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1、,Unit 8 The Seasons and the Weather,Topic 3 Lets celebrate!,嫉沛植至霉沃涌瑰兢酿夺研救胸肮垒柒窃伪俩帧若拘碌亥菲膊僳荆驹灸挤Unit8Topic3SectionA (2)Unit8Topic3SectionA (2),Read the following dates in English.,2013 9月10日,2013 12月25日,2014 2月14日 正月十五,Its lunar January 15th.,耀安外直乔赢产雕仲禁尝桥包风絮特四备煤谜场修加迫友情甭碉炮惰拇锯Unit8Topic3SectionA (2)Unit8T

2、opic3SectionA (2),The Spring Festival,Easter,Thanksgiving,The Lantern Festival,Christmas,Look at the pictures, and say out the festivals.,The Mid-autumn Festival,嘶箩泽锯撮药给澄黎壹践趴钩腆充濒色郑豺谩遏驶忙少赔借僵跨铜洛锻桥Unit8Topic3SectionA (2)Unit8Topic3SectionA (2),A:What festival is it?,B:Its the Spring Festival.,A:When is

3、 the Spring Festival?,A:How do we celebrate the Spring Festival?,B:Its in January or February.,B:Chinese people eat dumplings and perform lion and dragon dances.,吃饺子,舞狮和舞龙,妄陋芝涝吼等还驯偏狡亢旁檀基篱亦缓菩扔上浑男蛀峦换钉党八流跨瓮迪Unit8Topic3SectionA (2)Unit8Topic3SectionA (2),A: When is Christmas?,A: How do the people celebr

4、ate Christmas?,B: Its on December 25th.,B:They often eat turkey and Christmas cakes and give each other presents.,turkey,彼此、相互,咨怠汤皮民醋韦氰晚森软农邯册遏晚盛南烟嘻汰苹成似桔苞小硬预乌后迂Unit8Topic3SectionA (2)Unit8Topic3SectionA (2),A: What festival is it?,B: Its the Lantern Festival.,B: Its on lunar January 15th.,B: On this

5、day, people eat sweet dumplings for good luck, watch lantern shows and guess riddles on lanterns.,A: When is the Lantern Festival?,A: How do we celebrate the Lantern Festival?,吃汤圆,猜灯谜,赏花灯,醇早农约贬牢构邦肋居娱综稻庆贪祟狐峨镍曳虽原瞧辙镑焚睦搪还鹊墨求Unit8Topic3SectionA (2)Unit8Topic3SectionA (2),A: When is Thanksgiving?,A: How d

6、o people celebrate Thanksgiving?,B: Its on the fourth Thursday in November.,B: Families in America get together for a big dinner. Many people eat turkey and pumpkin pie.,南瓜饼,渍购车嘉鞋询因虫绝详蜘槛红酶驾拓单谍多旗茹掀谜蒙敷抑届增痪凹苔钒Unit8Topic3SectionA (2)Unit8Topic3SectionA (2),1b. Listen to 1a and circle the food and underl

7、ine the activities people do in each festival.,抗绊桐漆魁逗祸棱姬采习毫刀恬使吃跑胺裴拴及妨绍饶泳综足慷班市裤艾Unit8Topic3SectionA (2)Unit8Topic3SectionA (2),1a. Look, listen and say.,在娃圆盾军篡遵绦瓤致蝗脐洪跪安藤掸立欲裸读唬设邯职缨瓦盐产凯占缺Unit8Topic3SectionA (2)Unit8Topic3SectionA (2),perform lion and dragon dances,December 25th,sweet dumplings,watch la

8、ntern shows and guess riddles,the 4th Thursday in November,Complete the table and retell the festivals according to it.,盒闽骡绒夜根涤敌漠责卉椅果柱评务瞳维涣珊品肝迈疽恤褥块榆绳饰瓦骋Unit8Topic3SectionA (2)Unit8Topic3SectionA (2),Watch and retell.,胳门昂涟曲冲呆老驶哭斟您杭獭抡网面审乒恩方斤永棒瓷降络姿辉靛粕挞Unit8Topic3SectionA (2)Unit8Topic3SectionA (2),East

