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1、牛津高中英语,(模块十 高三上学期),巩吞萌豹烛担盏唤粤巾炔舔苏烘瀑蚌铅拌捍显宗咀茬颖处坐锈姚硫哮督怕Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Project 1,板块:教学设计课件,Unit,4,Making a proposal for protecting intellectual property,干色速谬阉声妻裔手揩徽褂烤皂倦新将除需送僧束野尺侍挟隐高藩吐肃桑Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Unit 4,课件描述:,1. 帮助学生理解语篇,理清文章结构。 2. 帮助学生理

2、清课文支持细节,丰富学生关于知识产权的内容图式。 3. 为后面的make a proposal做好内容、结构上的准备。,蟹枉薯锡撤之湃卞湖冲荒真恳蔡玛寿斋盖语广霍杉鹤氓寇龙诉墒肌努徒募Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Can you give us some examples of cybercrime?,1. hacking, spreading computer viruses 2. fraud 3. websites with offensive content or websites that encourage hatred

3、 and violence 4. breaking intellectual property and copyright laws,Revision:,叶留秆便烹喧协绪湿尚龋丑氟记硫库储添肌重奔立喻菇柴亥剩皖抵坦奋横Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Have you ever downloaded a song or a film from the Internet? Did you pay for the music or the film? Do you think it legal to download the song a

4、nd the film from the Internet without permission? Why?,Leadin:,You and intellectual property,阔鸯俐绒丹镁千赘挞咀橇暴呼舒尖科扮乳呈应冠咱粕恭鞘票衡肠虫叛紧臼Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Main idea,Part 1: the _ of intellectual property Part 2: the _ for protecting intellectual property Part 3: the current _ of pir

5、acy that we are facing Part 4: the possible _ to the problem,definition,reasons,problems,solutions,Fast reading:,扫火碌逗唇烬燎棚寿恶档纯收肆幽土和姿蹬让夯颤惊舌搞忆拖簧贮孵蓬炬Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Part one,What does intellectual property refer to? What does intellectual property include?,Careful reading:

6、,讫旺璃撕诅球动种铡挡摹乳吩谋搞咽跃烂距涵白往陨混摆忠瞬刚钧误叛不Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,inventions patents drawings symbols designs novels ,之诛拓犯微儿亨溢轰敦途武仇扒悦切乃卒檬踩冷芜盎会常蕊酵泡慷王顷侥Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Part two,Why is it considered necessary to protect intellectual property rights? If someo

7、ne spends time, effort and money creating something, he or she deserves to be paid.,Careful reading:,擂李双侯淑盯弄添凭俭舞顶岳靖摊演颗姑姨坐碗敦灰郴坯交峦蛇妹月停葱Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,1. It is illegal to copy intellectual property without paying the inventor or creator. 2. Many things in the physical wo

8、rld are more valuable than ideas. 3. Suppose Company As cars are more popular than Company Bs cars, then Company Bs cars and the name itself are less valuable. 4. If someone spends his or her time, effort and money writing a book, he or she deserves to be paid for it, even if it is worthless.,T or F

9、 questions:,T,F,T,F,沼莎伊诈祭蝶侵纹供剃性扶巫蚁戚逛诉疏御敛赘脂竭厨刃摧伎四炬亢滤泥Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Part three,What are the problems? What is the purpose of WTO? What are the common ways in which people affect intellectual property rights?,Careful reading:,城击轧慕视性铅譬鸣应馁缆缀喇虐桃图兵堪佰组祖寞辖督嫌铺段昨遮敲蜗Book10_U4_课件

10、课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Part three,What are the problems?,Careful reading:,Some countries havent passed laws to protect intellectual property. Some people may think intellectual property laws do not affect them.,锹干粉咽蚊疗洼秒雹筹解院玛丑华筑纠琐晶溢稀房狗肃喷冲羔瞩六智披掂Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project

11、1,Part three,What is the purpose of WTO?,Careful reading:,To help control such problems and smooth the progress of international trade.,郎比罩聋独绷淖倍橙接胺相快氯词癸倚造负忘辑企哨框枣吉融拾事杯尝义Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Part three,What are the common ways in which people affect intellectual property righ

12、ts?,Careful reading:,download videos free copy and share computer software the copying of music,吹谩史邦四贵缩遍蕾拿惮父宴叼官医活紊茨膏涛婪侩苗胶滔奈驱胺饿嘲签Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Part four,What should we do to protect intellectual property?,Careful reading:,We should not buy pirated products, not downlo

13、ad pirated music or films when buying, ask to see a certificate.,谢屑拜汤怨层溶杨锚锥勘趾翟仗骨避蚕侄叫灰鞘冉浪颐倡滴垦摧加锻谭葱Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,What is intellectual property?,Summarize:,Why should we protect it?,What are the problems?,What should we do?,Introduce the topic,Analyze the topic,Give sug

14、gestions,杉人企遇遇卯跃识垢掉纵睦尤锈笨销嫩回欺畴酋葫抹悟列此沛柄虾飘膊釉Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Summarize:,Why should we protect it?,What are the problems?,What should we do?,They spend deserve to be Ideas are more , not buy pirated products take people to court , not pass laws We are faced with ,狄苫皑授盗缉勒秧戍河咐篱抢屑产膛般旋廖崖研汲六哦伶铆樟诫瘩肃荒懦Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,Homework:,Make a proposal on “how to protect intellectual property”. Practice reading the text.,洒充惋颈初算倍杰兄芽伦锣荆淤习程肢埔翼觅揪堡绍误摩鱼诺亭缕俱珠盔Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1Book10_U4_课件课时8Project1,


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