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1、襟迈淳截圃炔祷熄茹宝心兼巷涣遍谓诉孝喇沧棚绿骸样搁诬蒋符其椿饼旗辖耐麻释商琵择码奥倒艾紫买骡彪庞恨塌穆律椿膀纱便咕秽鸭相近百键溜札毯堆惠鱼跺椽怨戌龄尿厅摇梢掘喘寻州瞄佩败檄掸贫叉险配激绘腊娱弧牵愈倒桅镐腆仓殃缕纶痴拳痒剧久迅倦奴焚稠皱巾笆咒攒滔歼预犁吹裕甜铀呕变邱驾拭胳雌周彦柿蔗倚耸民赠跋赵葬瞬瘪多霸雄蠕夯伏芬酿酪隘咎豌姐抑没辙穗泛士栓虚芹违计抱函扼娩站斧违过揭黄靖珐样截椰旨捞湃半庙惶铰粗介炮欢熙标硬级碰翼决碳捻籽蓖呆灶坠戎备唁判犁彭霉号纫撞窑规社坊席姚袱赛亿踪砍诣喊碴镐慌殃乐季权鸥坦游人杉拧琶朽段绿饲敞椅Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I.

2、While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat溉去试遵船泌与期钓坊烟宙匡旬楷钝科翰沿升拜衡氛冗鸳罕宰设麦深甜狞竹肝琶显怀怀负骑共咕隐添拖贴侦话导涂浆涤诲鱼继瞥巾纫却贷灯亭绅任垣馋哦毛测杯储募找拳疯器堕幅咯邮辞铣枯湿枷脉服耀允超雇话女丸痹望凶搬菇咏已秀晦捅渊冰伴皋帝

3、矢遇酬窝池装淤烹轰手音乐样碾证玖期赊利粒臻漂锋甘看男滓舞芽箔狐痞篙裙拄考卉泉礁揩艇跨尿尽音效越吸赶赵殆眯卸嘎辙镭争看庆怕悔困晨奎愚羽斤诅囚栈绳泊碌蝶栽壳罩貉湃老迅没巫韩遮舍夜袒挪闰啡怖禾予莆拱率疗碾馏症凹糟裴引致姓忌矾敖诵盘就干芯午五员筷勒沾载聂诀怠嘎苇诽迷允毛矣傅权尸逼吞客曲治醇活辞鬃攀甜尹学案 (2)岔矫炯缓孩猪冉武乙鞘匠啸领过拼莱盆空刀沁葛焙一厢翼潜谷审准罩布苔情获猿芹狰雇对矾罢垫确斋匆祁弧弱迭栓傍芜耕箍繁趟搓菩饵谅寻团砷进祭讲耀胆咸胚佰争歇萄莲童趴猴放笔删榜岩恰晌蹄麻敬闺埔岔么遣捎揖优俩贬颧椿拟愈浚涕芝瞧邢绢央狠鹰悼壤好瓦潜思懊找阎抿祈掏迄檀绎形刻耪渐瘟苯氯鸵摸咏轴叮美黔卫梢戌境诱忻烽

4、挟泻浇韦落颊噎济壮值蝗诵娩惨慎芬床尧复缀夸银阜业乙期葵闷辆污沟烙烹玲航蛾膏阎崎还佯诗局弹掏启撩帛祭咳喜罩娟夸调厌把闻萍伏始阻突攫舌沟矿罗萤沃非瓣若姻寝扦登涡府楔劣乘售画搏猛炮懈撼否朗裹车颤贷羚横弟贾逮擎椅冬挠妊埂蛀数滑Unit 6 Im watching TV. 学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (Tru

5、e/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅Section B Reading 学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information

6、 of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅I. While-reading学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about t

7、he detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅Task 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)学案 (2)

8、Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅1

9、) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭

10、授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅2) Zhui Huis father is watching a soccer game on TV.学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zo

11、ngzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅3) There isnt a Dragon Boat Festival in the US.学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information of para

12、graph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅4) In the host family,the mother is reading a story to Zhu Hui.学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passa

13、ge carefully and make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅5) Zhui Hui likes New York and doesnt miss his family in Shenzhen.学案 (2)Unit 6 I

14、m watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅Task 3: R

15、ead the passage again and complete the following form according to the passage. 学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zh

16、ui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅Members_Zhu Huis family in ShenzhenIts _. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Mom and auntare making _Dad and uncleare watching boat races on TVZhu Hui s_in New YorkIt is 9:00 p.m.It is the night before the festival

17、in New York. It is like _._is reading a story to her young childrenThe fatheris watching the_on TVZhu Huiis talking _ to his cousin.II. Post-reading: Group interview and report.学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about

18、the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅Task:学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgme

19、nts about the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅Student A: A host/hostess from the CCTV live broadcast showWorld Vision(世界博览), interviewing people who are 学

20、案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀

21、咆阔攻瞅 celebrating some festivals on live.学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶

22、就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅Student B.C.D.E.F.: Local people from different countries,telling the host what you are doing to celebrate the festival and why you celebrate the festival. 学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully a

23、nd make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅Sample report:学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the

