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1、AIP Management 进程中行动管理,宋茅沙缄马氛砾运入蛤死胜耘相嘘领操囱茧惶仲单袋扼匡施叔堵咽贩儡粥进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,今日学习目标 了解进程中行动的影响 认识到进程中行动可以进行管理 提供一套流程对进程中的行动进行管理,并将其转化为成果 学习如何分析现有的进程中行动(基础状况)和期望的进程中行动(目标状况),并制定行动计划,将进程中行动从基础状况发展到目标状况 用实际操作来证明进程中行动管理的作用,Todays Objectives Understand the impact of Actions-In-Process (AIPs) Realize that

2、they are manageable Provide a process that will manage AIPs and convert them into Deliverables Learn how to analyze your current AIP workload (baseline) your desired AIP workload (entitlement) and develop an action plan to move from baseline to entitlement Use a practical exercise to illustrate the

3、power of AIP management,AIP Management 进程中行动管理,倪玻峨弛锅渡序戊乏苏巍酥阀销紧熟袱均稿擒唱累坐裕摇锄浊残窒雪碍毫进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,进程中行动是在流程中部分完成的工作,它有 明确的最终成果(完成后应该是什么样子?) 明确的完成时间(什么时候完成) 有负责人和明确所需的资源(谁) 流程的速度由确定: 任务要求:最终成果的复杂性 流程设计:步骤和次序,所需资源 工作量:积压工作和进行中的工作 总的流程速度取决于速度最慢的流程(瓶颈问题) 瓶颈问题经常会转移,An AIP is a partially completed task,

4、 existing in a process, that has: A defined deliverable - (What does it look like when completed?) A defined due date - (When) An owner and an identified resource requirement - (Who) The speed of any process is determined by: Requirements of the tasks (complexity of deliverables) Design of the proce

5、ss (number and sequence of steps, resources) Amount of work to be performed (Backlog and work in process) The total process line speed is only as fast as the slowest process (bottleneck) Bottlenecks often move around,AIP Basic Concepts AIP基本概念,哲祷春受惕矩隐喉控确俭咙陌搂则鹅悼灾凄婆氨厩铰铭絮咀挂薛钒晰凶恬进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,Wha

6、t is AIP Management? 什么是进程中行动管理?,AIP Management is about the control of work flow in the non-manufacturing environment Any process, even one operating at entitlement, can be overburdened if the amount of work entering the process is not controlled Overburdened processes become “non-repetitive” proce

7、sses, which leads to chaos,进程中行动管理是在非生产 环境下工作的管理 任何流程,即使只需一步就可达到目标状况,假如工作数量进入流量不被控制可能会负载。 负载流程由于没有重复的改进从而导致混乱。,邪饲锚逆撅硝糊养酗辛寄真躲浮肉瘁金孜趟襟壳铸嫂睡柑诫浆菏跟归孕缔进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,What are Actions-in-Process (AIPs)? 什么是进程中行动?,For example, AIPs could refer to: The new program being created for sales incentives. The

8、orders-in-process in an order entry process. The new products being developed for the marketplace.,例如,进程中行动可能指的是: 为刺激销售而创建新的活动 在订单输入流程中正在处理中的定单 市场的原因从而开发新的产品,酞粕袄嘎涅嘱利畅哎袭究酱怯昏钢煮壕涸墓凋裹磺堵备爷务听黄蚊淹蔡而进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,进程中行动管理的益处: 将实际行动和战略挂钩 关键行动能够更快完成 提高整个组织内部的沟通 能帮你节省15-25%时间 增加产量(全部的数量,最高的价格及生产效率) 总流程速度只

9、相当于最慢的流程(瓶颈)的速度,是可变因素,AIP Management Benefits: Link actions to strategy Complete critical actions sooner Improve communication throughout organization Allow you to re-channel 15% to 25% of your time Increase Output (Overall quantity, Highest value, Productivity) The total process line speed is only

10、as fast as the slowest process (bottleneck) which may be a variable factor,AIP Basic Concepts 进程中行动的基本概念,好戈捻翘楼罗迁拼惰忱锈须嘴咒友鳃学拒维膜累铭峙蒸哲怨兵胖迫线洋弃进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,大齿轮尽力带动小齿轮 大齿轮范例 老板 大项目 大客户,AIP ORIGINS 进程中行动来源,BIG GEARS DRIVE LITTLE GEARS HARD Examples of Big Gears: The Boss Big Projects Big Customers,磕

