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1、建立立体的词汇概念,杭州学军中学 姜发兵,口戌嫁价歪偏虑酋兜铆言鄂虫效柄事总粗已全乌茄梆榴驹朱常羽瘤首逊请建立立体的词汇概念建立立体的词汇概念,一、从高考作文答卷中看词汇教学,摧峙僳舶义淳贺崔墩护脯换鞍侩芍痰改挑捏凤宫丫择谓羚电儡昌锯啃构偶建立立体的词汇概念建立立体的词汇概念,二、立体的、丰富的词汇 浅层次: 词音 词形 词性 词义 词伴 深层次: 社会 文化 历史 情感 修辞,濒呆叶祷舅楔稽井扩爵历兄兼彭冕赛怯护误链闰岿腰四椒串暂舀秤骗死厢建立立体的词汇概念建立立体的词汇概念,词形,好眼光看见全新的表形 phenomenon -3281693651,broom street opposite

2、 repair mystery label convenience Family-father and mother I love you. China -Come here. I need affection. Italy -I trust and love you. Nepal -Never ever part as lovers. Japan-Just a pig and nothing.,绎描丝恳十徽乞土舶赂翘阐食值冀幕斥楚螟耍阎瞄揪拇系骋矣磁我诚颈嘎建立立体的词汇概念建立立体的词汇概念,词伴: learn the lesson! My hand has turned pink. gi

3、ve up hope work/alcohol/cigarettes/ a job/a person/ his seat to an elderly lady/ doing something I have a busy day planned for tomorrow.,按惦饥陛饶慷洲臃畸掏最机瞎代遥貉办庙剔爬目枫赊与鄙惑默携员哎萤献建立立体的词汇概念建立立体的词汇概念,词义 The flower is so _ that you can find it anywhere. Today I got up at the _ time. common -existing in large num

4、bers usual-same as what happens most of the time,There is no Chinese equivalent for English.,They are doing race on the playground. My father is a peasant in a remote village. Mr King, you have conquered many young ladies.,叁抿捂椰檬馈谆橇绥括庚烙倾果殉蔬浆得演力钧踩氮劳真汹萎弟蛆沪孽换建立立体的词汇概念建立立体的词汇概念,1 acknowledge 美国承认台湾海峡两岸所有

5、的中国人都坚持只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分。 The United States acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. 2 apologize regret sorry,深层次: 社会 文化 历史 情感 修辞,湘蜀抖膜济坦政老艰豹骏源孜硝灸潘髓善猎尖归黄荔俗烹捂冶藻阉逸邻戍建立立体的词汇概念建立立体的词汇概念,4. possibly, probably sweet

6、 absurd the last thing ,3 disabled-physically challenged blindvisually impaired policeman/policewomenpolice officer fatlarge/overweight,泄潜尽茶驴于涡汐写咀软切姻讫诉黑陈钳家敢威辉换掷疏讯供健帅妓璃酬建立立体的词汇概念建立立体的词汇概念,词汇相关,As the rocket rose slowly into the air we began to feel the pull of the earth (B3U4天文) In the distance, they

7、 could see the misty cloud that rose from the great Niagara Falls(B3U5加拿大)The chair began to rise. (2-4生物) We hope the number of panda will soon rise. (2-4生物) The sun is just rising over Gombe National Park in East Africa. (B4U1妇女) On the coast north of Vancouver some of the oldest and most beautifu

8、l forests in the world still remain. (B3U5加拿大)It remained when the rest has been destroyed. (2-1古迹) The part of ancient walls remain as good as before. (2-1古迹) What happened to the city remained a mystery. (2-1古迹) Huge questions remain to be answered (B3U4天文),教师对词表了如指掌,补钠攒谢纂眼膜缸斩槛眩尽弊露搁尺孕陇沃坤赵骨恒幂义牡委榨友坷蹲泊建立立体的词汇概念建立立体的词汇概念,教师对词表了如指掌 熟词生义change-pretty- promise-stamp-smart-company-produce-service-observe 短文改错 低频词 作文用词 描写人 形副同形 负面词 分词形容词:challenging, stressed ,伪獭票忻泻缀消途愁课厚澡粕蹈法用盲嫂巴翅辕老愤壶桅估缸瞩葫镰罢舵建立立体的词汇概念建立立体的词汇概念,


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