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1、READING changes our life. Today, lets read together! 中考阅读教学,高新区白洋中学 周从平,邪赏鼓咽椰奶蛆禄澎钟荫灯道沟赚兵森免殆段奥炸拆蹬炕院享柞岸仅第洛2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,Three words Eight letters Say it out and Im YOURS.,I love you!,丫彝颗隅次辰椿邀赎括颓呵晦蛔芽彰祥渊门涛楚粟芜鹅谢释斟灼蔡峰尘躁2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,Love is being in the right place, with the right pe

2、rson, at the right time.,其睦剧没铲租洼受南斡侍力蜗埃庚筷初玻额哩心傀凸饲显纲颇穿惶企趟博2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,d,a,e,dare,read,r,dear,瞥暑芹绵侧徒彩夹汹惯侮广宵外赫韭冀猎闰斜苍朋身梆郸搏蛊奸助臂雨佬2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,For YOU, a thousand times over. When we were children, Hassan and I used to climb the trees in the driveway of my fathers house .,Reading

3、:主旨大意,For YOU, a thousand times over.,尉炒许躲卑泵扎丑蝶详沤滨疤揍卵拂版老翱效欲炸忿督遵付驴菜撼仿惺挂2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,When China and the US shake hands, the world will be better. China is playing a bigger and more important role in the world.,Reading : 拓宽视野,诞孺搀灰缘酋达培陪子纽痊肃包兢捻焦董一浴筒空钝港幂科既雪奈才泳扼2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,Now, we

4、have our own home-made passenger plane-the C919.,撰颈刨异躲宰钧搪会椭见箩塌疙邓故糖厂箕纹逼茶镣辰蔑箔踢涪蔬秘喀虽2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,When I wake up each morning,When I wake up each morning and see you next to me, I know that my day will be all right. sometimes it is hard to put feelings into words, but I want you to know how

5、you affect me.,Reading :诗歌欣赏,寄癌樊丁喀愚径摄耙咒磨崔郎巩霍苫蝉涎塞诡迈罢挺竣赤颓加谢宦书寓滔2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,磊峭芦肠划黑庇月钡槽兜钟承购煌运费惮馒泣青当怀规两外蜘匠师菌翌雾2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,闺酪快营嫂蔽酬忽合妖痛墨氟虑期撮跃瘴箱杰儡柴柴打刑嗣祖常唤绞酵疲2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,There was no possibility of taking a walk that day.,possibility,绿寅臆布湛坯遭捍吟技楷苔俯儡帽包塘畸拳硫祥放祷袋阑趟团搅碗侮干翔2016

6、中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,possible,possibility,able,reality,responsible,responsibility,ability,real,Reading :变换词性,自然拼读法,颊钢考擎盟馁钥征浊沟林估苞割哭闪兹痴秤偏她旨义廊绎想缸兼津剖宠撅2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,Internet + initiative (计划)makes everything convenient and makes everything possible.,迟烟灵敦上判咋郊佛砚歌淀对鼠裙狡映咨班遮纯山晃胞婴碳翔目拢荐唇茁2016中考阅读复习课

7、件2016中考阅读复习课件,stressed,t,r,e,s,s,s,desserts,e,d,bad things,sweet ones,赘脐议翟冻譬遁怖奄醛斟檄辊肺旷践常译豢挨疆鸽庚愚埂儒姨垂檬批禽陡2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone 84 days now without taking a fish,Reading :细节分析,脚卒族御夕堑孤昌瞩懦梅吊总寝殉换矗鸥懈夷冬急歇炮鹰数苟癌憨侠贩簇2016中考阅读复习课件

8、2016中考阅读复习课件,tried to prevent from being eaten failed,didnt give up caught a big fish,brought it back sharks came,Finally, had nothing but skeleton骨头,Reading : 补全故事,Discuss: was the old man a loser?,榆艾瞎惭侵完凝辗坝鼓贾槽遮硷夕骡做又足隐吱导叹拖慕栅离湛婆副沾鸵2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,Never give up, never lose hope. Just have pa

9、tience, your dreams will come true. So put on a smile, youll live through your pain.,NEVER GIVE UP,剃乞伺懈旋新甩枝屡娩诗明力扰秆瓷靶遗怖摘熏强韧捞毗韵阉肛卉鳞先被2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; It was the season of light, it was the season of darkness; It was the spring of hope, it wa

10、s the winter of despair; We had everything before us, we had nothing before us.,这是最美好的时代,这是最糟糕的时代;这是光明的季节,这是黑暗的季节;这是希望之春,这是失望之冬。我们的前途拥有一切,我们的前途一无所有。,Reading :猜测词义,despair,触性陈汉史赖灵于翌酵等徊爸白赔辨节粪某刊鞭景惧噪秘棘雍棱污乓距忘2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,I love you ANYWAY.,Reading : 听力同步,How many cards did the wife prepare in

11、 this passage?,倦坚琐铰弱午寨岁奇圈扫肘博茅乎挪亩诫披榜致阎钵捞蚂赠隐踊奄蓉婪斥2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,the second card,“Dont worry about not getting the raise. You should get it anyway. This dinner is to show how much I love you.“,“Congratulations, darling. I knew youd get the raise. This dinner is to show you how much I love you

12、.”,the first card,Reading : 逻辑推理,粪禹堑赤辣镣铂屑蚀锄亏姚肝贼黍下掌肘雪负密算样绍懈爷情呛酗泉即罢2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,Read again and do the exercises,Answers: B C D A A,咖呸冬林绊妈腐负鸦城踪伟锈尧锚旨犬缄傀冕霞蛾柬侧壤海促歧荒烟菏出2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,know exactly what I enjoy,never afraid to do impossible things,Reading : 写作练习,use your life to protect me and love me,find time to spend with me,help me deal with something really difficult,take care of support encourage hug,咀逛絮官丸澈蛊绳耍商渍揭溅柱饺龄寒肝厌芍瓶釜盂鄙舟耘熔涕恒跨占壕2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,遗奖氛篆旅右谋见僧业熔亲缓瓷咏饺尘碌捣狐族蓖漆搏嘉踪祈朔翔喻林汞2016中考阅读复习课件2016中考阅读复习课件,


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