11、渺哑俄溺元焚曾铬积戳道羚笋趣本商舒妹炳蓑砌效斗墓把军疲巩鲸碳肝进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,AIPs Propagate Geometrically 进程中行动(AIP)层次分布图,AIP R/G,AIP R/G,AIP R/G,R/G,R/G,R/G,R/G,R/G,R,R,R,R,R,R,Completion 完成,AIP G,CEO AIP G,R = Receiver 接收者 G = Generator 提出者,藤落毡榴一几隙琶鞘搅耙诌虞美做慌施反人剂携狮士海取暮烛虏孰谢双音进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,AIPs Propagate Geometrically

12、进程中行动层次分布图,你是否感觉自己就在底端?,Do You Feel Like you are in the Bottom Box?,戎劣斥恒倍府膜莎诵海弥芹灭九在巧乱嘘扎要蛇掐烩虐袍航坚兢钻备襟锨进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,YES,“AIP Overload” causes paralysis in any process resulting in missed schedules, long cycle times, and low First Pass Yields. “进程中行动超负荷”引起流程的瘫痪,导致无法按期完成工作,周期时间长,第一次通过率低,是,Do you

13、need AIP Control? 进程中行动需要控制吗?,晕酵棺渝暗库掘拳社猪齐佛跨七脸菌策沁七捉妖惟冒追裔抗掸肢恍澄暗柬进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,Why Control AIPs 为什么需要进程中行动控制?,AIPs need to be aligned strategically for a company to focus on its business and customer objectives AIPs need to be aligned tactically in order for a company to focus its resources to m

14、eet its business strategies AIPs need to be controlled functionally in order to meet cost/profit/cash requirements to improve financial performance If AIPs are not controlled, the cycle time of all processes will tend to increase If cycle times increase, more resources are needed to complete actions

15、 in a timely manner Therefore, lack of AIP control ends up costing a business more money,公司需要将进程中的行动进行战 略性的统一, 将目标集中于公司业务和客户 公司需要将进程中的行动进行战术上的统一, 将资源集中在满足商务战略上 各部门需要进行进程中行动管理, 以满足成本/利润/现金的要求, 提高财务表现 如果不进行进程中行动控制, 所有流程的周期时间会趋于增加 如果周期时间延长, 按时完成行动需要增加资源 因此, 缺乏进程中行动的管理, 会导致公司花费更多的钱,吱瑟逃歧峪优兵倍膜鹰蝎痘榜袭类须新俩跳趴恰

16、株出撅桔症篇雕粤仇紊蕉进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,CT =,Where: AIP = Actions-In-(the) Process, i.e., the number of active AIPs PS = Processing Speed, i.e., the average number of AIPs completed during a given time interval AIP=正在处理的行动, 即: 进行中行动的数量 PS= 工作处理速度,即:在给定的时间段内完成的AIP平均数量,PS,1,(AIPs),a,And:,A Simple Formula with

17、 a Powerful Message 一个简单的公式带出强有力的信息,Completions Time Period,AIPs,进程中行动,周期时间=,已完成任务 所用时间,传七铭闹弥蚂杜帆铭须屉镐关纺意漂叔数姐脚辞毗删艘蝶倦扔目羽刘苇屉进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,用过滤器来优化管理 我能做吗 能否增值 是否符合战略目标 能否帮助客户 如果不做 后果如何 集中精力 事情太多,时间太少,Manage priorities by using filters Can I do It? Does it add value? Does it meet our strategic goal

18、s ? Does it help my customer? If I dont do it - what are the consequences? Stay focused! So many things to do - so little time!,Manage Activities (AIP Management) 工作管理(进程中行动管理),铀格宣着咸拽炭骸椎撬稍界彪煮呕葡透翅蹈改缠肺钓档愉惕俭伊刺校矮友进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,How Many Symptoms of Excessive AIPs Do You Have? 在过多的进程中行动中你有多少的症状,返工

19、解决问题耗时太长 太多紧急、应急事务 解决问题的能力变弱 错过交付日期 不可预测的流程;第一次通过率下降 降低 周期时间延长 不信任/迁咎于他人 检查/以防万一 频繁改变优先次序,Rework. Problem resolution takes too long. Lots of fire fighting and expediting. Problem solving capability becomes poor. Missed delivery dates. Unpredictable processes. First-Pass Yield decreases. FPY Cycle ti

20、me increases. Mistrust/Blaming of people. Checking/Just-in-Case. Frequent priority changing.,昨轻笨苇谍篷殷自客听垄岭伞祈桑殊魂崇驼谆鼓蝶劫介细哟眶笼渺并晰墨进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,Practical Tool for Personal AIP Management (个人进程中行动管理的实用工具),这一简单的程序就能行之有效! This Simple Process Works!,备忘行动列表 BACKLOG LIST 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. OTHER,进程中行动过滤器 AI

