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1、英语复合句,句子的种类 根据作用分 A 陈述句:肯定陈述句,否定陈述句 B 疑问句 一般疑问句 特殊疑问句 选择疑问句 反意疑问句 C 祈使句 D 感叹句 what感叹句 How感叹句,根据结构分 简单句 并列句 复合句状语从句 表语从句 宾语从句 定语从句 状语从句 同位语从句,简单的基本句型 主语+连系动词+表语 Our classroom is big and bright I am a student 2 主语+不及物动词(谓语) I can swim 3 主语+及物动词(谓语)+宾语 Tom wrote an article 4主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语 He showed

2、his father his new shoes 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足 We should keep our classroom clean and 6 there be +主语+状语 There is a book on the desk,句子的成分 基本的成分 主语:动作的施出者,表示所说的是谁是什么 The bird can fly He is my sister 谓语:表示主语的动作或状态(动词) We worked together They sang and ate at the party 句子可能具有的成分 直接宾语:表示动作的承受者(名词,人名,代词) He mak

3、es a fly。They clean the rooms。We build a bridge 间接宾语:表示动作是针对谁作的,不是动作的承受者 Pass me the salt, please Hell lend me good books to read They helped me with my study。 She told me a story 句中的me都是间接宾语,宾语补足语;为表示意思的完整,仅有宾语远不够,还需有补足语加于补充 The teacher encouraged students to express his idea The teacher proved him

4、self worthy confidence 表语:表示主语的特征或性质或表示主语是+(名词) It is warm and bright The flowers are red 定语:用来修饰或限定名词,表示其特征特性或其它情况 He has a beautiful girl friend Your question is a difficult one 状语:表示动作,行为或事件发生的时间,地点,目的。方式,程度,因果等, The book is rather interesting I have lived here for a long time They arrived at hos

5、pital yesterday She comes here by train,并列句 1.并列关系并列句 连词有:and, not onlybut also, neithernor 2.转折关系并列句 连词有:but, yet, however 3.选择关系并列句 连词有:or., eitheror. 4.因果关系并列句 连词有:for, so, therefore,例句 并列关系:I hope him and he help me 转折关系:He tried open the door, but he couldnt 选择关系:Either you are foolish or he is

6、 因果关系:the students are on holidays, therefore you can see them today。,复合句 定语从句 同位语从句 复合句: 主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句 状语从句,定语从句,定语从句又称关系从句:在主句中相当于一个定语,只不过这个定语是一个句子 定语从句可以修饰一个名词,代词,或一个句子,被修饰的词叫现行词,从句在其后,由关系代词关系副词引出 关系代词有:that. Which, who, whom, whose等 关系副词有:when , where , why The man who wrote this book in famous

7、 scientist 先行词 关系代词 (定语) The village where I was born has grown into a town (先行词) 关系代词 (定语),that,关系代词与先行词的关系,限 制 性 定 语 从 句,先行词,关系代词主语,关系代词宾语,关系代词所有格代替人,who/that,which/that,whom/that,which/that,that,whose=of whom代替物,whose=of which 代替人 和物,代替人,代替物,代替人 和物,非限 制性 定语 从句,代替人 和物,代替前 一句话,which,which,whose,whi

8、ch,关系副词与先行词的关系 先行词 关系副词 在从句中作用 时间名词 when=at,on,in, 时间状语 during / which 地点名词 where=in, at/which地点状语 只有reasonwhy=for which原因状语 例句说明(在定语从句中,关系词在句中一 定要担任成分),关系代词引导的定语从句,John is the girl who/that was injured in the accident,(先行词) (关系代词)( 关系代词在从句中作主语),He found the watch which/that he had lost (先行词) (关系代词)

9、 ( 关系代词在从句中作宾语),The man whom/that you saw just now is our manager 先行词 关系代词 ( 关系代词在从句中作宾语) The house which/that was damaged in the fire will be rebuilt 先行词 关系代词 ( 关系代词在从句中作主语),Is there anyone whose name is wangli? 先行词 关系代词 ( 关系代词在从句中作主语) The building whose roof we can see form here is (先行词) (关系代词)( 关

