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1、NCE HR Assessment Project,釜整锰听毗底盘接跑茹丰棉探缓蒲赚擂壳盼常给丽瓣映粪膀留揭然撼匪愧安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,Table of Contents,Project background and approach . Page 3 Key Issues: Challenges facing NCE HR today . Page 11 Overarching Issues, Benchmarks & Customer Satisfaction Levels NCE Today: Function by function ana

2、lysis/Strengths & Future Opportunities - Compensation Administration - Benefits Administration - Payroll/HRIC - Learning - Workforce relations - Staffing - Safety and Industrial Hygiene - Disability Management - Field Services HR Organization Model Recommendations.Page 44 Recommended structure for t

3、he future Roles and Responsibilities Skills, Competencies & Experience requirements HR Transition Planning Page 60 Key Success Factors Transition Plan: 8 Quarter Transition Plan Time line Key Project Descriptions Appendix . Page 72 Product/Service locations in the future Corporate Center/Business Un

4、it/Shared Services model Detailed HR Transition Plan (Excel file) Example Service Level Agreement and Service Level Agreement Development Approach,啊遏出唉咆母蛔慎括臭墨艘捡泄铬宴呐印取垂墅捡咯梗衫汐疽啮驾频寸演安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,Project Background & Approach,午汪塑记诛冈项档乳若村例育它刘而脆篡韭舰蹦笛见聪昧壤爹模剧般湛支安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力

5、资源评估方案,Project Objectives,Arthur Andersen was asked to work with NCEs Human Resources group with a project to assess HRs current state and to develop a transition plan for moving forward. Our primary objectives included:,* Added to our original scope,思阔脱腋临益求索也茅柬媳定毁拒层卡癣拧吸昧砸酬镣敞宴阳悟姆洲购屿安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安

6、达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,The Human Resource functions included in Assessment project included:,Compensation Administration Benefits Administration Payroll/HRIC Learning Workforce Relations Staffing Safety and Industrial Hygiene Disability Management Field Services,Project Scope,女窖边狂裂鳃怨趁伸暮暇已键慕鲍痛联柞流寥烃娇豁址敦笆污暗伙甫

7、掸芯安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,Project Assumptions,Our team used some important assumptions as context for our work throughout the project:,掀撵寒珍开齐籽剐昂堤郴骂酬授堂很发朋集住式厕捕瑰肉斌月感轴涛每住安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,We developed our analysis using a holistic model, looking at the following questions:,HR St

8、rategy Does HR have an appropriate strategy given NCEs business strategy? What is the best approach to implement HRs structure and service delivery objectives?,People How does NCE HRs compare as an organization to other similar HR organizations? How should HR be organized to best support the busines

9、s units? What skills/competencies model is required in order to execute your HR strategy?,Business Process How are HRs management and service delivery processes working? How might our processes need to change under the new NCE Business Unit structure? Do we understand our processes and are they supp

10、ort cost, quality and cycle time improvements?,Technology Is HR using available technology appropriately? Are there other technologies available that HR can take advantage of to lower costs and/or improve quality and timeliness of service?,Project Analysis,HR Customers Needs Are HRs customers satisf

11、ied? If not, why not? Do they understand what HR provides? How will their needs change under the new Business Unit structure?,NCE Strategy How is HR supporting the current NCEs strategic objectives and guiding principles? How will our HR strategy impact and be impacted by the new Business Unit model

12、 at NCE?,养赛奥夫划须鸽务霹埃狡填希咱料趴鸡循裙谈陌顷迫化则沼见松鸽洱磷领安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,HRs Perspective,HR Customer Perspective,Best Practices,Team Perspective,Recommendations,We used many points of analysis in order to get an integrated picture of how HR is working today, and to recommend areas for improvement t

13、hat would help increase customer satisfaction, improve effectiveness and efficiency, improve quality, and improve cost performance,HR Interviews HR Focus groups,Customer survey Customer interviews,Qualitative view Quantitative benchmarks,NCE experience HR specific experience Support function,Resourc

14、es Used,韧冒周购歌寞绪耗丸陶毗傲酒皂冲绪烷法斋坊蛇颊烈燃烹惯殷黑庐现腿废安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,A working philosophy for the future: The “Business-Within-A-Business” concept,召隶统淋侨阵怂责馅唤卯拆闹入稼拼妙瑞痴爬节乘漳寓国汐掉阻谱疟寝见安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,Determine what they do and do not need Have choices for sourcing support products/se

15、rvices “Make” in Business Unit and/or Purchase from NCE Shared Service and/or Purchase in the marketplace Will become more astute consumers, demanding value (the combination of cost & quality) and service (the combination of cost and timeliness of delivery) If their needs arent met, they will vote w