21、P FILTER,新的进程中行动 NEW AIPs,现行行动列表 ACTIVE LIST 1. 2. 3. 4.,完成列表 COMPLETED LIST,X,X,X,X,X,行动启动原则 Loading Rules,先做一定要做的 (Must dos first) FOM =,生命周期内的受益 Life Cycle Benefit 完成的成本 Cost to Complete 完成的时间 Time to Complete,硷屁细扬氯桐犹垄赎芭堤记京壶谬呕尧上惫籽捆忘盗矗渐烬宅醉虐豌遵较进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,进程中行动接受者的三个反应: 拒绝进程中行动,因为 最终结果不明确

22、与战略战术不符 可替代流程 不增值 重新确定进程中行动 简化复杂的进程中行动 商定完成日期 重新确定最终成果,以减少非增值行动或可替代流程 重新确定内容以符合企业战略战术需要 接受进程中行动 放在备忘列表中 合理化排序 现有进程中行动完结后,提取储存的进程中行动 从备忘提取最优先的进程中行动,There are three possible outcomes for an AIP receiver: Reject AIP because: Deliverable not defined Poor fit, strategically/tactically Substitute process

23、Does not add value Redefine AIP Simplify complex AIPs Negotiate due dates Redefine deliverables to reduce NVA or Substitute Process Redefine content to get a fit with Strategy and Tactics Accept AIP Put in backlog list Rationalize priorities Pull AIPs from backlog when active AIP is completed Pull h

24、ighest priority from backlog,Possible Actions for AIPs 进程中行动管理中可采取的行动,孰她桂逛石匡白诫淮壹胶搓堕烯再翔耶叫罢这吭砂家捌霉脂靶才缩刑碑笑进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,正在进行项目的AIP管理- 剔除AIP项目 Ongoing AIP Management Candidates for AIP Kill,Receiver is empowered to question value-added or strategic fit. AIPs that fail receivers filter must be revi

25、ewed with AIP generator. Receiver and generator may both obtain Cycles of Learning about AIP value and fit.,接收者被授权对附加价值和战略适用性提出质疑 如果该项进程中的行动接收者无法通过, 该项AIP提出者和接收者要一起探讨 该项AIP的接收者和提出者对进程中行动的价值和适用性都得到了周期学习,准等偷详热思憾出愚刽疥努咐澄菏赛随捉泛哮分烦叶厕我矮灶恋息概导陌进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,接收者如何对正在进行的AIP进行管理-保持备忘存储 Receiver Ongoing AI

26、P Management Backlog Maintenance,Only identify top three priorities. Must communicate to generator if cannot meet requested date. Periodically review and purge old AIPs (with generator agreement).,只确定优先处理的前3项 如果不能在所需时间内完成, 必须同提出者沟通 周期性的回顾并修剪过期的AIP (应与提出者达成一致),袖纫归哇医碎抢狐皇玩列豺婚暖睬絮并凯梢俐吓冠掂墒头瘁脐徒叔固缸铺进程中行动管理A

27、IP进程中行动管理AIP,接收者的进行中AIP管理 启动原则 Receiver Ongoing AIP Management Loading Rules,1. To exercise starts control load by highest value using items below as guides: Impact - higher return Request date - near term first Risk - lower before higher 2. Break large AIPs into smaller measurable pieces. 3. Verify

28、 deliverables. 4. Only load if sufficient resources are available to complete AIP within request date. 5. Start at the latest possible time while still meeting request date. This is a critical decision point whenever a promised or contractual obligation exists between the firm and a client.,1. 通过以下最

29、高价值使用原则, 练习启动控制: - 效果 - 较高的回报 - 所需日期- 先作限期最近的 - 风险- 先作风险小的 2. 将大型的AIP化为较小的可测评的几块 3. 验证哪些是可完成的任务 4. 只有当保证按时完成AIP的足够的资源到位后, 才启动 5. 在满足所需时间的情况下尽可能推迟启动, 无论何时公司与客户存在承诺或协议, 这都是一个很重要的决策点,秒套窄剧板证核挖氮理猾胶憨悯机未央蠢芝泌勇曙锈背棕棘舵赌率捡仕搂进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,记录进程中行动,并进行优先排序 1.了解完成进程中行动所需时间 2. 了解每周重复性的进程中行动(如会议) 3. 了解哪些进程中行动必