10、系代词在从句中作宾语) She is no longer the girl that she was in her childhood 先行词 关系代词 ( 关系代词在从句中作表语,只能用that连接) There is not an easy question that you think it to be ( 先行词) (关系代词) ( 关系代词在从句中作表语,只能用that连接),注意的问题 One of+复数名词+关系从句的结构中, 关系分词的谓语有两种形式 先行词为复数,从句谓语用复数 Tom is one of those women, who like to play bridg

11、e 当one之前有the only/right/very等修饰词时, 从句谓语根据one而定,用单复数形式 He is the only one of the boys who likes to go to the theatre 在口语中,在定语从句中起宾语作用的关系代词省去 Have you found the book (that) you want?,当关系代词前有介词时,只能用关系代词 whom,或which而不能用that The book from which(不能用that) I got a lot of useful information 先行词 介词 关系代词 was w

12、ritten by a famous scientist (关系代词which在从句中作介词from的宾语) Tom is the boy with whom (不用that) you were talk a moment ago 先行词 介词 关系代词 ( 关系代词在从句中作介词的宾语) 注:当介词位于从句句末时, 关系代词仍可用that也可省去,上两句可改为: The book that/which I got a lot of useful information from was written by a famous scientist Tom is the boy that/who

13、m you were talking with a moment ago,当先行词是all, everything, something, nothing, 或被first, last, only, few, much, some, only, no 以及形容词最高级修饰时,只用that不用which I am interested in all that you have told me He asked for the best book that there was on math 当并列的两个先行词分别表示人和物时,要用that引导 We were deeply impressed b

14、y the teachers and schools that we had visited (先行词) (关系代词) ( 关系代词在从句中作宾语),关系副词在定语从句中的应用 1. I shall never forget the day when (on which) new china was founded 先行词 关系代词 ( 关系代词在从句中作时间的状语) 2. He came at a time when (at which) we were in need of help 先行词 关系代词 关系代词在从句中作时间的状语) 3. The school where (in whic

15、h )I work is not far from here 先行词 关系代词 ( 关系代词在从句中担地点状语) 4. Is this the place where (at which )that traffic accident happened? 先行词 关系代词 关系代词在从句中担地点状语 5.He didnt give the reason why (for which) he was absent yesterday. (先行词) (关系代词) ( 关系代词在从句中担原因状语) 6.The reason why (for which )he missed the bus was t

16、hat he got up late 先行词 关系代词 关系代词在从句中担原因状语,注意: 在口语或非正式场合,that可代替介词+which结构或相当的关系副词 1.All the years that (for which/when) I was at school, was there never discussion about careers. (先行词) (关系代词)( 关系代词在从句中作时间的状语) 2.The reason that (why=for which) you were absent in excuse (先行词)(关系代词)( 关系代词在从句中担原因状语) 3.T

17、he direction that (in which) the car is driving can be changed (先行词)(关系代词)( 关系代词在从句中担方式状语) 4.I dont like the way that (in which) he talks (先行词) (关系代词)( 关系代词在从句中担方式状语) 有些固定的介词+which结构无相应关系副词,要根据先行词选用适当的介词 5.The speed at which the spaceship flies is very fast (先行词) (关系代词)( 关系代词在从句中担状语) 6.Wattles and k

18、ilometers are the units in which electric power is measured (先行词) (关系代词)( 关系代词在从句中担方式状语),非限制性定语从句 非限制性定语从句由关系代词which, who ,whose, where, when引出,而从句的两面都用逗号与主句隔开,关系代词that不能引起非限制性定语从句名词、代词+of+ which+ whom引起的定语从句表示部分与整体的关系 There are many forms of energy, each of which is useful for us 非限制性定语从句修饰整个主句总是位于

19、句末,用逗号与主句隔开 He missed the train ,which annoyed him very much (先行词) (关系代词)( 关系代词在从句中作主语) The sun heats the earth ,which makes it possible for plants to grow (先行词)(关系代词)( 关系代词在从句中作主语) 注:关系代词which有时可以用来指代主句的一部分 Tom can write a letter in Chinese , which Mary can not (先行词) (关系代词) ( 关系代词在从句中担方式状语),限制性定语从句

