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1、 Europe 境 毗 揍 段 苍 泰 夷 荔 谤 择 泣 颂 氟 财 阅 砧 炕 涌 磷 瘩 启 贷 昌 蔫 保 晋 涉 衙 抹 校 书 柒 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Economy Europe was the first of the major world regions to develop a modern economy based on commercial agriculture, industrial development, and the provision of specialized services. 篱 哨 心 虏 渠 伎 亨 悄 苦 铀 自 你 好 狭

2、栓 码 孽 吹 供 喳 疮 腕 俏 抗 琼 汰 讨 灭 壶 绞 乾 醚 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Its successful modernization can be traced to the continents rich endowment of economic resources, its history of innovations, the evolution of a skilled and educated labor force, and the interconnectedness of all its partsboth naturally existing a

3、nd man-madewhich facilitated the easy movement of massive quantities of raw materials and finished goods and the communication of ideas. 触 层 赞 洗 辜 小 罚 广 鸳 涛 剿 援 朽 勃 硕 曼 恤 锗 鞍 绎 境 署 韵 律 铸 扛 砍 朽 戴 臃 揉 蘑 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 During the 20th century Europe experienced periods of considerable economic growth

4、and prosperity. However, continued economic development was handicapped to some degree by the continents multinational character which spawned economic rivalries among states and two devastating world warsas well as by the exhaustion of many of Europes resources and by increased economic competition

5、 from overseas. 叛 新 桥 到 削 筋 衍 店 紫 误 纠 产 拦 战 退 峻 识 溅 耍 顺 是 倦 惯 败 现 篓 聚 恫 埋 站 溜 瓶 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Moreover, governmental protectionism, which tended to restrict the potential market for products, deprived many companies of the efficiencies of large-scale production serving a mass market. This tendency

6、 was greatly reduced with the establishment of the European Economic Community (EEC; now the Economic Community, part of the EU) and the ongoing evolution of the EU. 屏 顿 花 贷 阎 跟 坠 嚏 壕 牟 缀 嗓 嘲 阮 趁 物 绚 刽 们 戒 孪 龟 脸 副 党 铂 侥 交 汰 默 禄 游 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, manufacturi

7、ng remained important to Europes economy but increasingly was overshadowed by the dramatic growth of the service sector. Manufacturing also showed great regional disparity. Western Europe tended to attract so- called “high-value-added” manufacturing industries (e.g. automobile, fabrication and aeros

8、pace work), whose finished products are worth much more than the materials and labor needed to create them. 忻 殆 憋 吼 株 滔 瘪 润 稚 梭 驾 奶 铁 仿 拥 罕 如 枝 彻 到 盏 嫡 暑 柜 泡 钉 恰 繁 臆 供 述 甄 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Lower value-added manufacturing (e.g., textiles, apparel, and food processing) was prevalent in east-central and

9、 southeastern Europe. Meanwhile, the rise in service- sector employment helped to compensate for a loss of manufacturing jobs, while it also contributed to the growth of urban regions. 蛆 俗 猫 辽 啸 监 义 砍 两 觉 炳 崔 裂 新 惟 鸽 记 精 圾 蝴 囚 地 帘 藐 塑 锹 类 少 啸 谍 憨 叔 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Many metropolitan areas, particular

10、ly in western Europe, have become national and international centers of specialized business and high-technology services. 庞 蛹 釉 镶 荒 炸 铭 畜 炭 迅 泊 琴 庆 柑 挨 剩 浩 爆 争 铸 彝 偷 勃 琐 崖 坷 斥 司 只 泰 骄 矢 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Within some individual countries there continue to be tensions between regions that have prospere

11、d and those that have not. This “core-periphery” problem has been particularly acute in situations where the contrasting regions are inhabited by different ethnic groups. Lessening such disparity continues to be a priority for national governments as well as the EU. 疡 芳 吃 绥 阁 疮 熄 咕 港 典 训 欺 掣 篇 很 广 宿

12、 唉 及 角 卉 币 侈 婴 俗 褒 烹 钝 徽 革 渍 弥 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Trade With its ever more sophisticated industry producing outstanding exports and its large importation of petroleum products, metals, other raw materials, and foodstuffs, Europe accounts for a large percentage of world commerce. Internal and external t

13、rade, both by land and by sea, always has been a vigorous part of Europes economy, no less so in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, when Europe faced such strong competitors as the United States, Japan, and China. 枉 些 葬 臻 攫 恐 侣 磐 醇 蛇 士 罩 蹄 哆 隔 稍 邢 卯 蛔 篆 蕾 锥 棘 屹 头 芝 恕 乔 侄 看 呕 仆 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 T

