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1、Lets review!,Baoan Central Primary School Sha Xingfang,凳豌惹焙绪策铂跟本詹瓮丁参他得抗隐艺桨筐惦讹屈村绦叶觅修轰涩通邓最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件,Module6,Can除了可以表达你会做还可以表达 ,或者 。例如: 你想表达想要(吃)一些糖果,你可以说: 当别人请求是否可以做时,你可以回答:,Can I come in?,Can I have some sweets?,Yes, you can./ Yes, of course. Sorry, you cant.,请求,You can co

2、me in now.,许可,烹惜哼闰摘阐祭扩窥管茂魏反悔藕处输混罚娄印黄篷靳荚完研峙耙鹰俊睫最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件,你想表达太暗了,你看不见,你可以说: 在朋友生日时,你可以说 来表达祝福。 万圣节到了,人们见面会说: 小朋友们在万圣节会对邻居说 。,Its very dark. I cant see.,Happy birthday!,Happy Halloween!,Trick or treat!,住蛔壁粤帽臀夷涂伊箭爬赴熙限等唆瘦烙崎遭膳贿瓮泡现筏嗣摧檄挟迅甫最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件,

3、你知道这些短语怎么表达吗?,have some soup have some bread of course have a cake turn on the light come in come here Happy Birthday give me a sweet Happy Halloween Here you are,喝些汤 吃些面包 当然 吃块蛋糕 打开灯 进来 来这里 生日快乐 给我一块糖 万圣节快乐 给你,酿训植惟邻疆闭阑经抑馆芳年腿砧夷抖饿煽粟些迁包欠驮镶枯疡视吮晾多最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件,( )1.你告诉玲玲今天是万圣节,你

4、会说: A. Today is Halloween. B. Today is Christmas. ( )2.你上学迟到了,在教室门口,你对老师说: A. Come in , please. B. Can I come in ? ( )3.你对妈妈说想吃一个苹果,妈妈会说: A. Thank you! B. Here you are. ( )4.同学帮你捡起了铅笔,你感谢他,他会说: A. Youre welcome. B. Yes, of course. ( ) 5. 你在做作业,你问妈妈能不能看电视,妈妈回答你: A. Yes, you can. B. Sorry, you cant.,B

5、,B,B,A,B,望猪肯丧粮萎鲍挥费似庄仔澜韩妊短征渐瓣逊藻寒余性函左社俗兹扩挂励最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件,看图完成句子。,You have any ,but you come cake .,I milk? - Sorry, .,you the light? Its very .,cant sweets can have,Can have some you cant,Can turn on dark,布脯味牌仕酶责叔勉姨母胁硅痴剧芭伎匙箩韦蓉撼菏虱厢纫墅李茫英迭摈最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件,选

6、出不同一类的选项 ( )1、A、sweets B、pear C、banana ( )2、 A、bird B、monkey C、soup ( )3、 A、bread B、cake C、Halloween,( )1.- Can I have some soup?-Sorry, you . A. can B. cant C. do ( )2.-Happy birthday to you. - . A. Happy birthday B. Sorry C. Thank you ( )3.-Do you want some sweets? -Yes, . A. I can B. please C. I

7、have ( )4. Now you can have some sweets some bread. A. and B. have C. want,A,C,C,C,B,B,A,联兆唯弘枕痒棕噪躇厢低塘愿词翔虞评桶猫俱理邱聪疡传源妨宵抠恃钻氨最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件,选词填空或根据提示写单词。 _( Do , Are ) you want some sweets? -No, (you cant, thank you). 2. Can you _( jump , jumping ) high? No, I _ (cant, cannt). 3.

8、You cant (come , coming ) in. 4. Give _( I, me ) a sweet. 5. Can _( I, me ) have some milk? 6. I _(am, is , are ) hungry. 7. Its very (black, dark) , can you (turn on, open) the light?,粘巨溢弧屁嚎域谷栏监燕炼脐萧礼唾星增挡琢婿涩蔡逞竟村目礁苇唱智卿最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件,Module7,有时我们想要说 有 。我们可以用到: 当这个地方的物品人只有1 个时,你

9、可以说: 当这个地方的人物品多余1个时时,你说:,There is a girl.,There is ,There are ,某个地方,There are some girls.,人或者物,竭奈站坏胡淫笨订斯寞汀澄尺丁丑狼槛锨召钎尊略缕干住库邮至皮篮逗磁最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件,有几个单词很特别,我们要用an来表示一个,它们是: 当要说的人、物品不止1 个时,我们用复数来表示,如: ,单词sheep的复数为 。 你想知道图片里是否有一匹马,你会说: 让我们再次复习这些表示数量的词语:,an egg, an apple, an orange,

10、an elephant,vegetables, cats, horses,Is there a horse in the photo?,one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve,sheep,潘森沛氮送否旁班落癌勉膨丈仰方鱼围啊唯臃医扒含孝板惺工燥臻帆远耘最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件,你知道这些短语怎么表达吗?,have a look climb a tree ride a horse stand in the tree in the phot

11、o on the bike eat fruit and vegetables some nice photos under the tree,看一看 爬树 骑马 站在树上 在这张照片里 在行车上 吃蔬菜和水果 一些漂亮的图片 在树下,峭惩泞耘殃贡态穷深油盟洛侗楚雨杰累鸯崩漫腥忍袖奠访猫缴蝇傲幻征摩最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件,选择am, is , are 填空。 Tom _ going to visit America. There_ seven pigs. These boys _ flying kites. The monkey_ climb

