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1、excuse me 打扰一下here is 这是thank you 谢谢very much 非常,很good morning 早上好nice to meet you 见到你很高兴what make 什么牌子a keyboard operator 打字员how are you 你好么very well 很好here you are 给你come upstairs 上楼来a sales rep推销员an office assistant 办公室勤杂人员whats the matter? 有什么事sit down 坐下all right 好,可以give me 把给我on the shelf 在架子

2、上on the right/left 在右边/左边an electric cooker 电灶in the middle of在中间on the table 在桌子上near the window 在窗户旁on the television 在电视上near the door 隔壁on the wall 在墙上come in 进来 shut the door 关门open the window 开窗户turn on/off 开/关put on / take off 穿/脱air the room 通风in the wardrobe 在柜子里make the bed 整理床铺cook a meal

3、 做饭dust the dressing table 给梳妆台掸灰sweep the floor 扫地in the garden 在花园里sit under the tree 坐在树底下beg your pardon 请再说一遍run across the grass 跑过草地run after 追着跑,追赶a fine day 好天气in the sky 在空中with ones family 和家人在一起walk over the bridge 走过桥 go under the bridge 从桥下驶过fly over the river 从河上飞过a photograph of sb.

4、一张谁的照片in a valley 在山谷中between two hills 在两座山之间walk along the bank 沿着河岸走in the water 在水里swim across the river 横渡小河beside a park 在公园旁边come out of the building 走出大楼be going to do sth 打算做某事going into the park 走进公园work hard 勤劳工作wait for a bus 等汽车make a bookcase 做个书架pain it pink 漆成粉红色put it on the table 放

5、在桌子上give it to me 把它给我in front of 在前面be careful 当心drop it 掉下,落下listen to the music 听音乐jump off 从跳下a piece of 一片a loaf of 一个 a bar of 一条a bottle of 一瓶a pound of 一磅half a pound of 半磅a quarter pound of 四分之一磅a tin of 一听make tea/coffee 沏茶/冲咖啡over there 在那边there it is 就在那儿here they are 就在这儿hurry up 赶快the

6、kettles boiling 水开了come here 来这儿next door 在隔壁in the office 在办公室type the letter 打这封信of course 当然milk in the coffee 咖啡里加牛奶black coffee 清咖啡to tell you the truth 告诉你实话 come from 来自Whats the weather like?天气如何?in spring 在春天in the West 在西部favorite subject of conversation 最喜欢的谈论话题take sb. to the school 送去学校

7、stay at home 待在家里do the housework 做家务the Sawyers/ the Sawyer family索耶一家人eat/have breakfast/lunch/dinner吃早/午/晚饭drink tea together 一起喝茶do ones homework 做作业go to bed 睡觉be asleep 睡着了go to work 上班at noon/ at night 中午/夜晚read the newspaper 读报纸watch television 看电视by car 乘小汽车on foot 步行 an interesting book 一本

8、有趣的书large size 大号的small size 小号的writing paper 信纸a bad cold 重感冒feel ill 感觉不舒服call the doctor 请医生telephone number 电话号码open the mouth 张开嘴show me 让我看看stay in bed 卧床休息good news 好消息look very well 看上去很健康look ill 看上去病了have a headache 头疼get up 起床make a noise 发出噪音eat rich food 吃油腻的食物have a temperature 量体温rema

9、in in bed 卧床take the medicine 吃药break the vase 打碎花瓶keep the room warm 保持房间温暖the key to the front door 前门的钥匙enjoy yourself 好好玩吧at the butchers 在肉店absent from school 缺课,没去上学in the country 在乡下a car race 汽车比赛telephone me 打电话给我the day before yesterday 前天answer the telephone 接电话arrive home 到家come home fro

10、m school/work放学(下班)回家lost ones way 迷路 on the way home 在回家的路上near a bus stop 在车站附近ask sb. the way 向某人问路say to oneself 对自己说the way to somewhere 去的路take out 拿出read the phrase 读词组Im afraid 恐怕see the dentist 看牙医 have an appointment 有约定a terrible toothache 牙痛得厉害at the moment 此刻till this afternoon 直到今天下午ma

11、ke a shopping list 列个购物清单have a bath 洗澡have a cigarette 抽根烟pack a suitcase 整理行李have a holiday 度假all the time 一直have a look at 看看drive into 撞倒for sale 待售how long 多长时间a long time 很长时间move to 搬去move in 搬进give sb. my regards 向某人带去我的问候next-door neighbor 隔壁邻居return to 回到return tickets to 去的返程票plenty of ti

12、me 许多时间the clock is ten minutes slow/fast钟慢/快了十分钟in five hours time 五小时后Whats the exact time? 确切的时间是什么?the other day 前几天a member of 的一员speak up 大声说pass in English 英语考试通过v. adj. enough for sb. to do sth对某人来说够去做某事too adj. for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说太不能at the top of 在的顶部be full of 充满be sorry about sth. 对感

13、到抱歉in fashion 时髦,流行中out of fashion 不流行a good idea 一个好主意what a pity. 多么遗憾呀。good advice 好建议asas 和一样not asas 不像一样on instalment 分期付款a deposit of 的定金none of 什么也没有invite sb to lunch 邀请某人去吃午饭look through the window 透过窗户看look out of the window 看窗外nothing at all 根本什么也没有try to do 试图去做It happened to sb 发生在某人身上

14、的事tell a story 讲故事whats up? 发生了什么事?run away 逃跑shave off 刮掉what a nuisance. 真讨厌I think so. 我是这么认为的。have another look 再看一看at least 至少drive at seventy miles an hour 以每小时70英里的速度开车speed limit 限速driving licence 驾驶执照take advice 听取建议go abroad 出国make up ones mind 下定决心look after 照顾make a film 拍电影sensational n

15、ews 爆炸性新闻I wonder why 我想知道为什么。future husband 未婚夫introduce sb. to sb 向某人介绍某人get married 结婚the football pools 足球赛的赌注travel round the world 环游世界depend on 依靠extra work 加班talk about sth 谈论某事be excited 感到兴奋take out 取出be dressed in 穿戴着make up ones face 往脸上施脂粉(在脸上化装)middle-aged 中年的ask question 提问题powder compact (带镜子的)粉盒be embarrassed 感到尴尬beauty spot 风景点keep the woods clean 保持树林干净throw rubbish 扔垃圾go for a walk 散步be covered with 被覆盖be prosecuted 被依法处置have to 不得不during the trip 在旅行期间wear a hat 戴着帽子exercise book 练习本get on/ off the bus 上/下车knock at the door 敲门


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