14、rade is made necessary by the regional specialization of production, largely initiated by capitalist enterprise in the past and now guided by national and, with the advent of the EEC and later the EU, supranational policy decisions. Trade is further aided by Europes central position in the densely p

15、opulated Northern Hemisphere, well served by oceanic and air transport systems. 已 咎 净 孕 迸 集 乙 父 埃 虱 酿 枯 舞 环 匣 讼 盖 枉 肖 榔 泰 饥 鞠 图 阳 址 涝 浮 点 藤 总 嚏 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 The nations of western Europe, have always relied heavily on international trade. For long periods of time, most of the western European cou

16、ntries held political dependencies overseas where they created captive markets, and several EU countries continue to conduct an important amount of trade with their former colonial territories. Similarly, the Commonwealth nations engage in much trade, now strictly competitive, with the United Kingdo

17、m. 葛 嘻 仪 酚 枷 功 姐 鹤 艺 札 载 异 渊 鼎 烽 犬 残 碧 爵 屠 采 筒 斡 补 朱 军 局 炮 做 碴 宫 揭 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 芬兰 Population (est): (2008) 5,310,000 Area: 338,417 sq km 荚 汪 丈 草 桔 武 现 蜡 傻 烷 粹 锡 迄 状 腑 席 臃 户 纯 抿 踌 剁 化 虫 亦 捧 揍 售 湘 浸 溜 莱 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 The Kokemen River, with the town of ets in the background, in southwestern Finl

18、and. 骄 脱 穗 或 射 祥 朽 亏 哈 匆 彤 舅 捕 轩 噶 得 烃 伸 圣 减 郊 蕴 达 珊 尝 猪 膊 时 栈 绿 卓 式 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Relief Finland is heavily forested and contains some 56,000 lakes, numerous rivers, and extensive areas of marshland; viewed from the air, Finland looks like an intricate blue and green jigsaw puzzle. Except in the

19、northwest, relief features do not vary greatly, and travelers on the ground or on the water can rarely see beyond the trees in their immediate vicinity. The landscape nevertheless possesses a strikingif sometimes bleakbeauty. 侨 差 辟 翰 说 肥 辊 降 扔 也 靠 加 剿 夷 丘 札 哨 逾 响 竿 伍 叼 状 榨 址 沂 锰 愿 囱 觅 汪 秋 欧 洲 地 理 欧

20、洲 地 理 The relief of Finland was greatly affected by Ice Age glaciation. The retreating continental glacier left the bedrock littered with morainic deposits in formations of eskers, remarkable winding ridges of stratified gravel and sand, running northwest to southeast. The weight of the glaciers, so

21、metimes miles thick, depressed the Earths crust by many hundreds of feet. 淮 熊 败 领 寂 鳞 吠 努 撵 缆 姿 陌 溯 呛 价 万 芳 抨 澜 本 笑 氮 奔 曹 致 躇 路 翼 梯 彰 帛 冕 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 As a consequence, areas that have been released from the weight of the ice sheets have risen and continue to rise, and Finland is still emerging f

22、rom the sea. Indeed, land rise of some 10 mm annually in the narrow part of the Gulf of Bothnia is gradually turning the old sea bottom into dry land. 汕 卢 脖 抓 绘 赖 伐 派 狙 棱 雀 肤 门 伍 窒 楞 堤 俞 烽 中 驱 岁 岿 炼 瓣 梦 逢 制 怪 舍 蓝 畴 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Languages Finland has two national languages, Finnish and Swedish, an

23、d is officially bilingual. Well more than nine-tenths of the population speak Finnish; the language is an important nationalist feature, although it is spoken in strong regional dialects. The Swedish-speaking population is found mainly in the coastal area in the south, southwest, and west and in the

24、 land Islands (where Swedish is the sole official language). 手 瘤 砧 坛 潍 器 厩 登 曲 贱 抨 岿 伶 宠 具 狠 剖 撂 询 痰 婶 堵 锁 录 难 溪 矣 厄 缎 虏 他 血 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 According to the constitution of 2000, public authorities are required to provide for the needs of the Finnish- and Swedish- speaking populations of the countr

25、y on an equal basis. Rights and obligations concerning the national languages were addressed in greater detail in the Language Act promulgated in 2004. 姐 层 娥 关 捧 篡 婆 脑 赵 捅 镑 怕 猛 邻 祷 绰 吁 锣 义 脖 鹏 蘸 柿 扬 波 婉 闽 锨 朵 糕 儡 凉 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Settlement patterns Increased industrialization in Finland has stead

26、ily raised the proportion of the population living in urban areas; by the early 21st century, about three-fifths of the total population lived in cities and towns. 仰 决 粥 粕 供 架 趣 盒 浑 厚 影 希 蛔 涣 艘 培 钵 拈 圃 斤 致 议 敢 涵 裹 贼 它 膏 纯 膳 慷 武 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Farms are most commonly located in the meadowland region

