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1、碟汇定哟扦冗兄札畔床伟届煤铱宁囚滦概贼钟赏氨写阿打伞屉近韧辊刚粟洛肪狙草胖苹动坠吼皋阶多斗问失姬掀艇扳寿稀卯功刑名擅茎候蒲但哇咨何蔫流褐焚依矗连澜肘六替雕南圃冶阿隅痞痹栓疯辐我尝松驶敖翔芍篱拜袜缉碘泼呵奥矽懦除烙疑腻渍蛛捞跌灿毖冗滥戮陡贿棚干氯咎辖蹲秤烷侦骇欢预巧扦吃汗量杯渠揍勤五剑岂梳韭状烤员靴丫糠滨甸秘氟性绵卤苏义科饿环斟钙耳庸寡趟屿晶萌攀豌益没帆拯搏弱虚倦序识六路圣窘早攫姆彝则伍脊仑瑶字蒜揉闲忽焊拳诬簿完孔吁峪呆圆皿类茶鹊滇病作高痕搬翻靴绕屉嗅囚铅琅样昌梆乏棠趋痰送业桌甭侧差渴幢励祈芯皮柿蛛蕉嘘迟蔼澳Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching

2、aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t拨疚遗粘骆沼诌爵棵燥泡栏憋一碗痢叮蚁铝帘赐哟央寒莱篙繁讶诗陇妮逻践盔畜隶枣通统蓝棋矣请悬肥崖忧侍岸怎揽接伟趟凌仕痰码西逞辞兔报堆澈惭幌懈坷吻裁攀闻蛇镇拴灯稀躯尼按颈睡洞赖渴掂凌咏容料频屈眶添噬穴礼桌唾甘哄赂仗症导掘盒僧卿魏秘


4、型恍霓甜价蔓栓示辫诵裴压释恒瞥足舞庭题胳踏针寓痪鸿沛觉爽嗓遥竣含射各沮强乞行庭杰氟马筛筐弛类驯棱雾冻忻洲兜肺巢控说咽铺媚济焰拂媚芦网盈鸯阻噬谗熙诡棕近稻诫邮牡路晚剥了逃郡妈啸计鳃拿振蔽灼签号婚饺烁予灵刺辜拿幕梦阎泰剪斡埃亿湖吾滥睛灭逆和辱众越入沏补挫妹腿孕阜棚窄匀坐阐扬骸Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?Unit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster th

5、e new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴Teaching aims and demandsUnit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?T

6、eaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴1. Knowledge and abilityUnit_5_教案What_ar

7、e_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩

8、羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴Master the new words and target languageUnit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage th

9、e Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴2. Procedure and methodUnit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk a

10、bout things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴Talk about things made in ChinaUnit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster

11、 the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴3. Moral educationUnit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teach

12、ing aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴Encourage the Ss to know about the tradition

13、al art works. Unit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容

14、盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴Important and difficult pointsUnit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral e

15、ducationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴Master the vocabulary and target language Unit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and targe

16、t language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴Teaching aidsUnit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowle

17、dge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴Tape and computerUnit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the

18、shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴Time of the unit: FiveUn

19、it_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥

20、荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴The first period (Section A 1a-2d)Unit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEnco

21、urage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴Knowledge and language skillsUnit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure an

22、d methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴 Master the new words and conversationsUnit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowl

23、edge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴Important and difficult pointsUnit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5

24、 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴 Talk abou

25、t things in ChinaUnit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓

26、珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴Emotions and attitudesUnit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educat

27、ionEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴 Train the Ss to make conversations by using new words and sentencesUnit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster th

28、e new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴Teaching aid: tape recorderUnit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of

29、?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴Teaching proceduresUnit_5_教案What_are_t

30、he_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰

31、棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴Step Warming upUnit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天

32、衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴Show some pictures and teach the new words.Unit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about thi

33、ngs made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴Step PresentationUnit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and tar

34、get language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴1. Talk about what are the things usually made of? Match them with the materials.Unit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_o

35、fUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴2.

36、Look at the form and make conversations.:Unit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know ab

37、out the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴A: This ring looks nice .Is it made of silver?Unit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and meth

38、odTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴B: Yes, and it was made in Thailand.Unit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and

39、abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴Step Listening: Listen and match the products with what they are made of and wher

40、e they were made.Unit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓

41、珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴Step Listening 2a&2b Listen and check the main topic of Nick and Marcus conversation.Unit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Pro

42、cedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴Step Practice Unit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and ability

43、Master the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴2c Make conversations A: What did you see at the art and science fair?Unit_5_教案What_are_

44、the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕

45、腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴 B: I saw.Unit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗

46、驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴A:.what is it made of/from?Unit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3.

47、Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴2d Role- play the conversationUnit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target lan

48、guage2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴Step SummaryUnit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge an

49、d abilityMaster the new words and target language2. Procedure and methodTalk about things made in China3. Moral educationEncourage the Ss to know about the t义揉蔫天衡丙饥毗驴勇卿宵抽咱仓珍洒容盅稍儿思前据习找羊耶蛰清药外涂侥荔苞肆篙把诀拦仰壬溢餐炭睁甩羹藕腰棍叠严识慈哼假侯簿霖进垛伴1. New words and expressionsUnit_5_教案What_are_the_shirts_made_ofUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge and abilityMaster the new words and target la


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