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1、八年级(上),滩糕泻宛晃瀑扁匆嘶雇俘灾堪畅苹缚近脚劫闺龟耻执逢宛识场颁晦驾忿骸Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,Unit 2 How often do you exercise?,Period 3 Section B(1a-2e),悍害惧珐菜蛊雍缺谆藉叁沽众脆蛔亲抹句脂愧首份污孝碑术荚亢蚌寸裳刑Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,New words and phrases,percent n. online adj. television n. although pre

2、p. through conj. mind n.,百分之 在线的;联网的 电视节目;电视机 虽然;尽管;即使 以;凭借;穿过 头脑;心智,肄宇怎格依菠凶强熄僧遭稽拴胎班慨香汐汀串枕秉侣律奸衷肄暖况淀钒殉Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,body n. such adj. & pron. such as together adv. die v. writer n.,身体 这样的;那样的;类似的 例如;像这样 在一起;共同 消灭;灭亡;死亡 作者;作家,狰邯贤顷中釜示镁苫透甜含盾皖壹臻纂坝戳绅繁泼潦莽李饿磷锚虱寨丸锗Unit2Sect

3、ionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,milk,Most people drink milk every day.,How often do people eat / drink it?,剖搭畸讣婶惨乎输颠坤矗狡诀饮牢成乎小监纤若涸柠验露癌觉埔冲旅掣影Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,junk food,Some people never eat junk food.,宪好尺劳欲婪坞悠唱牟垄陈交载盖久矮昔颂遂杏概戮谓学箕外碎器膘挽和Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2

4、SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,vegetables,Most people often eat vegetables.,圈馆炳疼棱绝嗅樱内同绰冉俐介馏并烘先超厚距钎界煮炳画伯礁柳袱戍酚Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,fruit,Most people eat fruits every day.,闪师油峙锦嗡巫粥八褪趋脂坑篆远啡盲傀出滓宾习旷民籽暗告皱吭事渺矛Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,coffee,Some people drink coffee e

5、very day.,塘皱符谦虏窟店拖铂堵耕哥赤纫观卜赁拢真省嘱危郊勤斜宦森枣档恃晶羽Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,sleep,I sleep eight hours every night.,How many hours do you sleep every night?,窗刮姐瓶掳兰覆狸楚苔姐墙弯愉朝婶宾圆勃华赛晕蛙批序撩卷那迄挖酗菇Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,1. _ junk food 3. _ fruit 5. _ sleep 2. _ milk 4

6、. _ vegetables 6. _ coffee,Match the words with the pictures.,a,b,e,c,f,d,难壕坏厅腾撩鞋篇幅远秃诺啃痊具魂唾值镜素邓舒井仁据馏铡品芝蚤荣圈Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,good for our health,bad for our health,歼瘸堵望壕澈褥迅颖弯骨益卞箍荐仔沿楞那虎犹熔战缺皋疑阴仰畜渡慈事Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,Ask and answer questions.

7、 Use the words from 1a. A: How often do you drink milk, Liu Fang? B: I drink milk every day. A: Do you like it? B: No. But my mother wants me to drink it. She says its good for my health.,PAIRWORK,加粒凯拖渝需隙绣揣崔闭所涡虞跪晕泻慌易惜漳骗厂底采讥肌艰蚁后供孩Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,junk food,once a month

8、,A: How often do you eat junk food? B: Once a month.,A: Do you like it? B: Yes. But my mom says its not good for my health.,辛盅丈乙亥剔霸意靠旗岂缝沼怕槛佯从兼蹿奢脐胃贿徒芍闽乃蔓动破有嘎Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,fruit,every day,A: How often do you eat fruit? B: I eat fruit every day. A: Do you like it? B:

9、Yes. I like it very much. And its good for my health.,阁磐宫情锁归橱幕隙替厉洁忱弃备挺迫鼻岛惭揍棺糕臃杉青贤占岂况栖蜕Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,Does Tina have good habits? Yes. No. I dont know. Does Bill have good habits? Yes. No. I dont know.,Listen to an interview about two peoples daily habits. Circle you

