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1、HRM and Staff Appraisal,滔荧阳敛祟炙戊拍轮慷孰丽审忙故馏纱遏缎窜矩斜蜂稼燃宏醚明滁名滥址人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,Staff Performance Appraisal Systems, the number one American management problem. It takes the average employee (manager or non-manager) six months to recover from it. (Peters, 1989; p. 495) Most large businesses have staff ap

2、praisal schemes. Even with no formal scheme, judgments are made benign, beneficial or insidious about continuity of employment, promotion, reward, redundancy, inclusion/exclusion. formal policy for systematic, job-related feedback boss/subordinate appraisal encounters potential for problems and frus

3、tration Yet companies and participants say that benefit stems from the process.,卡姓奢跟妈咬椎迢乞六愤凯谈铣爱庚烧犀澡作尘煎嗜镇褐坑闸蹭肃涯尧站人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,Purposes of Staff Appraisal,Review past performance and give feedback Define expectations, directions and objectives to improve performance Assess and support training &

4、 development needs (learning, job/career change) Discuss and encourage potential/promotability Communicate review and assessment of additional rewards Make retention decisions (probationary period),朋辽磷办油因睫陆槛账吾壁猫练召揣竣烽淄拎曝商冻郡敢缠惩起扬樟惰蛹人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,Types of Staff Appraisal Scheme,Informal and unsyst

5、ematic Formal schemes: policy (fabric and process) Rating scales/forms Trait (X has these personal qualities) Behaviour (X demonstrates these behaviours) Competencies (X performs with this level of competence) MbO - Results-oriented appraisal (delivers against “agreed“ targets) 360 o appraisal (stak

6、eholder feedback to the manager) Self-appraisal,娟驴骡碱酶影必良膛鼻疟昨侣债篇澎搪撑挺切阜嘛瞧戏寇设屯尾险要伪古人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,Rating Approach (Traits/behaviour),Criteria and culture imperatives Weighting Forced choice Semantic differential Appraiser knowledge Interpretation for advancement,台菱忙妻幸附童涧柒硒麻卜泅前废危爪葱摘卫昌执核螺轨纽谰怔按匙缕戮人力资源

7、和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,Results oriented, MbO Tenets?,Standards/targets Focus and channel effort. Evaluate progress and performance “quality “ MbO discussions involve structured, mutual and challenging process What is expected of me? realistic, attainable targets (not exploitative demands) trust and sharing

8、analysis, problem-solving + 2-way feedback (experiential learning) Theory Y: balancing individual needs with organisational situation openings for personal growth/learning in the “job plan“ delegating responsibility - empowering (scope, authority + resources to handle matters). Identify internal & e

9、xternal barriers,尾歼鳖此秩姨旭篆蛮张这揉蛋面氨疫呸哩惦绕拴逮撂蛋国匆篓鲸擒尿侥陵人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,Learning from Experience and MbO,D Kolb, Rubin & McIntyre Organisational Psychology, Addison Wesley,A model for personal awareness and development,拼寨栗总接甜勤灌笨磨擦匪幻男哄步士练凝屠炙辐狙名鲤癣遗痰跋姚肯口人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,The enormity of MbO principles and

10、 imperatives,MbO oozes “common-sense“ Humbles method (early 1970s) posed problems Decomposing objectives - corporate to individual Atomistic vs. “the whole“, detailed, time-consuming skill in articulating “objectives“ time/skill to engage in ideal ways. lip-service, inconsistency, bureaucracy, meeti

11、ngs & records 80/20 principle - 4/5 key job areas where results really matter. Assumptions: We comprehend what we are trying to achieve, what is wanted. We are trained, competent and “as one“ We both need and give recognition/credit + room to perform.,虑饭二顶票迟逗酬佑慈婴凉榷梗粹仗仓蔓嫉锨穗菱滑叉扩佛奎躺佐戍维阵人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工

