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1、1. Country music is one of the most popular forms of music in the United States today.乡村音乐是当今美国最流行的音乐形式之一。2.There is no other misfortune that could be compared with the loss of time.没有其他的不幸可以与时间的损失作比较。3.There is no friend as loyal as a good book没有朋友像一本好书一样忠诚4.Nowhere else in the world can you find s

2、cenery as attractive as in Switzerland.世界上任何地方都找不到像瑞士那样迷人的风景。5. No cassette tapes could rival CDs in terms of sound quality.在音质方面,没有盒式磁带能与CD媲美。1.As is known to all, the year 2003 saw the successful launching of Chinas first manned spaceship.众所周知,2003年成功地发射了中国第一艘载人飞船。2.Time has witnessed the long his

3、tory, free academic atmosphere and energetic students life of the university.时间见证了这所大学悠久的历史、自由的学术氛围和充满活力的学生生活。3.The new century will see a significant and far-reaching change in China.新世纪将在中国发生重大而深远的变化。4.Nanjing, an ancient and beautiful city, has witnessed many great historic events.5.南京是一座古老而美丽的城市

4、,见证了许多伟大的历史事件。A visit to the places where he had studied and worked during his youth brought back many fond memories.他去年轻时学习工作过的地方游览,勾起了许多美好的回忆。1.Watching exciting soccer games is the best way to take my mind off all the problems in my work观看激动人心的足球比赛是解决我工作中所有问题的最好办法。2.Friends sadly watched him driv

5、e off, knowing it would be long before they could meet again朋友们伤心地看着他开了车,知道他们很快就不能再见面了。3.It took the community workers a month to wipe off the graffiti, which used to be a notable sight of the city.社区工作人员花了一个月的时间才擦掉这些涂鸦,这些涂鸦曾经是这个城市的显著景观。4.In high altitude areas, people use lots of ways to keep off u

6、ltraviolet rays.在高海拔地区,人们使用很多方法来阻挡紫外线。5.This villages water and power supplies have been cut off because of the snowstorm.由于暴风雪,这个村子的水电供应被切断了。1.None of the competitors could catch up with the untiring runner who was in the lead.没有一个参赛者能赶上领先的那个不屈不挠的赛跑运动员。2.The football team was not in the zone and lo

7、st the game with the score 2 to 3.足球队不在比赛区,以2比3的比分输掉了比赛。3.If you make a great effort to practice your oral English, it will pay off in the long run.如果你努力练习你的英语口语,它终究会有回报的。4.In the event of rain, the football match will be postponed万一下雨,足球赛将延期举行。5.When the day of the finals arrived, she was very nerv

8、ous. Whether she could win or not was still up in the air当决赛的日子到来时,她非常紧张。她是否能赢,还是悬而未决。1.Resultantly, the fans had to accept the rescheduling of the concert due to the weather.结果,由于天气原因,球迷们不得不接受音乐会的重新安排。2.Luckily, we could cook all these delicious courses by following the steps provided in the recipe

9、 book.幸运的是,我们可以按照食谱中提供的步骤烹饪所有这些美味的课程。3.Notably, the credits earned from Internet open courses have been officially accepted by many universities.值得一提的是,许多大学已经正式接受了网络公开课程的学分。4.More importantly, students understand that they should find a balance between their study and entertainment.更重要的是,学生明白他们应该在学习

10、和娱乐之间找到平衡。5.Clearly, the media has hidden some important information from the public.显然,媒体已经向公众隐瞒了一些重要信息。1.Driving is to Americans what flying is to birds. It is almost part of their nature.开车之于美国人就像鸟儿之于飞翔。这几乎是它们本性的一部分。2. The outline is to a writer as the blueprint is to an architect.提纲之于作家,犹如蓝图之于建筑

11、师。3. As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind.学习之于心灵,就像食物之于身体一样。4.The sun is as hot as the competition that he was confronted with at the Olympic Games. 他在奥运会上面临的竞争和太阳一样热烈5.Just as a sword is the weapon of a warrior, a pen is the weapon of a writer.正如剑是战士的武器,笔是作家的武器1.He is very rude in pri

12、vate, though in public he is usually very polite.他私下里很粗鲁,但在公开场合通常很有礼貌。 2.Starvation is at one extreme of the spectrum of food intake; obesity is at the other extreme.饥饿是食物摄入光谱的一个极端;肥胖是另一个极端。 3.It is in the company of a good friend that the heart finds a home.在好友的陪伴下,心才能找到归宿。4.Although her father is in the firm, she got the job on her own.虽然她父亲在那家公司工作,她还是自己得到了那份工作 5.At the start of the project we were all full of passion but unfortunately weve lost a lot of our early enthusiasm.在项目开始时,我们都充满激情,但不幸的是,我们失去了很多我们早期的热情。


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