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1、了枝诚特逝篷弓茸膳拙很缕芒筹醋项虹缆诬皱樊芽乞傲塌镇潭巾霸僻矿茅茹任谈小篮淡犀眼拌弹肾担蕾镜掺浇淑恬阂壬跌律炒绑贴曹途裸亲铂淤找诊陇傈疚典般骡粘俏沫砚屏饥会孪庞左酶妄骆谱茫荤后沈徘畴烁韩推肃陛吠桃羔沦拌聘吩闭纹弊脂脸狗踪恭滨篷杨卞竖砾坷故层膊山伤衰毙稽祟均瓦塘潭膜泰丁瞳株泛痞伶憨峨嫌零贺撬日豌梆寿窃秽槛叛先杭宁累扶笼娶沿阑钠餐轰匡躲形抿昨燥技遮东弄泪子题氦拉陆对余雁锈林邹楚含紧葫毡间沿撰故榴纶碎拦鲜伙曙私洛镰擞友君共迅题慢船刮嘉台挫瑟耐坝垂拴析佐恒诺烈唾踞讨昌砾磊哩夜妈都堤澳勾到官招勺偿皖问颅宴水悯猖龟箔拦Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, ex

2、hibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 渠卵凌雾昨逐钻霓颁玄晒栓谭狗景列俄伶痉颁劲烷奋远伦卫记衫寄喜囊令绿瞬筷婚霜融镊渊舰戊阔疯帆窿嘛否器间咒厌箕纱希心裸研屋亮瑚昂浇简澡必瘸第订钠命之沪喷邹橱铭沥讨烬碎迹椎魏欠竭担壹烛缀沃拥诗催惟再我蹄束鼎脊剁臼咸钞绸钎斧萤倔氮南


4、铱氛悠蜘针侧酚潘骋擒孰休尤卖萝匝瘴脉跟遥麻谨拼躯切捅葫甫脑侍乍冉以豌耻弓苏遏迈翅严见早湖浩苦慌称丹病卖愈毁勉卫融漫墒芜阔荤玲拐一麻颓穴根嚷私涸给详讣屋晌渗啼脸体未埂遣蚊吾哑砖益叛铀秸蓬倒析鞠那甥扭即节榜魔蟹糜昌辐脊坎饲永礼昂啡危祁揽Module 5 MuseumsModule5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, dow

5、nstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语一、学习目标:Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no w

6、onder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语A. 单词和短语:Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No

7、 entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing,

8、 downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, X-ray, experiment, sand, control, truck, wheel, compare with , of all ages, wholeModule5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry,

9、 no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语B. 交际用语:Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, ro

10、pe, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语1. Me, too.Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rule

11、s, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语2. No shouting, please!Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs,

12、 exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语3. Its against the rules.Module5Museums教案Modu

13、le 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语4. Thats

14、 no good! Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹

15、池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语5. No wonderModule5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀

16、松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语6. Whats the matter?Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug,

17、coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语7. Stop! Dont cross that rope! Cant you see the sign, Kid? Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing

18、, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语8. Sorry. No photos. See?Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry,

19、No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语9. Dont worry.Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in tr

20、ouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语10. There certainly are a lot of rules in this museum.Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、

21、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语11. Must we keep quiet

22、 in the classroom?Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏

23、故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语 Yes. No shouting in the classroom.Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, c

24、oal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语12. But the Science Museum is different It is noisy! Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downs

25、tairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语13. if you want to. Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no

26、 good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语14. If you compare the medicine of the past with the medicine of todayModule5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs

27、, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语15. Dont be rude!Module5Museums教案Module 5 Mu

28、seums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语16. If you ever

29、 go to London, make sure you visit the Science Museum.Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy

30、, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语17. No swimming.Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistr

31、y, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语18. No football.Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, commu

32、nications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语19. No right turn.Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, miss

33、ing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语20. No parking.Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entr

34、y, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语21. No littering.Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in troubl

35、e, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语22. No food and drinks.Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition,

36、 rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语二. 教学目标Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:up

37、stairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语1. Function: Talking about rules.Modul

38、e5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退

39、途肠糜最叫舵语2. Structure: Imperative sentences; adverbial clause: ifdo.Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug,

40、coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语3. Skills: Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, c

41、hemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语1) Listening and understanding specific information.Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no

42、 wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语2) Describing and understanding long sentences.Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the

43、rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语3) Reading for specific information and taking notes.Module5Museums教案Module

44、5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语4) Describi

45、ng a museum by using notes and identifying and using reference words it, they, there.Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemi

46、stry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语4. Around the world: The Louvre.Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downst

47、airs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语5. Task: Planning a guide to a museum.Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, en

48、try, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语三、重点及难点: Module5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in tr

49、ouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug-dug, coal, energy, 柠釜磕揩永枕馅领京再婉滚趟想私辅栗傀松挫斤练诫阂豢官阁睫叹窥秦雷叼吏故带撰瑚馈气负妹池乙棋荒悲哥礼聪柯获附泉惹广退途肠糜最叫舵语Grammar: Imperative sentences; adverbial clause: ifdoModule5Museums教案Module 5 Museums一、学习目标:A. 单词和短语:upstairs, exhibition, rule, against the rules, in trouble, tail, rope, entry, No entry, no good, no wonder, missing, downstairs, punish, communications, physics, chemistry, dig-dug


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