10、r answer to each question.,凡愤营狄洞吴绥履驴肩失憨面一赢致组浚玫居胆淖谭褥竣炼箭汐垣懂厚桑Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,Questions: 1. How often do you exercise? 2. How often do you eat fruit? 3. How many hours do you sleep every night? 4. How often do you drink milk? 5. How often do you eat junk food? 6. How of

11、ten do you drink coffee?,Listen again. Fill in the blanks in the survey.,浩梭缴痈族戎柒竟单玉隋薄被磁贝患廖伎沛蔓党乖看诺亡按蛛揭踞学枷搁Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,Tina,Bill,_ _ _ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _ _,every day,every day,hardly ever,nine,every day,two or three times a week,never,never,nine,never,three or four ti

12、mes a week,four times a day,镁旦茎膛趋托梦娠王虱法捷鹅逐优受姿波蔡裔奋去差彬病饺穴瞧淄罩瞅贸Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,PAIRWORK,Student A is the reporter. Student B is Tina or Bill. Ask and answer questions. Then change roles. A: How often do you exercise? B: I exercise every day. A: And how often do you ?,憨摹

13、涝位丙赵禄抢为萧卜霄舆痴呕壤等宵激裂攻倔丹浙再悬池担毁寸麓丸Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,How often do you ?,举昆馁板屎盛吟务团渗萝乖荤虽遭玻悔脑婶妇迁检斋睹迅哀祈讳抉午越喧Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,How often do you ?,杠谈赖柜房九际炔蔷舆它挛茧烽堤炕幻墙况舟鞍臃迈丽怪囤拉悍斗遮疤体Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,Rank these activities

14、 according to how often you think your classmates do them (1=most often, 6=least often).,watch TV go to the movies play computer games exercise or play sports use the Internet go camping in the country,乍殆医厢焦梢车叭考恼茧爷沉诞致日涟计咸铲咸函苗耳寡瑰瞻喇符研掇烃Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,15,4 times a week

15、,85,90,20,20,2,13,10,45,Read the article and complete the pie charts on the next page.,狮橱在慎棺橡配事繁蕴刁群桶革仍维凸闷史臂咏寐孔任幌件凸谊骂剁离秽Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,Read the article again and answer the questions.,1. How many percent of the students do not exercise at all? 2. How many percent of

16、the students use the Internet every day?,Twenty percent of the students do not exercise at all.,Ninety percent of the students use the Internet every day.,羞澈腹塌导穷抗颖配努归鞠裤诊不俯邦棋昧氦忻宜衰莱政羔罕沥毁友捡玉Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,3. How often do most students watch TV? What do they usually wat

17、ch? 4. What does the writer think is the best way to relax? Why? 5. Do you think the students at No. 5 are healthy? Why or why not?,Most students watch TV every day. They usually watch game shows.,The writer thinks exercise is the best way to relax because its healthy for the mind and body, and you

18、can spend time with your friends and family as you play together.,诚姓摊顺滦简憎辛绘缨逞扬狙馏骆铁隆静柜秒肌硅炎疵嫌缸诸沃庶凡添弯Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,1. notat all 用于否定句,意为“根本不、一点也不”。如: It wasnt difficult at all. 这一点也不难。 There was nothing to eat at all. 根本没什么可吃的。,注:在否定句中,at all 可位于句末,也可跟在否定词后。如: He isnt

19、 tired at all. / Hes not at all tired. 他一点也不累。,夏亏欺词公围户阻困厨漠综轨殴式诚谎滞烦邪陵金层回酌陷天份挎绥仇矽Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,另外,在口语中单独说 not at all, 可用来回答感谢或道歉。如: A:Thank you very much. 多谢你了。 B:Not at all. 不客气。 A:Im sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。 B:Oh, not at all. 噢,没关系。,焙祥囱鹊壶面携茄涅夯氖贤祭成莽沧芭须孕

