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1、大学英语汉译英常见错误分析一 词法层面名词 1近来我忙极了,希望你能理解我的现状。 误:I have been terribly busy and I hope that you can understand my current condition. 正:I have been terribly busy and I hope that you can understand my current situation. condition多跟身体状况或生活状况有关,situation多指某时期的情形或境况。 2. 最近我的胃经常有问题。 误:Recently I often have prob

2、lems with my stomach. 正:Recently I often have stomach trouble. 身体某部位有问题用trouble,不用problem。“胃有问题”也可英译为:I have some trouble with my stomach. 3. 各级领导干部应加倍努力,提高人民的生活水平。 误:Leading cadres at various levels should double their efforts to improve peoples living level. 正:Leading cadres at various levels shou

3、ld double their efforts to improve peoples living standard. level 可译“水平、级别”,standard则意为“水平、标准”;“生活水平”应译为living standard。 4. 那位商人的不良行为坑害了消费者的利益。 误:The bad action of that businessman has done lots of harm to consumers interests. 正:The ill action of that businessman has done lots of harm to consumersin

4、terests. bad一般指“坏”,ill一般指生病,但用作形容词或副词时可以指“坏”或“恶劣”;action多指抽象的、继续的或复杂的行为,而act则指具体的、短暂的或简单的行为或作为。 代词 1像他这样的孩子不应任由他在外面随便玩乐。 误:Such a boy as him should not be on the loose. 正:Such a boy as he should not be on the loose. as后面代词的格应与such a boy保持一致,boy为主格,因此应用he,不能用him。 2. 这两个词很像,我区别不出他们。 误:These two words

5、are very much alike. I cant tell one from another. 正:These two words are very much alike. I cant tell one from the other. another指同类中(三个以上)的另一个,the other指已知的两个事物或人中的另一个。 形容词或副词 1. 她看上去很健康。 误:She seems to be very health. 正:She seems to be very healthy. health 为名词,healthy为形容词。该句还可英译为:She seems to be i

6、n good/excellent health. 2. 他没有意识到学习英语的重要性。 误:He doesnt aware of the importance of learning English. 正:He isnt aware of 3. 很多人都出席了会议。 误:Many people present at the meeting. 正:Many people were present动词 1. 我的故乡发生了巨大的变化。 误:A great change was taken place in my hometown. 正:A great change took place in my

7、 hometown. 词组take place, break out等都是不及物动词,没有被动语态。例如:1937年中国爆发了抗日战争。英译为: The War of Resistance Against Japan broke out in China in 1937. 2. 那个严重的交通事故是去年发生的。 误:That serious traffic accident was happened last year. 正:That serious traffic accident happened last year. happen与occur一样,都属于不及物动词,没有被动语态形式。例如

8、:我从未想到他能亲自来帮我的忙。英译为:It never occurred to me that he could come here in person to help me. 3. 当她的男朋友不理她时,她非常生气。 误:She got very angry when her boy friend neglected her. 正:She got very angry when her boy friend ignored her. neglect是指“忽视、不注意”或“忘记”的意思,ignore 则指“装着不知道”和“故意不理睬”的意思。上述译文中用ignore才恰当。 4. 据说压力大

9、或超负荷工作的人更有可能增加体重。 误:It is said that those who are stressed or working overtime are more likely to increase weight. 正:It is said that those who are stressed or working overtime are more likely to put on weight. “人增加体重”不用increase weight,而用put on weight来表达。increase可作及物与不及物动词,表示“增加、增大、增长、增强”,例如:去年欧洲增加了同

10、中国的贸易。英译为:Last year,Europe increased foreign trade with China.又如:这家公司的利润已经大大增加了。英译文为:The profit of this company has increased greatly.连词 1. 他棋下得好,没人能赢他。 误:He plays chess very well, no one can win him. 正:He plays chess so well that no one can win him. 汉语句子的因果关系很明白,但用英语表达时,必须用连接词表达出这种逻辑关系。 2. 牛不喝水强按头是

11、不行的。 误:You can lead a cow to water. You cannot make him drink. 正:You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make him drink. 汉语句中的转折关系可用连词but来表达。另外,汉语习惯用“牛”,而英语习惯用“马”。 3. 张先生生病了,别指望他今天来干活了。 误:Mr. Zhang is ill, he is not expected to work here today. 正:Mr. Zhang is ill, hence he is not expected to wor

12、k here today. 并列句必须加连接副词hence。 4. 我们坚决维护和平,超级大国却挑起战争。 误:We firmly maintain peace, the superpowers are provoking war. 正:We firmly maintain peace, while the superpowers are provoking war. 汉语表达的是对比关系,英译文中需增加连词while。 时态 1. 如果到那时这个问题解决了,我就会告诉你。 误:I shall let you know if the question will be settled by th

