RK-3 GSM Network.ppt

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《RK-3 GSM Network.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《RK-3 GSM Network.ppt(40页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Presentation on GSM Network,执烦狠壬潞滩夯稗鲜凯接狠验详仑奠磷仅谢盖斜各窘痒左骂悸盖终鞠绎烛RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network, GSM-Introduction Architecture Technical Specifications Frame Structure Channels Security Characteristics and features Applications,Contents,钓吾宅严裹集嚼挥镇嫌到莽亏止糟掐噶问暖最雏抢拨驰侯掐鄙宛棱饥蹲埔RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,W

2、hat is GSM ?,Global System for Mobile (GSM) is a second generation cellular standard developed to cater voice services and data delivery using digital modulation,盒樱蜒骄幢喻斥退蛆坑袜统僻瘪掀亲甜曹酗羹牌巩缔桐疵烂误勺相灵挛配RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,GSM: History, Developed by Group Spciale Mobile (founded 1982) which was

3、an initiative of CEPT ( Conference of European Post and Telecommunication ) Aim : to replace the incompatible analog system Presently the responsibility of GSM standardization resides with special mobile group under ETSI ( European telecommunication Standards Institute ) Full set of specifications p

4、hase-I became available in 1990 Under ETSI, GSM is named as “ Global System for Mobile communication “ Today many providers all over the world use GSM (more than 135 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, America) More than 1300 million subscribers in world and 45 million subscriber in India.

5、,谰拯起族喻涟坍翱牙砖嫡贞萨梆腰萄咖枣传踩央船自祷塔凤俏掘景拒挟睁RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,GSM in World,羌父色社湍拙磷谗贱颓状蓄肝耶可脓已棚料隆娃膳咏党纫卵瞳湍门碑盒揪RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,GSM in India,银脉狈妙缅死侨睁睫篷症借媳渐戮味痪批逊睹槽啊疗惜颅胸中金茹雕由勘RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,GSM Services,Tele-services Bearer or Data Services Supplementary services,给诬购镐

6、恢郝令悉戌恶向睁衰菌腿肉页豫邢鼻纤脾涪烙究学拽戳醉詹怨竹RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,Tele Services, Telecommunication services that enable voice communication via mobile phones Offered services - Mobile telephony - Emergency calling,种酶早菇嚏怖槛肃娠巧怯屉痴冰岂囊免鞭虐熔骋径半报豆屁嗽荷意睹碳物RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,Bearer Services,Include va

7、rious data services for information transfer between GSM and other networks like PSTN, ISDN etc at rates from 300 to 9600 bps Short Message Service (SMS) up to 160 character alphanumeric data transmission to/from the mobile terminal Unified Messaging Services(UMS) Group 3 fax Voice mailbox Electroni

8、c mail,殊鼠脚羌梭扳绘溢披侨渡荔桐井醉泛孔勒甄冯桥索栽差扎郑衅范婚蹈笆硷RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,Supplementary Services,Call related services : Call Waiting- Notification of an incoming call while on the handset Call Hold- Put a caller on hold to take another call Call Barring- All calls, outgoing calls, or incoming calls C

9、all Forwarding- Calls can be sent to various numbers defined by the user Multi Party Call Conferencing - Link multiple calls together CLIP Caller line identification presentation CLIR Caller line identification restriction CUG Closed user group,河眼婴堤耕涧段霞劈匣既淫邻酗案噪我滞涨腑穿忆赋好泽彦耐棚琐饭咕曼RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GS

10、M Network,GSM System Architecture,BSC,BSC,MSC,MS,MS,MS,BTS,BTS,BTS,GMSC,PSTN ISDN PDN,EIR,AUC,HLR,VLR,让豫赏菲竿酝异佳郑扁佣犀蒋藐丘写旋馒者奖顺咋嘿梢钒伺哮姑脐宋着新RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,GSM System Architecture-I,Mobile Station (MS) Mobile Equipment (ME) Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Base Station Subsystem (BSS) Bas

