae vaporata stewed keel soup¥13野山椒炒牛肉Fried beef with wild pepper¥28当归鸡蛋红枣炖汤Angelica eggs jujube double-boil soup¥13东坡肉Braised Dongpo pork¥28鱼头豆腐汤Fish head and tofu

6、 soup¥18梅菜扣肉Steamed pork with preserved vegetable¥28蕃茄蛋花汤Tomato eggs soup¥18冬菇焖鸡Braised chicken With black mushroom¥25时菜猪肝汤Seasonal vegetables and pork liver soup ¥18重庆水煮鱼Chongqing poached fish¥30老火靓汤Nutritious slowly cooked soup¥15特色酸菜鱼Boiled fish with Sichuan pickles¥30时令鲜蔬蒜茸Sauted seasonal vegeta

7、bles¥18煲仔类Clay Pot Style葡式咖喱王Portugal curry style粉丝什菜煲Rice-noodle vegetables clay pot¥18咖喱鸡什Curry giblet¥25咸鱼茄子煲Salt fish eggplant clay pot¥20咖喱滑鸡Curry chicken¥28金针菇日本豆腐煲Braised needle mushroom with Japanese bean curd¥25咖喱排骨Curry pork ribs¥28萝卜牛腩煲Radish &beef brisket clay pot¥28咖喱牛肉Curry beef¥28支竹牛腩

8、煲Bean curd stick &beef brisket clay pot¥28咖喱牛腩Curry beef brisket¥28凉瓜排骨煲Bitter melon &pork ribs clay Pot¥28铁板类Iron Platter Style蒸品类 Steamed dishes铁板什菜Iron platter Vegetables18¥蒸水蛋Steamed eggs¥15铁板玉子豆腐Iron platter Bean Curd20¥三色蒸水蛋Steamed eggs, preserved eggs and salted eggs¥18铁板姜葱牛肉Iron platter Beef

9、 with ginger and shallot28¥蒜茸蒸鲜茄子Steamed eggplant with garlic¥20铁板豆豉鸡Iron platter chicken with black bean sauce26¥榨菜蒸肉片Steamed sliced pork with tuber mustard¥26铁板肥肠Iron platter pork intestine26¥冬菇蒸鸡Steamed chicken with dried mushroom ¥28铁板鳝片Iron platter sliced eel30¥剁椒蒸鱼头Steamed Fish Head with chill

10、i pepper¥28豉汁蒸排骨Steamed pork ribs with black bean sauce¥30荷香蒸鸡 Steamed chicken with lotus flavor¥30港式烧味、卤味Roasted meat and Marinated meat碟头烩饭 Kinds of Rice金牌烧鸭Roast duckHalf :¥45,one: ¥80¥28酸辣炒鸡杂Fried chicken giblets in sour and spicy flavor¥15麻婆豆腐钣Sichuan style bean curd rice¥12正宗白切鸡Plain boiled ch

11、ickenHalf :¥38,one: ¥68¥38东坡肉钣Dongpo pork and rice¥15蜜汁叉烧Honey-stewed barbecued pork¥25梅菜扣肉饭Steamed pork with preserved vegetable rice ¥15卤水掌亦Marinated goose webs and wings¥23鲜蕃茄蛋饭Scrambled fresh egg with tomato rice¥15卤水鸭肾片Marinated duck kidney¥25咸鱼茄瓜饭Salt fish and eggplant rice¥15卤水拼盘Marinated mea

12、t combination¥25金针菇日本豆腐饭Needle mushroom and Japanese bean curd rice¥15卤水鹅Marinated goose¥30紫苏焖鸭饭Perilla braised duck rice¥13Specific part or double mix add ¥5回锅肉饭Sauted sliced pork rice¥15套餐蒸饭Steamed rice / hot pot rice冬菇滑鸡饭Braised chicken with black mushroom rice¥16榨菜肉丝砵仔饭Rice with tuber mustard Sh

13、redded Pork in hot pot¥16凉瓜牛肉/排骨饭Bitter melon and beef brisket /pork ribs and rice¥18椒丝肉片砵仔饭rice with Sliced Pork and pepper in hot pot¥16尖椒牛肉/排骨饭Fried beef with pepper/pork ribs and rice ¥18鱼香茄瓜笼仔饭Rice with Steamed salted fish and eggplant ¥18牛腩罗卜饭Radish and beef brisket rice¥18飘香腊味笼仔饭Rice with pre

14、served meat ¥18白切鸡饭Plain boiled chickenand rice ¥15冬菇滑鸡木桶饭Steam mushroom and chicken with rice in wood tub¥18金牌烧鸭饭Rice with roast duck¥15豉汁排骨木桶饭spareribs and fermented soybeans with rice in wood tub¥18蜜汁叉烧饭Rice with barbecued pork ¥15剁椒鱼头木桶饭Steam fish head and chilli pepper with rice in wood tub¥18咸

