新概念英语青少版2A Unit 12 The London bus.ppt

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1、Unit 12 The London bus,The London bus,the bus in the old Shanghai,New words and expressions,real adj. 真正的 design classic n. 经典设计 back n. 后部 platform n. 平台 modern adj. 现代的 passenger n. 乘客 driver n. 司机 a hard time fixed phrase 困难的日子 road n. 公路,道路,New words and expressions,official adj. 官方的,正式的 journey

2、 n. 旅行,旅程 route n. 路线 ago adv. 以前 designer n. 设计师 around prep. 到处,各处 railway station n. 火车站 at midnight adv. 在午夜,Try it,根据汉语说出英语单词.,单词记忆大比拼,根据英语说出汉语意思.,The new buses in London are just “buses”. They arent London buses. The real London bus was the old Routemaster. This was our favourite bus for fifty

3、-one years. It was a design classic.,Unit 12 The London bus,Notes on the Text,in, 通常后接大的地点,或者是时间,如:世纪,年,月;也可以跟早、下、晚。 e.g: in 1985/ in the morning 提示:当早、下和晚前有修饰词时,要用on 代替 in。 e.g: on a fine morning/ on saturday evening for, 介词,这里表示“在一段时间内”。,Were Routemaster really dangerous? The back of the bus was a

4、n open platform with no doors. Perhaps this wasnt very safe but Londoners like to do their own things. And the Routemaster were fast in the traffic.,Unit 12 The London bus,副词,用来修饰形容词dangerous,转折连词,Notes on the Text,the back of the bus, 是名词所有格。 通常我们用of来连接两个没有生命的物体,来表示其属性。在of 前是小部分,of 后是大的部分。 e.g: the

5、 playground of the school the windows of the room do ones own thing (非正式)做自己爱做的事,按自己的意愿行事 e.g: Dont bother me, youd better do your own thing!,Moden buses are safe,but they are slow. passengers hate the doors. Car drivers hate the buses. The bus driver have a hard time.,Unit 12 The London bus,adj.困难的

6、,hate 一般用法:hate to do/hate doing e.g: I hate going to the theatre. I hate to come in the middle,The first Routemaster were on our roads in 1954. The last official Routemaster journey was on Route Number 9,on 15th February 2006.That was some years ago.,Unit 12 The London bus,Notes on the Text,on our

7、roads in 1954,当地点状语和时间状语同时出现时,通常将地点状语放在时间状语前。 on,用在具体的某一天 e.g: on 15th February 2006 in,用在年和月的前面 e.g: in February 2006 some years ago, ago 通常和表示一段时间的词或短语连用,表示“在.之前”,Today , Londoners remember the Routemasters name. They remember the designers name: Douglas Scott. The new buses dont have a name. How

8、can we love them?,Unit 12 The London bus,Practise saying some years,1900 1805 1936 1999 2000 2001 2012,nineteen hundred,nineteen hundred and five,nineteen thirty six,nineteen ninety nine,two thousand,two thousand and one,two thousand and twelve,按要求转换句型 1.He was at home a week ago .(一般疑问句) 2. My fath

9、er doesnt like playing tennis. (变为肯定句) 3.I was at the railway station a short time ago .(否定) 4.We were at the butchers yesterday. (一般疑问句) 5. Tim has a gold watch. (变为一般疑问句) 6.They were at the cinema.(提问) 7.play sports every morning. (变为否定句) 8.Polly was at a party .(提问),Thats all for us today!,See you next times!,


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