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1、用所给词的适当形式填空做题规律总结及典型例题一、什么情况下用动词原形?1、在一般现在时中,主语为复数。例如:They play football in the team;2、祈使句中。例如:Open the door , please;3、助动词(do/does/did及其否定形式)后用动词原形。例如:What does she like best ?4、情态动词(can/could/should/may/maybe/must/will等及其否定形式)后用动词原形。例如:Can Tom dance ?5、使役动词(have/make/let)后用动词原形。例如:Lets have some f

2、un .6、固定搭配。如have to do, be going to do, had better do(最好做) 等。二、什么情况下用动词ing?1、介词后面用动词ing。例如:Thank you for giving me the book ;2、固定搭配。如:be good at, like, love, enjoy, what about, how about, have fun ,have a good time,look forward to 等等;3、go+动词ing。例如:go swimming, go shopping, go fishing, go skating等等;4

3、、课程。Reading lesson, Dancing lesson, Drawing lesson等等5、标识。No Smoking, No Parking等等;6、动词ing开头做主语。例如:Smoking is bad for your health.7、进行时态。Be动词+动词ing。例如:I am doing my homework now .动词ing变形规则:一般加ing,以e结尾的去e加ing(make、take等,但see除外);以“辅音+元音+辅音”结尾 的双写最后一个字母加ing(swim/run)。三、什么情况下用动词不定式?1、固定搭配。如want to do , w

4、ould like to do,get to (到达),need to do (需要做),hope/wish to do , plan to do, seem to do(似乎)等;2、固定句型。如It takes/took sb. time/money to do sth;It is +形容词+for sb.+ to do sth;tell/ask sb. to do ;3、表目的。例如:To keep fit , Tom exercises every day .(为了保持健康,汤姆每天锻炼)4、特殊疑问词+不定式做宾语。如:How to get to the railway statio

5、n ?5、与too、enough连用表结果。如:The bag is too heavy to carry.(这个包太重了以至于我搬不动)6、动词不定式做定语。如:I always have a lot of jobs to do .(我总是有许多工作要做)四、什么情况下用动词三单形式?在主语为第三人称单数、时态为现在时态的情况下,动词用三单形式。例如:She often plays cards in the park .动词三单变化规则:一般加s,以s,sh,ch,x,o结尾的加es(如wash/go/fix/watch),以辅音加y结尾的变y为ies(如study/carry);以f/fe

6、结尾的变f/fe为ves(knife/thief)。五、什么情况下用过去式?当题目时态为过去时态,动词用过去式。如:yesterday,last week ,three days ago, in 2000, before, at that time, once, in the past, this morning, just now, the other day, at that moment .过去式变形规则:be动词(was,were);助动词(did);实义动词:一般加ed,以e结尾加d(dance,live),以辅音字母+y结尾变y为i+ed(study,carry);以元音字母加辅音

7、字母结尾双写最后一个字母加ed(plan/stop);不规则(have/take/make)。6、 名词有哪些变形?1、 当主语为复数时,可数名词要用复数形式。如two, many, a lot of , lots of, some, Tom and Lily等。2、 当主语是不可数名词时,be动词要用单数形式。如:There is some milk in the fridge. 3、 名词变形容词。beautybeautiful, meaningmeaningful, windwindy, cloudcloudy,sunsunny .7、 动词变形有几种情况?1、 动词原形;2、动词不定式

8、(to do);3、动词ing;4、动词三单;5、动词过去式;6、动词后加er、r或or变职业(如drivedriver, singsinger, teachteacher, visitvisitor, 注意cook既可以做动词也可以做名词)。8、 人称的变化 动词后面一般用宾格,如:I like him (he) very much;介词后一般用宾格,如:I have a gift for her (she);当表示“.的”时,用所有格,如:Our (we)school is big and beautiful;当表示“.自己”时,用反身代词。如:Lily goes to the cinem

9、a herself (she).9、 典型例题1、 Mr Li (like) playing table tennis.2、 What Miss Green (do)? -Shes a (farm)3、 What do you like (play)?4、 There (be) some bread on the small table.5、 I have two (foot).6、 Helen is very good at (swim).7、 What would you like (eat)?8、 Lets (go) to the park.-Great!9、 I have two (r

10、ead) lessons every day.10、 There is a sign “No (smoke) ”on the tree.11、 Could you tell me how (get) to the station?12、 We have a (run) lesson this afternoon.13、 How many (toy) do you have?14、 He can (make) cakes.15、 Dont (skate) on the ice.16、 Can you show (I) your pictures?17、 His mother is a (work)in the factory.18、 Today is (sun).19、 We (go) to the museum last week.20、 Her father is best (cook)at the restaurant.


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