13、at time. 正:I shall let you know if the question is settled by that time. 在时间、条件状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来时。 2. 到2020年,中国将全面建成小康社会。 误:By the year of 2020, China will complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all aspects. 正:By the year of 2020, China will have completed the building of a moder

14、ately prosperous society in all aspects. 表示将来某一时刻前完成的动作,用将来完成时表示。 虚拟语气 1. 如果我是你的话,我就不会干这种事。 误:I would not do such a thing if I am you. 正:I would not do such a thing if I were you. 表示与现在事实相反的假设情况,从句用过去式,主句用would或should等+动词原形。 2. 如果他能早到一会儿,就会目睹这场事故了。 误:If he would have arrived earlier, he would have s

15、een the accident. 正:If he had arrived earlier/Had he arrived earlier, he would have seen the accident. 虚拟语气中表示与过去事实相反,从句中用过去完成式,主句中用could或would等加现在完成式。 3. 如果你明天要去,我将让你现在回家做准备。 误:I would let you go back home to make preparations if you will go there tomorrow. 正:I would let you go back home right now

16、to make preparations if you should go there tomorrow. 表示与将来事实相反的假设,从句用should+动词原形,或were to+动词原形,主句用would/should等+动词原形。主谓一致 1. 老师和他的学生要一块儿步行去电影院。 误:The teacher, together with students, are going to the cinema on foot. 正:The teacher, together with students, is going to the cinema on foot. 英文中有插入语的句子,谓

17、语与第一个主语保持一致。 2. 在山脚下植树的是一群刚刚入学的大学生。 误:Planting trees at the foot of the mountain are a group of college students who have just entered school. 正:Planting trees at the foot of the mountain is a group of college students who have just entered school. 倒装句中分词短语作主语,其谓语用单数形式。 3. 他的言行不一。 误:What he says and

18、 what he does does not agree. 正:What he says and what he does do not agree. 用and连接两个词、短语或句子时,如果指的是两件事情其谓语为复数形式。 4. 在我国,每个男孩和女孩都有受教育的权利。 误:In our country every boy and every girl have the right to receive education. 正:In our country every boy and every girl has the right to receive education. 由and连接的

19、并列单数主语的前面如果有each,every,no或many a等修饰,谓语动词要用单数。例如:如今许多男人和女人都志愿参加献血。英译为:Many a man and a woman nowadays has volunteered to donate their blood for the patients. 否定句 1. 所有答案都不对。 误:All the answers are not right. 正:None of the answers are right. all+否定,是部分否定,如: 答案未必全对。All the answers are not right. 发光的未必是金

20、子。All that glitters is not gold. 汉语中的“都不”“都没有”在英语中用none of,如: 他们都没有出席会议。None of them attended the meeting. 男孩子们对这项游戏都不感兴趣。None of the boys were interested in this game. 2.我并非两个花瓶都要。 误:I want none of the two vases. 正:I dont want both of the vases. 正:I want only one of the two vases.不合逻辑的句子1. 中国的私人汽车越

21、来越多。 误:In China, private cars have become more and more. 正:There are an increasing number of private cars in China. “汽车越来越多”并不是指汽车本身主动变多,而是汽车在中国的存在越来越多。 三 汉英思维差异、表达习惯差异1. 他的英语水平比我高。 误:His English level is higher than that of mine. 正:He knows more English than I. 正:His English is better than mine. 2.

22、 保持健康的情绪可以有效降低感冒发生的可能性。 误:Keeping a healthy mood can decrease the chance of catching cold. 正:The chance of catching cold may very well be decreased by keeping a healthy mood. 汉译英时有人常把“保持健康的情绪”看成主语,实际上是方式状语。 3. 我们坐火车去长沙。 误:Well take the train going to Changsha. 正:Well go to Changsha by train.4. 一些心理学

23、家认为,人们出门在外时可能会感到孤独。 误:Some psychologists think that people might feel lonely when they are outside the home. 正:Some psychologists hold that people might feel lonely when they are away from home. “出门在外”指“离开家门”而不是指“outside the home在家门外面”。 5. 让我们承担如此重要的任务,我们感到十分荣幸。 误:Were allowed to take such an important task. We feel greatly honored about it. 正:We feel greatly honored to have been charged with such an important task. 汉语先叙事,后表态,而英语的习惯表达是先表态,后叙事。 例如:接到你们的贺函,我十分愉快和感谢。 I am very happy and grateful to receive your message of greetings


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