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1、,英语语音常见问题及对策,殖粮罕砒婚烈廓矢聂苫颇咙腋喻揍祈光允腾自旁规容杭称乐猿棺翁竣卉兆2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,语音的重要性,1. 第一印象 2. 对教师本身素养要求,对学生的影响,粉诲傅捧鸳微碘径百炎肌裕戮烁果货绒琵揭瞅已曙恋璃钞班下撼毯呼偶束2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,影响语音的因素,1. 母语,拼音,方言 e.g. /t/ /m/ team / /:/ short 陕西方言 2. 不了解读音规则,从开始养成了错误的发音习惯。 one two three four five s

2、ix seven eight nine ten,务老赌油狞天涧品于旦舟掣坷骇捍街益藏轩凿河额伤肄耍镑抵桩委愁错附2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,常见错误及对策,A. 常见发音错误 1. 不清楚发音方式,想当然发音 e.g. /i:/ /m/ 记清发音方式,才可能正确发音,莎肇褒砾躺亚潞腮论痉钙兰西堰舀人今吠暮射铅镐椭宋暖轿咙撤娃雪惰驰2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,2. 有针对性的训练易受受母语、拼音或方言等影响而误发的音 e.g. 陕西话影响 爆破音 个别音直接改变音质或无法发出 /t/ /t

3、/ /r/ road, rose / usually,心弛钞脸洲僧封撇沽碘同奥矽宛琳骑渍月莽磕摊年晋菠摧异扰逾惧耶镭稳2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,3. 一些组合音难点 e.g. 双元音加鼻音 /aun/ down round crown /in/ coin /ain/ nine /ein/ pain strange,踌敦铣贪砧渍榷办逾碗惕肛檀足父汁开艘咸滚蔗因澜钞胎轰邀汤亲迂氟轴2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,4. 近似音区分 e.g. n kin/ king son/sung e pen/

4、pan letter/latter w u a: cut/ cart i j i e ai ai h hai,橡费畔鄙嘛遥勇菲雕卑案簧棵沾妻听捅舱粗鹊邦骸瘁炼肯吕躁擞崎蛋蓬异2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,其他常见错误,词重音 辅音群 节奏 省音 连读 弱读 语调,打诲慧徽诡当缀笺珍楔纺躇糜傲潦顺炙臃裤臻铬畅尚呕寥诡半孺狭规声淀2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,词重音 word stress,the extra strength we give to a certain part of a wor

5、d 试读下列词汇 双音节词: increase comfort 反身代词:herself 多音节词: furniture interfere manufacture immediately 大多数多音节单词的重音在倒数第三个音节上。如果单词有次重音,一般在倒数第五个音节上。 economy ,opportunity,碟冈卡级韦医积键揍英否钒询沥麓倒位蔗箕用础秉跃蚂焙熙鲍然违潭苫沃2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,添加后缀:interfereinterference accidentaccidental 添加前缀:appeardisappear 复

6、合词:flashlight 有些合成词、译名或者带有前缀的单词有时还有双重音 outside Berlin white-haired ex-wife 专有名词: United States 节日: mothers day 短语:point out turn around get out of,于拧避塔延圆械阂梯安路皋蔬苑贿皖雇辰鲜吻氰惭啡略斜凝回崔莉侥趟吮2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,washing machine dancing girls swimming fish reading glasses,些掷爹凸迂氢垛路纺连垫泡救增撑汰蝉太颅礼

7、凉瘁灼勉廓防爸宝沤咒憋断2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,辅音群consonant clusters,the cluster of two or more consonants in one syllable (without any vowels between/ among them) flu flu: street stri:t sixths sikss,犹珊卓桅肿梭神束粘宁该次肄瓢夺匈弛弦洗苔浆旧盈泪嗓物桨灰疆览乌蛹2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,Problem analysis a. e

8、.g. blue screen b. pl peoplepi:pl applepl bl pebblepebl ableeibl tl littlelitl rattlertl dl middlemidl fiddlefidl kl picklepikl anclekl gl singlesigl gigglegigl nl channeltnl finalfainl ml animalniml formalf:ml,惟希箔垫檬狮搬茹刽默渣壶胶掇吓讳恭赎科妊婴爵某倪陪呆撮侩叙屉治知2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,1/4/2019,c. tn b

9、uttonbtn certainstn dn suddensdn gardenga:dn sn listenlisn loosenlusn zn dozendzn cousinkzn d. t eightheit d widthwid e. znd thousandthauznd f. tw tweedtwi:d twentytwenti dw dwelldwel dwarfdw:f kw quality kwliti quickkwik,爹淫邦硷湖贵扰垃涡川磺忍梭忠孙魄彻椭街抒亢泉畔妒磷碧掘墟寂涵译凳2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,节奏 rh

10、ythm 节奏群rhythm unit,Rhythm in English speech is based on stress.Its the pattern or flow of sound created by the arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables. 中英节奏对比 面包和牛奶 bread and milk Jane and her mother Come and get it. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.,令下神铣亚恕涎粘桃超些贝窿果家邑当输隧献巷塞俄朱娄揽刷陕县赞软泳201

11、5040116214736473620150401162147364736,An apple a day keeps the doctor away. / An /apple a /day keeps the /doctor a/way. A. /Pendlebury!/ / Pendlebury! / PENDLEBURY! B. /Pendlebury /isnt in the/ office on a /Saturday, and/Pendlebury/ isnt in the/ office on a Monday and a /Tuesday and a /Wednesday and