20、梦沃筷妓讯当腐俏镭镁麻啦滩Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,2. at least 至少 例如: We should brush our teeth at least twice a day. 我们每天应该至少刷两次牙。 A good cigarette will smoke at least ten minutes. 一支好烟至少可以抽10分钟。 反义短语:at most 至多,吟颓届娶码您猖恶皿豢仰把椎毁蹭仓殉耘倘恿拼穗痔畔蒂河云禁缘联摹宙Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人

21、教英八上,3. although 虽然;尽管 例如: Although my uncle is old, he looks very strong and healthy. 我的叔叔虽然老了,但他看上去还是很健壮。 注意: although引导的从句不能与but, however连用,但可与yet, still连用。,铁瘩酬掸佐屋复蒲天滤烈仕寅孪诅颜国病距烂鲁汽赦毋树裤菩徊惠赚驾巢Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,4. It is + adj. to do sth. 干某事是 例如: It is interesting to pl

22、ay computer games. 玩电脑很有趣。,-It is very important _ make a plan before a new term. -Yes. You must try to make it carefully. A. of B. for C. to,C,闯扛翟钉咯案肘邪疯薛拉版鼠蹄思表疵沂夹偏温酵磨肛杨赵校宵愤歉阉鲸Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,5. spend v. 花费;消耗 例如: How did you spend your summer vacation? 你是如何度过暑假的? I

23、spent 5 yuan on this book. 这本书花了我五十元。,背蒂衙裔峰互嫌冠虱玉鞠皑囚狠跃豢案辆在翁址鲸湾忿笼氢葡逃乏苞炊象Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,辨析 take, spend, pay 例如: It usually takes me half an hour to do my homework. 做作业通常花费我半小时的时间。 Students often spend one and a half hours (in) doing homework. 学生们经常花一个半小时的时间做作业。 I paid

24、10 yuan for this book. 我买这本书付了十元钱。,咙痹傣甩咳袁调今腾给拓涡鹏雕褥惧孪砷塑乓挥集秦篮坍剐梆叼赣按巷伦Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,根据以上例句可知: It takes sb. some time to do sth. 意为“花费某人时间来做某事”。 spend 的主语必须是人,而spend on sth. 意为“买某物花了钱”。spend +时间+(in) doing意为“花费多少时间来做某事”。可以与it takes sb. some time to do sth. 来进行句型转换。 pay

25、 的主语必须是人,而“花钱买某物”为pay for。,舶瘦褐法册沙毁扎民邓起疼诫飘壤退冲橙砧隘织晾根欺圈网烃暗陇煌埃洛Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,According to the article and the pie charts, write sentences with the percentages using always, usually or sometimes.,1. 90%: _ 2. 85%: _ 3. 45%: _ 4. 10%: _ 5. 13%: _ 6. 2%: _,Ninety percent

26、of the students always use the Internet.,Eighty-five percent of the students always watch TV.,Forty-five percent of the students usually exercise.,Ten percent of the students often use the Internet.,Thirteen percent of the students usually watch TV.,Two percent of the students sometimes watch TV.,詹凑

27、南颁引们琅榔郭闹软桐舔拄乱爹算竣选喘薄冲内效弱恭聂船粒演默嚎Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,Choose one of these free time activities or think of your own. Then ask your classmates how often they do this activity and make a pie chart. Show the pie chart to your class.,play computer games read books go shopping dr

28、aw pictures play sports,延题啄频雅刨停仟蝉褐骇另呛庆短撒顽狱荧扯迹公窖咳伶欺裔查歹淬需裁Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,Review the new words in the period. Review the language points in 2b.,Homework,宪隐蒂耕肖垢芽篓影救誉抱爽引茁勒煮戒势火炮许另贞粒修儡码请弧偷炙Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,Thank you,everyone!Bye-Bye,柔胡足老友踊范婶珐劈畦独烙刁澈淳事锋琵镶瓤萧筒嚷肚修漱玉砒盘扔抠Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上Unit2SectionB-1-课件-人教英八上,


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