11、e Transceiver Station (BTS) Base Station Controller (BSC) Network Switching Subsystem(NSS) Mobile Switching Center (MSC) Home Location Register (HLR) Visitor Location Register (VLR) Authentication Center (AUC) Equipment Identity Register (EIR),痹架慕粳屋抖飘头缴原啦患爱希根造婶兽虞亿匿煮冀涸氟噪靠岂骸擅目宇RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM

12、 Network,System Architecture Mobile Station (MS),The Mobile Station is made up of two entities: Mobile Equipment (ME) 2. Subscriber Identity Module (SIM),吐青搂姐蔷肉蛊走痈押矮兰巾矿跋吵协爹特搏鹊辅恬沈傍霉密雄战竭颂栓RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,System Architecture Mobile Station (MS),Mobile Equipment Portable,vehicle mounted

13、, hand held device Uniquely identified by an IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) Voice and data transmission Monitoring power and signal quality of surrounding cells for optimum handover Power level : 0.8W 20 W 160 character long SMS.,盖萤亥缀锋熟恿峭费咬邦滩佳着呵喇沫揖仔塞沾冲帧藤舔冒熔称蒜午藏遍RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 G

14、SM Network,System Architecture Mobile Station (MS) contd.,Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Smart card contains the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) Allows user to send and receive calls and receive other subscribed services Encoded network identification details - Key Ki,Kc and A3,A5

15、and A8 algorithms Protected by a password or PIN Can be moved from phone to phone contains key information to activate the phone,佳昏煤妮怎奠妄缚掀伺崭捧菜然务月犊捞帖此攫恒没殊盟洲暂学峙踏啥应RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,System Architecture Base Station Subsystem (BSS),Base Station Subsystem is composed of two parts that comm

16、unicate across the standardized Abis interface allowing operation between components made by different suppliers Base Transceiver Station (BTS) Base Station Controller (BSC),祖汕晴蕊欢皑纂狸削暇怨乱昧美酣挟殖蹄筛存椰距如铂著瑰琳跺姜斩汗谴RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,System Architecture Base Station Subsystem (BSS),Base Transce

17、iver Station (BTS): Encodes,encrypts,multiplexes,modulates and feeds the RF signals to the antenna. Frequency hopping Communicates with Mobile station and BSC Consists of Transceivers (TRX) units,吏挫粹翟膝麻娱藻幻究穴糖炳吭剪秘虐哄晒昂锈张衬颜烦瞩怨玖枫苇甲滚RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,System Architecture Base Station Subsys

18、tem (BSS),Base Station Controller (BSC) Manages Radio resources for BTS Assigns Frequency and time slots for all MSs in its area Handles call set up Transcoding and rate adaptation functionality Handover for each MS Radio Power control It communicates with MSC and BTS,企瑰谋尝京漠悼歼讹精肇嘶削气尿值拢械但雹殆彭投否廓姿公坐幅召券

19、南RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,System Architecture Network Switching Subsystem(NSS),Mobile Switching Center (MSC) Heart of the network Manages communication between GSM and other networks Call setup function and basic switching Call routing Billing information and collection Mobility management -

20、 Registration - Location Updating - Inter BSS and inter MSC call handoff MSC does gateway function while its customer roams to other network by using HLR/VLR.,到尸末膜侠褒搀耪题牌游桌鳖背肥窥隶耸僻揪蛆缩逮站滥峪瑟禽伎赤簿衣RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,System Architecture Network Switching Subsystem,Home Location Registers (HLR

21、) - permanent database about mobile subscribers in a large service area(generally one per GSM network operator) database contains IMSI,MSISDN,prepaid/postpaid,roaming restrictions,supplementary services. Visitor Location Registers (VLR) Temporary database which updates whenever new MS enters its are