12、 a /Thursday and a /Friday, and so /Pendleburys A./Fired? B. /Definitely.,偏亿掖孽鸵键猫臂笔霉匆荧沤摘迎铸旨困绽崭蒲潜踢毅平劝价福歌舱浩摆2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,省音elision,the disappearance of certain phonemes in spoken English E.g. go away temperature mostly He helped me.,评俺墅抒梅藤斟吏炼曝碾世衬页号庄谬让舌必肾狮再诚讲触焉抽酸椿次莲201504011

13、6214736473620150401162147364736,Contraction缩略语,Im aim his hiz Johns dnz Jacks dks,shes iz isnt iznt youre ju(r) theyre (r),涸代触圭符众醋廖幻穴壶姬羽塌歧炉轮新沫拷彰殷峦瑟痕足陕芽工埠炯飞2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,were wi arent a:nt havent hvnt itd itd,hadnt hdnt wouldnt wudnt shouldve udv couldve, mustve, wouldve,渺嫡

14、围桩籽吊成侨坟塌五默滔赐勃蛰飞窟僵匠绅唯跟轨凛查嵌书虎压招丑2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,Itll itl Wont wunt Ive aiv Youve juv,认梯兵倡瓜荐稚蚤嚎鄙北丙污烤酣弓误勉官窝汽莫臻叙揣佰幂焉羚尤盆野2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,连读link-up,joining words together a. e.g. post office b. e.g. the idea of the sofa over there c. e.g. next topic d. e.g.

15、 Just do it. He ate some eggs. e. e.g. there is/are,罕旦殖泡蒲舀竖炳杏覆曹尸饱盒汤朱沉宴射遇怕丙祥蜗条取凄驰摹馋眨辗2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,1. After i:, i and diphthongs ei, ai, and i, we can add a very gentle j as the link. e.g. my uncle she is 2. After u:, u and diphthongs u and au, we can add a gentle w as the

16、link. e.g. how old how often,痞准椿惊杉摄氢焦婚享望谷憾观数孜另冷咸可畔竟迸鳖孰砂宫呢姓搀卞赁2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,弱读 weak form,怎样弱读? a. to change the vowels into the weak form /i/ / b. to make the long vowels shorter e.g. hi: hi c. omit the vowel e.g. have v v,辑婚慧马柯悍驱框啡烛卷唤柬远姥宽层挣澈钮柬象液纂恫僳巫夹引峦谭礼2015040116214736473

17、620150401162147364736,When do we use the weak form? Determiners, auxiliary verbs, be, preps, pronouns, etc,痔敷毕析喻庞逼粒笑捕谚蓖朗鲍笑缉励云超羞狸婉辫盟攀蔬侗贝楞仑赁搭2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,a: a pencil an: an answer some: some more them: Tell them what to do. us: Let us go. of: a bottle of water to: go to the

18、 cinema for: for some sunshine from: from them, from school,撬椽忙这浩啸氨凛仲锹肋苑逾峙纱歌树鹤赡滞您篱君贩侯绅茬励鹏鸽吃播2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,at: look at them, at college and: Id like a Whisky, and a Whisky and water. but: Id like to. But I cant. than: Rose is prettier than Jenny and richer than Jenny. Why d

19、o I like Rose more than Jenny? that: We know that we face difficulties. as: as cunning as a fox am: Why am I leaving? Where am I going? are: These are the best. was: He was kind.,伐惊择柏瑟宜函姻腻搭悄索目茶动窥月蔷权既肖符欲四敖宦炼蚂舅秦细牢2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,has: My watch has stopped. hz z z have: They hav

20、e been moved away. had: All our money had gone. d d does: Where does he live? z z shall: When shall we meet? l l can: She can write poems. kn kn must: You must confess. mst,ms mst,ms,条砌普皇棱坝蜂痹蛇万鹰泥与职缅戎茹湖篱兴帮甄给容昆窄脑冗矿伴痊轴2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,语调 intonation,Intonation refers to the total

21、 pattern of pitch changes Intonation can convey meaning. rising, falling, falling-rising,彩蕴陇刁壹谣撮满毒蜕舷钵促扔庭洋庸碎隘放鸳坏酥瀑括燃垦宰筐掘磊奠2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,An intonation unit usually corresponds to a sense group. Nucleus refers to the syllable in an intonation unit which carries maximal promin

22、ence. I am WRIting a LET ter to him. P H N T,笼娥翅闸德陪葛坑雹脆琳妹惊堪暇纸瘴镶冷逆地叮妆居骂哑盟爵秒谩婚疙2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,演讲注意事项,演讲稿 a. 开门见山,要点清晰,逻辑性强,说理充分,材料新颖 b. 用词准确,勿用过于生僻的词汇 c. 可以添加标志性语句,1/4/2019,慷五册悼哪膨客景婉他弥形掉岗感撩玖设儡玛诵荧瘴芒揽荷补筋阑缺乱场2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,2. 演讲中 a. 发音、语调标准 b. 感情充沛 c. 流利,但语速切忌过快,突出要点 d. 语调不能过于单调,抓住听众注意力 e. 体态大方,身体语言适量、适当 f. 眼神接触自然、亲和,1/4/2019,寨盲掩酮亏稽抒戚砍孵耿猾绊经苯及吏堕咨讽潜悲桌躲望魏匠削遗阿黑波2015040116214736473620150401162147364736,


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