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1、Writing an application letter 申请信,北京二中亦庄学校 陈洪霞,棉折集空褂拒逝街整突擦授缘猾汉皋姬簇凿锯桥摊藩激总柜蹭汰卓拴一畸WritinganapplicationletterWritinganapplicationletter,We write an application letter to apply for _,笺阶虹实钎酸纫李愿簇甭秦君戎昂呀宠盐五畏埃骸埃乃泽汾躲拯存富氮防WritinganapplicationletterWritinganapplicationletter,Purpose :,Passage A: Passage B:,Passa

2、ge A : Passage B:,Structure :,Whats the main idea of each paragraph?,aims to make a self-introduction aims to apply for a job,one paragraph three paragraphs,钙球锁舶皿恰匙屏茂僧车的旭荆奈歹养羡凛锡校导调乙扼旋娄骸憾憋疲漱WritinganapplicationletterWritinganapplicationletter,(Sample1) I have learnt from the newspaper that you need a

3、 few part-time English reporters. I think I am qualified for the job.,(Sample2) From the poster in our school, I know that you are looking for volunteers to help the students in Chenxi Hope School with their English. I hope to be one of them and do my best to help the students.,(Sample3) I am writin

4、g to apply for the chance to study in your university.,Para 1: Read and recite (背诵),吾繁嚣灶窟鸡筹辊嘴逸双灵赎境洒离井乃外投贮请统匀篆唁丁嫁谷芒卿雇WritinganapplicationletterWritinganapplicationletter,Present the beginning orally,1.你从报纸上得知B&B公司要招聘一名英文翻译(an English translator),你很感兴趣。请你根据下列提示给该公司写一封求职信。,Dear Sir or Madam, I have lea

5、rnt that you need, I think.be qualified for From the in , I know that you are looking for , I hope to I am writing to apply for the chance to in ,挂所茧都窜算霓蓖淫柑层让羊缚镐煞同拼凝床滓扔假底竣遁描坑跃乘秋撑WritinganapplicationletterWritinganapplicationletter,Present the beginning orally,2.你从社区(community)的海报上得知,社区现正在招募志愿者来迎接外国客

6、人,你希望成为其中一员。请你根据下列提示给社区写一封申请信,Dear Sir or Madam, I have learnt that you need, I think.be qualified for From the in , I know that you are looking for, I hope to I am writing to apply for the chance to in ,兹制搭煮绚醚畅卜蛙詹啤妄廷汲愚犬玫膨涉谜不刑惑另厚铁吁旋听狮蔫妆WritinganapplicationletterWritinganapplicationletter,Present the

7、 beginning orally,3.你即将高中毕业,想申请去牛津大学(Oxford University)学习。请你根据下列提示写一封申请信。,Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to apply for the chance to in ,亮斌挪三杜导坊损窍眨辙棺空掇称奔慧冰颜户烘涎弦先豁模宣宏刺谬柄澡WritinganapplicationletterWritinganapplicationletter,Para 2: Resons,Reasons in paragraph 2,筋爸虹埃蛤纬义序午竟印驴靖雅布本啸儿哦兑形喧阀漳售富戚依距发在主Writinga

8、napplicationletterWritinganapplicationletter,Useful expressions from the samples,1.interest 2.characters 3.advantage 4.experience 5.meaning of the activity,.meaningful because I can not only but also,be keen on (=be interested in) / go in for (=take part in)like,outgoing/ open-minded, which makes me

9、 easy to get along with/ self-confident/easy-going / warm-hearted/ be popular with ,be good at / do well in / receive a number of honors,once joined in, which helped me become more; once took part in and won the first place,刑卷岂接丘虑芬到纪退抽捅奉邱碑炔捧靛爽徐会隋匪碉捧耸酉薛滩慑何氖WritinganapplicationletterWritinganapplicati

10、onletter,Para 3: Read and recite (背诵),(Sample 1 ) Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to your early reply.,(Sample 2) I would appreciate it if you could give me the opportunity.,(Sample 3) I d appreciate it greatly if you can help me realize my dream. Im looking forward to

11、 your reply.,负蛹科瘸树镀场揍髓辑虏激钵靶茅澎陡镊岂镰幌消绞奏孵毙赌驻逐咕开陶WritinganapplicationletterWritinganapplicationletter,Present the beginning orally,1.感谢您考虑我的申请,期待您的回信。 2.如果您能给我这个机会,我会非常感激。 3.如果您能帮助我实现我的梦想,我会非常感激。,棵革莽额急漾坷疼臣钾保呻和皱痊筒隙躯府脯蔚俘扭邵第釜犀穆躺疲慈赋WritinganapplicationletterWritinganapplicationletter,Dear Sir or Madam, Im a

12、 student from Xinhua Middle School. I have learned from the newspaper that you need a few part-time English reporters. I think I am qualified for the job. Im rather keen on working as a reporter. Besides, I am good at English both in speaking and writing. In addition, I am outgoing and open-minded,

13、which makes me easy to get along with. In a word, Im self-confident that I can get the position and do it well. Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, Li Hua,Conjunctions used in writing,赁栋捂窥膊扬艳旱牙恰虞类痰闺撇翱啊朋彝移负辟会摩读搁殉浑何猎觅眶Writinganapplicati

14、onletterWritinganapplicationletter,Writing and assessment,你从报纸上得知东京奥组委(Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee)正向全球招募志愿者,你希望成为他们当中的一员,请你根据下列提示写一封申请信。 1.英语好 2.爱好体育 3.热心,开朗,易相处 注意: 1. 词数不少于50; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。,缎酗磁铰贸羡褥郡吮傻锥捻嚏扰本在赢灵裔珠梆卉肋匪城丫织峪啊德嘻桨WritinganapplicationletterWritinganapplicationletter,Homework,Finish the writing on page 4 on your work sheet. Try to apply what we have learnt to your writing.,槐吞聚盯柜腑镇坤瓢悔伦社盒悟瀑挨沫降斟惩诡超砧篆签腺算算琵蛤揖论WritinganapplicationletterWritinganapplicationletter,巡褥某筹稠据靡邢嫩惶衅卷淋他拇萨咎虹当扰做尿渐涪朵径炳惺鸯觉沫俭WritinganapplicationletterWritinganapplicationletter,


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