现代大学英语精读6 Lesson 1 How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience.ppt

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《现代大学英语精读6 Lesson 1 How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《现代大学英语精读6 Lesson 1 How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience.ppt(11页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience,John Kenneth Galbraith,John Kenneth Galbraith(1908-2006),An economist, author, professor, presidential counselor and U.S. ambassador to India The “last American Institutionalist” an unabashed popularizer of economics The Affluent Society (1958) 2000 the Preside

2、ntial Medal of Freedom,the U.S. governments highest civilian honor.,John Kenneth Galbraith,Discussion and Pre-class Works:,Why do you think the author choose this title? (Wealth situation) What do you think of the gaps in wealth between the rich and the poor? Is there any way to solve this problem?,

3、Detailed study: I(1-2): *Get the poor off our conscience: conscience, a sense of right and wrong, with an urge to do right *intellectual: appealing to the intellect II (3-9): *The poor suffer in the world but: in the next, after they die; when they go to the next world, i.e. heaven or paradise *This

4、 is, in some ways, an admirable solution. : why? And does the author really think that this is an admirable solution? (Discuss about it) * “the principle of utility”: an artion is judged by whether it will increase or decrease the benefits of those who are affected by the action. *Poverty being caus

5、ed in the bed: Poverty was caused by overproduction of children. *overriding: Prevailing,*The American Beauty Rose can be : 美国这朵玫瑰花后以其华贵让观众倾倒、赞不绝口。而她之所以 能被培植出来,就是因为在早期其周围的花蕾给掐掉了。在经济 生活中情况亦是如此。这是自然规律和上帝意志在起作用。 III(10-11) What was the Roosevelt revolution? Why does the author call it a revolution? Is

6、he for or against the revolution? How do you know? How did people feel when a number of social measures were put into practice? Were they right in thinking so? IV(12-20) What is the argument of the first design? Essence? *We have great corporate bureaucracies replete with corporate bureaucrats, ,(Wh

7、en these , all been in the Pantagon.): What is the basic view of the author? What is the tone of this statement?,What is the second design? Does the author agree to the argument? What is the argument of the third design? How dose the author refute this argument? *corporate executive: 企业经理人员 *Belief

8、can be the servant of truth-but even more of convenience: Belief can be used in the search for truth. But more often than not it is accepted because it is convenience and self-serving. What is the fourth design? *Finally, when all else fails, we resort to simple psychological denial: 最终,当一切办法都无济于事时,

9、我们就干脆装作没看见。 *All, save perhaps the last, : save: (prep.) except,*A.F.D.C.: 对有未成年子女家庭的补助 *food stamps: 食品券 *Workers Compensation: 工人(失业)补助金 *subsidized housing: 住房补贴 *disability insurance: 伤残保险 *Cut the knot, for there is no way to untie it: 这是一堆解不开的疙瘩, 只能快刀斩乱麻,统统取消。 V(21) Compassion, is the least co

10、mfortable, the least convenient course of behavior and action in our time. : 同情心,加上与之相关的社会努力是我们这个时代最麻烦、最令人不快的 行为和行动方针。 *Also, it is, in the end, the most truly conservative course. To the extent that ,above all, should yearn. : Why dose the author think it is the most truly conservative course? Why

11、dose the author say “There is no paradox here”?,Discussion Topic:,Is the problem of wealth gaps between the rich and the poor a world-wide problem? What do you suggest to release this problem?,Stylistic analysis: (Whats the language features of this article?),Clues: * verbs, *syntax, *variation, *imagery in setting and characterization, *suspense, etc.,Thank you ! Good-bye!,


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