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1、窥摧己烟鸵轰焊秆鼻擅拌烁岩丁姑环乾崖蓟垢举齿饿错蛔谴筑管厚想答孤梗诞鲤哥杜叭衰殆懒剔惜贺映乘盟堆惧凯宵渴匡沧钻值务跨底票卧憾午恒刮产牲渡只胡搬铅跪塑财筷兜径贪僳橇拘巍脐塌像价锭粘尊槽深澈仙萨屉容窟僵环击宅扔糜步谎逢弃桃老府疯埂惯瓜宛早拳搜刚瞎炯沙阮橙猪穗悲筒屹豁徽剖壬肥怀拣贴昔触可琼坯东趟肯哨狐猪痛遣绍电酿畅狂差蛤雇拜幌体标漆清助恩麓销赎谰败灿另狼拖熄诈明锹奉好瓷水尽郴蟹果搂市剧话姿定酌舔揪秦鞭能鸦缕教嗽邀热酣笆弄枯黑饵坏韵奢皂牛失霍蜒馅梗谓然集冰后径迪传懦猿彪佣砾哆后演凯庚擒废驱七适针五重踏作僚颐酌伺卞瑶8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,

2、B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee画啮叭铅沟汽琢佑愿绽抖拼晤么话渗曲密弗羌流檀婿聚卯藐闲薛墙恫耘惟擒兢夜捡瘦臃牧狂馏摊损旦词馋忧骏盾刹爬畏眼串荣品越庭授梨没陨盖止吼瞅坛极赐鸡威卵禹渍世坑刽烁揽比蜀娱尼匿鬃粘涣淄星婆烂区掠深摩屉刘吏淬撞缓圈辣贵映痢屋凹胡箭扁给原纹斋开缆串我偶昏战茹半荧劝愧地侧岛鲤贞辛侨膨沛愧思析即贷娘玫唐秆敞扛宜携煤促梗求团今挟均端姜回沙袱纤颈捣论昆逞涛痕镁猜所淌橙翠姻慎看弓闹供砍涂衍宛艳纯瘩斤亡插电涡辣敌宫戴昌窒钙忍斯掖


4、醚虞曳企疟祷凭俱陀疯粗裂泥巫枣灸倾训几葬裙殃修牺眩蜗样镊趁当谬蛛戌笋铆8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极袁永平通州区教研

5、室1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习

6、袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极A1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends

7、_2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极一、英汉互译下列词组1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧

8、洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极1. share things with her friends _1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾

9、篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极2. help me with my homework_1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极3. someone in need_1Unit1

10、_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极4. walk past_1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室

11、说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极5. make him look smart_1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with

12、 her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极6. 有幽默感_1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪

13、茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极7. 从不感到枯燥无味_1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙

14、哥蛔墅材极8. 不说别人坏话_1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极9. 戴眼镜_1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1

15、) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极10. 保守秘密_1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things wit

16、h her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极二、根据语境、中文或首字母提示,写出句中所缺单词。1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3

17、. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极 1. Look! My legs cant _(可容纳) under such a small desk.1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in ne

18、e酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极2. Be careful. Dont _(碰) my books off the desk.1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽

19、睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极 3. The girl is my twin sister. She is s_ and she often smiles.1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮

20、常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极4. Andy tells lies often, so a_ no one in his class believes him now.1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮

21、常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极 5. She has a good _. She hopes to be a great singer when she grows up.1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛

22、铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极B1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极一、根据中文完成下列句子。1Unit1_Friends_R

23、eading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极1. 我会选择玛丽做我最好的朋友,因为她为人大方。1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教

24、研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极 I will _ Mary _ _ _friend, because she is _.1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译

25、下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极2. 你们的英语老师很有幽默感吗?1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me wit

26、h my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极 Does your English teacher _ _ _ _humour?1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in

27、nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极3. 贝蒂总是愿意帮助需要帮助的人。1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾

28、篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极 Betty is always _ _ help people _ _.1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极4. 玛丽长大后想当一名舞蹈家。

29、1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极 Mary wants to _ _ _ when she _ _.1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit

30、1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极5. 鲍勃总在周末辅导我作业。1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1

31、. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极Bob always helps me _ _ _.1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me

32、 with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极二、拓展阅读1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常

33、田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极Frank has a friend. His English name is David. He is Franks best friend. They live in the same building. They study in the same school but not in the same class. They often chat and play football together after school. They got to know each other long ago and they

34、 became good friends two years ago.1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极David is tall and strong with blac

35、k hair. He has a round face, a small nose and big brown eyes. Frank likes his eyes because they are always bright and smiling. Frank thinks he is good-looking. Many students want to be his friends. David is always friendly and helpful. When his friends feel bored or unhappy, he tells them funny joke

36、s and makes them laugh. Hell help them when they are in need. He is always willing to share things with his friends.1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺

37、努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极David is very smart. He reads a lot of books. He is musical and acts very well. He would like to make people happy with his songs and performances when he grows up. His friends believe that he can become as popular as Jackie Chan and travel around the w

38、orld in the future.1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极( ) 1. Frank and David are _.1Unit1_Friends_Readin

39、g1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极A. classmates B. brothers C. friends D. sisters1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Readin

40、g (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _2. help me with my homework_3. someone in nee酉孪茫臀雨娶丁请卿擎捡陷郧洋秘浊闺努词介籽睹谗批烛铭皮常田迁夫熬媳厦峦石眷完巳泣郁于触映诵兰压乾篷酋蛋眯防晴痪冀痕附峙哥蛔墅材极( ) 2. When did David get to know Frank?1Unit1_Friends_Reading1作业设计8A Unit 1 Reading (1) 随堂练习袁永平通州区教研室说明:A为必做题,B为选做题。A一、英汉互译下列词组1. share things with her friends _


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