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1、青少版新概念1A 1-6单元测试题一.词汇A.写出下列句子中的缩写形式1.A:Is this your sister? B:No, she _(is not). 2.A:_(what is) your name? B: My name is Jerry. 3.A:Whos that? B:_ (that is) my father. 4.A:Whats this in English? B:_(it is) a baseball. 5.A:Are those her rulers? B: No, they _(are not). 6.A:Where are my books? B:_(they

2、 are) under the desk. 7.A:Whats that in English, Vitor? B: Sorry, I _(do not) know. 8.A:_(who is) your sister? B:I dont have a sister. 9.A:_(I am) Bill. B: Whats your name? 10._(let us)go home.B.词汇根据题中所给出的提示母填写单词:1.My mothers brother is my un 2.They ar my sisters. 3.These boys are my fr .4.A: Wh is

3、my pen?B: Its in my schoolbag. 5.Jenny is my good si_.6.His fa_is a teacher.7.Is the boy your br_?8.Jane and Jenny are twins(双胞胎),so they wear(穿着) the same(同样的) coa_.9.Please take the two _(watch/watches/watchs) to the room. 10.Where _(is/are/am) my new pencil.二.根据上下文,用合适的介词( in , on)填空。1. A: Wheres

4、 the bag? Is it _ the chair?B:No, it isnt. It is on the table.2. A:Wherere the books? Are they on the sofa? B: No, they arent. They are _ the bed.3. A:Where is the pencil case? B: Is it _ schoolbag?4. A:Where are the keys? Are they _ the desk? B: No, they are on the sofa.5. A: Wheres the ball? B: Oh

5、, it s _ the floor .三.圈出使用正确的单词11.A:Is this your brother? B:(Yes/No),he isnt. 12.A:Are they your cousins, Peter? B: No, they(are/arent). 13.A:(What/Where) is your baseball? B: Its on the table. 14.A:(Are/Is) these my keys? B: Yes, they are. 15.A:Who are those boys? B: Theyre her(brother/brothers). 1

6、6.A:Is this your mother? B: No,(she/he) isnt. 17.A:Is Claire(女名)your friend, Peter? B: Yes, (she/he) is. 18.Tom is a student,(he,she)is ten.19.Lucy is a nice girl,(his,her)mother is nice,too.20.Paul is a student,he study (at,in) the sports academy. 四.根据句子的意思填单词, 每空一词21.A:_ your name? B: My name is B

7、en.22.A:Sorry,Im late. B: harm done.23.A:Where (be) my books? B: Sorry, I dont know.24.A:What (be) this?B: Its (an,a) umbrella.25.A:_ _ _ _! B: Nice meet you, too.五.单项选择题。1.Wheres my pen?_ on the table. A. It B .Its C. They D. Theyre2.“See you ” means(意思是) “_”. A. Look B. That all right C. Sorry D.

8、Byebye34.Where _ your pencils, Karen? A. am B. is C. are D. be3._ my father. A. Theyre B. Shes C. Hes D. Thiss4.Where are_? A book B you books C the book D my books5.My book is_the bed. A next B between C on D in6.Tom and I_ teachers. A is B are C am D isnt7.Are these your_? A father B sister C brot

9、her D friends8.-_is she?-Shes my sister. A What B Who C How old D Where9.-Is Kate your sister?-Yes,_. A she isnt B she is C Kate isnt D Kate is10.Here _ my _! A. is, books B. are, books C. are, book D are, book11. _ my brother. A. Thiss B. He C. This is 12. - Where is your pen?- _. A. Yes, it is. B.

10、 Its on the desk C. Theyre on the desk13. Here _ your books. A. is B. are C. am 14Lucy and Lily _ good friends. Ahave Bhas C is Dare15There _ an orange and two apples on the table.Aare Bhas Cis Dhave16._ your hat? A.Where B.Wherere C.Wheres D.where17. A: Good morning, Miss Miao, _?B: Fine, thank you

11、.A.Whats your name B.How are you? C.Hello D.OK18.Are you Jim? Yes, I _.My name _Jim. A.is;is B.am;am C.is;am D.am;is 19._name is Zhen Mei.Whats_name? A.I;youB.My;you C.My;your D.I;you20.A:Hello! Are you Li Hua?B:_.A.Yes, Im not B.No, I am C.No, I m not. I m Li Li D.Yes. Im Li Li六.从栏中找出栏句子的答语 1.Is sh

12、e your sister? A. Thats all right.2.Im sorry.C .Theyre on the desk.3.Where are your rulers? D. Yes,she is.4.What color is your hat? J. Nice to meet you,too.5.Nice to meet you. H .Its red.七.完成句子A.按要求完成句子1.This is his chair.(改成一般疑问句) _2.Is he your father?(作否定回答) _ 3.is,my,where bag (连词成句) _ 4.the,on,i

13、s,desk,book,English,my (连词成句) _ 5.The school bag is on the bed.(改成一般疑问句) _ 6.A.The book is on the bed.(改为一般疑问句)B:_ _ _on the bed?7.There are two children in my family.(改为否定句)B.There_ _two children in my family.8.A.Can you see books on the table?(作肯定回答)B._,I_.9.The books are in the bookcase.(改否定句)_10

14、.The baseball is under the bed.(改一般疑问句)_11.My pencils are in my backpack.(改为单数句子) 12.Robbert,isnt ,well ,very(连成句子) 13.is,what,matter,the, him,with, (连成句子) 14.They are my farher and mother.(翻译成汉语) 15.am,I,your,new,friend. (连成句子) 16.That is my schoolbag. (改为复数句子) 17.That man in the expensive car is m

15、y father. (翻译成汉语) 18.These rulers are white. (改为单数句子) 19.Lucy,Robert,are,and,friends. (连成句子) 20.这个女孩还和Jenkins一家在一起,她是Claire. (翻译成英语) 八、完成对话。(每空一词)1. A: How are you? B: Im _,_ _. And you? 2. A: Whats _ name? B: My name _ Lilian. 3. A: Sit down, please. (请坐)B: _ _. 4. A: Whats this ? B: _ _ a baseball

16、. 5. A: Are you Mr. Smith? B: Yes, I _ . 6. Mike: Good morning,Tom! Tom: _ _. Come and _Karen, Karen is my anut. She is a writer. Karen: _ _ _ _, Mike. Mike: Nice to meet you,too. Karen you are very nice. Kate: _you.九.阅读理解Im Gina. I have a nice room. There is a bed, a chair and a desk in the room. T

17、here are nice pictures (图片)on the walls(墙).My computer(电脑) is on the desk. My Chinese books are on the desk. And my schoolbag is on the chair(椅子). Where are my keys(钥匙)? Oh, theyre on the floor. Thats my room. Is it very nice?根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)1.There is a Chinese book in Ginas room. 2.The pictures are on the desk.3.Her computer(电脑) is on the desk. 4.Ginas schoolbag is on the bed. 5.Her keys are on the chair.


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