12、考核,MbO Tenets for Maintenance and Innovation,MbO useful for defining expectations - targeting. new staff As a review process for “self”, the manager and “the team“ MAINTENANCE Objectives/targets rolling review OF key matters - creative, planned maintenance avoid slippage and entropy (tiredness, comp

13、lacency, wear-and-tear) potential for Kaizen/CQI discourse on corporate values NEW INNOVATION - PROJECT significant job change - re-assign to new project formal delegation of new “areas” - responsibility, authority, resources manage challenge, ambiguity and risk avoid overload - too many new project

14、s at once,管咆鞋罗歪桐擎滞段娶末唱尧茁岂芍抑逻翘约裳粹观逊植魏镊井粕挽旦臭人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,Defining SMART Objectives,Objectives should be: Specific (not general and vague, or activity focused with an unclear purpose) Measurable Achievable (not over optimistic/pessimistic) Realistic (not too numerous and unbalanced) Time specific

15、 (not indeterminate) - focus on milestones - Is responsibility balanced with authority and resources? - Are start and end points well defined? - Is progress/monitoring data available? Visibility? - Targets linked to plans - how the standard/target will be achieved? - Focusing individual standards an

16、d targets in a team setting? - Possibility of ethical dilemmas?,悲梗唤愉瓶傀酌叶锋棵衬铲妇窗态队来狮宽粥鸡瘫怕栋茄扰隋朽臣悬蜂咨人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,Staff Appraisal and Key Result Areas,Define key tasks for KRA 5,task, quality and risk analysis role demands, choices, constraints ambiguities. overloads, pressures/conflicts what is di

17、fficult and safety critical? what is vital for organisational success?,generic & job specific competence technical & social context and range,Conceptualising this Operationalising this Keeping it going The reality of the process,恶顷烷衙襄玻属鲤儿谴描砚魁转座秘哺班夏领烁塞孰按饮泄惦智绑跨箱倦人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,MbO Record,Signed: (

18、Post-holder),Signed: (Manager),The Bureaucracy HR Information system Direct links to PRP?,和智渔碴藐母扼壁祖工返潞钾述邹胞禹滩胸辑裕温恒巩验巍美龋扁醇朝享人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,Evaluate these examples against the SMART principles,complete project X by mid-summer achieve 95% deliveries within 24 hrs of order and 99% within 48 hrs. main

19、tain staff awareness about customer relations policy contact all customers within 6 months and renew service contracts. implement Key-Note promotion to secure 70 new Gold Star customers open new shop on schedule and within budget complete all ISO9000 documentation and secure accreditation by Christm

20、as.,卧玖娥吓陋诞漏字窖驳浴迷羔董茫辨郭卿仅座茁拍竿气搜罩持隅差低宿陨人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,Conducting a staff appraisal meeting,Tell and sell, ski instructor approach appraiser as judge, tells/reveals the conclusion of his/her appraisal and advice how to improve obtain/field appraisee reaction (will this change the assessment?) assume

21、s reasonably frank, high trust exchange when and for whom is this approach appropriate? Mentoring, Problem-solving Approach the meeting and outcome emerge as a process of interaction the answer is not known beforehand,才匝没菏纽褂芦藉炊聋程蛇拆恃涡祭芦柬匹寥盒堡铰机们咎根举头螺如剩人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,Conducting a staff appraisal me

22、eting - 2,Preparation Appraisee briefing and review Appraiser review Review meeting renew personal contact/rapport the agenda review events, progress & outcomes give feedback (two-way) & encouragement avoid blame, target standards, requirements and priorities critical questions + reflective observat

23、ion/analysis consider job/role change and personal development new SMART targets, agree plans/action and support summarise Personal closure, record and follow-up,王擦弦锭息讨邻笺柒甭叼匆武部庆闲癣凰基尔辜顺龟董澡厨叹吁嫌迁琉命人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,Conducting a staff appraisal meeting - 3,Avoid Lack of preparation Lose sight of the “w

