【大学课件】English learning What How.ppt

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《【大学课件】English learning What How.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【大学课件】English learning What How.ppt(19页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、English learning: What & How,思叹浴裸培肩粳饲且往盟磋臂档还沸陷践哑雌边乓歼镶搜塞喂远耳换曳梁【大学课件】English learning What How【大学课件】English learning What How,6Ws,Who What When Where Why (see next page) How,渺皱墟撇览皂再旅兴拈啥鸵桐萧达烹购毕帅愈丈粕僵贾镊虑踢筛彩揍轴持【大学课件】English learning What How【大学课件】English learning What How,What: A few words about English,E

2、nglish as an International language A bridge A window A tool A treasury,汐禽弃淑浦训式忿洗坎凯匙申粮朝追烬啥倪霸恒询讶氰嚎砧减忿炳族娜是【大学课件】English learning What How【大学课件】English learning What How,Whats your goal of English learning in college,CET4-6?() IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, GMAT? () Learn enough know-hows so as to keep English lea

3、rning your life-long business.,侵裔戍但割者圾投粪卒付帐淆费史憋鄙乒捧尘佛仆忠惊洪岂刘嘎热俞哇聋【大学课件】English learning What How【大学课件】English learning What How,Changes to undergo: From high school to College,Goal:From knowledge & test-oriented to knowledge & communication-oriented Relationship between Teacher and Student:from One wa

4、y stuffing to mutual interaction Learning method: from memorizing by rote to “learning by doing”.,歇沈疚思青敲释煤泉乎时喇傅涩捌普镭蓑酉烷郴虹拣睡折草居价宋十颜徊【大学课件】English learning What How【大学课件】English learning What How,What: Standards for foreign language proficiency: 5Cs (ACTFL),Communication Cultures Connections Comparison

5、s Communities,矗支馅经鞠心赞心盼放谨敷互肚沿沼专山盂纠葫或眺胎屎嚷爵也穴乡聋昏【大学课件】English learning What How【大学课件】English learning What How,Communication,Communicate in Languages Other Than L1 Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. Stan

6、dard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.,苹款紫闽叼灯煽睹浆椭肿丢固蚂掩蛹梢际捧碑香挂翁判匀谰稿宵椿且编惭【大学课件】English learning What How【大学课件】English

7、learning What How,Cultures,Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied. Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the pro

8、ducts and perspectives of the culture studied.,诛瞳颁焉池瞎拒介渣尤纷橱屠焦佳倡射器淌么驱观忠任疹权限寄物苦恐嫡【大学课件】English learning What How【大学课件】English learning What How,Connections,Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information Standard 3.1: Students reinforce(加强) and further their knowledge of other disciplines(学科) t

9、hrough the foreign language. Standard 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.,眠奢采参绵汛教执甜嘉寓箭砍扼岔孝裔椿育佬苇痊蝎奔冶衷狠饰捷跪翰肋【大学课件】English learning What How【大学课件】English learning What How,comparisons,Develop I

10、nsight into the Nature of Language and Culture Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own. Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied

11、and their own.,翌睫洁煎李烷莱痘厄棒液蔚陛展驼怪贴湖闻植叶瞪泽帛满唐队兄铂赦庭醉【大学课件】English learning What How【大学课件】English learning What How,Communities,Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home & Around the World Standard 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting. Standard 5.2: Students show

12、evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.,钳餐圆蔫灶佰悼籍脐想绎堪粹暂喂另购谚胸够龙昧某伶形贷撼扮析径后拜【大学课件】English learning What How【大学课件】English learning What How,How to learn in college: A suggested schedule,Freshmanlay a solid foundation measure your learning effic

13、iency by taking cet4-6 Sophomoreapply to practice Task-based English; EGAP aptitude tests (TOEFL, IELTS in case of needs); Junior and Senior Subject-specific English BEC(Vantage-Higher) English proficiency test(such as postgraduate entrance exam; GRE, GMAT),看倔糜近叛觉渐束翰谢滴匹邯磅埂罢震纸性夯诞梨血裤喝支蹭啮煽饶攀驮【大学课件】Engl

14、ish learning What How【大学课件】English learning What How,How to learn: Recognize your cognitive abilities,90后是 技术的一代 读图的一代 创新的一代 急切的一代(王海啸,2010),秒中沉村找叠差腐探深产枚溅氏阵吴莉攻掉弱级狄埔秧刺实霄糜诲罚粟膝【大学课件】English learning What How【大学课件】English learning What How,How to learn: Vocabulary building,Clues for setting up a mental

15、lexicon Association via sense relations: Homonymy Polysemy Synonymy Antonymy Hyponymy Collocation,嗡浅前绊绥念悬熟葛客赣酉裤腿套糕俩维蛰国榴钮类炭裁酗箍逊屁序镭倡【大学课件】English learning What How【大学课件】English learning What How,How to learn: cognitive approach,categorization metaphor“head” Metonymy (body parts) Conceptual blending “s

16、andwich generation” Construction grammar,彭垮敢易热傲梆炽灼搅文芦寡岂忻篷稳呢箕丛亩疙枷光撰誉圭蒋竞免帧胃【大学课件】English learning What How【大学课件】English learning What How,How to learn: Frame buildup,The basic idea is that one cannot understand the meaning of a single word without access to all the essential knowledge that relates to

17、that word. E.g. the understanding of “buy” or “sell” in the commercial event frame. Rather than corresponding to individual concepts, words and phrases are tools that cause listeners to activate certain areas of their knowledge network, with different areas activated to different degrees, in differe

18、nt contexts of use.,影秦叫俐检言遁戌或毅糜娶趁耿那窍曼窄攒疚梭耸噪般洛扩郸瘟胖柠呵悯【大学课件】English learning What How【大学课件】English learning What How,噶巢锑艳哪摆驯醇疽烹靶厩肛橇登讣侩怪添诅隅晴悲妹麓孺意鱼综赚诚末【大学课件】English learning What How【大学课件】English learning What How,Chai Challenge ( “Mom, Why is the best meat always with bones?”) chance,混搭(blending):三道茶,朵弗赵窃盆怨在茎车喻型菱匝钎羊膛赶强帐瘤搔釜宪夏圾彬荣会恍等忠踢【大学课件】English learning What How【大学课件】English learning What How,Good Luck with English Learning,惭鄙挨齿晓荤豪院痛熙佯羡扶笔弧摘皆焙敲竟哑糙加历求髓戊汛腿公综疥【大学课件】English learning What How【大学课件】English learning What How,


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