20、和非限制性定语从句的区别 种类 意义 形式 功能 译法 关系代副词 限制性 起限制性 紧接先行 修饰 常译为 关系代词有时 定语从 作用若省去,词后, 先行词 先行词的 可用that代替 句 原句意义不 无逗号 定语 有时也可省去 完整。,非限制 起补充 有逗号 可修饰 常译为 不可用that代替 性定语 说明作用 与主句 先行词 “另一 ” 也不可省去 从句 若省去原 隔开 也可修饰 并列分句 句意义不 整个主句 受影响,试比较: July is the month when we have a lot of rain (先行词)(关系代词)( 关系代词在从句中担状语) The meetin

21、g will be put off till next month ,when we will have made all the preparations (先行词)(关系代词) ( 关系代词在从句中担状语) I want to buy the house which(=that) has a garden (先行词)(关系代词)( 关系代词在从句中担主语) I want to buy the house, which(不等于that) has a garden (先行词)(关系代词) ( 关系代词在从句中担主语),注:在定语从句中,同样的先行词,由于在从句中 担任的作用不同,须选用不同的关

22、系词 1.This is the place where I spent my childhood (先行词)(关系代词)( 关系代词在从句中担地点状语) 2.This is the place, which I visited last summer (先行词)(关系代词)( 关系代词在从句中担宾语) 3.The reason which he gave was unacceptable (先行词)(关系代词)( 关系代词在从句中担宾语) 4.The reason why he did that was unacceptable (先行词)(关系代词)( 关系代词在从句中担原因状语),As

23、的用法 as引导定语从句:引导 限定性定语从句 引导非限定制性定语从句 As 限定性定语从句 As引导限定性定语从句,主要用在suchas和the sameas的结构中 可代替先行词是人或物的名词,在the sameas结构中as也可用that代替 Lets discuss only such questions as concern us (as:作主语)译:让我们只讨论与我们有关的问题吧 No one will believe such stories as he told (as作宾语) I have never seen such kind of people as they are

24、(as作表语) This is the watch as (或that) I have lost (as作宾语) 注:有时the same .as结构中,as也可用作关系副词 He works in the same shop as (that) I do (as作地点状语),引导非限定性定语从句 As引导的非限定性定语从句,代替整个主句,对其进行说明, 其位置较灵活,可位于主句前,主句中,主句后, 通常由逗号与其主句隔开 He is an Englishman, as (=which) I know from his accent (as代替主句,在主句中作宾语) As was usual

25、with him, he went out for a walk after dinner (as代替主句,在从句中作主语) As引导时间状语从句, 意为“当。时” As (he was) a young man, he was a storekeeper and later a postmaster (he was可省略,用法用when ,as, when, if引导的时间状语从句, 条件状语从句,若其逻辑主语与主句主语相同,可省略) He sang as he worked,As引导的方式状语从句, 意为“像.一样” We must do as the teacher told us As

26、 引导原因状语从句, 意为“由于” As you are tired , you had better rest,As引导的让步状语从句,意为“虽然”“尽管” Child as he is ,he can do it well =Although/though he is a child ,he can do it well Small as it was, the army had great fighting capacity =Though/although it was small, the army had great fighting capacity Hard as (thoug

27、h) he studied ,he didnt pass the examination =Though/although he studied hard ,he didnt pass the examination,同位语从句 1.同位语从句用于表示名词的内容,对其加以解释,能跟有同位语从句 的,通常是具有引导内容的名词,在从句中不担任成分,常见的有: fact, idea, news, hope, evidence, suggestion, order, problem The doctors came to the conclusion that the patient was suff

28、ering from cancer The discovery that every heavenly body has gravity was made by Newton 同位语从句通常由that引出,但随着与其同位的名词不同也可由 whether, when, where, how, what, why引出 They are faced with the problem whether they should continue the work I have no idea when he will return,有时同位语从句不是紧跟名词后, 而是被其它词隔开 An idea occu

