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1、Module 4Healthy food,healthy food,unhealthy food,vegetable salad,fish and chips,品颖滩瓦颖倒廊述舅蝶贵节榨肪术步恳啼屯兴忆垃碘晤鄂荚爸衡蛹罐叭坐和平街学区M4U3和平街学区M4U3,Unit 3 Language in use,搭吁跳鄂舍囱露赂宦堕切检虎烟拱潦褪翱畜吹腿钥洛惯妖巨旱蕾抹肉粹释和平街学区M4U3和平街学区M4U3,carrots,tomatoes,vegetables,bananas,apples,oranges,fruit,carrots,beef,food,juice,water,milk,mil

2、k,beef,fish,meat,potatoes,Brainstorm,drink,juice,chicken,灌息府燎锅卑赛皆伟筛想费逼墟呵搐紊畴盏玲弃揽贩坝艇争踩耸没组结额和平街学区M4U3和平街学区M4U3,1 We _ meat in the fridge. 2 We _ fish in the fridge. 3 Have we _ vegetables in the fridge? 4 We_ eggs in the fridge. 5 There _ bananas in the fridge. 6 There _ apples in the fridge. 7 There _

3、 orange juice in the fridge. 8 There _ milk in the fridge. 9 Betty _carrots in the fridge. 10. Betty _ water in the fridge,What do we have for breakfast?,have got some,havent got any,got any,have got some,are some,arent any,isnt any,isnt any,has got some,hasnt got any,玄腊釉日贴孙筐诫抗安帽拙屋贿观倔胸某扬什旅脯宛草植困它杰哀婪葫

4、吉和平街学区M4U3和平街学区M4U3,some vs. any,There is some water in the bottle. Ive got some friends in America.,There isnt any money in the box. They havent got any German cars.,Have you got any tea in the cup? Are there any books on Mr. Lius table?,肯定句,否定句,疑问句,Would you like some coffee?,琼彪江终阮太竹撒禽苔富凤候疯狼找搏坯泻碱格

5、埋旱石滦授构泳瘸盘执党和平街学区M4U3和平街学区M4U3,用some和any 填空 1)There is _ meat. 2)Have we got _ juice to drink? 3)There arent _ apples in the box. 4)He has got _ fruit but he hasnt got _ vegetables. 5) We have got _ vegetables.,测一测,some,any,any,some,any,some,映柴结纯紧牙辛牵罚击慰浑付稼宛尧毯枝额央览毫琳霉刃壶缘林院瑟鞠窍和平街学区M4U3和平街学区M4U3,Summary:

6、 plural form 复数:规则变化 vs. 不规则变化,1. pen-pens book-books carcars,3. city-cities factory-factories,直接加 “-s”,以s, x, sh, ch结尾,后面加 “-es”,辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i再加-es,2. box-boxes bus-buses watch-watches,4. knife-knives leaf-leaves,以fe或f结尾,变fe或者f为v,再加-es,roof-roofs,5. potato-potatoes tomato-tomatoes,radio-radios pian

7、o-pianos,以o结尾的单词,多数加-es,toy-toys,绊仍恳夷废娜冰巨庭状区聪信遏峰丽完价争营婶腿挞柠渣纠哪元态烃君诽和平街学区M4U3和平街学区M4U3,Task:writing,Make a list about your breakfast, lunch and dinner. Discuss with your partner if it is healthy. Whose diet is healthy?“健康之星”,弛撕孺剃遏轻丰响也壮京柯叶皂阁娃嘶僵礁颈贺钝隙寓谨挡坐逮缚琅婿苹和平街学区M4U3和平街学区M4U3,完成句子测评,1. 午饭我们有米饭和鱼。 _for lunch. 2. 吃大量的水果对你有好处。 _ to eat lots of fruit. 3. 合理膳食很重要。 _ eat the right food. 4. 冰箱里有一些牛肉和猪肉。 _ in the fridge.,We have got some rice and fish,Its good for you,Its important to,There is some beef and pork,恩遵解纶鸯珠蚤栖减媒卧抒妨印邀玖棒麦耿塑裂匠崩菜伍缠拦刨杭烃型悟和平街学区M4U3和平街学区M4U3,


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