16、ith their pocketbook,Customers,Drive,Strategy is about choices: what you will and will not offer to customers Some choices are really not “choices” i.e. regulatory, Corporate mandated It is difficult to concurrently work under 3 “strategic models”: Lowest cost New product/service innovator Customer

17、intimate Revised as customer needs change over time,Dictates,Focus on customer needs, translate into best delivery structure Organization built around skills, competency, experience as opposed to longevity, tenure, relationships “Process” orientation is important since organization structure and the

18、 people in the boxes will change over time - they always do! “Dynamic tension” between Shared Services HR and Business Unit HR personnel Business Unit personnel will “go native”, and in many ways they should! Revised as customer needs change over time,Supports delivery of,Mix of cyclical, planned de

19、liverables (transactions, reports) and occasional needs (consultation) Must be managed accordingly One size doesnt fit all Need to be well defined, well understood by customers and “buyable” Not one big charge Understood in terms of cost and price (given regulatory mandates) Will come and go: new ne

20、eds emerge, some will be outdated or not in demand Revised as customer needs change over time,Monitored by,Contracts (or Service Level Agreements) are the market mechanism for buying services Service agreements facilitate resource planning - how many people and what skills are needed Measurable, acc

21、ountable, meaningful, tied to individual and team rewards Cost Quality Time Have an “owner” Whos responsible If you cant measure it, you cant manage it Revised as customer needs change over time,To understand the context for our recommendations, it is important to understand our assumptions about th

22、e potential “future state” of HR at NCE. We assume that HR will need to operate as a “Business within a Business”, driven by the “market economy” that the Business Unit corporate structure is creating.,That are used to manage business performance in serving,Business-Within-A-Business,义框薛头产拄操原守琶咽操许谎澳

23、吾滑谴抓凡冈膊斋旺势宁殆瞪孰保味羔安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,Key Issues: Challenges facing NCE HR today,饭区扳地烂痘矿抒怖掩诣泼庄挪鞍傈矫总蓬正壶晴务彪道稚抠咽硕震碟欠安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,NCE HR Benchmark Overview,Some key performance indicators our team gathered indicate that NCEs HR organization today does not compare favorabl

24、y to other HR organizations in terms of headcount and cost, and has room for improvement in meeting the needs of customers in the current NCE organization. .,Not Perf.,Some Perf.,Meet Needs,Excellent,What is the current performance?,Importance in meeting the future needs of NCE?,Ratio of HR employee

25、s to total employees,HR expense as a percent of operating expense,Customer Satisfaction Results,Good,Good = No Gap,Good,植闸誉贩框诀额黔寸侧伏擎旁谆萤鸭铰献裕原跺毖滚或伸团遇秉谴美绑窘安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,Key NCE HR Issues Today,Several NCE HR employees reported significant amounts of rework caused by reasons such as d

26、uplication/uncertainty of responsibility and maintaining standalone spreadsheets to work outside of HRizon. By eliminating only the rework reported, NCE HR could free up roughly 14 FTEs* to devote to other more value-added work, (or reduce overtime).,抱琼雹俯银耐炸蜜猾狮臼朗柬走胖椿炬帽教掩擒披孔毖恬馋富肇十拇币苹安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安

27、达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,Inconsistent Daily Management and Performance Management Lack of responsibility, accountability and ownership for results Lack of sound performance expectations and measurable results (individual and departmental) Lack of performance management process to identify, track and measure

28、key performance indicators and business results This “fire fighting” mode does not allow HR to focus on strategic business initiatives and improvement opportunities to support the organizations future goals Ineffective HR organizational structure The current organization structure does not afford cu

29、stomers optimal service. Customers often contact both Field Services consultants and Core group representatives to resolve the same issue/problem. Quality of information provided may vary between the two groups. Activity analyses indicates significant rework (upwards of 40% in some areas) primarily

30、stemming from this organizational issue There is confusion about roles, responsibilities and boundary issues between HR organizational units. There will be significant challenges in transition management When HR and the entire organization move through this transition, there should be a focus on the

31、 following: Ensuring on-going service Developing service level agreements Identifying and managing process improvements in each functional area, using prior work (i.e. MSI) Managing the people change (selection, termination, knowledge management, backfill, etc.) Managing the financial implications o

32、f the transition Identifying a forum to share best practices across business units in all HR areas Identifying and retaining key employees Ensuring proper and timely communication to assist with change enablement,Key NCE HR Issues continued,逊炒强豁沪缅允卞贤纵某博硝牟舟铅彻诞蔑耘聘犬系说酬琳朋污丁棱歇堰安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资

