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1、Customs in China,纲遁郴献竟涯闷急痰洗链常妮纸敷弯想祸叶苯拄搜魔鹊鸭拨嘉发默凳较肯初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2,After learning 2b,We know some customs in France. Do youember them? Lets talk about the customs in France.,默轻辞枷肺拐淖乃辨迈嗅拷然犁促痔某啄明辞自语观镍揉镭拔孙图稠罢恐初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2,What do you know about the

2、 table manners in France?,In France, a meal is like a ceremony. People relish (享受) it and make its a special occasion. In France, it is correct to keep the same knife for every course , wiping it on a piece of bread. Never discuss money or religion over dinner. Going Dutch is considered “the height

3、of unsophistication”.,年部乾肢搔苑姓昌咸瞪访粒寞什鸭廊方妓票轿碳蛀剖卑俯痹利井饯猩玛豪初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2,Its considered good manners to finish everything on your plate. People often cut bread directly on a table cloth rather than on a plate. Tear your bread into bite-sized pieces before eating. Taking a bit

4、e from the whole piece is very impolite.,氏毕冠蕾崔条牢搂葱昼厚椎毡从决摈避姬坑在噬篱雇婉奇践醒畴妙僻敏勾初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2,These are customs in France, How about our Chinese customs? Do you know some customs in China?,入娱菲俗锹愁炼资凉周签葱蒲浦竹搓傅妒屈吮叉咎粮竞血煞肇纫嗣高血儒初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2,1.Talking abou

5、t eating habits, unlike the West where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares.,菇鹊苍姨顷乞洼簿都万阁亿溶蔚微钧摧弓森负拱十扮膝减挠剧拿立壬修陶初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2,2.Chinese are very proud of their culture of cooking and will do their best to sho

6、w their hospitality.,邻桐砾刷惩搔搞球雁择捻饶雕僳拈伦陋糖般擅赶馏词舵羚仟宛糙懊终功每初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2,3.Make sure the spout (茶壶的嘴) of the teapot is not facing anyone. It is impolite to set the spout facing towards somebody. The spout should always be directed to where nobody is sitting, usually just outwa

7、rd from the table.,哎谦装噎吃散句衡贴烽赌亿鲍垒围窗撰莹靴胃犹安弗够垂医忆钝俘搀未尽初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2,You can use:,be supposed to do Its polite / impolite to You should Youd better is / are not allowed.,镣案驯艳幅鱼具傀椰畔疙缓止玉罪冕场玩饼柳莱带咽阂迁综梭羡锋蛔积式初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2,Sample,Tim, welcome to our sch

8、ool. Here is something I want to tell you. First, if you meet a teacher on your way to school, its polite to stop to bow and say “Good morning” to him / her. Second, our school has got out lots of activities to make you feel at home. Youd better make a plan with your friends and decide what to do be

9、cause you are supposed to finish homework every day.,鲁嚷赞拄速常嗣烈桌忽宇暗脯萍恬扇捻螺仰腮传拽祥枕艰区涕垒菲奠尺讽初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2,If youd like to visit a Chinese family, being there on time is very important. At the last day, well have a party with the host family. Youre not supposed to give gifts to

10、them, but you should show your thanks. Were looking forward to meeting you in Beijing. Im sure youll have a great time here.,诌捏躁栓卫详养了疯佐恒嚏理律想阉园船害砸残纺踪细轴壤烁鸥昼漏脊见初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2,假如你叫刘敏,你的笔友 Paul 要来中国学习一段时间, 在到中国之前, 他想了解中国的风俗习惯, 请你给他写封信,讲述一些中国的风俗习惯,告诉他不要紧张。 内容提示:可以从见面问好、餐桌礼仪等方面介

11、绍。,Writing,美裔芯番宜诣趴伍按漏堆芜锐堆琼胳傅虞汐赁南枚侩哇走搏系消撇阐掂钮初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2,Dear Paul, How are you? I am glad to know that you will come to China. Chinese people are very friendly, so you dont have to be nervous. In China, when you meet someone, you are supposed to shake hands. Its importa

12、nt for you to know some table manners. You are supposed to use chopsticks instead of spoon and fork. You are supposed to pick up your bowl to eat. Its impolite to stick your chopsticks into your,骇凭连昨享青庇活翟鹏桐褒励匙蓖娘稚准骨否摊近涩寓痈匈递及敝酉鼻医初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2,food. You shouldnt make noise

13、while eating noodles. People in China and America behave differently at the dinner table. There are many different table manners here. I will tell you more when you come to China. I am looking forward to seeing you in China. Yours Liu Min,肩腾讫清竭纷违浇唉穗树丝淀哼拟屑护属谰瞒湿雇落俐棺命泰膳材苗跳皋初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2初三作文课件Chinesecustoms2,


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