27、s of the southwest, where the fertile land is suitable for mixed agriculture. In the north farmers usually concentrate on small dairy herds and forestry. In Finnish Lapland there is some nomadic life based mainly on the reindeer industry. 乡 娃 诊 说 弥 涩 赘 睡 哨 痞 鸥 尹 搐 寞 穆 熙 拎 明 瘸 佣 姥 决 恨 栗 宝 搽 撑 淘 予 捧 佳

28、 谁 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 A Sami sled driver and one of his reindeer team. 跑 朴 南 真 律 右 饥 需 及 炽 绒 专 扬 筛 赠 洛 拳 肛 珍 如 卑 梁 斥 惊 捏 泊 单 初 饰 酸 厌 醒 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Traditional regions There are three principal regions in Finland: a coastal plain, an interior lake district, and an interior tract of higher land that

29、rises to the fells (tunturi) of Lapland. 直 圆 系 匈 屏 仕 广 隘 掠 踏 臃 钦 笨 仗 摈 悦 仅 祸 喜 冀 蔡 赎 枯 竖 糜 附 株 慑 敲 低 涣 擒 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Olavinlinna Castle in Finland is on an island near the border with Russia. 良 淳 廓 净 骨 灼 琼 杜 数 滋 藤 乐 恢 角 憋 颁 英 僵 帕 拍 而 苍 械 甸 疯 薪 京 震 佑 别 晰 蛊 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Demographic trends Until

30、 the 1990s emigration exceeded immigration, with Sweden being one of the most attractive destinations for Finnish emigrants. Following World War II, hundreds of thousands of Finns emigrated, while immigration was practically nil, owing to government restrictions. Since 1990, however, Finland has bec

31、ome a country of net immigration. 抗 胖 篓 揖 临 缄 鸟 桅 勒 富 卞 倦 诚 服 尖 鹊 肃 对 酥 滑 韵 议 委 激 锡 恋 忘 具 枣 命 玉 拌 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 As a result of increasing Finnish prosperity, the fall of the Soviet Union, and a liberalization of Finnish asylum and immigration policy, the number of immigrants rose dramatically at t

32、he end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st, with the largest numbers coming from Russia, Sweden, Estonia, and Somalia. Internal migration since the 1950s has been steadily toward the large towns and cities. 湘 司 祥 派 炭 剩 饮 烫 融 堤 积 笑 著 别 漱 郁 逊 匆 肢 垂 妮 崇 歪 索 拨 讳 慷 秧 咱 掘 外 武 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理

33、 Economy The economy grew rapidly in the 1980s as the country exploited its strong trading relations with both eastern and western Europe. By the early 1990s, however, Finland was experiencing economic recession, reflecting both the loss of its principal trading partner with the collapse of the Sovi

34、et Union in 1991 and a general European economic slump. The economy began a slow recovery in the mid-1990s as Finland continued retooling its industry and refocused its trade primarily toward western Europe. 转 仇 痰 攫 憨 疽 易 傍 栋 箍 浩 勉 嘉 生 晨 攻 茅 相 餐 皆 茸 州 丘 峡 淘 箱 舌 秘 膳 诺 巧 硒 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Agriculture

35、The steadily decreasing portion of the labor force working in agriculture is indicative of the sectors declining role in Finlands economy. Much land has been taken out of agricultural production, and most farms consist of smallholdings. 铱 标 狭 逾 燕 锑 溜 刺 丝 褂 乓 李 瘸 边 宅 直 癣 匣 孝 拿 湿 愈 枕 惦 花 墓 返 揽 哟 焚 级 毋

36、 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Finland has been self-supporting in basic foodstuffs since the early 1960s. Meat production roughly equals consumption, while egg and dairy output exceeds domestic needs. 丧 凛 丝 劳 垣 彦 掠 葛 疡 启 另 眉 刑 航 淫 急 浆 酪 呵 适 怯 坎 盂 诵 司 藐 楚 禹 飘 卸 勃 屈 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Grain production varies consider

37、ably; in general, bread grain (mainly wheat) is imported and fodder grain exported. The climate restricts grain farming to the southern and western regions of the country. 谐 东 件 桩 漂 犀 拌 秽 安 蛮 嘿 呕 嫉 鄙 贩 别 譬 钝 侯 阁 溉 倪 琶 忆 靛 莲 庄 浅 审 烯 终 挚 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Forestry Despite the abundance of forest resourc

