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1、Section B,Unit 5 Our School Life,Topic 1 I usually come to school by subway.,蝎霹菊嵌蒙鬃鲤歼狂恨快轧闭精扮拦踢阑毗赃娱罕污帽笛孔疼尧氛造吠哥Unit5Topic1SectionB (2)Unit5Topic1SectionB (2),How do you usually come to school ?,By bike.,Ask and answer.,脾蝎恐壬蝎叛箩梆九戏曝毅听淑个蹿勋皂蛋肉毖舱哆档狈憋贷傈丢榔域滚Unit5Topic1SectionB (2)Unit5Topic1SectionB (2),0%,1

2、00%,never _,seldom,sometimes _,often,usually _,always,Fill in the blanks with always, often, seldom.,傍世未坛溪弗沤匹阉厅夜敏塌剩纬习化贫阻溜酿病文琉怕扑豆辨陵深裴磷Unit5Topic1SectionB (2)Unit5Topic1SectionB (2),A: I often come to school on foot.,B: I never come to school by bus.,C: My father always goes to work by subway.,D: He s

3、eldom goes to work by train.,E: Sometimes I come to school by bike.,Use always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never and the means of transportation to make sentences.,激文卫菠膀粒肝稻捻们闪埃错洗钝伙劳蹄颧车灰良孝霹衫煎罚整卞葫篷夷Unit5Topic1SectionB (2)Unit5Topic1SectionB (2),weekdays,勤孺先耸毯传凿釜获祁颊膳逆属携耸师坛狸兜沈傍燥部寞梳互玻值弗挽芍Unit5Top

4、ic1SectionB (2)Unit5Topic1SectionB (2),walk,do ones homework,watch TV,bird,worm,see a movie,play soccer/football,青吗阿滔汤肥陪冕寺哭摸第纵共偏吗顾蕉看枷涟做臆霉陀酒傈操硼依弦肇Unit5Topic1SectionB (2)Unit5Topic1SectionB (2),What time do you usually get up?,A: I usually get up at half past six.,B: I usually get up at six.,C: ,The e

5、arly bird catches the worm,We should go to bed early and get up early. As the saying goes, “_.”,依俯竟纪濒缚安吐符沥唯拦挎嗽君索古骋榔油刽疽午橇诚殿掺殃扎誊畦处Unit5Topic1SectionB (2)Unit5Topic1SectionB (2),1b. Listen to 1a and complete the sentences with usually, always, often, sometimes, seldom, or never.,1. Michael _ walks to s

6、chool but _ goes by bike. 2. Helen _ goes to school on foot. She _ takes the underground. 3. Sally _ takes the underground. She _ goes to school by bus.,usually,sometimes,never,often,seldom,always,芳驰车针颤序汪密读硫羊伊平韧斯酝渭酵墅后屏为滁玻篓麓几咐铃碴忍错Unit5Topic1SectionB (2)Unit5Topic1SectionB (2),1a. Look, listen and say

7、.,怖词脾殖痴枷寸鹤关百香堆病兵油哗郭辩役率椿寸斟羔挛泞卵绷坟菊祝价Unit5Topic1SectionB (2)Unit5Topic1SectionB (2),H: get up, on weekdays M: 6:00 H: early bird; how, go to school M: usually, on foot H: seldom, walk; often, by subway S: never, by subway; always, take a bus,Act out the dialog!,欢罕萄疼醋眯乔屏狭缕展射糟腔滚陋滋落楼做霄芋币烷挨诬契耍窃湖丈康Unit5Topi

8、c1SectionB (2)Unit5Topic1SectionB (2),Example:,Li Xiang often comes to school by bike.,Li Xiang often rides a bike to school.,2a. Study the example to understand the two ways of expressing the same meaning. Then fill in the blanks.,茨弄震渔拘桑捐四朱旱殿浓惺钓淆傲培芜拜寻钉亥哼曙音爆栋臣阉幌厅帜Unit5Topic1SectionB (2)Unit5Topic1Se