22、a, by HLR database Controls those mobiles roaming in its area Reduces number of queries to HLR Database contains IMSI,TMSI,MSISDN,MSRN,Location Area,authentication key,榨拧珐拜酱喧些功愉响仆祭沥捣纵夯部枝流稻慷侨惠训玻侠魔咸偷飘骤蔬RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,System Architecture Network Switching Subsystem,Authentication Cent

23、er (AUC) Protects against intruders in air interface Maintains authentication keys and algorithms and provides security triplets ( RAND,SRES,Kc) Generally associated with HLR Equipment Identity Register (EIR) - Database that is used to track handsets using the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Id

24、entity) Made up of three sub-classes: The White List, The Black List and the Gray List Only one EIR per PLMN,沼油挡赛俏揽吁膘各尔喻巍畔蕉君节趋妈蚊臭理危赏穷惰榨轻危误哲夷荣RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,GSM Specifications-1,RF Spectrum GSM 900 Mobile to BTS (uplink): 890-915 Mhz BTS to Mobile(downlink):935-960 Mhz Bandwidth : 2

25、* 25 Mhz GSM 1800 Mobile to BTS (uplink): 1710-1785 Mhz BTS to Mobile(downlink) 1805-1880 Mhz Bandwidth : 2* 75 Mhz,咨被育勃茂辛捉寂炕蔷陌弘肘经唇泌癸饼拘诽层稠听鸦挎纶薛薯犯汲渗撞RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,GSM Specification-II,Carrier Separation : 200 Khz Duplex Distance : 45 Mhz No. of RF carriers : 124 Access Method : TDM

26、A/FDMA Modulation Method : GMSK Modulation data rate : 270.833 Kbps,瞬疮焕绑抄闺菜除学文洋尾兜犀羹循迢笛俞驻特你畜玩毒秸粉眷厉拽捧双RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,GSM Operation,铂责粤碘伙贺错准祖址排持膊候吝宪诀茸炭宏娥遵芋橱时谗酣册绷箱彻痕RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,Physical Channel,猾朝贾疮炽史睛净娄拄珊知爬贷索庙云楞胸镭覆猛脂亮陪俏针拢饵三颅炉RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,GSM-Fr

27、ame Structure,奠忘粱憋鸦浓跺睛孕操苯棒凳尊浪堡府语腾眶瞳妇滇窑聂搪肌骑向玄籍滥RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,Logical Channels,TCH (traffic),CCH (control),BCH,CCCH,Dedicated,2.4 kbps,4.8 kbps,9.6 kbps,FCCH(Frequency correction),SCH(Synchronization),PCH(Paging),RACH(Random Access),AGCH(Access Grant),SDCCH(Stand Alone),SACCH(Slow-a

28、ssociated),FACCH(Fast-associated),Half rate 11.4kbps,Full rate 22.8kbps,Speech,Data,随间骄虚戊验托植坝梗辕笼堪话腮檄豺贡沽秘挡孩粕拈喧肝讣沼豢奖避额RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,Call Routing,Call Originating from MS Call termination to MS,嘿吞福墒苍乌督左凋祖狡靖莽底郎椭熊佳宏马妻拾痰编斧锤爽荫瓜之鹰摆RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,Outgoing Call,MS sends di

29、alled number to BSS BSS sends dialled number to MSC 3,4 MSC checks VLR if MS is allowed the requested service.If so,MSC asks BSS to allocate resources for call. MSC routes the call to GMSC GMSC routes the call to local exchange of called user 7, 8, 9,10 Answer back(ring back) tone is routed from cal

30、led user to MS via GMSC,MSC,BSS,谐杏姿拭腊糕统呕碧揪枷俞嗡婚芯昭搔拘老随羚研员丹粥辞蒜季棘斡肤譬RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,Incoming Call,Calling a GSM subscribers Forwarding call to GSMC Signal Setup to HLR 5. Request MSRN from VLR Forward responsible MSC to GMSC Forward Call to current MSC 9. Get current status of MS 11. Pa

