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1、Unit 5 Our School Life,Section C,Topic 1 How do you usually come to school?,纹暑敝厢匠掂愚牟认妮坝挤肛浴巴玄酚枝挞扛缓梦绒萤浪影缨康橙壬孰黍Unit5Topic1SectionCUnit5Topic1SectionC,eight oclock nine o five ten fifteen / a quarter past ten eleven thirty / half past eleven twelve forty-five/ a quarter to one seventeen fifty / ten to e

2、ighteen,Tell the time.,8:00 9:05 10:15 11:30 12:45 17:50,凯昧怂仑郴芥差烧填侵寝船舵纸历切熔次队窥缀槽梯逗膝皖珐诲泵符茂樊Unit5Topic1SectionCUnit5Topic1SectionC,go to bed,go swimming,read books in the library,listen to music,损瞪坍勘凛平俏姥漆拿归佳侥码缴吗戴阵逆戚烧空狞翟轴快身增炮沉速瑶Unit5Topic1SectionCUnit5Topic1SectionC,play basketball,play soccer,蜂愤乓邦刁锑跨琢滚

3、艳边附埃锦纱芝唐快咸笆酥疏撤抨儒搓媳盅孽市藩辐Unit5Topic1SectionCUnit5Topic1SectionC,Pair Work,Hai Qing play soccer play basketball,What does Hai Qing usually do after school?,He usually plays soccer, but he doesnt play basketball.,A:_,B:_,悼筑振暗刹带奄瑚壤瓷要濒焙夯败啃任鉴幸且钵篱巍巍敲链数膜户诌卿浮Unit5Topic1SectionCUnit5Topic1SectionC,What does We

4、n Wei usually do after school?,B: He usually goes swimming, but he doesnt go fishing.,Wen Wei go swimming go fishing,A:_,B:_,汹悸焕穿妥倦斯矗墓誊副臆只社器绽讶职似透豪搂蠕兢狰悼柏宪吾俊肆蓬Unit5Topic1SectionCUnit5Topic1SectionC,A: What does Ellen usually do after school?,B: She usually listens to music, but she doesnt watch TV.,El

5、len listen to music watch TV,A:_,B:_,桑蘸畸浆盘掘剃案召熊腺脊煽馈板坯熊霖惟妄牵险棍拯十唱捧堡提甥瓶错Unit5Topic1SectionCUnit5Topic1SectionC,B:_ _,A: What does Wang Junfeng usually do after school?,B: He usually does his homework, but he doesnt go to the park.,Wang Junfeng do his homework go to the park,A:_,允钵旧蔑翌辩虚便郎襟伤况桥萤灵梁札申荫确史逛壹锅

6、戍片椎短帛名排咯Unit5Topic1SectionCUnit5Topic1SectionC,Listen carefully and complete the table.,7:00 a.m.,goes to school,has lunch,plays soccer,5:30 p.m.,does her homework,9:45 p.m.,脏正境顷幽痔八搁弥祸窗涸硫霍行鹤垮亚辉廊犊悠赶摩唆摆泻戌榔菩遭制Unit5Topic1SectionCUnit5Topic1SectionC,Read the passage and answer the questions.,(1)When do t

7、he classes begin? (2)How many classes does she have in the morning? (3)Where does she have lunch? (4)When does she play soccer with her classmates? (5) How does she go home?,Classes begin at eight.,She has four classes in the morning.,She takes the subway home.,She has lunch at school.,She plays soc

8、cer after school.,在学校,放学后,雌澈软铭恶侮惑靳径个幂维渊尊遵乃鞠红婪硫捆蔓磨糜操掂忙酝生居胸止Unit5Topic1SectionCUnit5Topic1SectionC,Work in groups of three. Discuss the following pictures and retell the passage in 1a.,浇陵怯努侠氖冯闰人雅勿旨庆短阴差吵却肉找玻盈铺火叫彰巫南江缝鲸乎Unit5Topic1SectionCUnit5Topic1SectionC,Talk with your partner about your day with the

9、 help of 1a. Then report it to the class.,I usually get up at in the morning. At oclock, I have breakfast is my partner. He/She usually gets up at in the morning ,秽浸肚滚慕煎猪同木疵轴惭谁蚁卯二吸殷醇锁海姨洪囊咖沪煮肇蕊护喷烂Unit5Topic1SectionCUnit5Topic1SectionC,Example:,Activity: meet friends watch TV listen to music read book

10、s cook go to the zoo play soccer Frequency: once a week twice a week three times a week very often every day seldom never,Make up new conversations with the words and phrases in the box.,A: Do you often read books in the library?,B: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.,A: How often do you come to the library?,B

11、: Three times a week.,Pair Work,胯扬锤言歇盖高奔耳列附烩胁啼哭撕旬极缕衅尝剪拌骨幢匈拄萤铆谤怒动Unit5Topic1SectionCUnit5Topic1SectionC,Survey your classmates about how often they do the following things and fill in the table. Then report it to the class.,励僻进验丹啦啄师站瘸血见憾衫框尹爷茅副膊兢瞒冕敞蔓状披季蓉歇幌抗Unit5Topic1SectionCUnit5Topic1SectionC,You ma

12、y report it like this: Wang Li watches TV in the evening once a week,Report it to the class.,妒斤宰诣谷秧善米翟仪肄馏野觅钧玉沙韦竟遏炊知聪舜炊昼三垦咨足锤考Unit5Topic1SectionCUnit5Topic1SectionC,Read and write the words.,read,feet,head,bridge,great,琵妒伤阁魁惠肆温煤卯篆惯蟹濒磺向厌骗蕉妻癌据绥艳僳猴头慌蜗汕览屈Unit5Topic1SectionCUnit5Topic1SectionC,Read the fo

13、llowing sentences aloud, paying attention to the rising tone( ) and the falling tone ( ).,1. The Chinese judge needs cheese, meat and bread. 2. The girl in jeans can cook great beef.,飞小诬惫甜吊县抓榔愤耳促勘匡钳亨门粮诊缨恰钓称劝呢住跌蟹即蓉撼试Unit5Topic1SectionCUnit5Topic1SectionC,Summary,1. Learn adverbs of frequency. 2. Revi

14、ew the present simple tense. 3. Talk about the daily activities.,峭琅靛醋沫伯汛摸频件斗胖拼甄讣衅阶架状瓣萌谩亦廓疼堡疫苛诊续下径Unit5Topic1SectionCUnit5Topic1SectionC,Homework,Write a passage about the daily activities of you and your best friends. (at least 50 words),监懈域傲酚溺陀条巷必宏倪伏睡咯赚焙吮野革柔牙遁绕戴蝶奸钟懂缠娥摘Unit5Topic1SectionCUnit5Topic1SectionC,Thank you,婆送延臂纱肿粘脑窘蔽闸谢集便椿赎顽舞宅咆右将信躯尚企刑队侨夺睦穆Unit5Topic1SectionCUnit5Topic1SectionC,


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