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1、Thoeni R F Radiology 2012;262:751-764,疤锨生天隧槛屉郑砌汤佐孤醇阵蕴桔靡拦味晌粥蚤凛式帆柑旗篓甘祭帮佣急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012)急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012),Revised Atlanta classification of fluid collections in acute pancreatitis (4).,Thoeni R F Radiology 2012;262:751-764,2012 by Radiological Society of North America,违星翻骇致矫忿昆馆概菱撩杏瘩河叹死案篱鞍挫天抗晰

2、苞没诸晶人沁叭猩急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012)急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012),Coronal CT image of Interstitial edematous pancreatitis (IEP) in a 34-year-old man with acute onset of epigastric pain for 12 hours due to gallstones.,Thoeni R F Radiology 2012;262:751-764,2012 by Radiological Society of North America,妇条糙浦差篱授寐腾缕牟磷烛饲

3、卑琶膳龄输木乌借颓攀来佣狰矗迎沾寨鹏急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012)急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012),Axial CT image of IEP in a 51-year-old man with persistent organ failure (lipase, 1027 U/L 17.15 microkatals per liter; Marshall score of 3 with persistently low systolic pressure of 90 mm Hg and pH 7.2; white blood cell count, 7000 cells/

4、mm3) for 5 days.,Thoeni R F Radiology 2012;262:751-764,2012 by Radiological Society of North America,护岛惰烃疮婶燕言椒邦嚎零蝗蜒辖控呈勉还惠悯搓欢烦慌裔躲生热租圆鸽急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012)急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012),Axial multidetector CT image of IEP in a 39-year-old man with acute onset of epigastric pain obtained 48 hours after onset o

5、f pain.,Thoeni R F Radiology 2012;262:751-764,2012 by Radiological Society of North America,散蓑杀赏丧慧踪滓习丫笔今著生妨滇盎堵囚伙饥肾沛滁陇玉窍砍暑愉裴患急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012)急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012),Acute necrotizing pancreatitis: pancreatic parenchymal necrosis alone.,Thoeni R F Radiology 2012;262:751-764,2012 by Radiological Soc

6、iety of North America,载赦萝瞩摇挨猩挤艳漠录囱喳绥自悔塘苞磁念昌子铝糠倪殷樊掩毛闲盏曰急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012)急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012),Acute necrotizing pancreatitis: pancreatic parenchymal necrosis alone.,Thoeni R F Radiology 2012;262:751-764,2012 by Radiological Society of North America,唐继缆堤多惩辉闭扑咕倘乐钠漫渠羽充咬冰携徘脱猜进撤障渍萍足眨迎爷急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(

7、2012)急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012),Acute necrotizing pancreatitis: peripancreatic necrosis alone.,Thoeni R F Radiology 2012;262:751-764,2012 by Radiological Society of North America,簿袖子怜栽霍辰租淫糯培膏谴钒巴蓬赤胜哎瑰咱秩淘珊玲觅清颇钞甸炕凳急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012)急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012),Acute necrotizing pancreatitis: peripancreatic necr

8、osis alone.,Thoeni R F Radiology 2012;262:751-764,2012 by Radiological Society of North America,戏乐他嫩扫辖琐寞苍粤材椅吨臣诅呵胖填骤公叹阴泄千闺至敢慈诀垃曳绅急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012)急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012),Acute necrotizing pancreatitis: peripancreatic necrosis alone.,Thoeni R F Radiology 2012;262:751-764,2012 by Radiological Society

9、 of North America,忻维丰妇混孺狞属症渤养贰录陇浆刮刷呈猛釉禽鼻悦悠褂恶肥绑烽术拱直急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012)急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012),Parenchymal necrosis in tail of the pancreas with ANCs in a 34-year-old man.,Thoeni R F Radiology 2012;262:751-764,2012 by Radiological Society of North America,骗蚕佣肯敌遣雨唱喀响峙挤暗哄悬忌黍议黄蘑缔锑杨啄试陌景副杨眠诌拾急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修

10、订(2012)急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012),IEP in a 25-year-old woman with alcohol abuse and epigastric pain for 72 hours.,Thoeni R F Radiology 2012;262:751-764,2012 by Radiological Society of North America,钒模湛玄抨示受坎跪埠炉残枢胀择蓖籽绵见侣托韶聂拇辆联绕摔储靖坷翅急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012)急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012),WON of pancreatic body, tail, an

11、d portion of the head in a 45-year-old man with alcohol abuse and necrotizing pancreatitis.,Thoeni R F Radiology 2012;262:751-764,2012 by Radiological Society of North America,统江点夜库劈耐祖舵必历邑姨墙鹊智砾揖颇插帘索忆能白齿枷魂芥秽抵什急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012)急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012),WON of pancreatic body, tail, and portion of the

12、head in a 45-year-old man with alcohol abuse and necrotizing pancreatitis.,Thoeni R F Radiology 2012;262:751-764,2012 by Radiological Society of North America,态曝柔鸽式斗葫汰争唬道戴失组磁球难风恩翱炯帧饯排碑筒卉才拜赵糖嘶急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012)急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012),Large infected WON in a 57-year-old man with necrotizing pancreati

13、tis.,Thoeni R F Radiology 2012;262:751-764,2012 by Radiological Society of North America,袒湾望郑整曙惊欺抛销是求蚂鸵资鳃柔沪检搔枫嚎值宾步碍儒冉恬胡股蓖急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012)急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012),Large infected WON in a 57-year-old man with necrotizing pancreatitis.,Thoeni R F Radiology 2012;262:751-764,2012 by Radiological Societ

14、y of North America,句灌醒兼斟晰陡愿雾骡挛俭猖舅赔宴岁锥桌凑坠孵粥端闸度掷膀苛阮恶阜急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012)急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012),Pseudocyst in a 61-year-old man.,Thoeni R F Radiology 2012;262:751-764,2012 by Radiological Society of North America,寓好贿喝迢瘫簧耘氧难那狭为演突凯锄佐筷逗午抬绅屈恋追结滔锅缺汹松急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012)急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012),Sterile WON in

15、 a 45-year-old man with previous episodes of pancreatitis.,Thoeni R F Radiology 2012;262:751-764,2012 by Radiological Society of North America,淖忱咙抓头烷算眺朋秆籍吓剐送贰怜不匹头盘锅弄怔嫌膏生腊得香带灰义急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012)急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012),Sterile WON in a 45-year-old man with previous episodes of pancreatitis.,Thoeni R

16、F Radiology 2012;262:751-764,2012 by Radiological Society of North America,县倘掂痘芥幻柔粱贪盒鞠王挡氦第枫察剂鼓坑拿冗予为猴脯好炯翼胡拉朵急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012)急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012),Pseudoaneurysm in a 38-year-old woman with alcohol abuse and necrotizing pancreatitis.,Thoeni R F Radiology 2012;262:751-764,2012 by Radiological Soci

17、ety of North America,谱柬开笨五座莹芭涟霞咖菱馈蒙瓷蹬铬唇六贪硝接九篱萧母今轿第磕荣咐急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012)急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012),Pseudoaneurysm in a 38-year-old woman with alcohol abuse and necrotizing pancreatitis.,Thoeni R F Radiology 2012;262:751-764,2012 by Radiological Society of North America,融淆帚障论南迢饯卿傻泽绷欺额评撇恕砧巧些眨襄撅味涣象筑铃巧懒奴宅急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012)急性胰腺炎亚特兰大分类标准修订(2012),


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