31、ging of MS 13. MS answers 15. Security checks 17. Set up connection,光侧眩矣羡艺赡呜几协敢样韦讣彤耪疯坏刺辐兄骚墟束奖根踩鱼椰造炎熊RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,Handovers,Between 1 and 2 Inter BTS / Intra BSC Between 1 and 3 Inter BSC/ Intra MSC Between 1 and 4 Inter MSC,部爵痴埋蝉杰娱储竞赵召藐易健排车牺淄筷央堂颖掣歇蚌琳晒掏炎把竿监RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM

32、 Network,Security in GSM,On air interface, GSM uses encryption and TMSI instead of IMSI. SIM is provided 4-8 digit PIN to validate the ownership of SIM 3 algorithms are specified : - A3 algorithm for authentication - A5 algorithm for encryption - A8 algorithm for key generation,汐音乌韶怜阎探僳胃败沼切灰孰慰欠钡奎亏脚吼

33、迪喇我悠旺箩凸怕歉震蝎RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,Authentication in GSM,葛近舌皿赡侍衔等早例舰耀张蓬浊川炭韩咸舔镐阎础灌殉充掏殉状惫崔源RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,Key generation and Encryption,期南珍柜遮惊扩朝萎悦芹温矛粒绩寥雹皂裙缺遏瘪杰咽菏渺帐霹寻办捍硼RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,Characteristics of GSM Standard,Fully digital system using 900,1800 MHz fr

34、equency band. TDMA over radio carriers(200 KHz carrier spacing. 8 full rate or 16 half rate TDMA channels per carrier. User/terminal authentication for fraud control. Encryption of speech and data transmission over the radio path. Full international roaming capability. Low speed data services (upto

35、9.6 Kb/s). Compatibility with ISDN. Support of Short Message Service (SMS).,扁蓑魂锗草愉由砾市巨碳贞蔗遇熬蒲吧醉蛙茫霸勒赖神云挠恍村西肇预舒RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,Advantages of GSM over Analog system,Capacity increases Reduced RF transmission power and longer battery life. International roaming capability. Better securit

36、y against fraud (through terminal validation and user authentication). Encryption capability for information security and privacy. Compatibility with ISDN,leading to wider range of services,而财痘判沛羔酋瘪弧误擒秘谬痔弘喳颈伺剖箕渣捍桂靳诞墓逻褂廖圆姬烘RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,GSM Applications,Mobile telephony GSM-R Telem

37、etry System - Fleet management - Automatic meter reading - Toll Collection - Remote control and fault reporting of DG sets Value Added Services,逊饺篙伙惕周净杰桑将狠拟寨炸莫孙桃峻镍拖厌赔疼栋祷萍彤虏洼忙说价RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,Future Of GSM,2nd Generation GSM -9.6 Kbps (data rate) 2.5 Generation ( Future of GSM) HSCS

38、D (High Speed ckt Switched data) Data rate : 76.8 Kbps (9.6 x 8 kbps) GPRS (General Packet Radio service) Data rate: 14.4 - 115.2 Kbps EDGE (Enhanced data rate for GSM Evolution) Data rate: 547.2 Kbps (max) 3 Generation WCDMA(Wide band CDMA) Data rate : 0.348 2.0 Mbps,臂共非冗陌斥坎瞬沉负球净样泼庞条敲夜肾头魄廓茁伙守慑饼北葫礁曳待RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,Thanks !,陈颂琳福翱杀夷句并百孝寡焦稠琐袋俞娄谋懒吠批银夷贫鹏抱乍床挡屡僵RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,Questions ?,膏徊约敷绒揽眉势冷和糠枕闻湛狈与凳捅蛇鹿斑荒寿穷沛乡凋厅臀烈掘衙RK-3 GSM NetworkRK-3 GSM Network,


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