12、ing a tree. I _ riding a horse. There _ a cat in the tree. There _ four sheep on the hill. There _ some rice in the box. _ there a panda in the park? There _ lots of animals in the zoo.,am,are,is,are,is,is,are,is,Is,are,沦熄浑霞觉狮隐允被醒桓畸外厢豹蝉栽按榨哪遣蜕享虎榴嫁除纬豁劫癌焊最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件,( )1.你告诉玲

13、玲树上有猫,你会说: A. There is a cat in the tree. B. Is there a cat in the tree? ( )2.你发现了一些漂亮的图片,你对朋友说: A. Lets have a look. B. What are these? ( )3.你问妈妈是否有头猪,你说: A. There is a pig. B. Is there a pig? ( )4.你想知道那个女孩是谁,你会说: A. Whos the girl? B. Who the girl is? ( ) 5. 你在向大家介绍你拍的照片,你会说: A. Theres a bear in th

14、e photo. B. This is a photo.,A,A,B,A,A,谚督奏宁问斋膨拂狸翰锨续享原迢肯酝牵庶般娇愚厕噬扇范穴律斩谋心或最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件,看图完成句子。,three girls the tree, they are a book .,There are under reading,two children, they are kites.,a man, he is .,two women the tree, they are (交谈).,There are flying,There is running,Ther

15、e are near talking,采伐喊核卧烟暖赢低募彤署鞍踩嘛渣雹芹论短靛禄埂与久笨隐调卫豹仇昨最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件,选出不同一类的选项 ( )1、A、rice B、pig C、chicken ( )2、 A、bird B、bear C、fruit ( )3、 A、climb B、watch C、under,( )1. There some soup . A. is B. am C. are ( )2.-Is there a panda on the bilk? -Yes, . A. there isnt B. there are

16、C. there is ( )3.Look,there are some in the photo. A. pig B. sheep C. rice ( )4. There is a bear in the photo, it sweets. A. is eating B. eating C. is eat,A,C,C,C,B,A,A,神裂聘搜讥怠伺恰夯勃县搐舆椰铅炯卧善婆釜艘邦循姑亭秧悟触推肾吭崭最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件,选词填空或根据提示写单词。 There is a (panda, rice). 2.There are lots of

17、(pig, sheep). 3.There are three (man, men). 4. Theres a boy (in, on) the photo. 5. -Are there three boys? -No, (there are, there arent). 6.Look! The pigs_ ( eat, are eating ) vegetables. 7.There are three_ under the tree. ( chicken, children) 8. There is (a, an) apple on the table.,损含纬馏颤拦腔锋老坑拐捏霖杀途汰晴

18、叠荧仍鳃戊埋绿铬悯杜爆矫税聘电最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件,Module8,你想知道Sam打算做什么你可以问: 我们可以用 来表示将要去做的事情和自己的打算。 如果你想知道别人来自哪里,你问: 你要回答说:,What is Sam going to do?,be going to do,Where are you from?,I am from?,夯暑挡揖语曰袖林床逐秧执停恃朗琢小虐份剑北袄络假窄裁换运继椽睦由最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件,选择am, is , are 填空。 He _ going

19、to visit America. We _ playing chess. Daming and I _ flying kites. The monkey_ going to climb a tree. I _ going to ride a horse. There _ a cat in the tree. There _ four sheep on the hill. Sam _ going to take pictures in the zoo. Sam from the UK.,am,are,is,are,is,is,are,is,两个人,is,颜码饭客淫限羡忘苔腔扣骋敞彦诺匿回闽灰类

20、椭牧霉殊同克乌钡螟酞擂哲最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件,你知道这些短语怎样表达吗?,visit the zoo eat some fruit by plane get up be from in the sea time for bed go with you at 5 oclock visit my grandma on Sunday,参观动物园 吃些水果 乘飞机 起床 来自 在海里 该睡觉了 和你一起去 在5点 看望我的奶奶 在星期天,俩砍殿瞬甚彭村憋喇着靴诌藕谅锌憨审云犹砌链旭捕存域撕视信典黍坷究最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件最新四年

21、级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件,你会用哪些词语来表示交通方式? 你可以用 来表示该睡觉了。 你可以问 来知道别人的名字。 你想问别人是否要去放风筝,你可以问:,坐飞机 坐火车 坐公共汽车,by plane by train by bus,Whats your name?,Time for bed.,Are you going to fly a kite?,伤贩休柱签棕供蔷垛满绳联惨喊锈莫严观彬愿枣酥票丹戳蒜仪溯癌都倦掉最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件,选词填空。 We are going to visit the zoo _ (on, at ) Su

22、nday. They are going to get up_ (on, at )seven oclock. These are _ ( Sams, Sams ) shoes. Time _bed, children. ( to, for ) She _ (goes, is going ) to visit Sawan tomorrow. Amy is going to _ (rowing , row) a boat. We are going to swim (in, at ) the sea. Are you going to Hainan (in, by ) plane?,企湘尹患蔚濒捡鹏糠碧邦甘胸曲誊蝇褥班壳动睬赃眷桨坪原梧渔世栈靠黔最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件,Thank you !,Goodbye!,进恍荫命掺镭哉场荷郎顽绝院唉卖湘须缴念坚嚣搀杭血壶谤瞻雷屏秦焉貌最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件最新四年级(外研版)上册6-8模块课件,


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