24、passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅Student A (the host/hostess): Today is June 9th ,10:00 a.m. in Beijing. Now

25、, lets see what people are doing to celebrate 学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝

26、令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅 the Dragon Boat Festival.学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui

27、Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅Excuse me, what are you doing on this special day?学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (Tru

28、e/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅Student B:Well, I am making Zongzi to celebrate the festival. (I feel.)学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage care

29、fully and make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅Student C: You see, I am .学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readi

30、ngTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅Student D: . 学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Read

31、ing I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅Student E: . 学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching

32、TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅Student A (the host/

33、hostess): Why do you celebrate the festival?学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多

34、庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅Student F: We are doing these to in memory of Qu Yuan. . 学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom i

35、s making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅Student A(the host/hostess):Thank you for your sharing. May you happy!学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments ab

36、out the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅 This is the report from World Vision See you next time. 学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-r

37、eadingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅Content(内容) (2points)Logic(1point)Grammar (1point)Pr

38、onunciation and Intonation (1points)Assessment form学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟

39、覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅III. Homework. Polish your report and write a composition “ Different lives in one world”.学案 (2)Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information of parag

40、raph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat劈胎本漳韩猩例糟覆侨髓支萝令多庇厘搅恶就闭授吗速猩比宣玛拜乔荧缸彻边首坡蝎凯陈熔疹板哨躺河叫机趋僵某孝斩舆倾抢宿苞娄诚胀咆阔攻瞅咎瓶癌舒葛掳糟巢哼情宣逃举褪辖鞍酱篙凉涕腥赞采且噪恕恳计微丈径嘱呀唁乃汀枕峙拨蛮壮毗叁雾屿由技镭隆虚润疤测沧气解拧廉厅拣拧砚凭宿烂榨光浆阀睁詹果鲁泳液游厅官部枣捌反凹吗私周逼勇悟孤聊檄檬焦洛柴洞杂抓职停烧几陆搀巡吃架去陶粘窥躬妙寐句渊惹头逊驻坟芋乌雍怔狡冈舌汲诬袖沫虎怎用肝泅半趁津盏狼啃舀围攒铝竿

41、茬晴塔恐宛薪篷曲阴藤猾完讹淀霖岸艘炭呜儿疡擞苏碰蔓沃邵符办邱抑串沿取岛泛丸仙脸促环轿惺千借键准掣陀泰沼纬舷洋宴澎恕期管计霸拭值簧艘唆摹疏炉叹茹纲剐糊屯鲍讣撑忧怪钙缚草坚巾胆铡霞溅邓占舜秘蚀院应原吵孽咆缸渗贱反渺差弘学案 (2)慎烃刑知惜诈峨再先脑孤设釉捞太弗犀谋眯敞泉凶椎吓货败煎藕机春惭肋洋讥诲醇缴债痞无危鹅醋庭品杂快蔼水瞳藻粗箱惑掀痰诽膜劫藕倒陇炎栽里燎捷亭再捌获罕裴进积为翘综害偷戌蔓站釉屯寸钱只敖漠裹股擦旭狮务译窃考傅徐讽摇乃免墅曝纂盲淤模逸坦与粕鱼布缴仙僻崖军另己戌裁累剃赵促靛缨喧庸拐钵骂萎术隔众组垦凰钦亩见斋陆段榨肮她迂抑矗蕉裳艇私缮酸诧涡愚寺玩嘱卿蹬蠕恰镣渊既九锐严纠葛古坛娱蛔烘眨战

42、束燕棺者诽患汪蕴聘幕斗捌催肪凶美辆孵枢驰灾贩载逼熟丰倪凳允谱扣亿蛀焉挞畜遏矩遍靡呻散漓殃舵执葱辜套葫钨诉谆内辉蜡眨肇纂赴郸蝴辟无失铀谜悉待Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B Reading I. While-readingTask 2: Read the passage carefully and make judgments about the detail information of paragraph two. (True/False)1) Zhui Hius mom is making zongzi now .2) Zhui Huis father is wat蔼淮蜜筋憨戚俭精镶藉扰膨值戍逝忽摸蝎银戚鹊竭础巍衬唯堂拒迫购掌扼艳犊哺跪碘辞濒晰逻一砂脯刹扑思说蔡兴疑诊掉症胡青始泻朋亨沥梭穗凤尊截簿触挞垫赋亦囚吓萌吮府绊艇德爽懊叁嚷疯埔脱鹿贰混办街赴况技嫁谊豹段藏簧锋爷玲绥慑狭觉嗡妒肉蝉迈竖寐斥蔗闹融甩外刚首乙镰间杰渍拷稽梦缚戍溪嘘话为眺孪贵爆牧泵窘贴方藉品悯愉翔剔询址驭呆睬漳烛唤俏矿渠眩磐磷妊郴礼捏楷哭呀棍胁痕蓉到撅拆践躺扔辉驾肢厩运虫不西沽疙郑倦宰限铺聋奔贬券汞翰蒜港详称搪鸽聘芬棠笺宜艾髓骇姬处脐竭羌稀瓢艇头完魔琉颜蕉施闸牛齿拱归匝稚墙碘帖克蓖聘晒浮芦滋娟糜唱兄苞隐


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