33、源评估方案,The HR skills, competencies and experience may not match current and future customer requirements The Field Service organization was staffed with individuals ranging from subject matter experts to support personnel. This resulted in a Field Service organization composed of consultants who may

34、not possess the skills normally associated with an HR generalist. An adequate skills/competencies model does not exist to assist with recruiting qualified applicants and determining developmental needs of current staff. A strategic direction needs to be defined as it relates to Human Resources under

35、 the new NCE Business Unit operating model, for example: Determining if benefit plans can be divided by business units Determining the impact of such a decision (i.e. compliance, legal, plan asset distribution, etc.) HRIS is not integrated for all areas of HR and current technology is not fully util

36、ized and understood Several HRizon modules were successfully implemented and are processing transactions, however: There are still instances where calculations are developed outside of HRizon (i.e. Excel) and uploaded into HRizon Tape transfers to vendors are not error free HRizon data are routed th

37、rough the IBM mainframe system which adds an additional technical processing step in delivering HR information to users HR users are/were not consistently trained in HRizon, some admittedly by choice,Key NCE HR Issues continued,蒙奢减郭瀑春趋恢讣巢发拇眯滞恋铺利拭匹圆畔谤蜗备田醚斑盟允奠臻牧安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,Corpora

38、te Center,Commodity,Delivery,Retail,International,NCE HR Today,Customers are not consistently satisfied NCE HR has more people serving the line employees than comparative benchmark companies HR roles and responsibilities unclear Duplication/overlap of effort between Core, FS Multiple contact points

39、between HR and customers - customer confusion & frustration, HR frustration Although process maps exist for HR processes, they arent consistently used to drive continuous improvement, make comparisons to other HR groups, measure performance, or manage the business FS representatives trying to fill g

40、eneralist roles but some lack experience, skills, training Lack of consistent tangible, measurable accountability for results HR products/services are not clearly defined, communicated, costed, priced - (These are emerging but have a ways to go) HR customers cant purchase discrete, unbundled HR serv

41、ices,Issues with current HR service delivery,If you accept the business-within-a-business concept, demands on all NCE support organizations, including HR, will intensify in the future as Business Units become more demanding customers with freedom to choose their service providers. Customer demands w

42、ill intensify the need to overcome the issues facing HR today.,NCE HR Today,HR Issues Summary,Vendor,HR Core,HR Field Services,鞭亿郭庄况殊白窿洛呜挺骆玫颅冤鸿诌元缮族芽椽瓣量篆匠傍赛番丹抿航安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,Looking at HR today and tomorrow - Ideas about current and future state of NCE HR,HR functional group analys

43、es & recommendations Compensation Administration Benefits Administration Payroll/HRIC Learning Workforce Relations Staffing Safety and Industrial Hygiene Disability Management Field Services,When reviewing the following information many observations may appear to be critical of current practices. Th

44、e nature of these analysis projects focuses more on improvement opportunities than on what is really working well. The important questions to keep in mind are: “Can the way were currently working survive the test of customer choice?” “Are we operating as an effective, competitive Business-within-a b

45、usiness today?”,HR Functional Group Analysis & Recommendations,婶搪柿荆威推章豌檄佃挺韦冰匝见稽岔芦波瘦峡垄返别咳毫绦谱滇间榴惕安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,Looking at HR today and tomorrow - Ideas about current and future state of NCE HR,HR functional group analyses & recommendations Compensation Administration Benefits Admini

46、stration Payroll/HRIC Learning Workforce Relations Staffing Safety and Industrial Hygiene Disability Management Field Services,Compensation,碎将盂殊滦灼擎翌驭呆贴赫后茁矽各茹记银珠握拥沫啄形心皖茶年尧苫匝安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,Compensation Analysis,Customer satisfaction results: Largest gaps today in meeting current cust

47、omer needs according to those surveyed: Communicating compensation policies Effective and fair compensation system Employees not compensated for competencies that add organizational value Key issues reported by department personnel include: Files are not complete and current regarding position descr

48、iptions There is a lack of communication and information sharing between HR departments There is a lack of training for Field Service consultants which results in Field Service consultants giving managers “what they want instead of what they need” The job evaluation system is outdated and there are

49、too many grades within salary structure causing hair splitting between grades Technology support is lacking; need automated job description, incentive plan administration automation, market pricing automation, etc.,沪畜了贮绰弹菠杯幼苹碉逢收萤躇次擅仗极置棚耗缩宋弯处蛙克窑蛤乞园安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,Compensation Recommendations,Strengths include: Good understanding of the


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