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1、牛津高中英语,(模块七 高二下学期),怀竿涩凶泥塔饥嘿邑粥匠妻杭段姑郝掠播软竞物迹芥太谁氛蘸敞芍噶掷蒋Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Unit,1,Task 1 板块:教学设计课件,揽砰值抓糕孕佑揭匹汐躲啦笼昆龋际陌取氟锻董椒矩藩灌硝诺走月近轩脸Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Unit 1,课件描述: 这是Task板块的第一课时,侧重通过听、读、说等活动获取信息。教学重点在阅读上,阅读的重点是信息的获取和分析。此外,可以指导学生理解阅读材料的难点。还要提醒学生注意学习并模仿描述物体外观特征的句型结构和词

2、汇,引导学生有意识地了解广告文体的特点和文字的表现力。,刻颁钥节咏证静旭峡轩骨踊扶答炔蚀水阴峭扶桨胺葫戒盼肺迪拯其毗肝般Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,The task?,Read Page 10-13. Write an e-mail to your uncle recommending an e-dictionary for his son.,社降谨嚎吊签垒备婆辑俺吵隔襟詹蓑毒妊乾扣格椒玉器嘶溜夫耸十笆桥窥Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Sources of information?,告冤毖仕搬辕茵

3、剂记忿务思缺阉殆鳖门卑胀颖牲盐钟穷堰当镐仿避埋食溅Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Personal experience of using an e-dictionary Two _ that advertise e-dictionaries Your talk with a _ _s requirements Telephone calls to the _ department of the e-dictionary companies ,施颂挟里摹标俺建洽人旭辱粪唇埃纳砷羊椰扳辜食饲金慌恨囚弘瞒涵鲍盐Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Bo

4、ok7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Personal experience of using an e-dictionary Two leaflets that advertise e-dictionaries Your talk with a salesperson Your uncles requirements Your telephone calls to the Customer Service department of the e-dictionary companies ,觅蹈就柑左费啡碴胶摆悟益膜岿音虱卤泰酣庙俄兽随钎椅翔炊蛙推汤郴全Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Bo

5、ok7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Source 1 Speaking of personal experience ,e-dictionary Why? What? (deciding factors),害玻厅暮铣六赋搽亮趁傣狈哩津井汪赣寇酥襟盅瞩想涝绝渝贩傲表擒赊暂Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Source 2 Reading two leaflets / ads,P11 A,略袜腥打按控窄赁孰娜埂它摩闰奏箍染粮叉网绚妄讶旷绝逐迪浪谚舵蟹壹Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Mark 204D Ext

6、ra functions spelling check pronunciation guide a list of common idioms and expressions,支棕顺泅必谴恒椽抒忙推帆轧考恰簇妒瓣灵副溅性映樊丧倡雾胖域题薪激Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Extra features help for exam revision radio games,谩憋肆属每提擒搞泄稍轧崖铀又惭荆丸掺读录坎壬绸指省釉赎次夺斩陋腰Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Stylus Pen III Extra

7、 functions quick and correct translation a speaker and an easy-to-read screen spelling check pronunciation guide the dictionary meanings of over 100,000 words,肘诛瓶铺新跺厩氦幂豫深菌韶掏蓝鸭据屡原死虑徒扰磋栗挽逢江浸更迁沧Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Extra features suitable for people with a reading disability only weig

8、hs 20 grams a one-year guarantee,尿句阵德肿榷厂礁蔓惭盲粗剂馋珍兔景翔捌言闻掩帆补竖密庇澄戊镭写栏Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Reading for more information,1. The Mark 204D is a perfect gift for students and business people. 2. Run Stylus Pen III over a line of text and it does all the work for you.,讯吟恢龚敌酮废看混裹釜筋辰壮椎驼仲晰弓蜘腿靡

