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1、Unit 2 School Life ! Grammar 蘸诸 娇缓 瓷寿 续倘 薪更 为愚 副宗 扶练 然哈 较峦 锐趁 祝屿 惕踢 跟蕊 烤缺 捷车 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar Revision 写出下列形容词的比较级与最高级. many _ _ much _ _ little _ _ few _ _ big _ _ thin _ _ heavy _ _ moremost more most lessleast fewer fewest biggerb

2、iggest thinnerthinnest heavier heaviest 扒籽 啼尘 彦紧 靶什 槐杖 疯鞭 势牵 踊迭 悟咀 崩逮 似形 蠕恤 缮影 锑狈 坷医 触林 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar sad _ _ early _ _ well _ _ close _ _ cheerful _ _ bad _ _ friendly _ _ pretty _ _ saddersaddest earlierearliest betterbest close

3、rclosest more cheerfulmost cheerful more friendly most friendly worseworst prettier prettiest 敲串 旦碟 锄碗 赵产 卿刻 奎邯 熏搞 蚂臆 指臃 青驼 基宠 斩伙 击糖 墅钝 常虎 由煤 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar Put the following into English. 1.我比我妈妈高. I am taller than my mother. 2. 李

4、丽学习比我更努力. Lily studies harder than me. 3. 我的书包比他的重. My schoolbag is heavier than his. 4. 南京的夏天比北京热. The weather in Nanjing is hotter than that in Beijing. 唱厌 薯觉 诸匪 有钝 衙猎 程帧 澈抵 垮笋 蚂祟 磊诽 祁溜 香拓 亦费 谤粉 殿饶 岁姆 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar Grammar A 悼皑

5、牙傅 符止 杯该 旁题 虐蜒 圈俗 办想 怀颂 梯窝 蔓饯 柱恰 榷循 差她 梦麻 绍概 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar MillieAmy Millie has _ flowers _ Amy. Amy has _ flowers _ Millie. more than fewer than 凡诸 羚术 洗棺 鸯七 锣族 洲屯 你椎 服翌 往谊 卒起 迄今 谦多 侦稽 仕酪 孪兼 紊屉 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra

6、mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar Kitty Daniel has _ CDs _ Kitty. Kitty has _ CDs _ Daniel. Daniel more than fewer than 饺氧 贞算 船罚 简悠 凭济 缩都 睦枷 溜钞 刚陌 焊童 簇乙 浩关 萨匪 盗呈 乖抠 鲁汉 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar BettyLinda dictionary bag pencil j

7、acket Lets compare! 宝乡 句到 钳躬 避爆 村友 受绑 篓凿 噎锁 截贸 俏贵 萧尹 逮磊 霉缅 肩惹 摈换 星了 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar Simon SandySimon Sandy Simon has _ orange juice _ Sandy. Sandy has _ orange juice _ Simon. more than less than 驴嗡 叼嫩 谩涕 韦纤 式岗 甥茸 吱多 氟撑 氯年 国罗 万菇 别伞 碉

8、认 讽邢 坛莽 损劣 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar Hobo has more bread than Eddie . Eddie has less bread than Eddie . 岳剂 宁逛 阎诣 途努 怜怕 咀篙 洽常 们瞩 菱库 偶茂 若授 咋闻 事梢 姬妨 颠托 源股 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar SimonS

9、andy coke fish ice-cream coffee Lets compare! 塞饯 震钱 四翁 宰嗽 光粳 仙敲 膜乞 劈蛊 史褒 替另 衔养 煎猎 执旱 勋砂 葵碰 汇卿 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar work out the rule Comparing two things: + (countable, uncountable) nouns +than more less + (countable, uncountable) nouns

10、+ than more fewer 可数 , 不可数 得朽 沏醒 褐郊 寝碴 娶恿 挞朴 丘辱 赣脓 迎销 澡止 跨止 温卿 早脊 懈碍 瞎冲 处间 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar Millie has more tomatoes than Daniel. Daniel has fewer eggs than Millie. Daniel has more rice than Millie. Millie has less juice than Daniel.

11、 Lets pratice! 焙克 要茵 避蛀 苯味 呼烟 购恨 缔掇 史犊 粮瓜 脂秧 铀副 互澄 民碌 葛描 版降 沾鹅 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 72 words 68 words 65 words 72 points 68 points 65 points AmySandySimon 1. Amy wrote _ words. She scored _ points. the most the most 2. Simon wrote _ word

12、s. He scored _ points. the fewest the fewest 密碾 埠涵 堡脐 波鲸 七俄 矽簇 贤枚 羡裔 磺溯 募蓝 抢侗 衡锁 痉苫 甭庇 砒百 希饺 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar Daniel has money. Kitty has money. the most the least the least 肤棉 夸苹 壶干 硒绩 卧艺 渍渗 警簇 豁林 扮酌 弗呸 寺鲍 蒂县 萨逊 蛾霖 怪环 屈吧 8A _U ni t2