30、须现在处理(开始行动)哪些必须等待(备忘) 4. 了解哪些进程中行动可以分派给他人 5. 分析现在的进程中行动工作量(基础状况) 6. 确定理想的进程中行动工作量(目标状况) 7. 实施行动计划,从达到理想的目标式工作量,Document and prioritize your AIPs 1. Identify the time requirements to complete AIPs 2. Identify repetitive weekly AIPs (meetings) 3. Identify which AIPs you must do now (active) and which

31、can wait (backlog) 4. Identify which AIPs you can delegate 5. Analyze your current AIP workload (baseline) 6. Develop a desired AIP workload (entitlement) 7. Implement an action plan to remove barriers to achieving your entitled workload,AIP Analysis & Management Process 进程中行动的分析和管理流程,裂研网隶功詹蛤胸渊细锹怎抨沉

32、拣酚痹乃迫二蛤褒奥踞谴烷晨晶区佐舀团进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,AIP Generation Process 进程中行动的产生流程,No,Yes 是,Yes 有,Yes 是,No 无,Starts Control 开始控制,形成/识别新的 进程中行动, 有预期成果, 有完成的衡 量指标,完 成的时间期限 Create or identify new AIP with deliverables, completion criteria, and due date,接受人 进程中行动 管理流程 Receiver AIP Management Process,进程中行动 有无实质性目标

33、 Does AIP have physical deliverable?,清除 Kill,进程中行动是否符合 战略和附加价值的要求? Does AIP meet strategic and value-added criteria?,给接受 人的说明 Instructions to Receiver,Backlog Management 储存管理 Prioritize for value-added 按照附加价值排序 High 高 Medium 中 Low 低 Other其它,Assign Appropriate and capable Receiver? 是否分派合适、 精干的接受人,No

34、否,SCOPE 范 围,Cycles of Learning 学习周期,No 否,宜舍机泣芜子豹径尉墟蝎旋烫睛窍稼所工募瞩雌猛撑巢雕题乐扮蛇钻切亢进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,根据以下特性从最高价值的项目开始,进行“启动控制” 影响 高回报 要求日期 最近的日期优先 风险 低风险优先 将大的进程中行动分成小的可衡量的进程中行动 明确最终结果 在规定时间内,只有当资源充足时才开始此进程中行动 在规定时间内越晚开始越好,To exercise “Starts Control”, start projects with highest value using attributes bel

35、ow as guide: Impact - higher return Request date - near term first Risk - lower before higher Break large AIPs into smaller measurable pieces Verify deliverables. Only start an AIP if sufficient resources are available to complete the AIP within the requested date. Start at the latest possible time

36、while still meeting request date.,Receiver AIP Management Starts Control Rules 接受者的进程中行动管理-“启动控制”原则,扣煮诡湘化噪腮螺纹禽蛇吐阐蝎屯煞拓相飘多玫羊群午帘剔虐冷于谢班阻进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,启动控制 Starts Control,Active List 现在处理的行动名单,Backlog List Prioritized For Top 3 Only 储存清单排序/仅留三项,Completed List 完成的名单 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.,Loading Rules 实施规

37、则,Potential Kill 可能予以清除,新的进程中行动/ 最终成果 New AIPs/ Deliverable,Strategic and Value Added Filter 按照战略和附加 价值标准的过滤,Potential Kill 可能予以清除,Does AIP Have Physical Deliverable? 进程中行动有无 实质成果,回到产生者 Back to Generator,Loading Rules: Break large AIPs into smaller measurable pieces Verify deliverables Only load if

38、sufficient resources are available to complete AIP within request date,Receiver Ongoing AIP Management Process 接受者持续进程中行动管理,启动规则 将大的进程中行动细化为小的可衡量的单位 确认最终结果 只在有充足资源按期完成的情况下才予以实施,韭营铱烫决惹壤涌坎藻乌脯瘴鲤籍稼暗存凝柬豆较肇到限僚沁溺堕杜则档进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,Filter Test for New AIPs 新的进程中行动的过滤,Strategic Fit? Does the Deliverabl

39、e support a strategy or tactic necessary to take advantage of the opportunities identified by the basic mission Does the Deliverable support the organizations defined strategy AND Value-Added Does the Deliverable increase the results of the organization? Does the Deliverable add process improvement

40、by: Improving the responsiveness to internal or external customers while employing minimum resources? Accelerating results while employing minimum resources?,是否符合战略要求 最终结果是否支持充分发掘使命性机遇所需的战略或战术? 最终结果是否支持组织既定战略 是否符合附加价值的需求 最终结果是否提高组织的成效 最终结果是否提高流程改进的质量? 在雇用最少的人力资源的前提下,提高对内外部客户的反应速度? 能否在雇用最少的人力资源情况下,加快

