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1、分词,主要内容,一、 分词的构成、种类 二、 分词的特点 三、 分词的功能 四、 现在分词与动名词的区别 五、 分词的独立结构 六、 分词的悬垂结构,一、分词的构成、种类,分词是动词的三种非限定形式之一,分为两种:现在分词和过去分词。现在分词的形式是“动词原形+ing”,规则动词的过去分词的形式是“动词原形+ed”,二、分词的特点,分词与动词不定式和动名词一样,分词也具有动词的特征,有时态和语态的变化,并可带状语、宾语等。分词的否定式在分词前加not (not washing, not having received, not having been given),三、分词的功能,分词具有动词

2、的特征,但同时又有形容词和副词的特征,因而它在句中可以做定语、表语、补语和状语等。 1.做定语 a. 单个分词坐定语一般放在被修饰词之前,分词短语坐定语一般放在被修饰词之后,往往可用定语从句代替,但完成式的现在分词短语不能用作定语。例如: A baking dog seldom bites. 吠犬不咬人 A watched pot never boils. 心急不开锅 A man getting up as soon as the cock crows is a hard-working man. 鸡鸣即起的人是一个勤奋的人 Children disciplined when they are

3、 young will become citizens. 小时候受过训练的孩子会成为好公民。,b. as 可以引导分词短语作后置定语。例如: The guests as arriving today are from England. 今天到的客人来自英国。(= the guests who arrive today) Her ability as displayed in those years is praised by all. 她在那些年里所表现出来的才干受到众人的称赞。(=which was displayed) 2. 做表语 分词做表语时,现在分词往往表示主语所具有的特征,过去分词

4、往往表示主语的状态或状况。例如: The music is pleasing to the ear.音乐优美悦耳 Hes gone. 他走了 3. 作宾语补足语 分词一般只在两类动词后做补语:感觉、感官动词和役使动词。这种用法中的现在分词表示正在进行的主动意义,过去分词则表示已完成的被动意义。句子模式为:,感觉、感官动词+宾语+现在分词宾补-意义主动、正在进行 感觉、感官动词+宾语+过去分词宾补-意义被动、已经完成 役使动词+宾语+现在分词宾补-意义主动、正在进行 役使动词+宾语+过去分词宾补-意义被动、已经完成 中学我们已经接触很多,所以在此不再赘述。 常用的感官、感觉动词:see, obs

5、erve, notice, watch, hear, smell, listen to, look at, feel, find 常用的役使动词:catch, set, have, make, get, start, leave, keep等 a. 分词做宾补的几种特殊情况或意义: 1)make后的宾语补语只能用过去分词,不能用现在分词。例如; he couldnt make himself believed. 2) set后的宾语补足语通常是现在分词,不用过去分词。例如: He set the clock going.,3)下面被动语态中,as引导的分词短语应视为主语补足语。 She was

6、 praised as being most responsible. 注意:单个过去分词也可以作主语补语。例如: The fire was reported controlled. b. 感官、感觉动词后分词宾补和不定式宾补的区别 这类动词后可以用分词做 ,也可以用不带to的不定式做宾语,其区别是:分词宾补表示动作正在进行,尚未完成,不是全过程,不定式宾补表示动词的完成,是全过程。另外,短暂性动词的分词作宾补表示动作的反复,而不定式则表示动作的一次性。 I saw a solider getting on the train. (看见士兵在上火车) I saw a solider get o

7、n the train and disappeared. (看见士兵登上了活车消失了) She heard the door slamming. 她听见门在砰砰作响。(反复的动作) She heard the door slam. 她听见门砰地一声关上了。(一次性动作,已完成),4. 分词作状语 分词作状语时表示的动作是主语的一部分,与谓语表示的动作(或状态)是同时或几乎同时发生的,有时先于谓语动词的动作发生。分词作状语一般均要用逗号同其他成分隔开。分词可以做时间、原因、方式、条件、结果、目的、让步等状语。例如: Defeated, they withdrew into the valley.

8、 (分词动作先发生) Locked up, he had no way to escape. (分词动作同时发生) a. 做时间状语相当于when引导的从句 这类状语通常放在句子前半部分,若两个动作同时发生,可在分词前用when或while表示强调。 Hearing the news, they immediately set for shanghai. (when they heard the news, they)听到这个消息,他们立即出发去上海了。,注意: 1) 做时间状语的分词短语也可以放在主语后或句尾,放在句尾时最强调。例如: Having written an important

9、letter, I listened to the music for a while. I, having written an important letter, listened to the music for a while.(最不强调) I listened to the music for a while, having written an important letter.(最强调) 写完一封重要的信之后,我听了一会音乐 2)如果分词表示的动作紧接着谓语动作之后发生,分词应放在句尾。例如: She sat down, listening to their talk. 她坐下来

