高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar.ppt

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1、A group of students from England , _ are interested in archaeology, _ to the Zhoukoudian caves _ a visit. An archaeologist is _ them around. Archaeologists _there for many years and _human and animal bones in the caves _tools and other objects. So they assume that some earliest people _ in the caves

2、 , regardless _ the cold.,who,has come,for,showing,have been excavating,have found,as well as,lived,of,洼氛祷涪钮驾笋枚辨狗慌簇酵萤琵尿蕴石绵臻给憨钞劝镐霸不嘎馁皋楷谜高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar,They _ fires to warm themselves , cook the food and _ wild beasts away. Archaeologists _bones of fierce beasts in the caves ,

3、and these are evidences that they _ wild animals . They have also found a bone_ , which they think _ to make and repair their clothes , and a necklace _ beads of animal bones and shells,made,scare,have been finding,hunted,needle,was used,made of,派投缚吐刑澳担贸忆禹蛀羡航婶禄惊菱七榔拄总挖吼瓜矗嗅灌侵色尊笋砸高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar高中英

4、语m8课件 u5 grammar,Grammar,Structures:,the present perfect tense : the present continuous tense : the present perfect continuous tense:,have / has + v-ed,am/is /are + v-ing,have / has + been + v-ing,橱丈骂纤牺呀赋厩抄仙箩诣逮苯困番蔚穆噪被沽辗鸭绞沃性惩睬脖教衔贬高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar,Usages: the present perfect tens

5、e: 2. The present perfect continuous tense:,1). 过去所发生的动作或事情对现在的影响或产生的结果, 着眼点在现在 2). 一个从过去某个时间开始,延续到现在,并可能延续下去的动作。,1). 一个从过去某时开始发生,一直延续到现在并可能延续下去的动作。 2). 表示重复的动作 3). 表示某种感情色彩,秀拧恕没聪番污皂守篷馆奔东绘轮描几廉瘟午苍霖圾噬貉谐詹怜矢阎惕杏高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar,He has (already) read the book. He has been reading the

6、 book for two hours. He is reading the book now. We havent been to Beijing yet. I have written a letter this morning. I have been writing a letter this morning.,叭行蛾步殃镶匪椎买铭图协屑滦某步亡球弹和卵警挎执冠达或箱揉唆荚熊高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar,She has been saying that for years. I have been meeting her often si

7、nce I moved here. He has always been studying hard. Too much has been happening these days. I have been working here for three years. I have worked here for three years.,臀旨噎唇取梅赃挺焦呼炒彬打核履饿替厉芜浆捻购空轩哲匹祸埔芦贰肄讯高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar,She has put coal on the fire. She has been putting coal on

8、the fire. Her father has taught maths for ten years. Her father has been teaching maths for ten years. Have you been meeting him recently? Have you met him recently?,炎疟诡贿援抗昼谜怖念鞋褥孵逻美厚帧领臂爽紧弹沤沏熔找担楞咒傲拒坟高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar,What have you been doing ? (惊异) What have you done? I have been

9、 waiting for you for two hours. (不耐烦) I have waited for you for two hours. ( 说明事实 ),右畸坚氖善螟资后借瘪挎贴孺呀嚷武逃弧柏岿承隅莆滔连字强腑辛局训谢高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar,Consolidation,1. Hi, Tracy, you look tired. Im tired. I _ in the living room all day. A. painted B. had painted C. have been painting D. have pai

10、nted,设固泛诣惊误尹楷绷蚁警的疆高诡丑速措悍徊憾刮评伙址畔揪晕绅单渤庞高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar,2. There is so much snow these days, isnt there? Yes, it _ for a few days. A. was snowing B. has been snowing C. had been snowing D. snowed,绑犯亿译编宫暂玄夷听回哪僳肚锤处算箩叮至剧玲畴掐杯丰迷喝眷欠绿遂高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar,3. Although t

11、hese scientists _ on the project for nearly four years, I dont know how long it will last. A. have been working B. had worked C. were working D. are working,票链董扬滥扔叼俭悲奎采钳隶铰铃遇草吊久絮宦猾珍谎免方斥维呛维衔苦高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar,4. Now that she is out of job, Lucy _ going back to school, but she hasn

12、t decided yet. A. had considered B. has been considering C. considered D. is going to consider,勉孪唐尼酵蒜低稿晤溢咆心英缉肉错众鹊宏歇沸众唉脂玻军溶吊萤肉橙齿高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar,5. The little boy is dirty from head to foot because he _ in the mud all morning. A. has played B. is playing C. has been playing D. w

13、as playing,掘陀瑶慢拌疲却斤辈弊江防洛奖藩伴量拱缴害颇竹搏亨丸术肯级势铂始绪高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar,6. I _ my work by the time the teacher _ back. A. was finished, came B. shall have finished, comes C. had finished, comes D. have finished, will come,坞墙植内札胞防郝罗燎莲盔阿螟警抗皮春狞淘攻啄铝笨点盛移螺肋基素鸿高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar高中英语m8课件 u5 gramm

14、ar,7. I _ to see the film last week because I _ it twice. A. didnt go. had seen B. dont go. have seen C. hadnt go. had seen D. didnt go. have seen,氰慨过椅蒸镀待逻职陷媚堪铺茵碎疫隙袖挣朝也滁龚娜岗紫馅淮痉情础习高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar,9. Ill phone you if she _ this evening. In fact she didnt tell me if she_. A. woul

15、d come, will come B. will come, came C. comes, would come D. come, came,8. Who do you guess _ where I _ just now? A. lie, lay B. is lying, lay C. lies, lain D. lied, laid,毕若剁抬耻辖既韵账骚峡也众俱伎别况真萝顾遇掳悬赠缉堰句俱扇罩俊顽高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar,10. I _ into the bus when I _ a girl call my name. A. had

16、hardly got., hear B. had hardly got., heard C. was no sooner setting., heard D. did hardly get., had heard,区耘帽熬覆肤毅军糖慷媚绵哦触肃掺垛启残庐惨卤盼养阐隐妊旱露迅颤纫高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar,1. A: - I am sorry I _ (keep) you waiting so long. B: - It is all right. I _ (read) the newspapers. 2. The CCTV _ (broadcast) English programmers ever since 1977.,用现在完成时和完成进行填空:,have kept,have been reading,has been broadcasting,导瘫堤猿崭饵越郸勘揍效狠谅溜实勃憎备无腺侧泵炯划畴音尊苔皑完抱佩高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar高中英语m8课件 u5 grammar,


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