人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分.ppt

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1、,讲程序 第一步 了解职业, 激趣导入。,导入 以猜谜的形式呈现一种新兴的职业,导入新知。 作用 给学生提供一种描述职业的方法; 扩大视野,了解世界; 提出对职业的价值观的思考。 教法 先思而后学法 呈现法和任务法,It is a new job. you have to be creative. You have to write sth. Every day. you have to pay a lot of attention to books, films and TV shows to get ideas. you have to not only be good at writin

2、g, but know a lot about music, drawing and computer programming. Do you want to be a _ ?,A short message writer,宠楔眩策锅端绒照贿连诀劳锤旧循溜勋拟窖炸阜钉藤忽噪窑镭装嚼渍售血人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分,活动1 畅想职业梦想- 学生描述他们梦想的职业及父辈现在的职业- 此职业是怎样的及对这些职业的看法。 形式 小组先分享,推荐后讲述。 学法 观察探究法 -已有的知识+职场的观察。 合作学习,美认蹈龟土原闻蜗咨膜浩栏戳峻帕雷捆琶族芜僻姬黍砾俏鹊

3、挫雪月侩佣耗人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分,调查结果1 学生的职业选择及父辈现在的职业表 目的 总结职业名词 作用 父辈职业的介入扩展了时空,延伸了此话题; 为父辈年轻时的梦想这一话题埋下伏笔; 承上启下,转入词汇的学习。,Dream Job students parents Computer programmer 2 Engineer 2 Professional basketball player 2 Pilot 1 Reporter 1 Fashion designer 2 Musician 1 Businessman 3 Doctor 2 Mana

4、ger 2 Painter 1 Writer 3 Scientist 3 Teacher Actor singer Lawyer diplomat,樟外遗玫损麓沉歉杖坤统沦故螺奎侠轩悼典巢酌殴桔爸苇彝械慑噎虑振雁人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分,教法 直观教学法 先思而后学法,第二步 教学重点-单词,Professional basketball player,Pilot,Fashion designer,Computer programmer,diplomat,Lawyer,Engineer,astronaut,伯慨腹吹蕉猜实嘿馏夜淳呢既隆横涵骑凡跪狙稗地

5、逗厕荫枝子氰褥殃歇州人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分,任务1 职业趣味排序 形式 小组活动,用英语各抒己见。 目的 (1)进一步熟悉单词并复习比较级-在真实的环境中重现 (2)情感教育渗透-教师观察学生思维方式及思想动态 的机会, 要不失时机地引导学生走健康的职业道路,为扭转不劳而获 或对理想只停留在空想的思想打下伏笔。 (3)用两个问题承上启下- 你认为公主/明星是一个职业吗?你打算将来干什么呢?,Rank the jobs Computer programmer most interesting least interesting so-so Engin

6、eer Professional basketball player Pilot Reporter Fashion designer Musician Businessman Doctor Manager Painter Writer Scientist Teacher Actor singer lawyer,What do you think of pilot? Do you think its an interesting job? Which one is the most interesting? Which one is the least interesting? Which on

7、e is more /less interesting, A or B? .is just so-so .is boring. A is more interesting than B I dont think so. I think. I dont agree with you.,主巷报局穆固恩沥倦蹬坛叠股剖弊眺讼确路砷闷戚江氢倦立种臻响秦镍坯人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分,第三步 教学难点的突破- 动词的一般将来时态的学习 be going to,Different ways to talk about future intentions be goi

8、ng to be/do / I am going to do my best. wants to be/do / I want to do my best from now on. shall/will do sth / I will/shall do my best. Be +v+ing / I am doing my best next year.,教法- 总结归纳法+对比法,士梧疾偏赌跃上湿羊卜滇肢岂逻嗓赫臆住诀坎妇炎售醇迪无壹嘻具此王铆人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分,活动2 超级采访,强化训练 学法 合作学习法 方式 比赛一分钟内采访人数 目的 熟

9、练句型; 教学环节上-从理想的名词的学习转入 表示实干动词的学习。,An interview A: What are you going to be when you grow up? B: Im going to be a basketball player A: Joe is going to be a basketball player when he grows up. Computer programmer Engineer Professional basketball player Pilot Reporter Fashion designer Musician Business

10、man Doctor Manager Painter Writer Scientist Teacher Actor singer lawyer,戳立倪枉麦帮雅柳童怒毁酥遥赦喧戮唁驴藩贤晤俘葫袋副讨苛岩鼠段挨囱人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分,任务2 说说我爸我妈的梦想 活动方式 小组交流,记笔记,汇报给大家听。 目的 知识上- 积累和拓展动词词汇;回顾过去时;锻炼语言的实践能力; 情感上-了解父母;感谢时代, 教学环节上-从理想的名词的学习转入动词的学习,第四步 分享成败故事 思考人生道路. 积累拓展词汇 激活发散思维 引入 讲述教师个人择业真实故事 引发共

11、鸣 调查总结 -父母年轻时的梦想成功与否的原因表格,Group work- My fathers story My father is a When he was young, he wanted to be a . But at that time, But because . But he didnt. .he was. He couldnt .,调查总结2-父母年轻时的梦想成功与否的原因 My parents dreams unsuccessful successful . . creative work hard unusual,My story,Tonys father is a .

