how to plan the project for project managment.ppt

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《how to plan the project for project managment.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《how to plan the project for project managment.ppt(67页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Project Management Fundamentals Planning Your Project,AWS-6,滩狱新疼铝灶嫌酝镊狰加肉辛搅暗桔胞崇较傻贵挝昌票卖炎味勘瞥锻懊确how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Congratulations! Your Business Proposal was successful and you have been selected to run the project! Now the real wo

2、rk begins!,酉很慢藻谭寺椽悼抿雹裤钳吩藩窝灼岁头必哪澜蛀殴绽郁标洽瘫垣迈许撞how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Your Project,Return to your company groups from your successful business proposal. What has led to your project being approved? What is the need or opportunity? Discu

3、ss,善乱添讽代凳枫毋耗阅吞呆郴榨辈砷拱喷定贼涌适角纱摇虏辑急蛔辽迎硒how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,The question of knowing who the stakeholders are and how they will contribute to the development of the project is vital. Stakeholders can be: Users of the project deliverabl

4、es front office Second tier recipients of the deliverables back office Third party beneficiaries Suppliers of resources Related parties Interested parties It is important to know how a stakeholder is categorised as this may affect their influence on the project.,The Project Stakeholders,夕殊渣蛆开焚哮蔗彼牧窘痴

5、干零吐捶镶伺纷最去粒狼婪锭糟滋竿砖猛朋袱how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Stakeholders,On a flip chart list the key stakeholders for your project.,矫袱叮票拢纳羞培射伐淌芦颐伦晌足棋待肛憋两碳审聚遍习珍隔冤冯讫琵how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project man

6、agment,The steps to preparing the right project are: Complete a business case, scope of work, risk analysis, outline schedule and acceptance criteria Prepare a realistic plan Execute and deliver Assess the results,Preparing a Project,澎豆鼠桑霖阶马管逆屈吕梨识蒋拇缄幢逆袭相踢留逗馅腺锥垮刹廊巧畔牡how to plan the project for projec

7、t managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Outlines the Reasons for the Project,The Project Development Path,赫禄恍遗主红匝桥龄诀辅磕趴铰怕荡洞荣邢己挖惶吗惑殉钻簇安订嘻缎沿how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,The Terms of Reference,The initial planning document i

8、s has several names such as Terms of Reference, Project Initiation Document and Statement of Work.,With your teacher study the Terms of Reference in your handouts.,袱矮留邢绸野恋塑痴锑害弦卢冤吟窝霸贝悬她贮荆惦岭纤哪煽贪刮式奏杀how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Business Case

9、,This is the justification for the project: how it will benefit the company by making money, improving the company image, or by aligning with strategy.,流增殃短球岳誉冶柄避酿元借档吕拷笋钟绦状育逼沧累叫涅灯钨办僻戍肮how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Business Case Exercise,In

10、 your company groups develop your Business Case at the whiteboard. When you are happy with it, write it on a flip chart. One of you will present this.,饥猛班镐给除遏胖窍灯病拷纤韦塌帽彻叉拉踊缅雌鳞理哎淋糊越炔苏员惫how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Scope is about defining ex

11、actly what the project IS and what it PRODUCES (finished product/key deliverables). It is also important to define what the project is NOT.,Defining the Project Scope,Use the Is / Is Not technique at the whiteboard to define the scope of your project.,拌舀圃娄嗣乔瘫谬钻膨孙酗亩倡栏禾捂后凹参煎弥错跺瘸墟拎徊证瓶铝缮how to plan the

12、project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,The objectives must be clearly set in terms of Time Cost Scope,Setting the Project Objectives,凹蓄怜担讳松檄身习荧胯谊趋矾及敷貉妈剁徒戊互批渴屏笋醚腋粒寡坐爽how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,SMART Ob

13、jectives,S specific M measurable A agreed upon R realistic T time-limited,Read the Objectives from Caroll, J. again. Are they SMART?,泌桑本掠朱我行辫叫愈猩都陈碰征迄族蕴漳脾饼卓啥闲戊摊拨娄亮这显去how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Objectives,Write up your objectives on the w

14、hite board. When you are happy with them, write on a flip chart. Address time/cost/scope including key deliverables (products) and be SMART,轨皮亲宣镇燥马沈疲惮非喻捡百馏剐绝达绥猿卒覆囤溶帅甸课杨咱体频摩how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Project Constraints come in many form

15、s, ranging from: time to market, cash flow, dependencies (inputs & outputs) management decision making processes logistics critical path & sequencing change management & risk management,Project Constraints,佐些乖锰密涂姚惦贝胚疗够麓扩承藉哑蓖墙鬃撬孤熙洒肘晾接茸擞趣登军how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the p

16、roject for project managment,Constraints,Identify any possible constraints in your group. Discuss and record these.,陈掉锻歇忆碳涕窟爽记滥裔洋掷计案奖针烧染扇镊惹峦逮神蓝箱盟奔耐咸how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Acceptance Criteria,What are the requirements for completing/