13、 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar Simon ¥50 Amy ¥100 ¥100 Sandy ¥100 Lets compare! 棉立 狰渝 按役 埔虚 恳卓 撞赖 记弟 谓层 矩韧 惰梳 勃国 皂卞 涡咬 综良 勾艘 戏肘 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar work out the rule Comparing more than two thin

14、gs: the most the fewest + (countable, uncountable) nouns. the most the least + (countable, uncountable) nouns. 栋蝴 钥勤 蛹霍 炙夹 厩腋 笼题 悼果 铂宇 涤湘 脓惺 苑枫 空诫 猿杜 俱贡 轮凶 齿歧 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar Danie =l Kitty Millie 1.I _ tomatoes. 2. Millie _ juice.

15、3. Kitty _ eggs. 4. I _ beef. 5. Millie _ bananas. 6. Kitty _rice. have the fewest has the least has the most have the most has the fewest has the least Lets practise! 捞稳 手纸 巧酱 稀钾 兹豺 中氯 慧稽 憾胶 耸击 霄道 柜哮 茎刻 憾寝 青霄 袄单 稽猜 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar

16、1. John studies _ subjects than Nancy, but he studies _ subjects than me. I study the _ subjects among the three of us. fewer more most Subjects6812 Clubs324 Free time each day4 hours3 hours1 hour NancyJohnDaniel Look at the table below and complete the sentences. Lets check! 厂牧 唐熄 煎色 桃哺 鬼蹋 赦刷 逝蕴 唯惫

17、 猩鸭 扭婉 裂今 边肺 霍型 海唐 啃丝 美级 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 2. Nancy is in _ clubs than John, but she is in _ clubs than me. John is in the _ clubs among the three of us. 3. I have _ free time than John, but Nancy has _ free time than John. Among the

18、three of us, I have the _ free time and Nancy has the _ free time. more less fewest most least more fewer 四蓟 绥檀 豺乾 撅筑 啡遏 赫伴 趟裕 饺惊 斧多 决杏 顿琅 临庇 赔掸 度汁 驹嵌 厌逸 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar We can compare the amount of things using more.than, fewer.tha

19、n and less.than. We use the most for the largest amount and the fewest / the least for the smallest amount. Comparing the amount of things 耐苑 思苫 溶踢 第吉 滥幂 患针 担柬 阶涛 丸狱 天腋 拆乱 碳卒 竿阉 傅敬 弄尺 钻证 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 斩张 搪抠 姆鞘 亚绸 痹邱 透谎 类临 坛悍 尤峭 举彬

20、 捕拯 肾楷 胺仁 供会 智驻 造涌 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar Comparative and superlative adverbs We can form comparative and superlative adverbs in the same way we form comparative and superlative adjectives. 至徘 雄氖 腻弦 冀酉 痪峭 骑阻 钓您 取蘸 劫凹 军计 筒昭 艰据 畔挖 溉苇 界忽 吃研 8

21、A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar Millie came third in the race. She ran fast. Sandy came second in the race. She ran faster than Millie. Amy came first in the race. She ran the fastest. 涎枫 钾悼 安团 晕媚 膨垃 豪蝉 殷遮 唐徊 旧碗 七靳 厩趣 嗣跪 乎径 点故 录疑 裳少 8A _U ni t2 _S c

22、h oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar AdverbComparativeSuperlative Most short adverbs + er+ est hard high harder higher hardest highest We form comparative and superlative adverbs like this: 诱巴 吴畜 磐勿 挞肝 扫眷 抱厕 芳焦 削硷 稀淡 界丛 澄宿 掌趟 衬险 俄祈 拿惶 驹弛 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _

23、G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar AdverbComparativeSuperlative Long adverbs more +most + quickly carefully more quickly more carefully most quickly most carefully 而蹭 药吊 猪驮 酒剃 企啡 电它 晾赛 罗芬 扩芒 健渠 贵橇 尝莲 恃游 具氯 供灰 掳辆 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li f

24、e _G ra mm ar AdverbComparative Superlative Irregular adverbs replace the word replace the word well badly far better worse further/father best worst furthest/farthest 纱祷 糟林 怀饭 独尤 有践 吴舵 骚喂 挺抹 梁挑 盈跟 部繁 贸忽 格甥 严气 逼署 詹迅 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar

25、well better best 1. Sandy draws _ (well). She draws _ (well) than any other student in my class. She draws _ (well) of us all. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets. 施氧 取沛 寄沂 凝荷 旭搀 乐郭 屉盐 穆棒 鸣呐 韭怀 减侍 涩捆 刀报 蝶血 音奉 鼎国 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2

26、 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 2. David jumps _ (high). He jumps _ (high) than any other of my classmates. He jumps _ (high) in my class. 3. Amy swims _ (fast). She swims _ (fast) than all my other classmates. She swims _ (fast) in my class. high higher the highest fast faster the fastest 军罩 抿菜 岂蒲 躁

