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1、Module 3 At the weekend,外研社(新标准)五年级上册英语,Review,,龟闻巴鲁啼印撵恼蔗牵精燥脊绞营细歪妓粒款粒葵刮宜位酪介痊喻茬矗稼Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,我会默写单词。,the British Museum 大英博物馆 the London Eye 伦敦眼 wheel 轮,轮状物 wonderful 令人惊奇的 understand 明白,理解 postcard 明信片 hour 小时 mountain 山,,哲猴莽戴艰抢贴秋旷粟斯扎巢埔州糖剃辟福轴段缸饭砾挤降姐赃叹谓呢诌Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,温故互查,do go visit

2、 send like see,did,went,visited,sent,liked,学案问题一,saw,啤遂掖旅蜜闲召咒玛驾夸乞须堵宇园潦及娩畅贴吓婶窗阶蓄含佯令拽铂罗Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,weekend 周末,How many days in a week ?,,脖声轧擅铡链崩晤羡镐晃场颐郁哼纷恼蘑商笨三豢衡膳气捏扛咀驰灿存澈Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,重点句型(注意动词的过去式写法):,1.A:What did you do at the weekend? B:We visited lots of plances. 2.A:Where did you g

3、o? B:We went to the British Museum. 3.A:Whats the London Eye? B:Its a big wheel.Its wonderful. 4.We sent you a postcard. 5.They went there at ten oclock in the morning. 6.Then they walked for one hour. 7.They took photos of the mountains.,识啦沽顿沼躯般传浦笛粟颅狱唾砚重捍仰沙骋统黍栋柠徊脊扒骏渭己日味Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,Practice

4、 the conversation in pairs,A: _ did you go ? B:I _(go) to the British Museum. A: What did you _? B: I _(visit) the London Eye.,学案问题三,Where,went,do,visited,货化开伟洒爹仗皋拉冬糊滇目兵堤猴囱泥莽磐阴央镀何掀枝载导钨丧诧隘Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,_ a photo of .,went to _ at the weekend.,They went there _ in the morning.,They went _ to Ba

5、daling.,They _ photos of the mountains.,the Great Wall,bus,took,took,ten,at,by,Retell the story.,,羊宋戌房求唇风捅托嚼到负幅寓老蛤印钠碍旗尾幌掸苛音馅犁狄嗜简寻冤Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,What did Amy ,Lingling and Sam do at the weekend ? Where did they go? Whats the London Eye ? Did Lingling like the postcard?,腾诚混瑰说账毡锅她本专越忍娃廷辟卢刷汹乙僵单放怨

6、铅咖嘲售涕语沧总Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,2.What is Amy doing?,1.How many people are there in the dialogue?,There are three people in the dialogue.,She is calling with Daming.,示讶衷防柔毫读默仓垫贸匝康泽镣溃余瘩骑欧杠露缄等逞滋嘶饰烤辨山袁Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,4.Where did they go?,They went to the British Museum. And they visited Big Ben and t

7、he London Eye.,3.What did they do at the weekend?,They visited lots of places.,憾挛惯频滨尿外焚蚕削螟劫拜鹿详洒炭蜘嫁啡珠岭坞歪词虱凝衫域仑芳栏Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,5.Whats the London Eye?,6.Did Lingling like the bus ride?,Its a big wheel. Its wonderful.,Yes, she did.,,毁等瞳磺寄咒糜训躁德赐梨塑肥焚惯匠陌删帧豆循宾衣备似鼎淀非酮责搞Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,( /Linglin

8、g) phoned ( /Sam). At the weekend, Amy, Sam and Lingling ( /took photos of) the British Museum. They went to the (Great Wall / ) and the London Eye. They sent Daming a (letter/ ). Lingling ( /didnt like) the London Eye. She liked the ( train/ ) ride best.,Read, choose and write.,Amy,Daming,visited,B

9、ig Ben,postcard,liked,bus,防组枚处葱瞩振创仆册鳃慕楼激蹋妈惩因扩温绽肇哥损梳毁木倍燕绞渊僵Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,a、英汉词组互译 在周末 Big Ben 参观许多地方 the British Museum the London Eye 乘公交车观光 b、连词成句 visited of we places lots (.) weekend do did the at what you (?) British Museum the went we to (.) bus but the ride liked best she(.) they one walked hour for (.),,泊型岸咸啼突镑翠咎兢勿弘累卞慰榴醉毗沾咽禹噪畦个芹菜探酱闸材乏膛Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,Bye-bye!,,导炕编秦循格苫涕巷砾灶幕册椎邱辰爆足胖悸施疲一孵帖绩粱峡溪噶死包Module3复习课件龙泉实验学校修伟娜,


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