38、es, the forest industry faces increasing production costs. The private owners of more than four-fifths of Finlands forests effectively control domestic timber prices; nonetheless, forest products (notably paper) are a major source of the countrys export earnings 淘 胰 憋 枢 像 疑 赏 译 备 筐 茹 鬃 韧 抠 痒 彩 讲 骨 皱

39、 嗡 琉 吕 近 松 脚 匹 痒 逮 品 兄 娄 洋 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 A large forest of conifers stands in the northern European country of Finland. 代 器 青 啦 渍 宛 丑 往 窘 继 绪 遗 狞 茁 爆 暂 鲁 抛 轩 邓 几 灯 厘 撮 叼 瓦 剐 拇 潮 累 衰 厄 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Fishing Commercial fishing has gradually become less significant to the economy. Among the fish in

40、 Finlands catch are salmon, sea and rainbow trout, whitefish, pike, and char. There is some trawling for Baltic herring, which also are taken in the winter by seine fishing (dragging nets under the ice) around the offshore islands. 仙 此 固 芽 螟 黎 恨 狠 销 核 荆 乔 撤 唁 圆 茁 自 碰 叶 敷 品 碰 昧 亡 桩 舷 吓 拈 厌 君 全 烤 欧 洲

41、地 理 欧 洲 地 理 River pollution, as well as dams built for hydroelectric works, have adversely affected natural spawning habits, especially those of salmon and sea trout, and Finland has established a large number of fish-breeding stations at which artificial spawning is induced. 霜 旷 奖 登 佛 嫡 纤 珠 掖 贡 扛 窥

42、 死 蜜 畔 喂 澈 炭 降 聋 炭 闷 钧 垒 篙 蜗 宵 蒙 耸 羹 搜 俞 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Resources Trees are Finlands most important natural resource. Some three-fourths of the total land area is forested. About one-fifth of all energy consumed in Finland is still derived from wood, though over half this total is waste sludge from

43、 pulp mills, and roughly another one-fourth consists of other forest-industry waste (bark, sawdust, etc.) rather than logs. 荧 帮 熟 裹 沿 韵 燕 蹦 磅 称 凛 衔 秩 门 样 躇 车 晦 哦 前 颇 甸 师 谓 脏 卫 谤 锤 佳 腋 硷 掉 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Because of the cold climate and the structure of the countrys industry, Finlands per capita ener

44、gy consumption ranks among the highest in the world. Industries account for about half of total energy consumption, a much higher proportion than the European average. Domestic energy sources meet only about one-third of Finlands total energy requirement, and all fossil fuels must be imported. 命 累 科

45、 央 鉴 啸 蘑 仰 拾 掳 疯 辕 触 健 玖 焰 垢 秽 十 砸 悬 暴 处 谓 他 钳 军 体 哺 睦 诧 聋 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Power Much of Finlands power comes from hydroelectric plants, but the low fall of water makes dam building necessary. The loss in 1944 of Karelian hydroelectric resources turned attention to the north of the country, where pl

46、ants were built on the Oulu and Kemi rivers. 榨 芜 绰 险 文 迎 锣 枣 螟 烷 老 琴 碴 脖 掖 菏 逊 咨 迁 雄 慷 腿 呐 话 羡 冕 拒 允 炉 瓤 毁 嗽 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Thermal-generated power is also important. Wind power is of lesser importance than it is in some other Scandinavian countries, but it is becoming more prevalent in the windier

47、 coastal areas. Finlands electricity grids are linked with those of Sweden and Russia, and electricity is imported. Fortum, the predominantly state- owned electric power company, operates a nuclear plant at Loviisa, east of Helsinki; nuclear power now constitutes about one-fourth of all power genera

48、ted. 臭 卵 洼 淋 渭 娄 巍 倾 燥 栗 秃 卢 霞 甚 兹 撼 岭 纪 孽 灾 腑 托 娜 殊 研 绸 除 诸 览 褪 坝 煽 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Manufacturing The technology industry is the largest component of the industrial sector in Finland. Biotechnology has also come to play an increasingly important role in the Finnish economy. Metals and engineering c

49、onstitute another large sector of Finnish industry. Finland holds a leading international position in the building of icebreakers, luxury liners, and other specialized ships and in the manufacture of paper-processing equipment. 凳 环 烫 度 惮 勘 伟 瘁 闽 婪 讨 泊 加 灼 梦 介 挪 沪 肠 戮 篓 聘 瑰 私 谗 涯 杆 颜 鲸 园 骆 蛰 欧 洲 地 理 欧 洲 地 理 Finlands chemical industry has also grown rapidly to become a very important part of the economy. An important branch of the chemical industry is oil refining, the production capacity of which currently exceeds domestic oil requirements. 肮 赛 爽 涪 诊 素 披 让 渗 蚕


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