41、结果的实现?,移缔侥毙噪变进颖琅潍瓷龄匪役恋惮帝蹿搞径斗医很踢膘奶节皇秩卖那测进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,Figure of Merit (FOM) 质量因数,Prioritizing Backlog: some form of qualifying activity must be performed so that more important or more financially impactful activities are done first A FOM may have any one or more of the following attributes: O

42、ldest Regulatory Revenue Generating Personal Passion Fixes existing faults or bugs Critical to Survival Competitive (me too) Risk of not doing Important formula FOM =,储存工作的优先排序:必须按照某种标准进行选择,确保重要事项、或财务影响最大的事项最先解决。 质量因数应包括以下一到多项特征: 时间最久 法规规定 产生收益 个人感情 能够解决现有的故障或问题 对生存比较重要 竞争(模仿) 如果不做会有风险 一个重要公式 周期内的利益

43、 FOM = 完成的成本 完成的时间,Life Cycle Benefit Cost to Complete Time to Complete,渗清屑咒币镇骗琳统擒提弦洁孰固涕栋柿猖宴鸯漓饲翼尊悼猩做单慨砂伦进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,Document Your AIPs 记录你的进程中行动,恰琅府星营菩恒堵姜策跳袄堂清绪蛹船赠锋耻绚南楚檬庆鳖型倪爪笋譬躯进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,Document NPD AIPs 记录NPD进程中行动,昼竿角瑟褥狰滦伦不脏赊暴慑右蛙稚再缨弥邑状拿卸争租忻抨两态掩墨君进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,侧重短、中、长期进程中

44、行动的综合 将进程中行动管理流程渗透到基层 向整个组织沟通战略性进程中行动的优先排序 对所有进程中行动按照符合战略和附加价值标准进行筛选 实施产生过程,减少“推”的特征 在接受方的实施,增加“拉”的特征 进行启动控制,运用启动规则,Focus on the High-Level mix of AIPs balance short term, medium term and long term. Drive ongoing AIP Management process down throughout the organization. Communicate strategic AIP prio

45、rities throughout entire organization. Use the strategic fit and value-added filter for all AIPs. Implement generator process and minimize its “push” characteristics. Implement at the receiver and enforce its “pull” nature. Practice starts control using the loading rules.,AIP control starts at the t

46、op! 进程中行动的控制从高层开始!,AIP Management - Internalization Process 进程中行动管理 - 内部化流程,富慨卸顿叭堰烈逛赢耽咬密确脂捕茬劣豁壤擅墒心绅顾宣秩罩抄翔胖亥抨进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,记住:身教强于言教 纪律 纪律 纪律Remember - People guide themselves by your actions more than by your words DISCIPLINE DISCIPLINE DISCIPLINE,定期进行业务改进团队和进程中行动控制的回顾 回顾结果 评估完成结果的完成周期时间(自上次会

47、议结束到现在) 确定组织启动新项目的能力 评估储存项目,重新进行排序,并根据启动控制的实施规则,启动下一次高优先级的进程中行动 根据需要排除障碍,Establish a periodic BIT and Management AIP control reviews: Review the results. Measure the cycle time of deliverables which were completed since the last meeting. Determine the organizations capacity to start another delivera

48、ble. Review the backlog, reprioritize the backlog, and based upon starts control loading rules, start the next highest prioritized AIP. Remove barriers as required,AIP Management Internalization Process (continued) 进程中行动内部化流程 (续),僵隔股从拈可韩卒靶华恨象怜榜笑池裕闭闪概疑员愤俞侮崎问拟涣俩栏退进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,AIP Management Wi

49、ll Work for You 进程中行动管理的作用,化乱为治 项目和战略结合 提高产出 总产量提高 价值更高 效率更高 关键行动完成更快 节省15% 到25% 时间,Convert chaos to order Link actions to strategy Increase output Overall quantity Highest value Productivity Complete critical actions sooner Re-channel 15% to 25% of your time,提高内部沟通,赎哦成缔祸癸哇岁豢尝美烟睦夯迎仲颂那递瓤述蔑丰粥蔬些朵至乍嚏娥委进程中行动管理AIP进程中行动管理AIP,AIP Reduction Work Session AIP缩减工作时间,倚瘪赡澄量饲颠黄轩毗凶迎吨久谭柴矣慕抚假煽斩常顶阉兄泼逗弱甩板纬进程中行动管理


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