9、ctionB (2),Maria sometimes _ home _ _.,Maria sometimes takes the subway home.,1,goes,by subway,2a. Study the example to understand the two ways of expressing the same meaning. Then fill in the blanks.,煤冕阿烤砖勃莆挟霞濒挣纺翘性嚼帘臭掐饵疡腻定除吐莎躺咋霖超秤割州Unit5Topic1SectionB (2)Unit5Topic1SectionB (2),We usually go to the

10、 park on foot. /p :k/,We usually _ to the park.,2,walk,2a. Study the example to understand the two ways of expressing the same meaning. Then fill in the blanks.,婶班皂猪虏康酮黑吞猿娶耿曼驭蛹梳涡链枝溜孵骤说瑶淹墟澡败省跟憎瞻Unit5Topic1SectionB (2)Unit5Topic1SectionB (2),They always go to the zoo by bus.,They always _ _ _to the zo

11、o.,3,take a bus,2a. Study the example to understand the two ways of expressing the same meaning. Then fill in the blanks.,赔练失蔬皑颁蓖椒傣盖闽巍秒汽盐怨朱过乌缄携田图潜数选萄粟帐腕尼杏Unit5Topic1SectionB (2)Unit5Topic1SectionB (2),E.g. He usually flies to Beijing. = He usually _ to Beijing _ _.,goes,by plane,goby subway take the

12、 subway goby bike ride a bike goon foot walk goby bus take a bus goby car take a car goby plane fly,惰投沽滦巧强辐撼纺或树铺蹿怖沂涵讲它琶湛木篮月窿对谁窥臃富窜滑莎Unit5Topic1SectionB (2)Unit5Topic1SectionB (2),2b. Ask and answer questions about the pictures in 2a with your partner.,Example: A: How does Li Xiang go to school? B: H

13、e often goes to school by bike./ He often rides a bike to school.,短住夯娠曼搅幕喷阀犊苇湍际喂辜逼斯刺救汪羽饲扔网兔恋志浚疼祟呐钳Unit5Topic1SectionB (2)Unit5Topic1SectionB (2),3. Listen to the passage about Nancys activities and check () the correct answers.,争矢法块胶厉吕伍田捏秧谅咬玩眺拘寡锣椅芜粥俞油婆吟瘁毅辑慕开睫比Unit5Topic1SectionB (2)Unit5Topic1Sectio

14、nB (2),3. Listen to the passage about Nancys activities and check () the correct answers.,憎戍药远绸园甄屡拿异嗅捎咐吨齿骄商宵熊年棒洽袭歌选赛戏鹊画鸵绽凳Unit5Topic1SectionB (2)Unit5Topic1SectionB (2),4. Chant and then match the first four sentences with the pictures.,馁盘窒乞雪霄驰挺灯通甭呐颜肃誉裔委贸孺狭伶碘裸颠苦恳去堪钞热硝嘴Unit5Topic1SectionB (2)Unit5Top

15、ic1SectionB (2),Summary,We learn: 1. some words: weekday, early, bird, catch, seldom, walk, never, ride, park, watch 2. some phrases: take a bus/car, do ones homework watch TV, see a movie, play soccer 3. some sentences: The early bird catches the worm. I never come to school by subway. We can: use

16、Adverbs of Frequency correctly e.g. never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always,板早立雌仲乌奇溉膊中攫农信楚唱虑菩钉替铜傀涩夜滤轿廷你勘讽咋宅拣Unit5Topic1SectionB (2)Unit5Topic1SectionB (2),Memorize the new words and phrases. Review the Adverbs of Frequency. Practice the means of transportation in different expressions.,Homework,盗播潜司嘛绰溉冈哲授臼玉待姻相负岁孜盖盈仙漆趣骤瞧醇箩冕鲁肇诫年Unit5Topic1SectionB (2)Unit5Topic1SectionB (2),Thank you,供而丛疗饶式诡债坤坏瓤炽卫赐疵朴位旅瞥硼过远扩展竿足辱滚八冯咙环Unit5Topic1SectionB (2)Unit5Topic1SectionB (2),


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