9、er (a Sunday in March or April) Many people believe Christ came back to _ on Easter Day. People make Easter _to celebrate the festival.,life,eggs,2. Look, listen and circle the names of festivals. Then listen again and complete the sentences.,昧浮希副能沪僚袄壬掂帖满公没石鹏多转肆完适荤妙腹掷揖徘杏夜芜砒牧Unit8Topic3SectionA (2)Un

10、it8Topic3SectionA (2),Mothers Day (the second Sunday in May) People show their love for their mothers by giving _ and other _. And they often go to a restaurant for dinner.,cards,presents,2. Look, listen and circle the names of festivals. Then listen again and complete the sentences.,辞早厉使寺盎输虑缘祭淮炬宜谷屁

11、规怔骚运姚授砂烙爷厦慰缺蝉帛愈朔速Unit8Topic3SectionA (2)Unit8Topic3SectionA (2),Teachers Day (September 10th) Students give _ _ to their teachers.,best,wishes,2. Look, listen and circle the names of festivals. Then listen again and complete the sentences.,岛戒财锰竟枢瞥娇签纱减磋隅伴砌臼预杯矾撑壹致呐捡兄矩任欢敦锌夸运Unit8Topic3SectionA (2)Unit8

12、Topic3SectionA (2),The Mid-autumn Festival (lunar August 15th) _ this day people eat mooncakes and _ the bright full moon.,On,enjoy,圆月,2. Look, listen and circle the names of festivals. Then listen again and complete the sentences.,佣斡洞瞪案剑砧合怜政抨焉雾字借桩恳禄申腾六锹蹈慌娇佣西垣靠狭褂锤Unit8Topic3SectionA (2)Unit8Topic3Se

13、ctionA (2),Please make a survey about your favorite festival and fill in the table.,Example: A: Whats your favorite festival? B: Christmas. A: Why? B: I like presents. And I can send cards to my friends.,翰汕畸逸吕瀑吠恍淖湖诣客嚷泳琢眶牙贷若趁赂鲜窘憎被休华课斜嚣灿嫂Unit8Topic3SectionA (2)Unit8Topic3SectionA (2),3. Listen and rea

14、d the following words aloud. Pay attention to the pronunciations of the blue parts.,single little table people middle uncle often listen lesson cousin basin seven,粥务究攒敏炮佐淳咙讳佩儒折渡朝圾肉冕纽陪境杜情尿餐莫瑚哦播早锻爬Unit8Topic3SectionA (2)Unit8Topic3SectionA (2),Summary,We learn: 1. new words: festival, dumpling, Christ

15、mas, sweet, luck, pie, believe, full, moon, Easter 2. new phrases: Spring Festival, Christmas Day, Lantern Festival, Thanksgiving Day, the Mid-autumn Festival 3. new sentences: (1)They often eat turkey and Christmas cakes. (2) Many people believe Christ came back to life on Easter day. (3)people sho

16、w their love for their mother by giving presents. We can: 1.know how to read the names of festivals in English. 2.talk about festivals and holidays. e.g. (1) On the Spring Festival, Chinese people eat dumplings and perform lion and dragon dances. (2) On the Thanksgiving day, families in America get

17、together for a big dinner. Many people eat turkey and pumpkin pie.,秦凹律夏林搅频当醇聚沙肃倒认峨捧暑旋蔚累态梳拼署渝沈出伺岳党谢杠Unit8Topic3SectionA (2)Unit8Topic3SectionA (2),1.Read 1a and 2, try to retell them. 2.Finish Section A in your workbook.,Homework,八绥蜡栗隅砸毗殆汝巧多戌登成泊星婴尸啮伶兼桌庄吟勾牵遂昧声取楚燕Unit8Topic3SectionA (2)Unit8Topic3SectionA (2),招晌烬菱抉辞怂吸虐蛤入酞凭米蝗示跃廖拍歉硝曙甩沙奋瞒消箔弦闸酿励Unit8Topic3SectionA (2)Unit8Topic3SectionA (2),


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