29、rred him that he might borrow the money from his father 发生 ,出现 They heard the news on the radio yesterday that a typhoon was coming,定语从句和同位语从句的区别 从结构上看:同位语由连接词引导。在从句中不担任何成分, 定语从句的关系词在从中担任某个成分。 The idea that one can do the work without thinking is wrong (同位语从句that在从句中不担当任何成分) The idea that you put fo

30、rward at the meeting is wrong (定语从句that在从句中担任宾语),主语从句 名词性的从句可作句子主语,这种从句称为主语从句。主语从句的引导词通常有who whom when where why what how which whose whether等, 主语从句的引导词不能省略,由从句做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式 What I said is important to you How to get there is still not decide Whether to do it or not is what we will discuss tomorrow

31、 是否做那件事是我们每天将要讨论的事,说明: 主语从句可以直接放在主语位置,也可用it作做形式主语 1.That light travels in straight lines is known to all It is known to all that light travels in straight lines 众所周知,光是以直线运行 2.When the plane is to take off has not been announced It has not been announced when the plane is to take off 飞机什么时候起飞还没有公布,注

32、: A.当what引导的主语从句表示“东西”时。不用it作形式语 What he wants is a book B 如果带主语从句的句子是疑问句,则必须用it作形式主语的结构 Has it been settled who will be sent to carry out the task 谁将被派出执行这个任务决定了吗?,C it作形式主语的主语从句结构已形成固定用法和译法, 通常有4种情况 1.It is +名词+从句 2.It is a fact that. 事实是. 3.It is a good news that., 是个好消息 4.It is a question that.

33、是个问题 5.It is common knowledge that .是个常识,1.It is +形容词+从句 2.It is necessary that有必要 3.It is clear that. 很清楚 4.It is (un) likely that 很可能 5.It is important that主要的是.,1.It is +过去分词+从句 2.It is said that据说. 3.It is reported that 据报道. 4.It has been proved that.已证明 5.It must be pointed out that必须指出,It +不及物

34、动词+从句 It seems that.好像是. It happened that.碰巧 It follows that . 结果是.,强调句 强调谓语动词时,可在谓语动词前加do, does, did, I do believe that he will attend the meeting He did work hard yesterday 强调句中强调谓语以外的是成分时,采用强调句型: It is (was)+强调部分+that/who/whom 说明:无论强调什么部分,都要求用连接词that 被强调部分是人,也可用who 当被强调部分是状语,只能用that, 不用when, wher

35、e, how等,例: John bought a toy plane for his son yesterday 1.It was John that (who) bought a toy plane for his son yesterday (强调主语) 2.It was a toy plane that John bought for his son yesterday (强调宾语) 3.It was for his son that John brought a toy plane yesterday (强调目的状语) 4.It was yesterday that John boug

36、ht a toy plane for his son (强调时间状语) 强调表示时间的名词或时间状语时,还可用: 1.It was not until that直到.才. 2.It was not until he got on the train that he realized he had lost his ticket,表语从句 表语从句的结构:主语+连系动词+表语从句 常用的连系动词有:be, seen, remain, look等 My idea is that this plan should be carried out immediately 我的建议是这个计划应该立即执行

37、The question remains whether we should accept their invitation 问题仍然是我们是否应该接受他们的邀请 It looks that (as if) it is going to rain 看起来天要下雨,where why how引导的从句作this is或that is的表语时, 它们通常不含有疑问意义,而是分别表示具体的地点, 原因.方式. 翻译 That is why we called off the meeting 这就是我们取消会议的原因 This is how we did it 我们就用这种方式做的 注:主语是reas

38、on的表语从句用that引导,不要用because The reason (why) he was late was that he missed the bus,宾语从句 充当宾语的从句,叫宾语从句。宾语从句可作动词宾语, 介词宾语,和某些形容词的宾语 一.作动词宾语 Everybody knows that goods takes up the room(由连词引导) He wondered how the building were built(由连接副词引导) 常跟连接词that引导的宾语从句的动词有: Admit agree answer believe command compla