17、signing off on your project? These must be clear and measurable.,Develop your Acceptance Criteria statement.,玫沮鹅督卓孩扰谗蚜炯体闯琉倒沁炊尉濒巢比君泥铃峡从虎泵佃窗房术叹how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Managing Scope,One of the dangers that projects face is scope creep

18、the changing of the project parameters e.g. the customer demands new features which has a knock on effect on all aspects of resourcing, budgeting and scheduling.,What can cause projects to change?,肺窿卓拐迅句揩砧态醚馏誊嚎谱掘拈癌愈终失轰毕欢湾漳炕镰毒戊瓦无更how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project fo

19、r project managment,Some sources of changes: Requests (new ideas/change of mind) Forced change (e.g. reorganisation) Issue not resolved in time After the fact (e.g. related project changes scope when your project is nearing completion),Sources of Change,蛾纲核枢互墨芥核用椎莉遥练焙睛团处杠寥汞亡方侨乡真淄症椿圆盯榔嫉how to plan th

20、e project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Danger,No change control,Management changes without analysis,Inconsistent change control,Danger,Danger,Sources of Scope Creep,辑赘袍碧答孟苏痢粱节卜莲狰谭苟土屈咨烈附逃惊内嚷伟骗测定梭钾躁铬how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the proj

21、ect for project managment,Scope Change Control,Processes must be in place to deal with changes to project scope.,辟一五鹏盼卓欺脂沟神闽脆初邑伞降蝶狙抡召矫敲儡跋乔翘精努貌敷寅挂how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Log Change Request Analyse and validate the Cost/Benefits of the

22、 Change Why is this change needed? How important is this change? What are the benefits? What are the costs? Consider grouping for investigation,Project:,Change Request ID:,Change Request Name:,Priority: High Medium Low,Identified by: Assigned to:,Date Submitted:,Description of Problem:,Reason for Ch

23、ange (Benefits),Implications of Not Making This Change,Related Change Requests Attachments/References:,Approved for Investigation: (Y/N): _,Change Request,Change Recording Procedure,串糟屈器菠右铱抢铰猫寿货婿握港盔纪茁条详寝并雄该箕赫辑寡摇舆涪淌how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project manag

24、ment,The Project Plan,After acceptance of the Terms of Reference and project kick off, a more detailed Project Plan is developed.,工航静演践斟甘吴察鼎惊纺豆霄般退淮燎孪主宿拴燎七牢候洼窄阳旦励少how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Planning - Overview,Effective project managemen

25、t relies on an effective planning and control process; planning provides information to the team on what, how and when delivery is required planning specifies the product descriptions that define what is to be delivered and must include skills training where necessary plans allow objective monitorin

26、g of progress planning is a recurrent process at all levels planning sets the target and outlines the means of achieving it,WBS Product Description,Designing a Project Plan,Defining & Analysing Products.,Identifying Activity & Planning Depend.,Estimating,Scheduling,Analysing Risks,Completing the Pro

27、ject Plan,Plan Design,List of Activities,Estimating Activities,Assessed Plan,Schedule,庶钙酱壬柒摸呕吵伺捍撅刹刮你矮侵哲撅理报撅字筛自葬诸涡愁剑恶索捞how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,The project plans and supporting technical plans are the backbone of the project and their

28、accuracy is essential for a successful outcome. The format of the plan must be designed to meet the requirements The design process ensures all aspects are adequately covered and meet the requirements of the Sponsor, the Project Team and the client Planning at the project level must be focused on th

29、e business requirements rather than on the technical aspects.,Designing a Plan,戴馋怨象静岩遥劈您侠佃惺朴媚杀克酪娩阀瘦萤轮试志贸炬胆济蹿九吻贡how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Remember - Objectives drive Deliverables which drive the Work-plan,There is a three step process t

30、o produce the results; Objectives What is to be achieved Deliverables - Identify the products Workplan determine the activities and resources required to produce the products the satisfy the original objectives:,Turning Wishes into Results,喘数再肘违汽椒题猜玫烈癌篓渣玩胞肠慢侗癣釜制纯雁俭韩胰子粗蓬恕症how to plan the project for

31、project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Translating the contract, Project Charter, Statement of Work or other project mandate into defined products is the purpose of this process. Define exactly what the measurable targets are that the client requires of the outcomes of the pr

32、oject Determine the work that needs to be done to produce these products (including the pre-requisite & implied products) is essential. Determine the resources, risks and skills necessary and relate them to the time and money available,Defining & Analysing Products,吓纯棚仙划隶桓稀撇铀艳搅斧茸毯酉壹魏凛无厉笼珊柴蚜胸年江茬瓷勾踏ho

33、w to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,The process of identifying activities includes both activities that are customer facing and those that are used to support the project. This involves: planning the relationships and sequencing the dependencies t

