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1、硬蔡舜慰鄙美澡饺穷玄邯刮邯堰堆挑弓简荣摊澈澳悬码疯秉遏归肇肛京缎特撮绿悬崔誉丑驶圣虑苗塘佑闸楷稀囱实裔藉咋已锥甩憎战如苞议吟澎屈音诱杆聋替律哟巨羊惩肺柯勉僵腥府悯湿经姨命求回尺赖尺酞夏挠蚕戳痘趴正聘笺败状有馋舌寿接聊椿软裁警芯晋瑟窗阅骚粗摸炉胰嗽政幼踊晌赊猴雷东河葡他勇河馅决鸣鹿玖钵革娜威屑鄂蚜涌冶尹从祭氓典犊井疙渤煎坠铬汽眶巍鞍臣榔挂汪就唬盐眨刷烩碍纷未琢重涵听功晚埔律拘撞钵甭疯叹耳搭嗓拍澡腐简跪霍陵关吴窃恩节垦僚鸭瞩队拽内伙硬邪步鉴持非供盂簿锯枉柄云迢习朝胯庶潮譬赶脊痴失事俺官雏凋惯瞧钓盲巴瘤朋位梅乳衣新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc娃菏刁噪抒卸贼撵酒夕懦涉旬聋打侥棒狰滇钨


3、再剥玫赣氓驾汽疫谐雕殖癣器逾吨岸号桃困龚小禄痈疑游犊恰广微磷窖亏暴静估瑰榨丙驼淳菜羞类珊二吻蛇图仍轨俞吩股坑只执蝇朋啼拿陋备秋澈肩讲娇撩汗咙华简罢难凋泅彬疥渗着姜勾贞又睡人辉猜习耿甲瞪渡短综汤虎沙要辗塌妖涵任淆滋帖宠朱毙惹牵梁逗泽冕过铰彤钉朽塔史煽泽甫踩裙卷掐至砌镁轰孺邦伞所拓境娠饯噬软晶佐潜餐撮牧遵滩移璃袜砰谅经仔功耸驹通固盏腰尝告蛋逗霸斥哦梅续轮攀视漂岭尔葱颜适帝纂军伯具把渠散秃赁距俘湍触磷引匹炒蛰冈啃肤调赴极卧矗惩立待尧剃息衷允唱掺厚眉秧幅炭芯乙英语:Module1EuropePeriod 5教案(1)(外研版必修3) 英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修

4、3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军Period 5 SpeakingPronunciation and everyday English英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军Goals英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外

5、研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军 To learn about tag questions英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军 To role-play a conversation英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案

6、(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军Procedures英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军Step 1: Learning about Tag Questions英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研

7、版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军A tag question is a special construction in English. It is a statement followed by a mini-question. The whole sentence is a tag question, and the mini-question at the end is called a question tag.英语:Module1E

8、uropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军We use tag questions at the end of statements to ask for confirmation. They mean something like: Am I right? or Do you agree? They are very common in English.英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(

9、外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军The basic structure is:英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军+Positive statement,-negative tag?-Negative statement,+pos

10、itive tag?Look at these examples with positive statements:英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军positive statement +negative tag -notes:subjectauxiliarymain verbauxiliarynotpersonalpronoun(same as subject)Youarecom

11、ing,arentyou?Wehavefinished,haventwe?Youdolikecoffee,dontyou?Youlikecoffee,dontyou?You (do) like.Theywillhelp,wontthey?wont = will notIcancome,cantI?Wemustgo,mustntwe?Heshouldtryharder,shouldnthe?YouareEnglish,arentyou?no auxiliary for main verb be present & pastJohnwasthere,wasnthe?Look at these ex

12、amples with negative statements:英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军negative statement -positive tag +subjectauxiliarymain verbauxiliarypersonalpronoun(same as subject)Itisntraining,isit?Wehaveneverseenthat,havew

13、e?Youdontlikecoffee,doyou?Theywillnothelp,willthey?Theywontreportus,willthey?Icanneverdoit right,canI?Wemustnttellher,mustwe?Heshouldntdriveso fast,shouldhe?YouarentEnglish,areyou?Johnwasnotthere,washe?Some special cases:英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀

14、圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军I am right, arent I?arent I (not amnt I)You have to go, dont you?you (do) have to go.I have been answering, havent I?use first auxiliaryNothing came in the post, did it?treat statements with nothing, nobody etc like negative statementsLets go, shall we?le

15、ts = let usHed better do it, hadnt he?he had better (no auxiliary)Here are some mixed examples:英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军But you dont really love her, do you? 英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Micr

16、osoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军This will work, wont it? 英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军Well, I couldnt help it, could I? 英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)

17、新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军But youll tell me if she calls, wont you? 英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军Wed never have known, would we? 英语:Module1Euro

18、pePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军The weathers bad, isnt it? 英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军You wont be late, will you? 英语:Module1E

19、uropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军Nobody knows, do they? 英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军Notice that we often use tag questions t

20、o ask for information or help, starting with a negative statement. This is quite a friendly/polite way of making a request. For example, instead of saying Where is the police station? (not very polite), or Do you know where the police station is? (slightly more polite), we could say: You wouldnt kno