10、,听他们谈话。,3)如果分词表示的动作先发生,谓语动词动作紧接着就发生,分词短语应放在句首,不能放在句尾。例如: They stopped talking, hearing a strange sound.(误) Hearing a strange sound, they stopped talking. 听到了一个奇怪的声音,她们就停止了谈话。 b. On doing sth. 不同于in doing sth. 介词on、in+现在分词也是常用的时间表示法,有些细微的差别。On+现在分词相当于as soon as,强调瞬间动作;in +现在分词相当于when, while,强调的是连续缓慢的

11、动作。比较: On entering the door, she found the man lying dead on the floor. (一走进) In doing the work he met a lot of difficulties. (在做这项工作的过程中),c. 做原因状语相当于as, since, because引导的从句 这类状语多放在句子的前半部分。例如: A bit frightened, he stood motionless. 他有点害怕,站着一动不动 d. 作方式或伴随状语时,不能用状语从句替代 he walked down the hill, singing

12、 softly to himself. (=he walked down the hill and sang softly to himself. ) 他从小山上走下来,一路哼着小曲。 e. 做条件状语相当于if, unless 等引导的从句 常见的引导条件状语的分词有:given, supposed, supposing, considering ,provided ,granted ,compared with等。这类状语要放在句子的前半部分。例如: Turning to the right, you will find a path leading to his cottage. (if

13、 you turn to the right, you) 向右转弯,你就可以找到一条通到他别墅的小道。,f. 做结果状语相当于so that 引导的从句 这类状语通常放在句子的后半部分,分词前面常常有副词thus, thereby 或only, 并有逗号同前面的句子成分隔开,常可译为“于是、所以、因而”等。这种分词的逻辑主语既可以使句子的主语,也可以是前边的整个句子,逻辑主语为前边整个句子时,其作用相当于一个非限定状语从句。例如: The old scientist died all of a sudden, leaving the project unfinished. 那位老科学家突然去世

14、了,留下了未尽的事业。 g. 作让步状语从句相当于though, even if 等引导的从句 wounded, the brave solider continued to fight. 虽然受伤,那勇敢的战士依然继续作战。,现在分词和动名词的区别,现在分词和动名词具有共同的-ing形式,但是二者的性质不同。现在分词相当于形容词和副词,动名词相当于名词。如: Discovering so many Chinese coins in Australia is surprising.在澳大利亚发现这样多的中国钱币是令人吃惊的 (discovering 是动名词作主语,surprising 是现在

15、分词,做表语) 下面请看一下关于非谓语动词在句子中所能充当的成分的一个图表:,主 宾 定 表 补 状,动名词,分词,不定式,由上可知如果-ing形式在句子中充当主语、宾语则可判断是动名词形式,如果是在句子中作补、状语则为现在分词形式,所以判断到底是动名词还是现在分词主要在定语和表语上,下面主要介绍定语和表语; 作表语:现在分词做表语相当于形容词,可以用very等副词修饰,动名词做表语时相当于名词,不可以用副词修饰。如; The Tomorrow Land is very interesting.(现在分词) Her greatest pleasure is reading.(动名词),作定语:

16、1.现在分词作定语时,其前可有副词、形容词和名词,这些词都与现在分词有密切联系。动名词用作定语时其前可以有形容词,但此形容词不是修饰动名词,而是修饰“动名词+名词”结构的,如: A hard- working girl (现在分词working前有副词hard,是working的状语) A big waiting room. (形容词big不修饰动名词waiting而是修饰waiting room) 2.名词之后的现在分词常表进程,动名词常表事实。如: I saw him smoking.(现在分词表进程,him不可变为his) I dislike him smoking。(smoking 是

17、动名词因为him可以变为his,全句=I dislike the fact that he smokes),分词的独立结构,分词作状语时,其逻辑主语与句子的主语应该一致,否则分词应该有自己独立的逻辑主语,这种主语通常是名词或代词,置于分词之前,构成分词的独立结构。在独立结构中,分词的逻辑主语可以是分词动作的执行者,也可以是分词动作的承受者,可以是现在分词,也可以使过去分词,还可以是分词的完成式或被动式。分词独立结构多用于书面语中,用作状语,置于句首或句末,偶尔也置于句中。例:,A:逻辑主语+现在分词(这种结构表示主动意义) Weather permitting , we will have t

18、he match tomorrow. B:逻辑主语+过去分词(这种结构表示被动意义) This done ,we went home. C:逻辑主语+分词的完成式或分词的完成被动式(这种结构表示先完成的主动意义或先完成的被动意义) The moon having risen, they took a walk in the fields. So much money having been wasted ,he will be punished.,D :there +being+其他成分(这种结构可以放在句首或句尾,其中的being不可省) There being nothing to do