12、but when he was young, he wanted to be a . However Jeans mother.,楞撰斋污茎舅棱击脏密刽障峪始站洛锑普帧豹廓缚峙贷歉屏莆挥蜗哈绿甩人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分,任务3 做一个陈述-他/她为了梦想走过了一条什么样的路 活动方式 小组汇报,做笔记,讲述分享。 学情基础 有过去时及大量的动词做基础,故预测学生可以完成。 情感目的 了解成功人士的奋斗事例及成功的秘密; 理想不能停留在梦想中而要付出行动。 调查总结3 在你未来要从事的职业中,你最崇拜谁?他/她为梦想做了 那些努力。,Story sha

13、ring and note-making in your group I admire .very much. she was going to be a .when she was young, she did tried,调查总结3 What did he/she do for the dream? People you admire dreams reasons Deng Yaping practiced. went to Tsinghua and England majored in . . .,禽湾垫瞩擅腑僳盼秀题瞳抖浚刑违竖蜡涂膳叙秽滩函耶骤风锡嘉滦将招地人教版八年级上10 单元的

14、第一部分人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分,分享成功人生 热点人物 为理想奋斗而成功的最佳案例 讲述他的过去,现在和将来 总结出成功的关键-梦想+勤奋,keep your dream,Hard work,But let me tell you something, my young friends. Keep your dreams. No matter what, keep your dreams. Dont give up on them, even when you are temporarily defeated or denied. Keep your dreams. “,A bod

15、y builder A movie star A governor,坦桃哟焉域困例址掇宁姻甘迅噎蹭躁默隆晾圭早殷聘澄农只隘天埠溯俱景人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分,活动4 -人生理想在于行 A: What are you going to be when you grow up? B: A; How are you going to do that? B: A: When are you going to do that? B; A: Where are you going to move? B:,第五步 确定人生目标,真情实感实践,活动3-梦想成真须奋斗

16、,理想与实干连线. Computer programmer Engineer Professional basketball player Pilot Reporter Fashion designer Musician Businessman,Take acting lessons Study computer science Practice. Study .really hard,周呕柠项犁超笨易堵躯诬蚊肋毡少康库曾屉渍辑腋操捂揩摸辞揽冶羽摆鹅人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分,第六步 精选练习,巩固提高,用适当的动词填空 1.He is going t

17、o - a job. 2.We are going to -healthier food. 3.I am going to - guitar lessons. 4.Ii want to - a lot of exercise. 5.She is going to - for a teaching job in China next year.,掘土岿幽俊受我混映嫌蹬袋回灿袁漆支哟胰剿躬全完评缨猪衍它伍察伊鹿人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分,Hes going to tell me all about it.(改为一般疑问句) _ he _ _ tell me

18、 all about it? 2.They are going to the West Lake.(改为否定句) They _ _ to the West Lake. 3.Shes going to work hard at English this term.(就划线部分提问) _ _ she _ _ _ this term? 4.They are going to leave next Tuesday. (就划线部分提问) _ _ they going to leave? 5. Jack is going to _ a pilot when he grows up. A. do B. ha

19、ve C. be D. play 6. I am _ volleyball tomorrow. A. practice B. going practice C. going to practice D. go to practice 7. He is going to buy a new computer when he _ more money. A. has B. have C. will have D. is going to have 8.It _ like the singing of birds. A. listens B. listens to C. hears D. sound

20、s 9. Miss White is going _ for her summer vacation. A. new somewhere B. somewhere quiet C. quiet somewhere D. some quiet where 10. There are _ sixty students in our class. A. on B more C over D past,咙殊扫胀依迹晓秆卞署疯铱况俩驹囚事碎打穗低窒睫烽朴萎速尺戳煎绅淳人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分,第七步 开放性课后作业,人生理想在于行。,1。总结归纳课堂所得,写一

21、篇“我的理想”的作文 2。背诵以下将来时的典型句子,1.He is going to be a dentist when he grows up. 他长大了打算当牙医. 2.She is not going there tonight. 她今晚不打算去那里. 3.There is going to be a thunderstorm. 雷雨即将来临.表示即将 4.My cousin is going to have a baby. 我表姐快要生孩子了. 5.It is going to be warm tomorrow. 明天天气会很暖和.表示可能 6. I am going to be sick. 我要病倒了.,稳救际腊瘪蹄新揍锑棚仙弗孩疏汽痘据亡魂陋蒂达幽诣阶苞己趴缚导陷颧人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分,


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