21、w where the police station is, would you? Here are some more examples:英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军You dont know of any good jobs, do you? 英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼

22、虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军You couldnt help me with my homework, could you? 英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军You havent got $10 to lend me, have you? 英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)

23、(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军Intonation英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军We can change the meaning of a tag question with the musical pitch of

24、our voice. With rising intonation, it sounds like a real question. But if our intonation falls, it sounds more like a statement that doesnt require a real answer: 英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军intonationYou

25、 dont know where my wallet is,do you?/ risingreal questionIts a beatiful view,isnt it? fallingnot a real questionAnswers to tag questions英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军How do we answer a tag question? Often,

26、 we just say Yes or No. Sometimes we may repeat the tag and reverse it (., do they? Yes, they do). Be very careful about answering tag questions. In some languages, an opposite system of answering is used, and non-native English speakers sometimes answer in the wrong way. This can lead to a lot of c

27、onfusion!英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军For example, everyone knows that snow is white. Look at these questions, and the correct answers:英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋

28、腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军tag questioncorrect answer Snow is white, isnt it?Yes (it is).the answer is the same in both cases - because snow IS WHITE!but notice the change of stress when the answerer does not agree with the questionerSnow isnt white, is it?Yes it is!Snow i

29、s black, isnt it?No it isnt!the answer is the same in both cases - because snow IS NOT BLACK!Snow isnt black, is it?No(itisnt).In some languages, people answer a question like Snow isnt black, is it? with Yes (meaning Yes, I agree with you). This is the wrong answer in English!英语:Module1EuropePeriod

30、5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军Here are some more examples, with correct answers:英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军The moon goes round the

31、earth, doesnt it? Yes, it does. 英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军The earth is bigger than the moon, isnt it? Yes. 英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰

32、蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军The earth is bigger than the sun, isnt it? No, it isnt! 英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军Asian people dont like rice, do they? Yes, they do! 英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建

33、Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军Elephants live in Europe, dont they? No, they dont! 英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军Men dont have babies, do they? No. 英语:M

34、odule1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军The English alphabet doesnt have 40 letters, does it? No, it doesnt. 英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡

35、滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军Question tags with imperatives英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军Sometimes we use question tags with imperatives (invitations, orders), but the sentence remains an imperative and does not require a

36、direct answer. We use wont for invitations. We use can, cant, will, would for orders.英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军imperative + question tagnotes:invitationTake a seat, wont you?politeorderHelp me, can you?

37、quite friendlyHelp me, cant you?quite friendly (some irritation?)Close the door, would you?quite politeDo it now, will you?less politeDont forget, will you?with negative imperatives only will is possibleSame-way question tags英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌

38、杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军Although the basic structure of tag questions is positive-negative or negative-positive, it is sometime possible to use a positive-positive or negative-negative structure. We use same-way question tags to express interest, surprise, anger etc, and not

39、 to make real questions.英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军So youre having a baby, are you? Thats wonderful! 英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠

40、猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军 She wants to marry him, does she? Some chance! 英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军 So you think thats amusing, do you? Think again. 英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档

41、.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军Negative-negative tag questions usually sound rather hostile:英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军 So you dont like my looks, dont you? 英语:Module

42、1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军Step 2: Role-play a conversation about where you live英语:Module1EuropePeriod5教案(1)(外研版必修3)新建 Microsoft Word 文档.doc炽与陛隆弊曼虞哨薯奋腑惊咒只煌杏躺孤阀圃雪踢卓灾萧桌枚蝶诫呀拾讨西禾兰蕾馆檄棱弟星钠猛餐己捌构余警豫蔡滴履达窿泡食墓士不异懂唬军A: Where

43、 are you from?B: I am from Taiyuan.A: You are from Shanxi, arent you?B: Yes, I am. I love my special part of Taiyuan, the Nan Cheng Part, what some people call “old Taiyuan”and what I call home. A: What is it like?B: Dating from the Tang Dynasty, old Taiyuan is arguably the most artistically and arc

44、hitecturally attractive capital city in the country. A: Are there any places of interest on the street where you live?B: On the street where I live, you can see two towers called Double Towers.A: I know they are the famous symbols of Taiyuan.B: Down the road, you will come to Clothing Town, the most

45、 famous shopping center in Taiyuan. Here you can find varieties of clothing you like.A: They say that Taiyuan is the worlds biggest open-air museum and not even residents, let alone tourists, ever get the chance to see every temple (more than 350 of them), every tower, every statue, or every histori

46、c street within a lifetime. B: You are absolutely right.A: When is the best time to visit Taiyuan?B: The best time to enjoy the neighborhood is early morning. The sounds and smells are quintessentially Taiyuan. The memories linger long after one has left the city. The incessant yelling (a-o-o-oh! is

47、 a particularly favorite cry) and friendly insults of the trades people as they set up their market stalls along the streets, mammas calling down the corridor to their children as they head off to school, and young men on parked scooters greeting each other as if they hadnt seen each other for years, accompanied by sings of birds in the trees. Ah, w


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