15、蛋三宝饭Rice with salted eggs¥18清蒸排骨砵仔饭Steamed rice with spareribs in hot pot ¥18卤水掌亦饭Rice with marinated goose webs and wings ¥15黄鳝砵仔饭Sliced eel with rice in hot pot ¥20卤水鸭肾饭Rice with marinated duck kidney ¥16Specific part or double mix add ¥5Vegetable and soup for free till stock lasts卤水鹅饭Rice with ma

16、rinated goose ¥18咖喱鸡/牛肉/牛腩饭Rice with curry chicken/beef/ beef brisket ¥18Vegetable and soup for free till stock lasts各式特饮、甜品、啤酒 Drink&Beer炒粉面类Chow fun or noodle港式奶茶Hongkong milky tea热冻鸡蛋炒米粉(面)Fried rice-noodle/noodle with eggs ¥13¥8¥10港式咖啡Hongkong coffee¥8¥10三丝炒米粉(面)Saut rice-noodle with Shredded ca

17、rrot ,cucumber and vermicelli¥13港式柠檬茶Hongkong lemon tea ¥8¥10牛肉炒面Fried rice-noodle with slice beef¥15港式鸳鸯Affectionate ¥8¥10干炒牛河Beef chow fun¥15阿华田Ovaltine¥8¥10星洲炒米粉Fried rice vermicelli with shredded seafood and curry¥15好立克Horlicks¥8¥10湿炒牛河Fried rice-noodle with slice beef( with juice)¥15朱古力Chocolat

18、e¥8¥10鲜奶Fresh milk¥8¥8三文治、多士、小食Sandwich 、 toast and snack杏仁霜Almond powder¥8¥10牛油奶油多士Beef tallow (cream)toast ¥6西洋菜蜜Water-cress syrup¥8¥10果占多士Jam toast¥6柑桔蜜Orange honey fruit juice¥8¥10奶油花生酱多士Cream ,peanut butter toast ¥6菊花蜜Chrysanthemum syrup¥8¥10鸡蛋三文治Fry egg sandwich¥8咸柠柒Salty lemon seven¥10火腿蛋三文治S

19、andwich with ham and egg¥10柠底乐Lemon coke¥10公司三文治Club sandwich¥10新的鲜橙汁Fresh orange juice¥8法兰西多士French toast¥10香滑凉粉Bean jelly¥5香煎鸡蛋Fry egg¥3炼奶龟苓膏condensed milk guiling jelly¥10咸蛋、皮蛋、卤水蛋Salted eggs、preserved egg、spiced egg¥3鲜奶加蛋Fresh milk with egg 10¥鲜榨果汁、各式冰饮Juice and ice drink可乐煲姜Braised ginger with

20、coke10¥苹果汁Apple juice¥10可乐、柒喜、汽水Coke 、7-Up 、soft drink¥5雪梨汁Pear juice¥10王老吉Wanglaoji¥6西瓜汁Watermelon juice¥10各式啤酒Kinds of beers¥6橙汁Orange juice¥10纯生啤酒Draught beer¥8甘笋/红萝卜汁Carrot juice¥10The same product above, buy 3 ,get 1 free菠萝冰Ice with ananas ¥10特色汤粉面 Noodle soup and lo mein红豆冰Ice with red bean¥10

21、火腿蛋汤公仔面Instant noodle soup with ham and egg¥10绿豆冰Ice with green bean¥10肉片汤粉(面)Rice-noodle/noodle with sliced meat¥10薄荷宾治Mint punch¥10猪肝汤粉(面)Rice-noodle/noodle with pork liver¥10好立克红豆冰Horlick ice with red bean¥10榨菜肉丝汤粉(面)Rice-noodle/noodle with sliced and tuber mustard ¥10The same product above, buy

22、3 ,get 1 free北方水饺Dumplings/ Chinese meat ravioli¥10港式生滚粥Hongkong congee沙爹牛肉汤粉(面)Rice-noodle/noodle soup with Satay beef¥12鱼片粥、鱼骨腩粥Congee with raw fish/fish belly¥8牛腩汤粉(面)Rice-noodle soup with beef brisket¥12皮蛋瘦肉粥Minced pork congee with preserved egg¥8叉烧/烧鸭汤粉(面)Rice-noodle soup with roasted meat and

23、roasted duck¥12滑鸡粥Congee with chicken¥8白切鸡汤粉(面)Rice-noodle/noodle soup plain boiled chicken¥12猪肝粥Congee with pork liver¥8猪扒汤粉(面)Rice-noodle/noodle soup with pork chop ¥12芫茜鱼头粥Congee with fish head¥10You can choose rice-noodle or noodle 生菜牛肉粥Congee with beef¥10黄蟮粥Congee with sliced eel¥10明火白粥、配榨菜Congee with tuber mustard¥5亚式炒饭Fry rice白米饭(cooked) Rice¥2健康炒饭Fry rice with green food¥13扬州炒饭Fry rice ,Yangzhou style¥13生炒牛肉饭Fry rice with beef¥15咸鱼鸡粒炒饭Fry rice with salted fish and chicken¥15咖喱牛肉炒饭Fry rice with curry beef¥15


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