39、in confess Decide demand deny doubt dream expect explain feel hear Hope imagine intend insist know mean notice prefer order Propose reply report request require say see suggest suppose think urge (激励) wish understand,常跟疑问代词who whom疑问副词when where why how whether if 引导宾语从句的动词有: Advise ask discover dis

40、cuss doubt find out imagine inquire(询问) know question show tell understand wonder A. tell/inform/remind/show/teach+间接宾语+宾语从句”结构 He told me where he lived B. advise/ask/ assure/promise/question/warn等+间接宾语+ 宾语从句+结构中,间接宾语可省略 I promised (him) that I would give him more help 我对他的保证将给他更多的帮助,作介词宾语: This de

41、pends on how hard you work 这取决于你的工作的如何努力 Is there anything wrong in what I said? A. that引导的宾语从句只限做介词in except but beside 的宾语从句 Men different from brutes in that they can speak and think 人和兽类的区别在于他们有语言和思想 The meal was very good except that the fish was a bit too salty 除了鱼有点咸,这顿是、很好的 I would have help

42、ed you but that I was so busy then 若不是工作忙,我本来时帮助你的,B “介词+it+ that“结构 You may depend on it that they will support you 你放心,他们会支持你的 Ill see to it that everything is ready in time 我将负责按时做好一切准备 C 动词+it+ that 结构 I take it that they will succeed 我想他们会成功的 The newspapers have it that firm is almost bankrupt

43、据报道那家公司几乎破产,D be+形容词+that 结构 类似形容词有:sure certain afraid confident等 They are confident that they can do the job I am not certain whether (if) the train will arrive on time 我没有把握火车是否转时达到,特别说明: 使用形式宾语it的问题 如果宾语从句后跟有宾语从句,要用形式宾语it来代替。 再将从句放到补语的后面去 He has made it clear that the meeting will not be postpon

44、ed 他说的很清楚,这个会议将不推迟 I heard it said that this factory was founded in1901 我听说这家工厂是1901年创建的,宾语从句否定意义的转移 在think believe suppose expect等动词后跟的宾语中, 如果从句谓语动词是否定的一般要将否定词not转移到 主句谓语动词上而将从句变为肯定形式 I dont think he has time to play chess with you 我没想到他有时间和你下棋 I dont suppose it is the rush hour yet 我认为现在还未到(交通)高峰时

45、间,宾语从句的替代; 在hope believe imagine suppose guess think 等动词以及Im afraid 等,表达法后用so代替一个宾语从句, 指代上文提到的一件事 Do you think we will have good weather? I hope so 上述动词否定形式(hope除外) 如:I dont believe 或I believe not Hope只用I hop not/ I am afraid not 上述动词的肯定式。如:I hope so,宾语从句的时态呼应: 宾语从句的时态是在主句的时态其础上向前推进一个时态. 如:主句为过去时,从句

46、要用过去完成时, 若从句表示的客观真理或自然观念, 其谓语时态仍用一般现在时. He said that he had left his umbrella in the library. 他说把伞忘在图书馆里了. The teacher told the students that the pacific ocean is the largest Ocean in the world. 老师告诉学生,太平洋是世界上最大的海洋.,插入疑问句. 练习,就划线部分提问,再理解 1.I think that John will arrive at 5 oclock When do you think

47、John will arrive? 2.They said that they had cleaned the classroom What did they say they had done? 3.we believe that prefer will be given the prize Who do you believe will be given the prize? 4.They expected that the teacher would criticize prefer Whom did they expect the teacher would criticize?,定语

48、从句知识点总结: Which, that引导定语从句 在定语从句中,which/that在指代事物时可互换, 但在下列情况下不可互换,只用which不用that A 关系代词前有介词时 如: This is the room in which we lived last year B 引导非限制性定语从句 Johns dog, which was now very old, because ill and died,C 表示继续关系的非限制性定语从句中 (这种定语从句的先行词不是一个词,通常是整个句子, 定语从句与所修饰的整个句子用逗号开 如: Mr. Smith nodded several times and smiled, which rather surprised me He saw the girl every day, which was very natural Many has made rapid progress in her studies, which is known to us a


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