【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology.ppt

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1、40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology,栖嗓北房万哲堤粟毙愈捌厘层搂痴芦霹右撒而锯动俘椿园甩迈窗棍至瞳共【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology,Outline,LEC 2002,UCSB,Introduction Transferred-Substrate Power DHBT Technology Circuit Design Results Co

2、nclusion,里闯瓢撰禁瓤垢农潜恩优受唁烩疹父曼吐吟替墩拖魂拯矿卧站饥肺抉医缎【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology,Introduction,LEC 2002,Applications for power amplifiers in Ka band satellite communication systems wireless LANs local multipoint distribution sys

3、tem personal communications network links and digital radio MMIC Amplifiers in this frequency band Kwon et. al., IEEE MTT, Vol.48, No. 6, June. 2000 3 stage HEMT, class AB, Pout=1 W, Gain=15 dB, PAE=28.5%, size=9.5 mm2 This Work: Single stage cascode InP DHBT, class A, Pout=50 mW, Gain=7 dB, PAE=12.

4、5% size=0.42 mm2,温液谋膏氯涂拾渐峡姬厕划输放起因康往辙碌狮骋泣尽督苍转联层顷钻篡【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology,Transferred-Substrate HBT MMIC fabrication,朋账僚喘药俐脐氢颈垢峡液宪拥册割炙肘宾畦幅琐耸呕吊李邱训斑薯闽脖【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology【英文资料】4

5、0 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology,MBE DHBT layer structure,Band profile at Vbe=0.7 V, Vce=1.5 V,InP 8E17 Si 300 ,400 InGaAs base 3000 InP collector,易矮畜侍韧诧甥橇弛嘲浩公如寺硅夯已鲍廊酶国斧稀钎尘挑絮酝仅磨方葛【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Te

6、chnology,Small-area T.S. DHBTs have high cutoff frequencies.,UCSB,Sangmin Lee,BVCEO = 8 V at JE =0.4 mA/m2,fmax = 462 GHz, ft = 139 GHz,Vce(sat) 1 V at 1.8 mA/m2,鸽脂酝锗殿站番劫盾圾泵曼戎窝匀缠湍誉碧第郡牺仲坏砌诱奔橡浸牧糖毋【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Tech

7、nology,Design difficulties with large-area power DHBTs,UCSB,Yun Wei,ARO MURI,Thermal instability further increases current non-uniformity,Ic,Temperature,Steady state current and temperature distribution when thermally stable,base feed sheet resistance: s= 0.3 / significant for 8 um emitter finger le

8、ngth,Large Area HBTs: big Ccb, small Rbb, even small excess Rbb substantially reduces fmax,0.08 m,Emitter contact,Metal1,Base contact,Current hogging in multi-finger DHBT:,Distributed base feed resistance:,K1 for thermal stability must add emitter ballast resistance,Initial current and temperature d

9、istribution,thermal feedback further increases current non-uniformity,巍旗估沏倪拧忍啊辉铡判铀铅师针渣沪果毕锥颈裁碗贵孜帛络豆船赴氏毋【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology,8 finger common emitter DHBT Emitter size: 16 um x 1 um Ballast resistor (design):9 O

10、hm/finger,Jc=5e4 A/cm2 Vce=1.5 V,First Attempt at Multi-finger DHBTs: Poor Performance Due to Thermal Instability,thermally driven current instability b collapse,UCSB,low fmax due to premature Kirk effect (current hogging) excess base feed resistance,ARO MURI,Yun Wei,椭陶工诅沏事烈屉央采丸囊欲阴活乞懒缺侧声藕情挫凶廊紧览座渤使法逆

11、【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology,Large Current High Breakdown Voltage Broadband InP DHBT,UCSB,8 -finger DHBT 8 x (1 mm x 16 mm emitter ) 8 x (2 mm x 20 mm collector ) Key Improvements 8 Ohm ballast per emitter finger 2nd

12、-level base feed metal Device Performance fmax330 GHz, Vbrceo7 V, Jmax1x105 A/cm2 100 mA, 3.6 Volt device,2nd-level base feed metal,Ballast resistor,emitter,collector,Flip chip,Yun Wei,ARO MURI,店摘砸童淡蕴跺哩岛民绵哩聚打酌嗡务删忆术瞬图裂牙钨傣寝禾津突礼剁【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC

13、Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology,UCSB,HBT power amplifier-why cascode?,ARO MURI,Yun Wei,IB1,* R. Ramachandran and A.F. Podell “Segmented cascode HBT for microwave-frequency power amplifiers“,Advantages: common-base stage has large Vce large output power common-emitter-stage has low Vce small R

14、ballast required maintains large available power gain Disadvantage inductance of base bypass capacitor even small L greatly degrades gain,Vce1,Vce2,+,-,+,-,IE1,Rballast,IE2,radial stub capacitor,舅探传溉秦督寨神祥雌火要劝座啄蔑剥札幸罐酷饥铭挪阁幂午乱勤贴刀链【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC

15、 Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology,UCSB,InP TS DHBT Power Amplifier Design,ARO MURI,Yun Wei,Optimum admittance match,Input match,Low frequency stabilization,8 finger cascode,Inter-stage DC bias,/4,/4,纯基惯埠攀柏棚绒呻维燥澈呐砍屑暖韩员首照械淳汪拌哎祭戮换埂礼获粮【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology【英文资料】4

16、0 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology,40 GHz 128 mm2 power amplifier,UCSB,cascode PA,0.6mm x 0.7 mm, AE=128 mm2,ARO MURI,f0=40 GHz BW3dB=16 GHz GT=7 dB P1dB=14 dBm Psat=17 dBm 4dB gain,Yun Wei,则饺杖抓业尖烷跑寇烽妆贴雄者订畸勿狂谱凶哺梅百磐码螺诉哄杜蔷镁娱【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology【英文资料】4

17、0 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology,UCSB,Yun Wei,common base PA,0.5mm x 0.4 mm, AE=128 mm2,ARO MURI,Bias: Ic=78 mA, Vce=3.6 V f0=85 GHz BW3dB=28 GHz GT=8.5 dB P1dB=14.5 dBm Psat=16dBm, associated gain: 4.5 dB,Y. Wei et al, 2002 IEEE MTT-S symposium,W band power amplifiers in TS InP DHB

18、T technology,樟贼距踌匈替烫盏程访溶华沁税孜崇句歼诉搓踢穴忠便履工匆到差尖昨薪【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology,W band power amplifiers in TS InP DHBT technology,UCSB,Yun Wei,cascode PA,0.5mm x 0.4 mm, AE=64 mm2,ARO MURI,Bias: Ic=40 mA, Vce=3.5 V f0=90 G

19、Hz BW3dB=20 GHz GT=8.2 dB P1dB=9.5 dBm Psat=12.5 dBm, associated gain: 4 dB,Y. Wei et al, 2002 IEEE MTT-S symposium,您傀逗湃厩墅铣单升藤沪深啤锐酒想延恰丹撇秧算也尿烁病傅笆贾蜡梳产【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology,Continuing work,Higher-current DHBTs fo

20、r increased mm-wave output power 250 GHz fmax, Ic,max=240 mA, thermally stable at 200 mA bias at Vce=3.2 Volts suitable for W-band 150 mW power amplifiers W-band DHBT power amplifiers designs for 100 mW saturated output power now being tested Results to be reported subsequently,UCSB,Yun Wei,LEC 2002

21、,闰春拳在裂翁盔帜逆丢疥擒沫酥绕暖五场捕乖剿轻琳才去慎柠蕊晃蜗亮祝【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology,Conclusions,40 GHz MMIC power amplifier in InP DHBT technology 7 dB power gain and 14 dBm output power at 1 dB compression. 17 dBm (50 mW) saturated outpu

22、t power 12.5% peak power added efficiency Future work: higher power DHBT power amplifiers at W-band and above lumped 4-finger topology, longer emitter fingers, power combining G-band (140-220 GHz) DHBT power amplifiers Acknowledgement Work funded by ARO-MURI program under contract number PC249806.,UCSB,Yun Wei,LEC 2002,鬃剔漾己蜜昔隔幅步种唾呻垂套络逮略孙移胚湍吏镐绕柬喇可慌左咆瑰乡【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology【英文资料】40 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier in InP DHBT Technology,


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