19、,we played games. E:现在分词独立结构之前可用介词with 或without,介词with或without在此没有什么意义,只是比较口语化。如: With Mr.Ade taking the lead ,they decided to set up a trading company. With all homework done, he went out to play. F:有时分词独立结构仅表示一种解释功能: We redoubled our efforts, each man working like two. Fifty people came ,he would

20、win by perseverance.,分词的悬垂结构(课本256页),我们知道,分词短语相当于状语从句,其逻辑主语通常就是主句的主语。但是如果分词短语的逻辑主语不是主句的主语,这样的分词短语就是悬垂结构(独立结构及generally speaking 等除外),悬垂结构的逻辑主语有时是句中的非主语成分。如: Walking or sleeping ,this subject was always in my mind. (walking or sleeping 的逻辑主语是句中的my) He was hurt by a stone dropped from the roof.,有时分词的逻

21、辑主语泛指“我们”。如: Using the electric energy ,it is necessary to change its form. 有时分词的逻辑主语须从上下文决定。如: Trying to sit up ,the whole room had reeled.,问题及解答,1.分词或者分词短语作状语时,可以转化成相应的状语从句,具体情况有哪些? 答:分词作状语在功能上相当于状语从句,在句中可以表示时间、原因、条件、方式、伴随、让步等。所以这些短语往往可以把它转化成对应的从句或句子。例: 1)表示时间:Looking out of the window, I saw some

22、 students playing there.(=When I looked out of the window.) 2)表示原因:Not having received his letter for long, she felt a little worried.(=Because she hadnt received his letter for long, .),3)表示条件;Working hard, youll surely succeed. (= If you work hard ,) 4) 表示伴随或方式:The boy sat in front of the house cu

23、tting the branch.(=The boy sat in front of the house and cut the branch.) 5)表示结果:The child slipped and fell, hitting his head against the door.(=The child slipped and fell and hit his head against the door) 2.非谓语动词doing/having done/done区别 例: He sat in the seat, watching TV. Having finished his the h

24、omework ,he played football with his classmates. Given more time, Ill do it well.,答:第一个doing watch 和 那个主句的主语 he 是主动的关系, 所以要用 doing 。 第二个句子 finish 和 he也是主动的关系,当然这里有一个很明显的先后关系,他先做完作业,再和同学踢足球。 表明显先后顺序时 要用完成时态。 第三个句子的give 和 I 是被动的关系。别人给我更多的时间,就是 我被给予更多的时间。所以要用过去分词 done来表示被动 。 3. As we know, _in a key un

25、iversity is what every student wishes for. A .Educated B. Educating C. To educate D. Being educated,,“受教育”应用被动语态,这是毋庸置疑的。所以就应该事是在A与D之间选择。但是,我们应该知道动词的过去分词是不能作主语的,它一般是作修饰语或是补语。 所以就选D,牛刀小试,1. Waves generally results from wind on water. A 、acts B、to act C、it acts D、acting 2 .Have the courage of your con

26、victions ,but be sure they are your own convictions . A 、which you yourself think of it B 、arrived at patiently by hard thinking C 、not coming out of others mind D 、coming out directly to your mind 3. “Why did you go back upstairs ?” “I thought I had left the windows ” A 、opened B、open C 、being open

27、 D 、to be open,4.She returned home from the office only to find the door and something . A 、missed B 、missing C 、to be missing D 、be missed 5 “Perhaps you need ” A 、to examine your eyes B 、to have your eyes examined C 、to have examined your eyes D 、to be examined your eyes 6.The production of tin or

28、e in the United States is relatively insignificant, less than one hundred tons annually. A 、amounting to B 、in the amount C 、amounts to it D 、to the amount of,7. built , with poor vision but excellent senses of smell and hearing ,the bear will eat almost anything A 、 It is heavily B 、Heavily C 、 Tha

29、t it is heavily D 、When is it heavily . 8. under a microscope , a fresh snowflake has a delicate six-pointed shape. A 、Seen B 、Sees C 、Seeing D 、To see 9.“What are you going to do tomorrow ?” “We are going tomorrow” A 、to climb B 、climbing C 、climbed D 、climb 10.“Why are they taking all the equipmen

30、t away ?” “The job , they are packing up to leave” A 、it to done B 、did C 、was did D 、done,11. the New Land discovered by Columbus all the arguments came to the end . A 、Because B 、Now that C 、As D 、With 12. this information , Eric sat down again to wait . A 、After given B 、On giving C 、Having been given D、 After having to give,答案,DCBBB ABABD DA,


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