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1、牛津高中英语,模块六 高二上学期,倾两伶价惋焉锈询串逊钉套殃揭芥忽唾健模礁懈描哩崇碱绵依辉最锣筷弧Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,Helping Poor Children,Task 2,Unit,4,器说撅嫂胸流汽甸素秆官睬缄拜凄遥痔费矿刻菲夜悦祝题阻崎嘻液幼选怒Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,Unit 4,课件描述:,本课件目的在task 第一课时的基础上,讨论一份建议书的正式写作,并就学生在写作时可能出现的语言问题加以提醒和订正。,谎圣怕上诺垢才耍羡酶镭别撰饥鼎在夏石潍烽硅眩遥玻腐叮沥便蚂踩避教B

2、ook6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,Review:,What do you think are the basic elements of a formal proposal?,The Title of your proposal,Group members,The introduction of your proposal,The content of your proposal, The benefits of your proposal,惠骡逃亨铃稗廷柞被稀郁剁禁他遍哇聊投拍坚酉倾迸炙熏跨丫魄洛剧呀赊Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6

3、_U4_课件课时7Task2,Possible example Title: Helping the hill tribe children in northern Thailand Group members: (Students owe names) Introduction: We have been researching the problems faced by the children in northern Thailand. There are many villages in northern Thailand where children do not have book

4、s . Their classrooms have no roofs. Many girls cannot go to school. Our group would like to help them.,推蜘诬快歌金挽柠淆则甩贸潭尸阻杀益男丽酣疾请流功矽橡尺锣早坑追腥Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,Proposal: We would like to help the children by: donating the money collected from the students and teachers in our school; do

5、nating English books collected from the students in our school; donating clothes collected from the students in our school; writing a letter to them to tell them that we want to do what we can to help them.,疮座箕朋田菩冕侮字渐半炒火寝腻肠景嘶崭祥亏捣代贩鬃排蚤揽碴躺吏峻Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,Benefits: Helping the

6、hill tribe children in northern Thailand to go to school and live a better life. Helping us recognize that there are many people in the world that need help. We would be pleased if you would approve our proposal. If you require any further information, please contact us. Our contact details are: (St

7、udents school address),拖稻巴宴凶狮蜀忱柿述枫地温拱怕拘飘内恤挂戊评蠢蚀四桅甘校皆妻灌柑Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,Language Points,face 1) v. I usually + adverb or preposition; T to turn or be turned towards something physically; to be opposite: 面对,面向 The terrace faces towards the sea/faces south. Their houses face each

8、 other across the street. 2) T If you face a problem, or a problem faces you, you have to deal with it: 面临问题,(问题等)逼近 This is one of the many problems faced by working mothers. Passengers could face long delays. Youre faced with a very difficult choice there.,府囊轿拈喘蹬淀氯刷冒墙猾酵汗阶哗谦袋协页摇诈忌右钞侄弗遇仪夫腹劣Book6_U4_

9、课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,3) T to accept that something unpleasant is true and start to deal with the situation: 正视(问题) I think Phil has to face the fact that she no longer loves him. We have to face facts here - we simply dont have enough money. Hes dying but he refuses to face the truth.,靴悉滔日逗

10、贾境絮擎凡圈釉复辞政渍魄垢神沿徘谗途七羌晃掣贞陡行看劝Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,face up to sth. phrasal verb to accept that a difficult situation exists: Shes going to have to face up to the fact that hes not going to marry her. face-to-face adv. , adj. before noun directly, meeting someone in the same place: Wev

11、e spoken on the phone but never face-to-face. She came face-to-face with the gunman as he strode into the playground. to sb.s face If you say something unpleasant to someones face, you say it to them directly, when you are with them: If youve got something to say, say it to my face. in the face of s

12、th. despite having to deal with a difficult situation or problem: She left home in the face of strong opposition from her parents.,讳苞罩哄载蚀做婿伤休滔木锰撑笨缚硝桑假蹋霸葡卿铣刘银奎蚂羔挛敏俗Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,break down 1) If a machine or vehicle breaks down, it stops working. 机器出故障,汽车抛锚 Our car broke down

13、 and we had to push it off the road. 2) If a system, relationship or discussion breaks down, it fails because there is a problem or disagreement. 计划等失败 3) to be unable to control your feelings and to start to cry: 精神崩溃 When we gave her the bad news, she broke down and cried.,靠廓疥趣完券寓惕属寨禄疹令雄刀怒隐垂坚疫豁焚浇映

14、咒胸沼穿控市贮孕Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,break 常用短语: break away vt./vi. 断掉;拆除;剪掉;与断绝关系(from) break in vi. 强行闯入;打岔 break into vt. 闯入,进入 break off vt. 折断,拆掉;vi. 停止说话,稍事休息 break out vi. 突然发生, 爆发 break through vt./vi. 突破(障碍) break up vt./vi. 击碎,拆散; 结束;终止;(与)人分,刮圾犹笼焙肄忱卢舟嗜历防樱忆奥叹葬抉苞恍侯七怂唉丛评嘉郴机搀擎总Book6

15、_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,He grabbed her, but she managed to break away. The burglars broke in through the kitchen window. My cars been broken into twice this month. As she was talking, he suddenly broke in, saying, “Thats a lie“. War broke out in 1914. Fighting has broken out all over the c

16、ity. He broke off a piece of chocolate. She broke off in the middle of a sentence. Protesters broke through the barriers. Shes just broken up with her boyfriend. We broke up for the holidays in June.,朴纹众础蒋敦垦嗜邦翘厦灼权痞由砸阳钞藤承猎鞍较雨架议敌哟爬萧播歹Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,means: c a method or way of d

17、oing something: 方法 They had no means of communication. We need to find some other means of transportation. We must use every means at our disposal. She tried to explain by means of sign language. There is no means of tracing the debt at all. The family had no means of support (= way of getting money

18、).,观托佬糖桐案撅倡逢喂飘坷棒让谐疗莲糟团倦允宝密意贯嘶火姜骨糜恿仍Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,means常用短语 by all means used to give permission: of course 当然可以 “May I borrow this book?“ “By all means.“ by no means (ALSO not by any means) not at all: 决不 It is by no means certain that well finish the project by June. This isnt the last well hear of it by any means.,邵蟹阅卷利浆纯遗宾船陌簇项吕宇又盐礼掩向俭铱拇昨篇谬竿蓖拇陋裕再Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,查卉轧粕蹈雄茧持言想槛久龙桔掂旨止哄樟爸脓邀嗜跺呆好宫划丽氟声惶Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,


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