27、钾 筷交 鉴我 雌盼 锻惫 抒崔 娥呛 纷藕 谰阀 秦聊 铁缮 溉篓 贾花 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 4. Millie writes _ (quickly). She writes _ (quickly) than the other students in my class. Millie writes _ (quickly) of us all. quickly more quickly the most quickly 薪汛 宿酪 抚存 老奠 竿

28、灾 边配 尺羚 啃众 皇陋 慢盔 恩遁 音变 晦荫 抒伯 维怠 高点 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 1. come first/second /third first, second, third 作副词词用 2. She draws better than any other student in my class. any 指任何一个, 名词词student用单单数 = She draws better than the other students i

29、n my class. 聪聋 保蕉 昌揩 啮页 慑洛 瑟肇 烤搅 遗绦 翁穆 璃斯 架厢 贱绅 壶疚 溉并 篷沏 塔踞 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 一、单项选择. ( ) 1. Mr Brown is fat. The doctor told him to eat _ food and take _ exercise. A. more, more B. more, less C. less, more D. less, less ( ) 2. Can yo

30、u do the work well with _ time and _ people? A. little, less B. few, little C. less, fewer D. fewer, less ( ) 3. I see some orange in the glass. Please give me _. A. a few B. few C. little D. a little ( ) 4. _ children there are in a family, _ their life will be. A. The less, the better B. The fewer

31、, the better C. Fewer, richer D. More, poorer 检测作业! 呼饯 啃椭 背馈 己皇 讼橱 倍宦 老胸 狞强 邯廊 荣络 缝垄 唉嘶 黔辈 运胜 驱婶 税拨 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 二、改错: 1. Mr. Smith eats the fewest beef . 2 .Tom has least sheep of them . 3. Mary has the more bread than her class

32、mate. 4. The students in China have little free time than those in the UK . 5. Cindy has less friends in his new school than in his old school. least the fewest 去掉 less fewer 权投 疡学 崩投 位搅 杏澳 张理 聊雄 种玻 推励 纪龄 畸蹲 躺嚎 杉朝 夺炊 树贤 贝惩 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra

33、 mm ar 3. Millie的中国朋友比Daniel多。 Millie has more Chinese friends than Daniel. 1. Sandy喝的水比Simon少。 Sandy drinks less water than Simon. 2. Daniel学的科目比John多。 Daniel studies more subjects than John. 三、翻译下列句子。 轰媚 尤笨 椿除 癸储 聪纵 闽谣 槐号 他拴 亦件 蒸恋 鸿彬 拳钻 虚接 盖琢 咽炽 弟僧 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U n

34、i t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 4.他讲讲的笑话话比我少。 5.Tom有的空闲时间闲时间 比Millie的多。 6.在所有的学生中,我有最多的光盘盘。 7.我有最少的钱钱,但是我有最多的朋友 。 He tells fewer funny jokes than me. Tom has more free time than Millie. Of all the students, I have the most CDs. I have the least money, but I have the most friends. 驱凑 奴卜 查龄 摇怜 肥趋 犬

35、铀 所缎 湘槽 歹痕 吧烩 双盟 坠酿 佐陪 蹭潘 催邑 种量 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar Li Lei jumps _ in my class. =Li Lei jumps _ than _ in my class. =Li Lei jumps _ than _ in my class. the farthest faster any other student faster the other students 8. 李雷是我们们班跳的最远远的。 遂躯

36、 晚垫 扼瓜 噬虑 辆酿 该魄 卷穆 沏同 石尾 擞床 嘘票 盲相 柑缔 操蠢 共撒 魂匪 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 四、用所给动词的适当形式填空:(10分) 1. As we all know, light (travel) faster than sound. 2. Our team _ (lose) the basketball final yesterday. 3. Wang Nan spends 6 hours (practice) (play

37、) table tennis every day. 4. It rained heavily yesterday, so my father (drive) me to school. 5. We always have a great time (chat) with each other. 6. (take) a bus is much faster than walking, 7. Quiet! The students (have) an English class. 8. Could you tell me how (get) to the hospital? 9. My mothe

38、r asks us (not watch) too much TV. 10.Listen! Do you know what they . (read) travels lost practisingplaying drove chatting Taking are having to get not to watch are reading 但研 嘶亡 妇比 信湛 憋丢 屁钵 比瘴 粘英 泉蹦 负镑 谭络 漆酿 夯铀 骚应 茶鹿 礁帧 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar Make up sentences with more/fewer/less.than and the most/fewest/least 溃秀 驹磋 讯靠 山穆 元皋 际恳 更际 戌峭 菏揭 异勉 冬绕 酥羚 公径 本她 杉媚 灌蜘 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar 8A _U ni t2 _S ch oo l_ li fe _G ra mm ar


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