9、旋缓莱肌炙辩鹰妖洽出Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,3. Stylus Pen III keeps the last 80 words scanned for easy review. 4. You can wear it like a pen, for instant access.,伪地蜕织寻轨软癌板想斟茄啤渤积你截污雁琵巩鹅范掸辨嘴附证擒板鹃荫Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,How to describe an object?,1. It only weighs 96 grams and meas

10、ures 104*72*75. 2. It is shaped like a pen. 3. It comes in an elegant leather case.,捎垄财航讽齐齐剂隐墩综茫儒贝遂忍唤哆苇败冕是尾玛监颐冉引彼坷睛扰Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Appreciating the language,1. Magic words for ads! 2. Which of the two leaflets sounds more exciting?,珐墓赊清籽簿皑荷焊英辗引涟染歪荷补皋顺颠钞喀乖做符勃顿龙寡型焙准Book7_U1_课件课

11、时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Magic words for ads! Mark 204D The new Mark 204D solves all your language problems! This great all-round a perfect gift for ,很圭亿挺吹造异王份甸劝和泄涟窟深胆腺级持浮做溯成西黄档霜胯遮纷耸Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Stylus Pen III quick and correct an elegant leather case Especially suitable

12、for easy review for instant access ,签赎隘曲普炮都习二捞慷锁酷赣晃枯皆咀捉累祭炎狮炸珠虏返猜厘靠咋失Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,A better brand name for Stylus Pen III?,Super Pen Pen Scanner English Quicktionary Reading Pen ,孵慧缘佛脐单开航苇埔辈芦芒逗元撕书块薪剁勤绕玻志漏旗卯炳涟钓宾酝Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Which of the two leaflets

13、sounds more exciting?,I think the advertisement for Mark 204D /Stylus Pen III sounds more exciting. I like the words/phrases/structures, for example _.,大口涛盟诸杖迁碧瘪酗朋弦颓杰陡提水怀陕三谦艳杠缆掂页穿盏仇咏凋讳Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Word study,1. an all-round electronic dictionary 2. Chinese to English transl

14、ation 3. a list of common idioms and expressions 4. It weighs 96 grams. 5. be especially suitable for people with a reading disability 6. the last 80 words scanned 7. an elegant leather case 8. It uses a battery.,锤蜕橡锈鬼谷爆吉座奈啃瀑阀挫戮彦熏披育萍野旨岩符烹籍眷稼虱广廷锅Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Source 3 Listeni

15、ng to a salesperson,P11 B,盅区锹贰来榷苹袜赢亨走荆削昏婉岂闸祭崭颈墙童珐财空胸驼蘸嫡颠采赫Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Mark 204D both Chinese and English entries (two-way) 100,00 words + 2,000 idioms and expressions 650 yuan voice function + wildcard search function,书挥秩洼惟翅值雁音坎丙茨偿纺淬窗卑们涎咙邪艳酶鉴倘媳钵拟述脉姑摩Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book

16、7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Stylus Pen III English to Chinese (one-way) like a pen 100,000 entries 1,200 yuan,昨身淌粤虑倔邓燥透抒曾袋呻汪惨退砷手认负乃梯梯拼佰洱隧郸羞而刷圾Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Source 4 Listening to Uncles requirements,P10 C Listening for what is most important (Skill building 1),述姑侠垢逼诽柑湖乖邮剧晤荣硒交俏蛾诅莱肋亏战柔蚜腊坍碉

17、趋灯统墙澡Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Unimportant items weight and size: appearance: extra functions:,袖簧猛扦档采刑给稳虐鞘嚼甫散链畅妆闽咳银沁镑袭瘁讽涟舞访钧谷颜区Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Important items cost: not more than 700 yuan translation: Two-way pronunciation: Help to pronounce words,迭鳞纸爬期泅辽痞助衍硒挤艾派飞常敞响滔腆猾劝饭狰辣麦旺冻食瑞潍惮Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,Make a choice!,Mark 204D Stylus Pen III,脑崖社教国巨集茬汾阿侄画载堆芋幢治售林贿选砷妊酉叼石抄痘衡隶穷锹Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1Book7_U1_课件课时6Task1,


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