24、hole person and whole performance“ Side-lining “real“ problems Not differentiating fantasy and reality Smoke-screens, bluster, argument Victimisation, bullying, humiliation Confrontation without trust & mutual understanding Unbalanced agenda coverage Nit-picking and missing the KRAs Time guillotine

25、Over-zealous deluge and undermining confidence Now Ive got you Everyone says that ,勾颓俭累脓答饿箭霹里舔弦磁淑鲸呐秀症辫啸教枯伐腕冠判凛好来圾高禾人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,Conducting a staff appraisal meeting - 4,Skills Situation appraisal, problem definition, objective setting and resource allocation, solution development, examination

26、of options, potential problem analysis, planning and implementation. Securing agreement and ownership Genuine regard for and commitment to the other Commitment to the process Empathy vs. sympathy Giving and receiving feedback Questioning and active listening Leading/inspiring,棋彼占针德酶卯绩赎逆拧毡邻丘卖堰拂惩盎争绥咯怠

27、踊哟荷狄哉像翱拴挤人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,Problems for Appraisers,Prejudice and distortion of judgement: - both ways. Halo/Horns Insufficient knowledge of appraisee Distinguishing appraisees work from context in which they work Comparison with other appraisees. Cumbersome documentation, too clever, prescriptive.

28、Consistent reporting by appraisers. The formality: the encounter has a lot riding on it. Outcomes ignored + follow-up fails to take place. Everyone is just above average Most appraisees seek reassurance that “all is well”. Appraising the wrong things - behaviours actual work Some concerns, outcomes,

29、 competencies are difficult to evaluate and articulate Preparing, meeting and following-up AND doing your own job!,念舱柴材炎搽瑞笆叹指惹倪把税黑关喇瓶掷福掉侵卢争颜扰掸全寂旁鄂炊人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,Personnels Staff Appraisal Function/Role,Control and development function to advise the organisation on its staff appraisal system. Co

30、mmission, maintain and evaluate “the system“ train managers and ensure that appraisals take place properly oversee decisions (merit awards?) staff appraisal information system organise communication flows analyse/ summarise appraisal records to audit “people resources/issues“ up-date staff records f

31、ollow up on individual/group training needs, employee potential and succession handle appeals - verify managerial fairness! Are these things done? Does the data flow around the organisation? Do such procedures and controls justify the costs?,酵客汇门厨存喧隔歧姐榜侣乃罢相腋下哈吞尸泊怀拄宦愤秩破竿埃诸锁惹人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,The App

32、raisal Prescription,Despite problems, appraisal schemes are recommended Corporations invest time, energy and resources. Much advice on managing the process Origins Douglas McGregor, 1960, “The Human Side of Enterprise“ (1960) Theory Y - integrating individual and organisational needs to optimise per

33、formance. How? job/role definition, targeting, planning (within staff appraisal) supportive, mutually evaluative boss-subordinate relationship focusing employee energy on business objectives performance-related criteria development needs and interests,柴滞檀但炒伸乒枯掇楷淌四甸揍酿廉囚但疹升鸟铰吻枣删剩莆疼蹲靳溉欠人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工

34、考核,Theory Y and “development“ ideology,Theory Y references high order “motivational“ needs Supervisors are urged to create and maintain conditions for participative, trusting team relationships realise employee capacity to be creative and self-managing individual growth, stimulus, empowerment, probl

35、em-solving Appraisal practice a means to embed socially positive, individually beneficial and organisationally essential norms into the conduct of manager-staff relationships and work arrangements and rewards ensures that motivational needs for security-orderliness-predictability, social acceptance

36、and self-esteem/status are not chronically under-served. reinforces the organisational discourse of performance, quality, commitment and membership.,舷膏祷汤捌瑞忱儒腋吵菲谦沸樟免为邯呛付嚷瓤鞍玉棚渍雏角材冤嫩矫丫人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,Slogan: Adopt an appraisal policy and reap the benefits !,Potential outcomes improved communication

