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1、1,New Concept English Book OneLesson 85 & 86 Jenny,2,Teaching objectives(教学目标),含规则动词的现在完成时句型,contents,副词: ever, never,句型: I have been to I have gone to,3,Teaching procedure(教学过程),复习,课文讲解,课堂练习,步骤,4,我已经吃过午饭了. Ive already had lunch. 他们今年已经度假了. Theyve already had holiday this year. 她已经吃过牛肉了. She has alr

2、eady had beef.,复习,5,他已经理过发了. He has already had a haircut. 他们已经喝过茶了. They have already had tea. 她已经喝了酒了. She has already had wine.,复习,6,Listen to the tape and answer the question: at what time of year did Ken visit Paris? 085&086Paris in the Spring.mp3,课文讲解,7,Paris Cinema Film Movie Beautiful Beauty

3、 n.,New words,8,City Never Ever Just already,New words,9,课文讲解, 回顾现在完成时: 主语+have/ has + 动词的过去分词 表示过去的动作对现在的影响 I have had breakfast. He has had a haircut.,10,课文讲解,回顾现在完成时: Have you had dinner? I havent had dinner. I have already had dinner. I havent had dinner yet.,11,课文讲解, have been to 去过了 (去过某地,并且已经

4、回来了) Have you been to Beijing? 你去过北京吗? Have you been to the U.S.A.? I have been to the U.K. He has been to Canada.,12,课文讲解,某人have gone to 某人去了(去某地,没有回来) He has gone to Beijing. 他去北京了.(还没回来) Father has gone to Japan. My brother has gone to Sichuang.,13,课文讲解,2. just 刚刚(一般与现在完成时连用) Have you just been t

5、o the cinema? 你刚刚去过电影院吗? 我刚刚去过学校. I have just been to school. 我刚刚去过办公室. I have just been to office.,14,3. ever, never,never 决不, 从不 I have never been to Paris. I have never met him before.,ever adv. 曾经 (1)用于疑问句 Have you ever been to Paris? (2)用于否定句 I havent ever been abroad.(出国),15,课文讲解,4. whats on?

6、这里的is on是”上演”的意思 A new film is now on. 有一个新电影正在上演. Whats on TV tonight? 今晚电视里上演什么?,16,5. Ive already seen it. 我已经看过了。 现在完成时 I saw it on television last year. 我是去年在电视上看的。 一般过去时(强调在过去的某个具体的时间发生的事) Its an old film, but its good. 这是部老片子,但很好。 一般现在时(对这部电影的一般性评价),17,仿照例句: 我已经读了这本书。我是在昨天读的。这是本旧书,但是很有趣。,I ha

7、ve already read this book. I read it yesterday. Its an old book, but its interesting.,18,课文讲解,6. Just like London! 这里的just是“正好、恰恰”的意思。 这里的like是“像”的意思。 学校就像家一样。 The school is just like home. 她就像妈妈一样。 She is just like mother.,19,20,你刚去过电影院吗? 我已经看过那部电影了。 我是去年在电视上看的。,课文回顾,Have you just been to the cinem

8、a?,Ive already seen the film.,I saw it on TV last year.,21,我从来没有去过巴黎. 你曾去过巴黎吗? 我4月份的时候在巴黎。,课文回顾,Ive never been to Paris.,Have you ever been to Paris?,I was in Paris in April.,22,What have you done? I have just aired the room. I aired the room an hour ago.,句型练习:现在完成时与一般过去时,23,Ive just cleaned the flo

9、or. I cleaned the floor two hours ago.,我刚刚清洁了地板. 我是两小时前清洁的地板.,24,Ive just been to Paris. I went to Paris last week.,24,我刚刚去过巴黎. 我上周去的巴黎.,25,Ive just turned on the TV. I turned on the TV half an hour ago.,25,我刚刚打开电视. 我半小时前打开的电视.,26,She has just washed the clothes. She washed the clothes three hours a

10、go.,26,她刚刚洗了衣服. 她三小时前洗的衣服.,27,He has just painted the bookcase. He painted the bookcase yesterday.,27,他刚刚把书架油漆好. 他昨天油漆的书架.,28,Theyve just packed the suitcase. They packed the suitcase yesterday afternoon.,28,他们刚刚将手提箱打包好. 他们昨天下午打包的手提箱.,29,Father has just walked along the river. Father walked along th

11、e river an hour ago.,29,爸爸刚刚沿着小河走. 爸爸一小时前沿着小河走.,30,She has just listened to the music. She listened to the music twenty minutes ago.,30,她刚刚听完音乐. 她20分钟前听音乐了.,31,Mom has just cooked a meal. Mom cooked a meal an hour ago.,31,妈妈刚刚做好饭. 妈妈一小时前做的饭.,32,She has just boiled the milk. She boiled the milk three minutes ago.,32,她刚刚热好牛奶.(boil) 她三分钟前热的牛奶.(minute),33,复习 review,daily expression,they are,现在完成时的规则动词,句型: have been to have gone to,副词: ever, never,34,Thank You!,


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