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1、1,http:/ Importance to Organization 培训需求分析 Training Requirement Analysis 培训专题 Training Special Topics 培训效果评估 Training Effect Evaluation,2,适琅弘歉釜灰凸无获吉滋栅要乳竞龄洼中淄做栈幕侧札许辣名圆哪陌奉愈培训体系与实施的课件培训体系与实施的课件,变革中的组织 Innovational Organization 今天,一个组织所做的80%的工作,她的竞争对手也同样会做到,因为要完成工作,总需要获取信息,知识,原材料和技术,而这些资源对各方面都是开放的。因此,一个

2、组织的成功与失败,就取决于她工作中的另外20%,而这另外20%完全是人的因数。 Today the 80% jobs of a company which had been done are the same as her competitors because both of them need collect and consolidate all info, knowledge, raw materials & technologies to finish those jobs, and those resources are opening to all companies, ther

3、efore the rest 20% jobs of a company are the critical factors to lead to whether the organization is success or not. The important thing is employees decide those rest 20% jobs of a company.,3,苏烯桓熟勇朵洲撞奋终腋龟完鬃猪汐空刃宇苏钝棘写格坷滓铱成饥疽氦薛培训体系与实施的课件培训体系与实施的课件,为什么组织需要学习 Why organization need study? 一个组织如果想生存,其学习的速

4、度必须大于或等于变化的速度。 If an organization need survive, their learning speed must be faster or equal to change speed. 为什么员工也需要培训和发展 Why employees also need training and development? 员工培训发展是组织发展的重要支点-帮助组织把战略转化为成果,是组织人力资源开发的核心途径,同时也是推动组织管理变革,提高组织管理水平的重要手段。 Employees training development is the important pivot

5、 to organizations development helping organization transfer stratagem into benefit, the core way to HR s development, and the important method to promote organizations management innovation and level.,4,痞记蔽悸涨蓝宅忠骗篙讯龚卤夫掳极戏喷屿绪佰忍则貌憋肢胁噶蟹镇皇躁培训体系与实施的课件培训体系与实施的课件,组织质量方针落实 Organization quality policys carryi

6、ng out Customers all requirements, standards and workmanship. Zero defect & lean production IPC-A-610C 3 & ISO9001 standard TQM Continuous quality improvement Employees are participant in 公司文化的建设 DataED China cultures constructing,5,臣零嵌砷冀鹊申顿塔眼赋悔贝辙漾韶填拒篱软覆涎掐蹋擦都然酋钻嗣积阅培训体系与实施的课件培训体系与实施的课件,团队的建设 Team & T

7、eam work constructing 帮助激励员工树立信心并帮助其发展 To help and spirit up employees establish work confidence and assist them to get promoting. 员工培训与发展调查表 Employees training & development survey form *见附件一 Refer to appendix 1,6,胜撵烙拂浚愧狸堡闽切卫浊固韶撤牡喝延闽扔豆宰抑玫陷幽廊壤报汽幼挟培训体系与实施的课件培训体系与实施的课件,按组织功能确定培训导师 Assign training lect

8、urer per organizational function Demo - Tommy Q.A. - Henry Engineering Andy Pu; Johnson MFG John & Jimmy Procurement Tommy 确定全体受训人员 Confirm trainees 组一:生产拉长及以上人员(包括领料员) 组二:全体品管人员及工程人员 组三:货仓全体人员 组四:办公室人员(采购/助理/财务/进出口),7,拇妄招抛激窖疗凄秩兴井旭行们捷韶凌尺醒换淳裁畅暂聂姿厦下眶渡碍惯培训体系与实施的课件培训体系与实施的课件,制定培训与发展课程表 Constitute traini

9、ng and development course schedule *见附件二 Refer to Appendix 2 制定课程登记表 Constitute course registration form *见附件三 Refer to Appendix 2 培训记录 Constitute training recording *见附件四 Refer to Appendix 3,8,跨尺仅阉狄茎彩五秋铀杀效咒葫今蝴城卓案假痹焦版机词巡归暗闸粟肾醇培训体系与实施的课件培训体系与实施的课件,培训方法 Training Methods 课堂授课 Classroom-teaching 小组讨论 Pa

10、nel discussion 案例分析 Case analysis 录象 Video 测试 Examination,9,号洲律土募廓言捕量仰皑徒胯傀沏汁隶棕诬绵滔戍诀颗痔肪吵翰蔬恒辨享培训体系与实施的课件培训体系与实施的课件,四级培训效果评估 4 Levels Training 学员的反应 Reaction of Participants 对主要概念的理解 Understanding of main concept 行为的改变 Change of behaviors 绩效 Results & Performance,10,己孰迫蚂询敢狸瘴竣豹呸哺响肢娟牲恬醛鹤延茁螟租象完迹提贿钙拌侣力培训体系

11、与实施的课件培训体系与实施的课件,Interviewee: Date: Interviewer: Please answer the following questions: 1. For your dept, what are the most important things you would like to improve?(对于你的部门,哪些方面你认为需要提高?) 2. For employees (your manager), what would you like them to improve? (对于你部门的员工或经理,你认为首先在哪些方面需要提高?) 3. For your

12、self, what would you like to improve? (对于你自己,你认为首先哪些方面需要提高?) 4. For yourself, what would you like to share from related departments? (对于你自己,你认为其他部门的哪些信息对你有用?),11,亩姓娥胳废疮番氦癌控纶孩曲因僻齿杖黎缘腆埔训乾锚谍兔逐酋朱壮卓公培训体系与实施的课件培训体系与实施的课件,12,捞哥讼挫啃傍桅撂妈椭戒湿岩蝎瓜拥诲鞋藻垒银资堰钓疽投冗镶汐毡恕启培训体系与实施的课件培训体系与实施的课件,13,入胜壕奇僵糖痛喊旷弯芜融斋诫卸烛京遥癌师筑友帜肿谚想厚碟筏钞骤宅培训体系与实施的课件培训体系与实施的课件,


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