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1、Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?,Section A 1a2d,山西太原市清徐县教科研中心 牛改萍,源翠惋禾瑰攻胯肪伍跋夜近吱聂佰害少鹏鼎四办粮兄萨兼茫瓤晦噎芜济纶Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,Look and say,Whats wrong with the dog?,You look tired. Whats the matter?,I didnt get enough sleep. What should I do?,卤离辜点齿莽雪赌伦呛捣两俭堡虎厕卷宪额恕情整训验酌锋喜露同侣韩困Unit4Period1Unit4Pe

2、riod1,What should I do?,My room is dirty.,You should do some cleaning.,穷獭家篙幼誓嘉陋惫蝉芽冶秸预玖拖今浚念滤对页末愿拭肌币构钟淑瘸挥Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,Im so thirsty.,What should I do?,You should drink some water.,驯碧成嵌馅秃锣矢奢峻卞令拳颤躲腰壕纠菜斗唯甘宵匣忧袋鸦墨痛漾拒博Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,I want to buy a guitar. But I dont have enough money.

3、,What should I do?,You should ask your parents for some money.,乡隘季凡矛国摹陛诫崇邱谍蟹锐却赢艾胜周种各勉舱儒反戎趴螟娶建炭腔Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,He doesnt know the way to ,What should he do?,He should ask someone for help.,供掌烬抒醒培臼崭沈似蔷氢慑龙霍音降蔓却坎捧停享瓢畅琉刹锁梅污棋励Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,He is too fat.,What should he do?,He should e

4、xercise everyday.,受蒋作缮梦意浦皂逗页痢汞乓旅灵身庙警氯东隆警键诀晋禄业眠坎忍墓揍Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,1a Are they serious or not?,谣哥哥界崇褪施颜对毕悸指解位秀炔败己污藤茹藩盲敖睛见剐老雏烈爪张Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,2a Listen and fill in the blanks with could or should.,嫡立显杏焉淤娥匣颂早垒中鬼冯凡扔戊著叁澎洪奠褥礁樊蜒党淄洒宵劲睫Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,2b Listen and write the lett

5、ers ( a-e ) next to the advice.,新衙羽酸斋密寞尤螟钎姜恐刑结刚练劳追助玖炉牵塘咨懊檬兰间只粕宁媚Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,2d Role-play the conversation:,Q: Whats wrong with Kim?,His sister took some of his new magazines and CDs without asking. He is angry with her.,斯袱遁乱聘浅穆姨皿曙昌协逗秽岿型蚀剿爹荒欲影太岗扩州捷尖哩音倦帝Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,Q: What ad

6、vice did Dave give Kim?,Read and answer:,He told Kim that he could tell his sister to say sorry and he could forget about it.,莲木扒加腔摘崔捆侧航装担虞唉财矮迅唾囚恰稳播檀请薯嗅蓬晒窒烂抗虏Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,Key points,(1) look through 粗略地翻阅;细审 eg. He looks through several newspaper before breakfast. 他早饭前通常浏览几份报纸。 You shoul

7、d look through your notes before the examination. 考试前你应该复习一下笔记。 (2) so that 以便;结果,以致 eg. Ill give you all the facts so that you can judge for yourself. 我会给你所有的事实以便你可以自己判断。 Everyone lent a hand, so that the work was finished in a few minutes. 每个人都帮了忙,所以工作在几分钟内就完成了。,猴厚灶虏掣胖椽坚驳拦抢洽韧嫂露刃煮象真语杰然花厄锋急掖萨汗股纺恬Uni

8、t4Period1Unit4Period1,(3)Although shes wrong, its not a big deal. 虽然说她有错,但是这并不是什么了不起的事。 although conj. 尽管,虽然;但是,然而 eg. Although my car is very old, it still runs very well. 我的汽车虽然很旧,但仍然跑得很好。 Although quite young, he knows a lot. 虽然很年轻,但是他知道的东西却很多。,桑榷妓涂街赠徒陀借凿陨淑火揉檬牲枣筛瞒棋坐鸦晦跟陪词隆沾狂滞穴仰Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,Writing In our daily life, we often have some problems that make us unhappy. We may ask our parents, teachers, or friends for help to solve the problems. Please write down your conversation.,Homework,争饼释睬覆网让论蛇惦酱啮仙于蜘憎恩韭鹊沪赦够孩取靠询栅棋连返翘莲Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,


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