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1、三年级下册英语第一单元测试 姓名: 分数:一、找出不是同一类的单词,把编号写在前面的括号里。(20)1.( )A. duck B. elephant C. desk2.( )A. bag B. school C. book3.( )A. textbook B. one C. two4.( )A. monkey B. cat C. notebook5.( )A. hand B. desk C. chair6.( )A. storybook B. English book C. robot7.( )A. exercise book B. Chinese book C. head8.( )A. bo

2、at B. plane C. classroom9.( )A. hot dog B. chicken C. pencil-box10.( )A. morning B. afternoon C. pen二、选择(20)English book Chinese book exercise book( ) ( ) ( )1.语文书 2.英语书 3.练习本textbook storybook notebook( ) ( ) ( )1.笔记本 2.故事书 3.课本school classroom desk chair( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1.椅子 2.教室 3.课桌 4.学校三、选择正确的答案完

3、成对话,将其编号填在括号里。(10)( )1. Lets go to school. _A. Thank you. B. OK . Lets go.( ) 2. Good morning! _A. Good morning! B. Good afternoon!( )3. Can I see it? A. Sure. Here you are B. Here it is.( )4. Nice to see you again. _A. Glad to see you again. B. See you.( ) 5. Whats in my desk? _A. Its an exercise b

4、ook. B. My name is Lily.四、根据情景选择正确答案(10)( )1.Peter有一个新课本,你也有,你对他说:A. Me too. B. I have a new textbook.( )2.你想知道课桌上有什么,你会怎么问?A. Whats in the bag? B. Whats on the desk?( )3.你想说:“我有一本新语文书。用英语怎么表达?A. I have a book. B. I have a Chinese book.( )4.你想看看你好朋友的故事书,你这样说:A. Can I see it? B. I have a storybook.(

5、)5.你想和Tom 一起去上学,你应该说?A. This is my school B. Lets go to school.五、读句子,排一排。(8) ( )Hi,Gao Wei. Guess,whats in my bag?( ) And an English book( ) Books?( ) Yes Look! A Chinese book.六、用所给选项补全对话。(10)1. Hi,Lily.2. Here you are.3. I have a new bag.4. A storybook,a Chinese book and an English book.5. Glad to

6、see you again.A: Hello,Lisa.B: _A: Nice to see you again.B: _A: Look,_B: Can I see it ?A: _B: Whats in your bag?A: _七、连词成句,没空一词。(18)1. the , Whats, bag, in (?)_ _ _ _ (?)2. the, to, Lets go classroom (.)_ _ _ _ _ .3. have I pen new a (.)_ _see it Can I (?) (?)八、翻译短语(4)1. go to school _2. on the desk _3. 在书包里面 4. 一个笔记本


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