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2、取得了什么成绩,做论文阶段用的什么分析测试方法和工作手段,博士阶段你打算做什么,工作这些年你主要从事哪方面的课题或者项目,取得了什么成果,是否有公开论文发表之类的;(3)如果你是应届毕业生,那么面试老师会提你硕士毕业论文现在进展如何,硕士阶段是否有论文公开发表,将来博士阶段打算干什么之类的。二、英语抽题英语面试抽题回答问题,一般都是有很多问题,面试老师会让你从中抽取两道题目,老师会把题目念两遍,然后你自己用英语回答,这里的问题一般不涉及专业问题,都是些日常英语,总体来讲并不复杂。下面是我根据网上的资料,加上自己的面试过程整理的英语题目及答案。1.Some peopel feel that we

3、 need to have a slow pace of life,but others think that it should be fast.What do you think ?I like the fast pace of life.The fast paced life is a life style with strong sense of time, high efficiency, strong adaptability to life and strong competitive ability. Efficient way of working will give you

4、 more spare time. In the spare time, you can read and travel. Reading makes somebody intelligent and travel broaden somebody horizons. You will have more time to do your own things, such as learning, improving yourself and staying with your family.2.What is your greatest strength?I feel that my stro

5、ngest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a thing. 3. What is your greatest weakness?Im such a perfectionist that I will not stop until a job is well done. 4. How do you feel about your progress to date?I think I did well in sc

6、hool. In fact, in a number of courses I received the highest exam scores in the class. I have published more than 10 first-author papers. 5. What has been your greatest accomplishment?My greatest accomplishment is that I was enrolled by Chengdu University of Technology in 2005. 6. Tell me about your

7、 family.There are five people in my family, my parents, my wife and my son. My parents are farmers. They are honest and candid. My wife is an accountant, she is very kind and beautiful.7. Describe your experimental skills.During the past some years, under the strict guidance of my supervisor, I have

8、 learned systematically the theory and master how to find questions how to analyze questions and how to solve questions 8.Whats your hobby?In my spare time, I like reading and travel. Reading makes me intelligent and travel broaden my horizons.9.为什么想读博,将来愿意从事的方向,读博时的打算? The most important reason for

9、 my further study is that With the growth of experience, I clearly realized that I still need further study.If I have the opportunity to further my study, I will work harder than before and make great achivements in the field scientific research. 10. How do you solve the problems that you meet in th

10、e experiment?If I meet some difficult problems, I could insult my supervisor and search related professional literatures to solve them. Confidence is very important and we should believe in ourselves.11. Which book has the deepest influence on youXXX.This book tell me how to find questions how to analyse questions and how to solve questions .12. Who has the greatest impact on youXXX. He told me how to do a man 、 how to do things 、and how to write a paper with his practical actions.


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