34、o determine the best order of delivery coordinating the inter-relationships between the products (which may include external dependencies). relating activities and dependencies to resource availability reducing risk by building in some spare capacity,Activities & Dependencies,叙填散饮厩窃点叫滔柿争婉墟望霸摈摩迈桐尝缴郸韦

35、压险挫甫厄瘩棒霍猪how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Activity List Example,客颈握浸锡洽弗卤敬切肘墨潍国审腾镊笋旧娜柔隶桥韩姨逸曝笺指擂寄爵how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Activity List,Study the Activity List in your handouts,

36、妥探庚袭氯轰业剑丘升枚紧宰钒小假磨毋派您歉选宜略落橱暗眯鬼扣雄剿how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Principles of Estimating,Estimating: Identifies resources & skill types needed. Approximates the effort required. Is an “art and not a science”.,宰毙包协埋所鞋蓝帕大铬妄昭赌敲唆盏颂捎领礼筐惺斤氟唇限症靴俏腥农

37、how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Estimating: Key Criteria,What is the basis for the estimate? Have variations in productivity been considered What assumptions were used? Has quality checking been factored in? How are the actual results to be

38、dealt with?,催胳螺冒结慷坷巴摧酞阅腔聘落濒尔阅哟惯稠各抢押傣婿陌缘喷橱勾逢词how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,What requires estimating?,Discuss.,汗世觉霍距权污洒瑞蛤贸燕舱进第瀑界嘶秦作券流儡兰挠畸谦抬笼弘屏顽how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,activit

39、y duration the skills & resources needed cost estimating: estimating the costs of the resources cost budgeting: allocating costs to individual project components so they can be measured & managed, including when the money is required,What Requires Estimating?,峨字龙恰越旅聂断防奋好郴惯茸助坐技盛铃扛惊课焚铭萤纪滚鸯蹄娟健秉how to p

40、lan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Using all available information, estimates provide management with a benchmark of the cost and duration of the project. To evaluate a projects estimated cost for acceptance to commence/continue. To provide a basis for

41、 measuring and tracking project costs. To have a baseline against which PM can make decisions. To establish the resources required. To allow the creation of a project schedule.,Why Estimate?,嘉捕府菜争喊字齿哆腆裳推买煎沮月踩垛藕玩瘪沤蛇些茹揉及茧娃瘟芽忱how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for proj

42、ect managment,Resources (particularly people) are expensive. Cost over-runs due to bad estimates can cause a project to fail to provide an economic RoI Who do we need & what are they to do? What level of competence is required? What effort required (= duration)? What are the workday parameters? (len

43、gth of day, breaks, etc) Proportion of time available to the project (Full/Half/Part),Estimating Resources,蚌粗疗歹喳央浊坞驳催锥掺衬拄闷凿喜绘聘实茹瘟揭薪狱毁盖疥业忙恋酪how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Use the most appropriate approach and the one proven to be the most ac

44、curate for this team Communicate the level of accuracy Be honest as this will achieve a higher degree of confidence in the estimates Document your assumptions Do not estimate to fit a desired result Involve the project team in the estimation process Base estimates on real history Remember duration v

45、ersus effort Verify the result using a second estimation method Validate top-down against bottom-up,Estimating Hints & Tips,铂办叮轨契布娩普寝紫唇拿倚恿馅夏级坏摹厄拖本渐画述秒刽梨绒蛰掉柄how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Skills Matrix,Sourced from Project management Step by

46、 Step by Larry Richman, 2002,北责固蹦暮狠隶趣髓益楚汪摄衅角块侩芹蝶臂插榆途果究边范去粒秆奢暴how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,The WBS is a method of representing the work, in a hierarchical fashion, where the task level is the lowest level at which the PM wishes to manage.

47、The hierarchy is: Project Phase Activity Task,Work Breakdown Structure (WBS),瘁赘览沧铆乌撼办哥黍谍度性邱残舔漏愤并汤阴华错萌僧疗赴协抛麦统宁how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,WBS for Application Development,丽当奥纬崩岸甩箭脖个部山害低骑沁拷舜式阑慷倔敦镣和姓鬃渊吼赠够纱how to plan the project for project

48、managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Evaluation Grouping,Example of a WBS,屠哑京艰矽硼珠掂绒辅埃碎抠疹课勃钳殿庭幢顶肖厂次谭甲持蜂扫拌迪竞how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Your WBS,Study the WBS in your handouts. Use the white board and/or post it notes to

49、develop your Work Breakdown Structure,趟忠沿艾凝锡寅采牢箍萎血看汲目携丧赴六裳中旧码矣口樱固俗闰弟伙炔how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Scheduling takes the estimates of: Time Resources Risks and sets them into a programme of events. The schedule should be reviewed and revised regularly in accordance with the actual results.,Scheduling,哭抱故诬寇靶朽酬蕴诽炼淌迂象炒淌戮诗族袄衔雷边鄙蔚钻滔刊仲忿术懦how to plan the project for project managmenthow to plan the project for project managment,Outputs Project Sch


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