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1、Unit38 Out of control,Q: What was the danger ?,A: The speedboat would complete a circle and then hit them .,1.As the man tried to swing the speedboat round , the steering wheel came away in his hands. 注意as 引导的时间状语从句中时态要一致。 swing swung swung 转向 steering wheel 转向装置 come away 脱落,2. He waved desperately

2、 to his companion, who had been water skiing for the last fifteen minutes . who引导的非限制性定语从句与其先行 词之间要用逗号隔开。 wave desperately 拼命地挥手 water skiing 划水,desperately,adv.拼命地,不顾一切地,He chases the cat ,his parents desperately run after him .,adj. desperate 拼命的,绝望的;渴望的 be desperate to do sth 渴望做 be desperate for

3、 极需要.,3.Both men had hardly had time to realise what was happening when they were thrown violently into the sea . 这两个人还没有来得及弄明白究竟出了什 么事,就被猛地甩到了海里。 hardly 意为“几乎没有”;动词realise后 接what引导的宾语从句,其中when 引导的 时间状语从句为一般过去时的被动语态。,4. Both men had just begun to swim towards the shore, when they noticed with dismay

4、 that the speedboat was moving in a circle. 主句用过去完成时,when 引导的时间状语 从句用一般过去时 notice with dismay 惊慌地发现 dismay为名词,意为“惊慌,惊愕”,tremendous,adj. 巨大的,惊人的;出色的,极好的,I felt a tremendous pressure on my chest . 我觉得心口堵得难受。,He is a tremendous person . 他是一个非常了不起的人。,adv. tremendously 巨大地,The business is tremendously pr

5、ofitable. 这笔生意利润巨大。,5.After it had passed ,they swam on as quickly as they could because they knew that the boat would soon return . After 引导的时间状语从句中过去完成时,表示在主句中的动作开始之前就已经完成了;主句用一般过去时。,considerably,adv. 显著地,明显地,adj. considerable 相当多的 It remains considerable delicious cakes in your birthday party .,T

6、hese girls improve in their English considerably because of practice .,use up :用尽,用光 (相当于run out)We used up a whole roll of film. 整整一卷胶片我们都用完了。,Use 相关词组: its no use doing sth 做.是无用的 Its no use complaining about the problem . 你抱怨是无用的。 use sth for 作.用 She decided to use clips for gifts. 她决定用发夹作礼物。,Use

7、 相关词组: make (full/good)use of (充分)利用 He makes full use of every precious minute. 他充分利用宝贵的每一分钟。 use sth for 作.用 She decided to use clips for gifts. 她决定用发夹作礼物。 out of use 不使用 The expression has gone out of use. 那种表达方式已废弃不用。,drift,V. 漂荡,漂流 The current drifted us along . 水流将我们漂走了。 2.The two small boats

8、were drifted apart in the storm . 两只小船被风浪吹散了。 drift along 慢慢向前漂 drift apart 漂离,N. 趋势 3. There is a slow drift into crisis .,gently,adv. 轻轻地,温柔地 相当于lightly / softly,She held the bird gently in her palm . 她把鸟儿温柔地捧在手心。,The waves gently lap against the shore. 海浪轻轻地拍打着海岸。,Enough : 放在形容词或副词之后修饰形容词、 副词,意为“

9、足够”。放在名词之前 修饰名词。 The box is big enough . There are enough apples in the box .,Fairly: 放在形容词或者副词之前,意为“相当” John is fairly clever . Its a fairly interesting film .,Special difficulties,Phrases,steering wheel 方向盘 e away 脱落 3.water skiing 滑水 4.throw into 扔进 5.strike a buoy 击打浮标 6.at tremendous speed 以飞快的

10、速度 7.roar past sb / sth 呼啸而过 8.out of danger 脱离危险 9.slow down 使变慢 10.use up 用尽,1.As the man tried to swing the speedboat round, the steering wheel came away in his hands. 当那个人试图让快艇转向时,方向盘从他手里滑 落了。 2.In less than a minute, it roared past them only a few feet away. 不到一分钟的时间,它在距离他们只有几英尺远 的地方呼啸而过。 3.On this occasion, however, it had slowed down considerably. 不过这一次它的速度减慢了很多。,Sentences,


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