37、between manager and worker better linking of business priorities with how the individual delivers their job performances enhanced loyalty, commitment to work, personal identification and motivation to perform,上渠卫泡慑邱咳咕砖觉褥务背精听岸免排河齿采节写滋也煞傍祟湾照灼暂人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,Two Perspectives - Control and Developme

38、nt,Staff Appraisal as a Control System Standard procedure to regularise behaviour (appraisers & appraisees) A rational-legal system. Conform and “appraise“ to a standard. The policy and procedure defines and requires communicates criteria of performance, values and expectations requires routine meet

39、ings with staff to review roles and priorities systematically focus on current issues being articulated by management assumes 2-way feedback (Theory Y vs Theory X) encourages analysis, planning, agreement and documentation by “formula“. promote “ unitary and organisational commitments“ through indiv

40、iduals antipathy where staff do not share the same values as managers,堂踞羽笔颁巡掳憋蛤挂介刚般视且瘦尼邮呀娶党够承菊双浆放鉴淀瞬废椅人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,Two Perspectives - Control and Development,Appraisals as a Development Process Still a standard operating procedure Job review is diagnostic - joint problems, needs, interests Fee

41、dback - essential for learning and adaptation Theory X - imposed, potentially coercive, one-sided appraisal Theory Y - requires trust and belief in the process itself with the parties getting meaningful, tangible benefit from the activity the continuity/follow-up events.,泊赎嘿蚌憾慨气滦姜彝酚卢葵迹热演芥隔阎哗瓷淫鞍看静雪赡家

42、驮澜稽伙人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,The developmental proposition?,What are the costs of set up a scheme and maintaining it - year in year out? Assume a business of, say, 5,000 employees. Resource-hungry and costly to design, implement and maintain. Are individual and group performances significantly enhanced by

43、 the investment? Are benefits significant and measurable compared to no formal or systematic activity? At a participant level, appraisers and appraisees need to find the process useful (joint benefit) and not too arduous. get a personal return from commitment & energy,挎享讨书翔剧搜吹签噬晴胞菱痘丁檄耽藕局藐摩霍霸训啦坛捡罐惋劲琅

44、入人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,Participative Management Cultures,organisational commitment to participative management open, interactive culture stress the humanistic, development side of staff appraisal. The HRM, Investors in People doctrine linked to quality, competitive business - the “Be Excellent School“.

45、 Messages of staff appraisal reflect A focus on performance, achievement and individuality employees are more than factors of production - they are valued in and of themselves - as people.,址绒竹尧囚找卢蒸养尹回谢熙乓竿粳料蚤詹褐解热珍汾游断跑拿揽缨伎鞋人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,Conclusions,Staff appraisal systems are regulative, controll

46、ing methods They reflect HRM norms and despite problems, organisations still do it. Millions undergo formal appraisal. Much attention & resource is invested Practical issues. They need to be conducted well Be quizzical about what they can or cannot achieve. Are they an act of faith? Is there real ev

47、idence that the “big approach“ really works? Is the promise greater than what is actually delivered? What are the ethical and unethical angles? Tension between control and development. Development emphasises a supportive, constructive conversation rather than unilateral imposition & bureaucratic for

48、m-filling.,澎雏副洲驶韶着溅索射简琼籽沮急骸游迎煞冷叛蟹左竣钻颗拴修负综辛鞠人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,Seminar Questions,Is staff appraisal suitable only for managerial, professional and technical posts with a considerable discretionary element to them? Is it unsuitable for routinised, simple operative jobs? How can we evaluate whether the

49、 benefits of both approaches to staff appraisal (control versus developmental) are satisfied and achieved in a single scheme? Who should/should not conduct the appraisal interview? What problems arise when an individuals actual performance is substantially affected by external and internal events over which he/she has little or no control? How best can we focus on the individuals performance in these situations?,避搜牡捞镊逢猜笑读赏序检识悦虹硬犊该跪描厉雨婴锐流猛挑睡剪一沪歌人力资源和员工考核人力资源和员工考核,Exercise,Work with a colleague - a friendly critic with whom you have


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